Location and Communication Systems for Safety Workers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Location and Communication Systems for Safety Workers


Location and Communication Systems for Safety Workers Dr. Neil Goldsman, Dr. Gilmer Blankenship and Dr. Carole Teolis TechnoSciences Inc. TRX Systems – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Location and Communication Systems for Safety Workers

  • Location and Communication Systems for Safety
  • Dr. Neil Goldsman, Dr. Gilmer Blankenship and
  • Dr. Carole Teolis
  • TechnoSciences Inc.
  • TRX Systems

The Fire-Safe Locator System
  • Determines location of safety workers.
  • Communicates vital signs to base
  • Determines the presence of environmental factors
    hazardous to safety personnel
  • Operates both indoors and outside

Hardware Components of the Fire-Safe Locator
  • The Fire-Safe Locator System Components
  • One central portable base station that is carried
    or worn by command firefighter or placed in
  • Four substations placed at key locations at
    emergency site.
  • Personal transceivers that are worn by individual
    safety personnel.

System Illustration
Satellite Transceiver
Satellite Transceiver
Satellite Transceiver
Central Transceiver
Gone Too Far!!!
What the Fire-Safe Locator Does
  • Demonstrate by Example
  • Fire alarm rings. Commander takes personal
    transceivers and the central unit to emergency
  • Each firefighter wears a personal transceiver
    that transmits a unique code.
  • The central unit knows which firefighter has
    which code.
  • The central unit communicates with each
    firefighter sequentially.
  • During the communication sequence, the location,
    the vital signs, and any environmental hazard are
    transmitted to the base station.
  • An alarm sounds if a safety worker is in trouble.

How it WorksTechnical Summary
  • Each transceiver and central unit are designed
    using state-of-the-art CMOS electronics
  • Each transceiver and the central unit is
    preprogrammed with a unique code.
  • Each transceiver in the system is numbered.
  • The user (fire-chief, etc.) tells the central
    unit the name of the firefighter that has each
    transceiver. (Each firefighter is associated with
    a specific transceiver.)

How it WorksTechnical Summary
  • Using a digital modulation scheme, the central
    unit and the transceiver communicate with each
    other at regular intervals. (Approximately once a
  • Using a set of state-of-the art location
    algorithms involving hardware and software, the
    central unit determines the location of the
    personal transceiver and hence the firefighter.
  • We have designated our state-of-the-art location
    algorithms as Integrated Positioning

How Integrated Positioning Works
  • Integrated Positioning combines five different
  • Global Positioning System (GPS)
  • Accelerometers and Numerical Integration
  • Active Radar
  • Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI)
  • Orthogonal Signal Phase Delay Positioning (OSPDP)

How Integrated Positioning Works
  • Technology I GPS
  • Each personal transceiver, base station and
    substation will be equipped with a GPS receiver.
  • The GPS location of each personal transmitter
    will be transmitted to the base and substations.
  • Upon going indoors the GPS operation will likely
  • The final location and time before GPS terminates
    will be recorded by the network providing a
    coordinate origin for the particular safety

How Integrated Positioning Works
  • Technology II Accelerometers and Numerical
  • Equip firefighter with 3 dimensional
    accelerometer board (size 3cm) and
  • Accelerometer provides instantaneous acceleration
  • Use microprocessor to numerically integrate two
    times to obtain instantaneous position of
    firefighter. (x(t) ?? a(t) dt2 xo)
  • Communicate instantaneous position to base

How Integrated Positioning Works
  • Technology III Active Radar
  • Determines distance using GHz clocks, RF pulses
    and the speed of light.
  • Substation sends RF pulse and starts GHz clock
    (super high speed) at same time.
  • Firefighters transceiver receives and returns RF
    pulse to substation.
  • Substation receives back RF pulse and stops its
  • Distance from Firefighter to substation
    calculated Distance (speed of
    light) x (elapsed clock time)
  • Elapsed clock time is on order of nanoseconds
    realized by high speed CMOS electronics
  • Use 3 substations to triangulate and get precise

How Integrated Positioning Works
  • Technology IV Received Signal Strength Indicator
  • The base station, substations and personal
    transceivers will all be equipped with an RSSI
    circuit that indicates the power of the signal
    that the firefighter is transmitting to the base
    station, substations (and other figherfighters).
  • From the signal strength we will obtain
    information as to how far away a specific
    firefighter is from a base or substation.
  • To aid in this process, local RSSIs can be
    placed at known locations indoors at emergency
    site to monitor signal strengths of safety
    workers as well.
  • RSSI information will then be transmitted to base

How Integrated Positioning Works
  • Technology V Orthogonal Signal Phase Delay
    Positioning (OSPDP)
  • OSPDP uses synchronization of continuous
    pseudo-random signals to determine position.
  • Suppose at time T0, two clocks are synchronized
    and they both start generating a the same
    continuous signal.
  • One clock is at the substation, and another is
    on the personal transmitter.
  • The firefighter then moves away from the
    substation and both continue to generate the same
    continuous signal.
  • Now the substation will receive the firefighters
    signal, but there will be a delay because now the
    firefighters signal must travel a finite
    distance to reach the substation.
  • By comparing the phase difference between the two
    signals using inner product formulation, the
    distance between the substation and the fireman
    will be determined.
  • This will be achieved with three independent
    substations to triangulate the precise
    coordinates of the firefighter.

Computer Modeling of Radio Frequency (RF) Indoor
Location Signals
Computer Modeling of Indoor RF Signals
  • Much of indoor location is based on propagation
    of radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic waves.
  • We have developed a unique algorithm for
    emulating the propagation of indoor RF.
  • This capability provides a unique advantage to
    our Integrated Positioning Technology
  • The method has been published in academic
    journals and received enthusiastic response.
  • The technique is called the Finite Difference
    Time Domain Alternating Direction Implicit Method
    for Solving Maxwells Equations (FDTD-ADI).
  • Maxwells Equations are a complicated set of
    partial differential vector equations that
    describe RF waves.
  • The following slides show results of these
    calculations indicating how RF waves propagate
    inside buildings.

Simulation Geometry
room 1
With Metal Stud
room 2
Hall Way
Wood Wall
Simulation Configuration
  • Simulation Geometry
  • Two Rooms 4mx4.5m each
  • Wall
  • conductivity 0.0005 S/m
  • Permittivity 10 ?o
  • Thickness 12 cm for inner wall 20 cm for outer
  • Wood Door
  • Conductivity 0 S/m
  • Permittivity 42 ?o
  • Cross-section 90cmx6cm.
  • Metal Stud
  • Conductivity 107 S/m
  • Permittivity ?o
  • Cross-section 5cmx8cm
  • Stud spacing 30 cm

  • Simulation Facts
  • Grid resolution 1.0 cm 1100x750 grids are used
    in XY plane.
  • Time step 6.0e-11 sec. Radiation source is placed
    at the center of the right room.
  • Scenario 1
  • Sinusoidal current source with f 433 MHz.
  • Jz ? Sin(2?ft) for sec
  • Then, switch to 0 for the rest time.
  • Both with and without metal wall studs are
  • Scenario 2
  • Sinusoidal current source with f 433 MHz.
  • Jz ? Sin(2?ft) for sec
  • Then, switch to 0 for the rest time.
  • Both with and without metal wall studs are

Average Power Map of RF Signal (Sum and average)
433MHz Wood Wall
433MHz With metal Stud
Average Power Map
2.4GHz Wood Wall
Metal Studs cause interference pattern. Leaking
power is generally less for wall with metal
studs. Leaking power for 2.4Ghz excitation is
2.4 GHz With metal Stud
Detecting Emitted Signal and Estimating Distance
Detect First Dip
Delay for signal to subside
Wood Wall f 433 MHz
Wall with Studs f 433 MHz
Monitoring Points We place monitoring points on
4 sides outside the wall 0.5m to the wall, 1.0m
apart. We record the arrival time of the first
dip in the received signal at the monitoring
point. Plots The delay time dt is used to
estimate the distance between the transmitter and
receiver by using c x dt. In the above plots We
plot estimated distance vs. actual distance with
color-coded symbols. The color represents the
monitoring points on different sides as indicated
in the legend. The blue line show the scenario if
the estimated distance equals actual distance.
Wood Wall f 2.4 GHz
Wall with Studs f 2.4 GHz
Estimation error is different for monitoring at
different sides. Estimation Errors due to
multi-path propagation delay F 433 MHz Wood
Wall Maximum Error0.4m for distance7.6m.
Wall with metal studs Maximum Error0.9m for
distance8.3m. F2.4 GHz Wood Wall Maximum
Error1.0m for distance8.3m. Wall with
metal studs Maximum Error1.4m for
distance8.3m. Error can be minimized by
monitoring from optimized location and use
magnitude info. (Stronger signal means closer to
the source near side is with less error.)
Active RadarSome Technology Details
Active Radar Summary
  • System Design
  • Transmission
  • Timing
  • Components
  • Transmission Theory
  • Timing Theory
  • Circuit Design
  • Current Status

System Design
System Design
  • Transmission
  • Transmitter/receiver combination
  • built-in en/decoding
  • Transmission forms a loop
  • Allows devices to query simultaneously

System Design
  • Timing
  • 5 MHz propagation delay counter
  • Clock drives counter and Microcontroller
  • 800 MHz range finding counter (.35 m resolution)
  • Separate clock driver
  • Enable controlled by D flip-flop which sets on
    request and resets when a response is received

  • Microcontroller PIC16F628
  • Transmitter Linx TXE-433-KH
  • Reciever Linx RXD-433-KH
  • Counter ON semicondutor MC100E137FN
  • RF Power Amp Linx BBA-519
  • Antenna SPLATCH PCB antenna

Transmission Theory
  • Linx Transmit Encode, Receive Decode pairs
  • TXE-433-KH
  • RXD-433-KH
  • Linx Power amp
  • BBA-519 (higher power, less precision)

Timing Theory
  • Low speed delay counter
  • Delay determined by Microcontroller
  • Transmit/receive cycle counted with low speed
  • Several counts removed for range finding leaving
    precision to the high speed count
  • High speed distance counter
  • Distance Velocity time

Circuit Design
  • Transmission Block

Circuit Design
  • Transmission Block Board

Circuit Design
  • Timing Block

Current Status
  • Transmission board is complete
  • Timing schematic needs revision
  • High speed counters need to be ordered
  • Microcontroller delay and operation code

Design Highlights
Power Amp
Code Generator
Firefighter-Name Input
Transmitter Blocks of Central Unit
Design Highlights
Power Amp
Personal Digital ID Code
Transmitter Blocks of Satellite Unit
Integrated Positioning Summary
  1. We are developing a system for indoor and outdoor
    position detection by integrating five different
  2. Each technology will independently provide values
    for the specific location of a safety worker
  3. These independent values will be transmitted to
    the central base station.
  4. Using a voting algorithm that we are developing,
    the central base station will use the data from
    the five independent technologies to decide the
    most likely location of the safety personnel.
  5. Vital signs and environmental factors will also
    be transmitted to base station. An alarm will
    sound if the safety worker is experiencing too
    high a danger factor.
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