Tracking Cosmic Ray Muons Using a Cloud Chamber - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Tracking Cosmic Ray Muons Using a Cloud Chamber


Tracking Cosmic Ray Muons Using a Cloud Chamber Leah Wilson and Lori Wilson duPont Manual High School and Dr. Akhtar Mahmood Bellarmine University – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Tracking Cosmic Ray Muons Using a Cloud Chamber

Tracking Cosmic Ray Muons Using a Cloud Chamber
  • Leah Wilson and Lori Wilson
  • duPont Manual High School
  • and
  • Dr. Akhtar Mahmood
  • Bellarmine University

Purpose and Hypothesis
  • Cosmic rays are all around us, one type of cosmic
    ray that strikes the earth is a muon (µ).
  • On average, one muon strikes the fingertip every
    single minute.
  • In order to determine the muon flux count (number
    of muons hitting the earths surface in a given
    area per minute), a cloud chamber was constructed
    out of a basketball display case to determine the
    muon flux in the Louisville area.
  • This experiment was conducted at Bellarmine
    University in a Physics Lab.
  • The muon flux count obtained by our cloud chamber
    was also compared with the muon flux data
    obtained on-line from the Cosmic Ray Detector
    located at SLACs (Stanford Linear Accelerator
    Center) Visitors Center.

Background Information
  • The history of cosmic rays started in the
    beginning of the 20th century.
  • In 1912, Victor Hess was in his hot air balloon
    soaring at an altitude of about 5,000 meters.
    When he was sailing around he noticed
    penetrating radiation coming from outer space.
  • Following the ideas of Hess was Robert Millikan
    in 1925 who introduced the name cosmic rays.
  • In 1929 Dimitry Skobelzyn built the first cloud
    chamber to test the theory of cosmic rays.

Background Information
  • In 1935, the Explorer II balloon mission ascended
    to 22,066 meters in space while collecting data
    about cosmic rays.
  • In 1937, Seth Neddermeyer and Carl Anderson
    discovered the muon using a cloud chamber.
  • In a major discovery in 1938, Pierre Auger
    discovered "extensive air showers" in the outer
    atmosphere. These showers were made up of
    secondary subatomic particles caused by the
    collision of high-energy cosmic rays with air
    molecules, which is now defined as a cosmic ray
  • In 1947, Cecil Powell of Bristol University in
    the United Kingdom, discovered a new type of
    cosmic ray called the pion (?).

Explorer II balloon
Background Information (contd)
  • Most muons come from what are known as cosmic
    rays. A muon is roughly 200 times heavier than an
  • There are two categories of cosmic rays primary
    and secondary cosmic rays.
  • Primary cosmic rays can generally be defined as
    all particles that come to earth from outer
  • When these primary cosmic rays hit Earth's
    atmosphere, they ionize the atmosphere forming a
    shower of matter and anti-matter particles.

Background Information (contd)
  • This is where the muons come from they are the
    results of an interaction between a proton (which
    are abundant in the universe) and the atmosphere
    that produces a pion that decays into a muon,
    among other particles.
  • Primary cosmic rays are particles such as a
    single proton (nuclei of hydrogen about 90 of
    all cosmic rays) traveling through the
    interstellar medium. Most of these originate
    outside of the solar system (i.e. from
    Supernovae), but some of them come from the sun.
  • When such a high-energy proton hits the earth's
    atmosphere at around 30000m above the surface, it
    will collide with a nuclei of the atmospheric gas
    molecules. As a result of this collision, many
    secondary particles are produced, including lots
    of particles called pions.

Background Information (contd)
  • A (charged) pion decays to a muon and two
    muon-neutrinos (which is neutral therefore can
    not be seen) at about 10000m (10 km) altitude.
  • Some of these muons can make it through the
    earth's atmosphere which can be detected and
    measured using a suitable particle detector (such
    as a cloud chamber or a muon detector) at the
    earth's surface. In cosmic ray showers, both
    muons and anti-muons are produced.
  • Although the muon at rest has a lifetime of only
    2.2 µs, it should have decayed after traveling a
    distance of only 660m. Thus one would conclude
    that muons produced at this high altitude of
    10000m from earth should not reach the ground.
  • But muons can travel all the way down from a
    height of 10000m (10 km) above the surface of the
    earth while traveling at 99.8 the speed of

Background Information (contd)
  • The reason is that according to Einsteins
    Special Theory of Relativity, the muons age more
    slowly (in fact, about 16 times) since they are
    traveling very fast at about 99.8 the speed of
    light. This effect is called time-dilation.
  • From the point of view of an observer on Earth
    the muons new lifetime can be determined from
    Einsteins Special Theory of Relativity.
  • c speed of light, v speed of the muon which
    is 0.998c. (I.e. 99.8 the speed of light) and t0
    lifetime of muon at rest which is 2.2 x
    10-6 s.
  • Thus this relativistic time dilation allows the
    muon to travel about 16 times farther (10000m
    instead of 657m) than would have been expected

Background Information (contd)
  • We hypothesized that a using a cloud chamber, the
    muon flux count rate will be at least a factor of
    10 or less since we are using our naked eye to
    detect the muon tracks instead of the
    sophisticated muon detector.
  • The latitudes of Palo Alto (37?) and Louisville
    (38?) are very close (within 1? of each other).
  • Whereas Palo Altos elevation is about 262 ft.,
    and Louisvilles about 466 ft. The elevation of
    difference of about 200 ft should not result in
    any significant difference in the muon flux count
    rate except for the resolution of the two types
    of detectors.

Background Information (contd)
  • When a charged particle passes through a
    particular substance it can ionize the
    surrounding particles and leave a trail.
  • For example, in a cloud chamber, the air is
    cooled to the point that when an atmospheric
    particle is ionized, it will cause the air to
    condense and thus leaves a visible trail.
  • The cloud chamber is essentially saturated with
    alcohol vapor. The dry ice keeps the bottom very
    cold, while the top is at room temperature. The
    high temperature at the top of the chamber means
    that the alcohol in the felt produces a lot of
    vapor, which falls downwards. The low temperature
    at the bottom means that once the vapor has
    fallen, it is supercooled. It is in a vapor form,
    but at a temperature at which vapor normally
    can't exist. Since the vapor is at a temperature
    where it normally can't exist, it will very
    easily condense into liquid form.
  • When an electrically charged cosmic ray comes
    along, it ionizes the vapor--that is, tears away
    the electrons in some of the gas atoms along its
    path. This leaves these atoms positively charged
    (since it removed electrons, which have negative
    charge). Other nearby atoms are attracted to this
    ionized atom. This is enough to start the
    condensation process.

Types of Cosmic Ray Muon Tracks
  • The Figure on the left is an example of a cosmic
    ray muon track.
  • The muon track can be seen coming straight which
    then "kinks" off to the left sharply after
    knocking off an electron from the atom in the

Example of a Muon Track
  • Figure to the left is an example of a very jagged
    muon track. This is known as "multiple
    scattering", where a low-energy cosmic ray
    bounces off of one atom in the air to the next.
  • Figure to the left is the third example of a muon
    track. It shows a muon decaying into an electron
    and two neutrinos (actually one electron-neutrino
    and one anti-electron neutrino)

Another Example of a Muon Track
Yet Another Example of a Muon Track
  • The cloud chamber was constructed to consistently
    produce an environment
  • where muon tracks could be detected.
  • Felt pads were saturated with 91 isopropyl
    alcohol inside of the chamber (only on the top
    and bottom sides) with the goal of creating a
    super-saturated atmosphere of alcohol within the
  • The chamber was then set on a block of dry ice
    and was cooled to create the required environment
    for muon detection.

Procedure (contd)
  • To build the cloud chamber the following
    materials were needed -
  • A basketball display box, a conducting sheet of
    metal, silicon cement, razor blades,
    weather-strip, black felt, four push-pins,
    Windex, 91 pure isopropyl alcohol and
  • paper towels.
  • First, we replaced the bottom of the display box
    with the thin sheet of conducting metal.
  • We used silicon cement to ensure firm
    placement of the metal at the bottom.
  • Next, we took the same silicon cement
  • and ran it around the inside and outside
    edges of the display box to make sure that no air
    will be able to get into the box when the
    experiment is going on.

Pasteur Hall
Procedure (contd)
Procedure (contd)
  • We placed the cloud chamber on top of the dry ice
    block and then turned off the lights and shone a
    high intensity light through the center/side of
    the chamber.
  • We waited for the fog to form at the bottom and
    begin to time the twenty minutes.
  • At every minute mark, we tallied the number of
    cosmic rays observed within the twenty minutes
    and repeated the experiment five times.

The cosmic ray muons detected in each 20 minute
five trial run varied from 0 17.
This figure shows the average number of muons per
This figure shows the same results, charted in a
bar graph.
This figure shows the average number of muons per
minute in each trial.
Results (contd)
These are the actual pictures of muons tracks
that were detected inside the cloud chamber we
  • The experimental data supported the goal of this
    research project, which was to measure the muon
    flux in Louisville.
  • During a 100-minute time frame in 5 different
    trials, a total of 593 muons were observed or and
    average of about 119 muons per 20 minutes.
    Therefore we detected an average of 6 muons per
  • The limitation of the experimental setup was the
    effective area of observation was about one-ninth
    of the size of the box, due to the location of
    the light source that was directed at the cloud
  • The chamber measured 30 cm (L) x 30cm (W), which
    equals an area of 900cm2, whereas the effective
    dimension of focus was about
  • 10 cm (L) x 10cm (W) which gives the
    effective area of focus of about 100 cm2.

Conclusion (contd)
SLAC Cosmic Ray Detector Data (Muon flux
count rate)
Conclusion (contd)
  • The SLAC data shows that the muon flux in Palo
    Alto was anywhere from 0.3 - 0.9 muons/min/cm2 or
    an average muon flux of 0.6
    muons/min/cm2 of during that time which
    corresponds to
  • 60 muons/min/100cm2, to match with our
    effective area of observation which was about
  • Our hypothesis predicted that with a cloud
    chamber the expected resolution would be about
    ten times less (10 or less).
  • Our cloud chamber experiment detected a mean flux
    of 6 muons/min/100cm2 (or
    0.06 events/minute/cm2) which was consistent with
    the hypothesis regarding the resolution of this
    experimental setup.

Awards and Recognition
  • March 7, 2008
  • duPont Manual Science and Engineering Fair
  • 2nd Place Team in Physical Science

Awards and Recognition
  • March 29, 2008
  • (KYSEF) Kentucky Science and Engineering Fair
  • Certificate for 1st Place Team
  • Trophy for Best of Fair high school Team Project
  • University of Kentucky Presidential Scholarship
    for 1st place prize in State Competition
  • University of Louisville Trustee Scholarship for
    1st place prize in State Competition

Awards and Recognition
  • April 14, 2008
  • Certificate of Recognition for duPont Manual High
    School Kentucky Science and Engineering Fair
    Winner presented by Jefferson County Board of

Awards and Recognition
  • April 19, 2008
  • Kentucky Junior Academy of Science (KJAS) 1st
    Place Winner

Awards and Recognition
  • May 11-16 2008
  • Finalist at the INTEL International Science and
    Engineering Fair
  • Certificate Presented by Agilent Technologies
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