Transitional Justice in Latin America - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Transitional Justice in Latin America


Transitional Justice in Latin America-Are trials desirable? What are their limitations?-What are limitations of truth commissions?-What kinds of trials are possible? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Transitional Justice in Latin America

Transitional Justice in Latin America
  • -Are trials desirable? What are their
  • -What are limitations of truth commissions?
  • -What kinds of trials are possible?

Orishas, Desaparecidos
  • Su madre pregunta que pasó
  • Fue a ver a su novia pasadas Las diez
  • Desperté al sentir disparos.Mi hijo anoche no
  • Madre no preguntes
  • Que pasó lo sé
  • Testigos no habrán me olvidarán
  • Sigue la misma historia
  • El día a día
  • Sangre que corre
  • Muertos por SIDA
  • Guerra mundial se clona
  • His mother asks what happened.
  • He went to see his girlfriend after ten oclock.
  • I woke up when I heard shots. My son didnt come
    home last night.
  • Mother dont ask
  • I know what happened
  • There wont be any witnesses
  • Theyll forget me
  • The same history continues
  • Day to day, Blood runs
  • Killed by AIDS
  • War gets cloned all over the world

Orishas, Desparecidos
  • Diecisiete primaverasIba a la universidadNo se
    buscaba nuncaUn problema que alguienDiga donde
  • Me hacías falta y túNo estabas DiosRezos fueron
    poco gritosLocos planes sueños rotosA plomo y
    sangre olían otrosFamilia como nosotros
  • CoroSalió a la esquinaQuién lo vio?Mi amigo
    desaparecióNo dejó ni la sombraEl culpable sabe
    de queHablo yo
  • Seventeen years old
  • He went to college
  • He never looked for trouble
  • Someone tell me where he is.
  • I needed you and you werent there, God,
  • Prayers did little, yelling like crazy, plans and
    dreams broken, lead and blood, family like us
  • Chorus He just went down to the corner
  • Who saw him?
  • My friend disappearedHe didnt even leave a
  • The guilty ones know what Im talking about

Orishas, Desparecidos
  • Anoche escuche variasExplosionesPutum patam
    putúm petéY eso es muy normal bebeLa conciencia
    de hoy en día esta al revés
  • La gente no sabe dondeCoño mete el pieY además
    para los criminalesUna cena de buen provechoY
    aunque salgan por el techoCon las palabrasQue
    he dicho del dicho al hechoHay un buen trecho y
  • Last night I heard various explosions
  • putún patá putún peté
  • And thats very normal baby
  • Todays conscience is turned upside down
  • People dont know where the theyre sticking
    their foot
  • And for the criminals, its open season
  • Even if they go crazy with what Im saying,
    between saying something and doing it theres a
    big difference, Ill keep going

Orishas, Desparecidos
  • En nombre de mi amigo muertoQue ya saben como
    fueronLo detuvieron, arrestaronSecuestraronLas
    ropas le quitaron fusilaronLas pruebas
    quemaronLo mismo le ocurrióA mi vecino de diez
    anosQue sus organos no encontraronOye, que
    fatiga los quemaron,E torturaronCoro
  • In the name of my dead friend,
  • You know how it went, they detained him, arrested
    him, kidnapped him,
  • Took off his clothes, shot him,
  • Burned the evidence,
  • The same thing happened to my ten year old
  • They never found his organs, Oh, how awful, they
    burned them,
  • tortured them
  • Chorus

Orishas, Desaparecidos
  • Otro mas de los caidosOtra espina otro
    dolorOtro madre sin un hijoArbol que fruto no
    dioDiecisiete primaverasIba a la
    universidadNo se buscaba nuncaUn problema que
    alguienDiga donde estáA los presidentes
    asesinosA los responsablesDe desaparecidosPa'
    los que trafican con ninosEl culpable sabe de
    que hablo yo
  • Another one of the fallen
  • Another thorn, another pain
  • Another mother without her child
  • A tree that bears no fruit
  • Seventeen years old
  • He went to college
  • He never looked for trouble
  • Someone tell me where he is.
  • To the presidents, murderers, To those
    responsible for the disappeared,
  • To those who traffic in children,
  • Those who are guilty know what Im talking about

Orishas, Desaparecidos
  • Yo yo yo seQue a mi cañón de palabrasLe
    faltaron canallasPara derribar en esta
    batallaPero la historia se encargaraDe cortar
    sus garrasHijos de asesinosDesaparecidos,Ya
    ves lo que he vividoSin rastro para poner
    floresEn mi tumbaA mi madre le han dejadoQuien
    pagado me mata no sabeQue arrebata un
  • I know that my cannon of words lacks cowards to
    knock down in this battle
  • But history will take charge of cutting their
  • Children of murderers
  • Disappeared,
  • Now you see what Ive lived, Theyve left my
    mother without a trace to put flowers on my
  • Who paid for my killing doesnt know
  • That hes striking down a soul
  • Independence
  • Chorus

Transitional justice debates
  • What is the desired aim of transitional justice?
  • Example of escraches is this justice?
  • Possible aims include
  • My day in court/symbolic chance to tell story
    from victims point of view
  • Chance to find out truth of what happened
  • Vengeance
  • Deterrence
  • Monetary compensation
  • Societal recognition that what happened was wrong
  • Not everyone agrees that trials are best way to
    achieve these aims

Truth not trials approach
  • clean slate
  • Focus on societal reconciliation, truth-telling
    rather than individual accountability
  • Fear of triggering authoritarian backlash
  • Argentina under Alfonsin, top officers
    convicted, bu then 1986 amnesty, 4 military
    uprisings in late 1980s-gt Pres. Menem pardoned
    all military officers
  • More collaboration from perpetrators
  • Can allow criticism of courts themselves
  • More complete social process

Legal Accountability
  • Failure to prosecute past crimes undermines rule
    of law
  • Justice should not be held hostage by fear
  • Reconciliation cannot happen without punishment
  • Criminal trials also provide truth-telling,

Is there a middle ground?
  • Priscilla Hayner truth vs. justice is not a
  • Truth commissions can fortify criminal
  • South Africa TRC is best example

Forms of prosecution for HR crimes
National (domestic) law
International law
Transnational law
Forms of criminal prosecution for human rights
  • Domestic courts in country of occurrence
  • Limited by amnesty laws, political climate in
  • International (ICC, ICTY, ICTR)
  • Must exhaust domestic remedies first (principle
    of complementarity)
  • ICC is not retroactive
  • Transnational (trials in domestic courts of a
    country other than country of occurrence)
  • UN Conventions against Torture, Genocide oblige
    all subscriber states to prosecute certain types
    of crime
  • Some states domestic laws particularly strong in
    this regard (e.g. Spain)
  • Also must exhaust domestic remedies

Forms of civil prosecution for human rights crimes
  • Domestic courts
  • Limited by amnesty, political climate
  • International
  • IACHR (of the OAS) can hold governments, not
    individuals, accountable
  • Transnational
  • 1980 Filartiga Paraguayan doctor sued former
    Paraguayan police official for torture in US
    federal courts using Alien Tort Claims Act of
    1789 (ATCA)
  • Romagoza 2002- ATCA and Torture Victims
    Protection Act (1992)
  • Defendant must be in USA for US courts to have
  • Actions must have violated international law
  • Awards monetary damages, seldom paid
  • No need to exhaust domestic remedies
  • Plaintiffs have greater control over case

Cutting-edge issues in human rights law ATCA
  • more than 2 dozen cases filed against US
    corporations for involvement in human rights
    abuses overseas
  • Doe v. Unocal case
  • Forced labor in construction of pipeline by
    Burmese military
  • Company said it was a passive investor
  • Plaintiffs said company delegated security to
    govt, was accountable for govt actions
  • Unocal settled out of court with Burmese
    villagers 2005, right before case went to jury
    trial (after 9 years)

  • US Justice Dept amicus curiae brief on Unocal
    case, arguing ATCA not suitable for cases outside
  • National Foreign Trade Council, an organization
    of corporations, warns ATCA suits could
    seriously damage the world economy
  • National Association of Manufacturers
  • Private suits threaten to impose new
    liabilities on American companies arising from
    activity abroad by a foreign government. This
    risks allowing a further erosion of the
    Presidents exclusive prerogatives on foreign
    policy and his ability to develop relationships
    with foreign governments in ways that he
    determines will best advance U.S. national

  • Fresh Del Monte case
  • Guatemalan union SITRABI in 1999 conflict with
    plantation owned and operated by Del Monte
    leaders abducted, held at gunpoint for hours,
    forced to make radio announcements to workers,
    threatened with death
  • Unusual liability structure
  • Union leaders filed criminal charges in
    Guatemala, attackers given nominal fines
  • ATCA case sought to hold Del Monte liable for
    violations of rights to associate, organize, and
    bargain collectively
  • District courts said leaders were treated
    cruelly, not tortured not egregious enough
  • September 23, 2007 Marco Tulio Portela killed

  • Drummond case 2007
  • international mining company sued for involvement
    in deaths of labor leaders at mine in Colombia
  • Plaintiffs alleged that company provided
    financial and other support to paramilitaries who
    eliminated union
  • July 2007 jury ruled in Drummonds favor

(No Transcript)
Greg Grandin What are some limits to
  • Truth com.s dual role of documenting past
    (writing history) and ushering in new era
  • Competing pressures not to side w/ one side or
  • Usu. Depict dark period as aberration rather than
    examining it as result of politics
  • Temptation to serve as watchdog
  • Grounded in liberal theory of individual rights
    against state this can eclipse social context
  • transition to democracy really consolidation of
    neoliberal democracy
  • We run risk of celebrating end of violence
    without perceiving its political effects (also,
    is violence over?)
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