Value for Money Test in Korea - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Value for Money Test in Korea


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Value for Money Test in Korea

Value for Money Test in Korea
Hojun Lee Public and Private
Infrastructure Investment Management Center
  • Value for Money Test
  • Process of PPP Project Implementation
  • VFM The Theory
  • VFM The Practice in Korea

Value for Money Test
  • 1. Process of PPP Project Implementation

Project Initiation
  • Both the government and a private company can
    initiate a PPP project
  • Solicited Projects
  • A solicited project is that the competent
    authority identifies a project for private
    investment and announces a RFP
  • Competent authorities develop a potential project
    after considering related plans and demands for
    the facility. They then weight the procurement
    options in order to determine whether the PPP
    procurement is more efficient than the
    conventional procurement
  • Unsolicited Projects
  • For an unsolicited project, a private company
    (project proponent) submits a project proposal,
    and then the competent authority examines and
    evaluates the contents and value for money of the
    private proposal, and designates it as a PPP

Procurement Steps of a Solicited Project
Solicited Project
Procurement Steps of an Unsolicited Project
  • VFM The Theory

The VFM Concept
  • What is Value for Money?
  • The best available outcome after taking account
    of all benefits, costs and risk over the whole
    life of the project (HM TREASURY)
  • Not lowest price
  • Why it is Used?
  • Seek the best use of available resources
  • Efficient and effective public service delivery
  • The competent authority uses VFM reports as
    basic material to make a judgment on whether to
    move forward with the PPP project proposed by the
    private proponent according to the Article 7,
    Paragraph 3 of the Enforcement Decree of the PPP

Key Elements of VFM
  • VFM is often a comparative assessment
  • Requires a benchmark cost PSC (Public Sector
  • PSC is a benchmarking and evaluation tool a Key
  • Benchmarks the cost of government service
  • Evaluates whether VFM is delivered from bids
  • A Procurement principle, not only for PPP
  • Adopted by different countries to meet
    governments procurement practices
  • Not a universal tool
  • Applied on a project or program basis
  • Innovation, asset utilization, risk sharing,
    competition, service integration ate main key
    drivers of VFM
  • Presence of VFM drivers confirms suitability for

The Role of PSC
  • Promote whole life costing early in the projects
  • Assist in assessing the project affordability
  • Provide a means for demonstrating VFM
  • Provide a consistent benchmarking and evaluation
  • Encourage bidding competition
  • Based on
  • Reference Project
  • Risk analysis
  • Cash flow over the life of the project
    (inflation, cost, revenue, discount rate..)
  • Government procurement costs to asses project

VFM Assesment
3. VFM The Practice in Korea
  • PIMAC of KDI is in charge of VfM test as
    stipulated by the PPP Act
  • VfM test is carried out in accordance with
    Guidelines for implementation of VfM Test/Review
    of Proposal for unsolicited BTO projects.
  • Five interim review meetings are held during the
    VfM test
  • The duration of each project research should take
    up to six months
  • Same methodology and procedure are applied both
    to VfM Test and Review of Proposal
  • Objectivity, consistency, independence as well as
    professional expertise are important elements in
    conducting VfM tests.

Organization of a Research Team
  • A VfM test is carried out by a multi-disciplinary
    research team
  • KDI (Project Manager)
  • Experts with relevant skills and expertise for
    the project are selected at the preliminary stage
  • External experts (selected from human resource
  • Demand forecasting university professors
  • Cost estimation engineering companies
  • Accounting accounting firms

Scope of a VFM Test
  • Phase 1 Feasibility study (Decision to Invest)
  • The cost- benefit analysis is conducted to
    determine feasibility of the project from a
    national economy perspective.
  • Phase 2 Value for Money Assessment (Decision on
  • The government payment of PSC (Public Sector
    Comparator) is compared against that of PFI
    (Private Finance Initiative) to assess whether
    the PFI achieves VfM.
  • Phase 3 Formulation of PFI alternatives
  • Based on the results of phase 2, an appropriate
    PFI alternatives are formulated
  • The level of project cost, user fee, subsidy
    scale, etc. are suggested from the government.
  • Phase 4 Award bonus points to the initial
  • Bonus points (10 max.) awarded to the initial
    proponent are estimated based on the results of
    VfM tests and the quality of the proposal.

Setting Comparators for VFM Test
VfM Analysis Implementation Method
Unsolicited Unsolicited With Public Plan Solicited
Private Finance Initiate PFIp (based on proposal) PFIp (proposal) PFIG (research team)
Private Finance Initiate PFIp (based on proposal) PFIG (research team) PFIG (research team)
Public Sector Comparator PSCp (estimated by research team) PSCp (research team) PSCG (research team)
Public Sector Comparator PSCp (estimated by research team) PSCG (research team) PSCG (research team)
Flowchart of a VFM Test (Unsolicited)
Project Proposal(PFI0)
Construction of PSC(PSC0)
Phase 1
Feasibility analysis
Construction of PSC1, PFI1
VFM test of private proposal (VFM1PSC1-PFI10)
Phase 2
Construction of PFI2-i,
Phases 3 4
VFM test of PFI alternative (VFM2PSC1-PFI2 0)
PFI Alternative (PFI2)
Calculation of bonus points
Implementation of PPP Project
Flowchart of a VFM Test (Unsolicited with Public
Flowchart of a VFM Test (Solicited Project)
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phases 3 4
Phase 1 Feasibility Study (1)
  • Assess project feasibility and necessity in the
    context of national economy and policy directions
  • Cost-benefit analysis method is used to assess
    the economic feasibility of a project
  • CBA is conducted in accordance with sectoral
    guidelines (e.g. roads, railroads, ports,
    seaports, dams, and environment facilities) for
    PFS (Preliminary Feasibility Study)
  • B/C ratios calculated based on Estimation of
    demand, costs, and benefits
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Policy analyses, if necessary, are carried out

Phase 1 Feasibility Study (2)
  • Setting a PSC (Public Sector Comparator)
  • Setting an appropriate PSC option is very
    important both to feasibility and VfM of a
  • A basic assumption of VfM test (including FS) is
    that the same level of service will be provided
    by both PSC and PFI options
  • In reality, a PSC option that is compatible with
    PFI proposal is formulated
  • Total, (risk adjusted) whole-of-life cost of the
    project is estimated if government is to
    undertake the project.
  • User fee and project cost of PSC are not
    necessarily same as those of PFI
  • The user fee of PFI is usually larger than that
    of PSC

Phase 1 Feasibility Study (3)
  • Policy analyses are carried out if necessary
  • Evaluation in qualitative/quantitative terms
    whether the project is justified in relation to
    relevant policy issues
  • Relevant policy issues balanced regional
    development consistency with higher level plan
    and policy directions and environment impact
    analysis, etc.
  • The overall feasibility of a project is assessed
    based on economic and policy analyses
  • If the FS results demonstrate that the project is
    feasible, then VfM assessment ensues.
  • If not, the VfM test process as a whole is
    suspended, and PIMAC recommends the Competent
    Authority to reject the project proposal.

Phase 2 VFM Assessment (1)
  • Government spending of the PSC is compared
    against government payment requested by PFI
    proposal to assess if PPP procurement improves
    the value of tax payers money
  • Features of VfM assessment
  • It assists government making decision on
    appropriate procurement options conventional
    public procurement vs. PPP procurement.
  • It provides a quantitative VfM level and a
    justification for the decision on procurement
  • It provides a reliable benchmark and specifies
    project scope.
  • It encourages project appraiser to consider risks
    early in the project lifecycle, and address risk
    transfer options in the bidding process.
  • It reduces negotiation time and increases the
    efficiency of bidding costs as the scope of
    private sector bids are more aligned with the
    public sector needs, and risk transfer profiles.

Phase 2 VFM Assessment (2)
  • Cost items adjusted for competitive neutrality
    between PSC and PFI options
  • Revenue from user fee is deducted from government
    payment of PSC
  • Revenue from supplementary project is taken into
    account in consideration of both options
  • VAT and other tax payments are adjusted
  • Same amount and payment schedule of land
    acquisition is applied to both options
  • Administrative costs incurred by governments for
    project management are excluded from both options
  • Insurance fee are estimated in different ways,
    reflecting the difference in market valuation of
    project risk by project owners
  • Additional government support if requested by
    private company is included in both options based
    on estimated spending

Phase 2 VFM Assessment (3)
Capital costs Project costs Construction cost (1) Cost of survey (2) Design cost (3) Construction cost Construction cost (1) Cost of survey (2) Design cost (3) Construction cost
Capital costs Project costs Land acquisition cost (4) Compensation for land and other possessions Land acquisition cost (4) Compensation for land and other possessions
Capital costs Project costs Supplementary cost (5) Cost for feasibility study (6) Cost for transportation impact assessment (7) Cost for environmental impact assessment (8) Cost for supervision (9) Insurance costs Supplementary cost (5) Cost for feasibility study (6) Cost for transportation impact assessment (7) Cost for environmental impact assessment (8) Cost for supervision (9) Insurance costs
Capital costs Project costs (10) Cost for operation equipment (10) Cost for operation equipment (10) Cost for operation equipment (10) Cost for operation equipment
Capital costs Project costs (11) Taxes and fees (11) Taxes and fees (11) Taxes and fees (11) Taxes and fees
Capital costs Project costs (12) Business setup costs (12) Business setup costs (12) Business setup costs (12) Business setup costs
Capital costs Financing costs (13) Financing costs (13) Financing costs (13) Financing costs (13) Financing costs
operating costs operating costs (14) Operation costs (15) Maintenance costs (16) Management and supervision costs (14) Operation costs (15) Maintenance costs (16) Management and supervision costs (14) Operation costs (15) Maintenance costs (16) Management and supervision costs (14) Operation costs (15) Maintenance costs (16) Management and supervision costs
? Base cost born by the government ? Base cost born by the government (Capital costs operating costs) - operating revenue (Capital costs operating costs) - operating revenue Construction subsidy land acquisition cost additional government support Construction subsidy land acquisition cost additional government support
? Risk adjustment costs ? Risk adjustment costs Cost and time overrun Cost and time overrun
Total government payment Total government payment ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Phase 2 VFM Assessment (4)
  • Present value of government payments for PSC and
    PFI options are estimated (discount rate 5.5)
    and VfM() is calculated
  • GP(PSC) Capital costs operating costs
  • GP(PFI) Construction subsidy Compensation
    costs Additional government support
  • GP(PFI) is the government subsidy requested by
    the private party in the project proposal

Phase 2 VFM Assessment (5)
  • Qualitative VfM assessment
  • Allocation of risks (construction, operation
    risks, etc.)
  • Improvement of service qualities
  • And other ripple effects (positive
    externalities) Promote the financial market
    through the adoption of an advanced financial
    technique, etc.
  • Quantification of project risk transfer is not
    satisfactory and those qualitative effects are
    not incorporated into overall VfM assessment so

Phase 3 Formulation of PFI Alternatives
  • Financial analysis and sensitivity analysis are
    carried out to assess the profitability
    (bankability) of a project
  • Based on the VfM assessment and financial
    analyses, PFI alternatives including the
    following components, are formulated
  • Total project costs
  • User fee
  • IRR (Internal Rate of Return)
  • Total government payments
  • Other components related to the implementation of
    the project
  • The Competent Authority chooses the most
    appropriate PFI option and invites third parties
    to tendering
  • If it is impossible to formulate a PFI
    alternative that delivers VfM at a reasonable
    level of IRR, then the PFI option is rejected

Phase 4 Bonus Points for Initial Proponent (4)
  • The VfM test team makes decision on bonus points
    (10 max) to be awarded to the initial proponents
    based on the VfM() and quality of the proposal
  • The quality of a proposal is evaluated based on
    the following criteria
  • ? Priority of the project in the mid- to
    long-term government investment plan (10 points)
  • ? Composition of equity investors (10 points)
  • ? Excellency of construction and operation plan
    (30 points)
  • ? Accuracy of demand forecast (30 points)
  • ? Prior consultation with relevant government
    agencies and plan of addressing of civil
    complaints (10 points)
  • ? Adequacy of required documentation (10 points)

Phase 4 Bonus Points for Initial Proponent (4)
  • Bonus Point
  • Swiss Challenge the original proponent has right
    to counter-match any superior offer.
  • Best and Final Offer the winning bidder must
    compensate the original proponent for project
    development costs.

Phase 4 Bonus Points for Initial Proponent (4)
Phase 4 Bonus Points for Initial Proponent (4)
Use of VFM Test Results
  • The VfM test sets the bottom line to meet the
    condition of VfM0 in selecting preferred
    bidder and following phases of a project.
  • VfM reports are used as an important reference
    when tender evaluation committee conducts their
  • VfM reports provide useful information to prompt
    negotiation process.
  • VfM reports are used as reference when ex-post
    VfM tests are conducted.

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