MCM 733: Communication Theory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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MCM 733: Communication Theory


MCM 733: Communication Theory Chapters 6, 7, 8 Ch. 7: Beyond Limited Effects: Focus on Functionalism and Children The Rise of Systems Theories System: consists ofa ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: MCM 733: Communication Theory

MCM 733Communication Theory
  • Chapters 6, 7, 8

Ch 6 Rise of Limited-Effects
  • Orson Welles The War of the Worlds
  • Only certain personality types were affected
  • Emotionally insecure, phobic, lacking
    self-confidence, fatalists
  • Led social scientists to investigate these
    narrow effects? If it was true for WotW, then
    could it be true for all media limited effects
    was born.
  • Tied in well with fears surrounding propaganda
  • Neo-Marxist (critical-cultural) and LimEff

Ch 6 Rise of Limited-Effects
  • LE was developed by methodologists in 40s 50s
  • We focus on Paul Lazarsfeld and Carl Hovland

Ch 6 Rise of Limited-Effects
  • Lazarsfeld Hovland
  • Did not assume the power of media, wanted to
    prove it empirically
  • if medias power could be understood then it
    could be controlled or harnessed for good.
  • Believed that the society with the best
    scientists would also have the best democracy
  • Found that Media influences were much less
    powerful than SES (socio-economic status)

Ch 6 Rise of Limited-Effects
  • Factors that led to limited effects
  • The refinement of and respect for empirical
  • Successful branding of mass society /propaganda
    models as unscientific
  • Big commercial potential
  • Strong govt private backers (NSF, Rockefeller)
  • Media corps started their own research depts
  • Gained interdisciplinary acceptance.

Ch 6 Rise of Limited-Effects
  • Two-Step Flow Theory
  • An inductive theory
  • data/observations first, generalizations second
  • Led to middle-range theory
  • empirical generalizations based on a empirical
  • Unlike grand social TOEs Mass

Ch 6 Rise of Limited-Effects
  • Presidential election of 1940 FDR vs Wendell
  • One of the largest LE studies ever
  • Chose Sandusky, Ohio for its averageness
  • Chose a panel of 600 who were interviewed seven
    times from May until November
  • Used a long questionnaire that focused on speech
    effectiveness (radio was prevalent mode of Mass

Ch 6 Rise of Limited-Effects
  • Findings were telling because they led to voter
  • Early Deciders chose a candidate in May and
    never changed
  • Waverers chose one candidate then were undecided
    or switched, but ended up voting for their first
  • Converts chose one candidate but then switched
    and voted for his opponent (ideological
  • Crystallizers did not choose early, but choose
    by e-day. Their choice were predictable along
    certain vectors (party affiliation, farm or not,

Ch 6 Rise of Limited-Effects
  • These findings directly conflicted with
    propaganda theory predictions
  • Lazarsfeld concluded that mass media reinforced
    the voters choices.
  • People were not converted by media. Rather they
    were cross-pressured (i.e. religion, friendship
    bonds, kinship)

Ch 6 Rise of Limited-Effects
  • Generalizations that Lazarsfeld came up with
  • Gatekeepers people who screen messages and pass
    on those messages and help other share their
  • Opinion leaders people who pass info on to
    opinion followers
  • Opinion followers passive receivers of info from
    opinion leaders
  • Two step flow message pass from media to opinion
    leaders then to opinion followers

Ch 6 Rise of Limited-Effects
  • Limitations to Lazarsfeld Method
  • Surveys are not real time
  • Surveys are expensive and cumbersome
  • Very conservative in terms of media effects
  • Produced contradictory results (i.e. was
    contextual to type of info transmitted)
  • Surveys are crude only take a gross measurement
  • Surveys omit important things because the
    researcher must choose what to include
  • Theory ignores the effects of historical context
    at the time.

Ch 6 Rise of Limited-Effects
  • Great Contributions of Limited Effects Theory
  • Media rarely directly influence individuals
  • There is a two-step flow of media influence
  • By adulthood, people have developed strong group
  • Media effects, when they do occurs, are modest
    and isolated.

Ch 6 Rise of Limited-Effects
  • Motivations for Attitude-Change theory
  • Success of Nazi propaganda challenges Americans
    optimism about the peoples wisdom
  • The military needed methods to quickly induce
    bonding among the diverse thousands who signed up
    from varied geo and cultural locations
  • Psychologists saw a readily available and
    controlled subject pool.

Ch 6 Rise of Limited-Effects
  • Karl Hovland used controlled variation to assess
    the strength of elements of propaganda
  • Why did Why we fight (Frank Capra) fail?
  • Propaganda did not have an immediate effect
    rather it required a cultivated audience.
  • Time was a major factor in propaganda
  • One-sided arguments were effective with people
    already in favour of the message,
  • Two sided arguments worked better with the

Ch 6 Rise of Limited-Effects
  • The Communication Research Program (Yale)
  • High credibility communicators increased attitude
  • Fear-arousing appeals worked, but depended on the
    experiences and knowledge of the participants
  • Individual differences research your personal
    attributes make you more or less susceptible to
  • High intelligence high persuasability

Ch 6 Rise of Limited-Effects
  • Mass Comm Research Media Effects
  • Individual Differences people differ so media
    messages must contain specific elements to appeal
    to specific personality types
  • Social categories people who belong to
    well-defined social categories will respond to
    media messages in a coherent fashion

Ch 6 Rise of Limited-Effects
  • Cognitive consistency people seek out and
    believe messages that are consistent with the
    values and beliefs of those around them
  • Cognitive dissonance (Festinger) information
    inconsistent with peoples beliefs create

Ch 6 Rise of Limited-Effects
  • Selective Processes exposure (attention),
    retention, and perception
  • Selective exposure people tend to expose
    themselves to messages they feel are familiar
  • Selective retention people remember messages
    best that are in sync with their worldview
  • Selective perception people will believe what
    they want to believe, altering the meaning of
    messages to suit themselves.

Ch 6 Rise of Limited-Effects
  • Limitations of the experimental persuasion
  • Experiments were conducted in labs in controlled
  • Experiments have opposite problems from surveys
    (i.e focus on immediate effects, not long-term)
  • Conservative about assessing media influence
    eliminated key factors such as convos pre/post TV
  • Experiments are crude for studying long-term
    media effects
  • Many variables that are hard to explore in

Ch 6 Rise of Limited-Effects
  • Information Flow Theory
  • 1950s saw a rise in interest of how messages flow
    from media organizations to audiences
  • Based on the idea that maximizing how
    well-informed citizens are will improve democracy
  • Hard News (politics, science, world events,
    community organizations) people did not partake
    much and learned little
  • Soft News (sports, life, gossip, entertainment)
    partook a lot and learned much

Ch 6 Rise of Limited-Effects
  • The trick to making information flow theory work
    is embed soft ideas into hard news. These act as
    hooks making people pay attention to the hard
    facts (Colbert Report)
  • Limitations Info-flow is a simplistic, linear,
    source-dominated theory.

Ch 6 Rise of Limited-Effects
  • Klappers phenomenistic theory
  • Argued that researchers exaggerated the effects
    of media
  • Mass comm does not serve as a cause of audience
    effects, rather functions through a nexus of
    mediating factors and effects
  • These factors lend mass comm a reinforcing power
    exaggerating already held beliefs and existing

Ch 6 Rise of Limited-Effects
  • Elite pluralism
  • This theory came of the desire to understand
    Lazarsfelds opinion leader observation.
  • Most audience members are apathetic, but they
    listen to opinion leaders, who are well-informed
  • This is in contradiction to libertarian theory
  • Elite a small number of opinion leaders
  • Pluralism a diversity of groups

Ch 6 Rise of Limited-Effects
  • C. Wright Mills and the Power Elite
  • Democratic theorists disdained elite pluralism
  • They felt it was just reflective of current
    trends and did not offer a hope for a return to
    libertarian democracy
  • Mills book raised lots of interesting questions
  • If elite pluralism was true, why were black and
    religious minority elites not powerful?

Ch 6 Rise of Limited-Effects
  • Major Generalizations of Limited Effects
  • Role of mass media is limited, it mostly
    reinforces existing trends
  • Role is limited in peoples lives, tends to be
    positive, can be negative in certain pathological
    cases (personality dis., addicts)
  • The role of mass media is overwhelmingly positive

Ch 6 Rise of Limited-Effects
  • Drawbacks of Limited Effects Perspective
  • Survey and experimental research are very limited
  • Systematically excluded certain effects for fear
    of spurious effects
  • Too large of a focus on immediate effects. Very
    little focus on long-term effects

Ch 6 Rise of Limited-Effects
  • Contributions of Limited Effects
  • Supplanted Mass Society theories
  • Prioritized empirical observation and downgraded
    speculative forms of theory construction
  • Provided a framework for research in universities
    and colleges in the 50s and 60s

Ch. 7 Beyond Limited Effects Focus on
Functionalism and Children
  • Functionalism a theoretical approach that
    conceives of social systems as living organisms
    whose various parts work, or function, together
    to maintain essential processes
  • Communication Systems Theory the mass media as a
    series of parts that work together to meet a goal
  • Social cognitive theory theory of elarnign
    through interaction with the environment that
    involves reciprocal causation of behaviour,
    personal factors and environmental effects

Ch. 7 Beyond Limited Effects Focus on
Functionalism and Children
  • Theories of the Middle Range and the Functional
    Analysis (Merton, 1967, p. 45)
  • consist of limited sets of assumptions from which
    specific hypotheses are logically derived and
    confirmed by empirical investigation
  • do not remain separate but are consolidated into
    wider networks of theory
  • sufficiently abstract to deal with differing
    spheres of social behaviour social structure
    transcend sheer description
  • cuts across the distinction between
    micro-sociological problems
  • Involves the specification of ignorance

Ch. 7 Beyond Limited Effects Focus on
Functionalism and Children
  • Merton was value-neutral he did not divide the
    world into us and them bad guys and good guys
  • Merton promoted the cumulative nature of small,
    limited-effects studies that were empirically
  • Manifest functions intended and observed
    consequences of media use
  • Latent functions unintended and less easily
    observed consequences of media use

Ch. 7 Beyond Limited Effects Focus on
Functionalism and Children
  • Mertons Four Functions of the Media
  • Surveillance of the environment
  • Correlation of the parts of society in responding
    to the enivroment
  • Transmission of the social heritage from one
    generation to the next (oral culture)
  • Entertainment

Ch. 7 Beyond Limited Effects Focus on
Functionalism and Children
  • Narcotizing dysfunction as news about an issue
    inundates people, they become apathetic to it,
    substituting knowing about the issue for action
    on it.

Ch. 7 Beyond Limited Effects Focus on
Functionalism and Children
  • Mendelsohns Mass Entertainment theory
  • The relaxing and entertaining properties of TV
    serve a vital social function.
  • Some very few become addicted, but most are
    happily pacified and removed from the daily
    tension of worklife
  • Typical of Functionalist theory some functions
    are good, some are bad, but they are balanced in
    the organism, like toxins and vital elements in a
  • Researchers found that they could combine LE
    findings to come up with a functionalist
    middle-range theory
  • Television and the Lives of Our Children (1961)
    TV made some kids violent, but most were simply

Ch. 7 Beyond Limited Effects Focus on
Functionalism and Children
  • The Rise of Systems Theories
  • System consists ofa set of parts that are
    interlinked so that changes in one part induce
    changes in other parts
  • Cybernetics the study of regulation and control
    in complex systems
  • Feedback loops ongoing mutual adjustments in
  • Communication systems systems that function
    primarily to facilitate communication

Ch. 7 Beyond Limited Effects Focus on
Functionalism and Children
  • Modeling Systems
  • Model any representation of a system, whether in
    words or a diagram
  • Goal-orientation characteristic of a system that
    serves a specific overall or long-term purpose
  • Systems models can be adapted to human
    communication (email, internet use, etc.)
  • In mass comm, systems models replaced the linear
    transmission model of Lasswell

Ch. 7 Beyond Limited Effects Focus on
Functionalism and Children
  • Criticisms of Functionalism
  • Humanists dislike the mechanistic and biological
    analogies used in systems theory
  • Do not focus on traditional views of causality
    because functional systems are not linear
  • Are biased towards the status quo because of
    their basis in description and empiricism

Ch. 7 Beyond Limited Effects Focus on
Functionalism and Children
  • TV changed the global mediascape in at the
    Worlds Fair in New York 1939. TV occurred
    simultaneously with big changes in USA society
  • WWII made USA more urban
  • Shift work and regularly scheduled jobs
  • Had more leisure
  • More regular incomes to spend on leisure
  • Non-Caucasian fought in WWII and demanded share
    of American Dream
  • Women permanently entered the workforce
  • People moved away from small towns and
    traditional influences, like church and school
    diminished in importance.
  • New demographic because of the baby boom the

Ch. 7 Beyond Limited Effects Focus on
Functionalism and Children
  • More changes
  • Crime waves,
  • JFK, RFK, MLK assassinations
  • Civil rights Anti-Vietnam War
  • Weathermen Black Panthers
  • Young people behaving oddly weird music and
    taking drugs
  • Generation gap was observed

Ch. 7 Beyond Limited Effects Focus on
Functionalism and Children
  • Medias role in these changes was hotly debated
  • TV and film became the subject of many
  • Surgeon General Scientific Advisory Committee on
    Television and Social Behaviour was founded in

Ch. 7 Beyond Limited Effects Focus on
Functionalism and Children
  • Television Violence Theories
  • Catharsis viewing violence is enough to sate or
    reduce peoples natural aggressive drives
  • This theory doesnt really hold generally people
    who watch video sex dont have diminished sex
  • Aristotle used catharsis to explain the effects
    of Greek tragedy, so the argument from the
    tradition was used for TV
  • Final finding showing representations of
    violence can reduce violent behaviour, but
    because of learning not catharsis.

Ch. 7 Beyond Limited Effects Focus on
Functionalism and Children
  • Humans learn from observation (although
    cognitivism denies this)
  • Imitation we learn by direct reproduction of
    others behaviours
  • Identification a special form of imitation that
    springs from wanting to be like an observed model
    relative to some broader characteristics or
    qualities (thin like Cindy Crawford, hip like
    Angeline Jolie, tough/sensitive/rugged like Brad
  • Social learning encompasses both imitation and
    identification to explain how people learn
    through observation of others in their

Ch. 7 Beyond Limited Effects Focus on
Functionalism and Children
  • Social Cognition from Mass Media
  • Operant learning theory learning occurs only
    through the making and subsequent reinforcement
    of behaviour
  • Behavioural repertoire learned responses
    available to an individual in a given situation
  • Negative reinforcer particular stimulus whose
    removal, reduction or prevention increases the
    probability of a given behaviour over time
  • Modeling acquisition of behaviour through

Ch. 7 Beyond Limited Effects Focus on
Functionalism and Children
  • Social Cognition from Mass Media (cont)
  • Observational effects when the observation of a
    behaviour is enough to learn that behaviour
  • Inhibitory effects the effects of seeing a model
    punished for a behaviour, reducing the likelihood
    of the observer reproducing the behaviour
  • Disinhibitory effects model rewarded for an
    aggressive or prohibited behaviour, increasing
    the likelihood observer will engage in the

Ch. 7 Beyond Limited Effects Focus on
Functionalism and Children
  • Social Cognition from Mass Media (cont)
  • Vicarious reinforcement reinforcement that is
    observed rather than is directly experienced
  • Reinforcement contingencies the value, positive
    or negative, associated with a given reinforcer
  • Behavioural hierarchy the likelihood that we
    will engage in a particular behaviour.

Ch. 7 Beyond Limited Effects Focus on
Functionalism and Children
  • Aggressive Cues information contained in media
    portrayals of violence that suggests (or cues)
    the appropriateness of aggression against
    specific victims
  • Boxer example boxer got shocked more often
  • Two observations
  • Viewers psychological state can lead them to
    respond to cues in programs that meet the needs
    of that state
  • Viewers who see justified violence see it as a
    good or useful problem-solving device
  • Aggressive cues research is supported by priming
    effects research

Ch. 7 Beyond Limited Effects Focus on
Functionalism and Children
  • Banduras summary of so-coggie findings
  • Reward/Punishment rewarded aggression is more
    frequently modeled (disinhibitory) punished
    aggression is less frequently modeled
  • Consequences mediated violence accompanied by
    portrayals of negative or harmful consequences
    produces less modeling (inhibitory).
  • Motive motivated media aggression produces
    greater levels of modeling, and unjustified media
    violence results in less viewer aggression.
    Viewers are cued to the appropriateness of using

Ch. 7 Beyond Limited Effects Focus on
Functionalism and Children
  • Banduras summary of so-coggie findings cont
  • Realism especially with boys, realistic media
    violence tends to produce more real-world
  • Humor because it reduces the seriousness of the
    behaviour, humourously presented media violence
    elads to the greater probability that viewers
    will behave aggressively in real life.
  • Identification with media characters the more
    viewers identify with media characters (like
    themselves or attractive models) the more likely
    it is that they will model the behaviours
    demonstrated by those characters.

Ch. 7 Beyond Limited Effects Focus on
Functionalism and Children
  • Active Theory of Television Viewing View of TV
    consumption that assumes viewer comprehension
    causes attention and, therefore, effects or no
  • Viewing Schema interpretational skills that aid
    people in understanding media content conventions
  • Active-audience theories put a focus on
    assessing what people do with media, these are
    audience-centered theories

Ch. 7 Beyond Limited Effects Focus on
Functionalism and Children
  • Developmental perspective the view of learning
    from media that specifies different intellectual
    and communication stages in a childs life that
    influence the nature of media interaction and
  • Jean Piaget argued that children, as they move
    from infancy to adolescence have different
    cognitive abilities avail. to them.

Ch. 7 Beyond Limited Effects Focus on
Functionalism and Children
  • Video Games Reignite interest in media violence
  • There has been a shift away from TV toward video
    game research
  • Kaiser Family Foundation study revealed that more
    than eight out of ten young people have a game
    console at home, half have one in their bedroom

Ch. 7 Beyond Limited Effects Focus on
Functionalism and Children
  • Four major reasons why video games are of
    research interest
  • Amount of game play kids engage in
  • Presence of video games in high-profile high
    school shootings (Columbine/Jonesboro)
  • Video games interactivity gamers are actors,
    not viewers
  • Sheer brutality of many video games

Ch. 7 Beyond Limited Effects Focus on
Functionalism and Children
  • Media Childrens Socialization
  • Early Window theory media allow children to see
    the world before the have the skill to
    successfully act in it
  • This is particularly powerful for gender learning
  • Advertising, junk food and obesity most ads are
    for candy and snacks leads to a desire to
    consume theses instead of healthy alternatives.
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