Title: Trafficking of Human Persons: A Modern Slavery
1Trafficking of Human PersonsA Modern Slavery
2Prayer R God hears the cry of the poor.
Blessed be our God I will bless Gods name at
all times. Gods praise ever in my mouth. Let
my soul glory in our God, for God hears the cry
of the poor Every spirit crushed God will
save will be ransom for their lives will be
safe shelter for their fears, for God hears the
cry of the poor
3Prayer for an End to Trafficking O God, our
words cannot express what our minds can hardly
comprehend and our hearts feel, when we hear of
women and girls deceived and transported to
unknown places, for purposes of sexual
exploitation and abuse, because of human greed
and profit, at this time in our world. Our
hearts are saddened and our spirits angry, that
their dignity and rights are being transgressed
through threats, deception and force. We cry out
against the degrading practice of trafficking and
pray for it to end. Strengthen the
fragile-spirited and broken-hearted. Make real
your promises to fill these our sisters with a
love that is tender and good and send the
exploiters away empty-handed. Give us the wisdom
and courage to stand in solidarity with them that
together we will find ways to the freedom that is
Your gift to all of us.
4Human Trafficking What Is It?
- Victims of trafficking are exploited for
commercial sex or labor purposes - Traffickers use force, fraud or coercion to
achieve exploitation - Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery
- After drug dealing, human trafficking is tied
with the illegal arms trade as the second largest
criminal industry in the world, and it is the
fastest growing.
5Human Trafficking Who Are Victims?
- Approximately 800,000 to 900,000 victims annually
are trafficked across international borders. - Case figures indicate that between 1,500 and
2,200 people are trafficked from Canada into the
U.S. annually, though the RCMP stresses the
numbers may be only a fraction of the actual
total. -
- Victims have come from, among other places,
Africa, Asia, India, Latin America, Eastern
Europe, and Russia
6Physical and Psychological health risks for women
who are trafficked
Food and sleep deprivation Repeated
rape Emotional manipulation, including threats
and blackmail Physical beatings, bruises and
broken bones Absence of gynecologic care or HIV
testing Forced or unsafe abortions Depression,
Post traumatic Stress disorder, suicidal
7- A victim of trafficking may look like many of the
people you help every day. You can help
trafficking victims get the assistance they need
by looking beneath the surface for the following
clues - Evidence of being controlled
- Evidence of an inability to move or leave job
- Bruises or other signs of battering
- Fear or depression
- Non-English speaking
- Recently brought to this country from Eastern
Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa
or India - Lack of passport, immigration or identification
8- Traffickers use various techniques to keep
victims enslaved. Some Traffickers keep their
victims under lock and key. However, the more
frequent practice is to use less obvious
techniques including - Debt bondage financial obligations, victims are
honor-bound to satisfy debt - Isolation from the public limiting contact
with outsiders and making sure that any contact
is monitored or superficial in nature - Isolation from family members and members of
their ethnic and religious community - Confiscation of passports, visas and/or
identification documents - Use or threat of violence toward victims and/or
families of victims - The threat of shaming victims by exposing
circumstances to family - Telling victims they will be imprisoned or
deported for immigration violations if they
contact authorities
9Myths Associated with Human Trafficking
- Myth 1
- All Prostitutes Are Willing Participants
10Myths Associated with Human Trafficking
- Myth 2
- All Immigrants Smuggled
- into the United States
- enter willingly
11Myths Associated with Human Trafficking
- Myth 3
- All Participants Involved in Human Trafficking
Are Criminals
12- Mature beyond her years, Helena works as a
cocktail waitress to support her pride and joy
three-year-old Ivanka. At the bar she meets
Frederick, a handsome stranger who says he wants
to whisk her away to Vienna. Secretly, however,
hes plotting to sexually exploit the young mom.
13- When a friend offered Namwaan a well-paying job
as a - housekeeper, she left her family and traveled
with six - other women across country borders into a foreign
land. - After arriving in a new city, Namwaan was taken
to a - brothel and locked in a guarded room. She was
made to - work as a prostitute, even when she was ill.
Though she - tried to convince other girls trapped there to
escape with - her, they were too afraid they knew that
runaways were - brutally abused if caught. Namwaan was eventually
- rescued, thanks to evidence presented by the
International - Justice Mission (IJM). She was taken to an
aftercare facility, - where she received a vocational education and
began the - healing process. She has since returned home
- and embarked upon a new life of freedom.
14- Grace Coleman sent domestic servant Jane M. from
Ghana to the United States to be a nanny for the
Blackwells, Coleman's daughter's family. Jane was
able to get a visa because Coleman, a member of
parliament in Ghana, gave a personal guarantee of
Jane's prompt return. Upon her arrival in the
U.S., Jane's passport was confiscated. She was
forced to serve the Blackwells, cook and clean
for them as well as care for their children and
sometimes their friends' kids. Jane worked
every day, from 7 a.m. until 1230 a.m., for
almost no compensation. She stayed because of
constant threats, including harm to her own
children back in Ghana. Two women helped Jane
flee in 2001. Coleman and her daughter were
indicted on seven criminal counts.
15- To escape her violent brother, 14-year-old Manna
ran away from home. At a train station, a young
woman noticed Manna crying and offered to help,
promising her a job selling fabric. The woman
took the teen somewhere to sleep, but when Manna
awoke, another woman warned that her life was no
longer her own. She would not sell fabric but
would have to sell her body instead. Manna
refused her first customers, but one of the
brothel keepers beat her till she submitted. The
nightmare continued for two years, until IJM
worked with local authorities to rescue Manna
from a sound-proof dungeon. She now lives in an
aftercare home and is studying to become a social
worker. In 2004, her brothel keepers were
sentenced to five years in prison.
16The UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish
Trafficking in Persons (2000) specifically calls
upon nations to address protection of the human
rights of victims and to provide measures for the
physical, psychological, and social recovery of
victims of trafficking. It is important to
protect the privacy and identity of individuals
freed from traffickers especially during and
following prosecution of their traffickers.
Victims also require appropriate housing,
counseling, medical and material assistance, and
employment training and opportunities to
facilitate transition and reintegration.
17- On January 10, 2006, U.S. President Bush signed
Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization
Act (TVPRA 2005) into law. - The bill I sign today will help us to
continue to investigate and prosecute traffickers
and provide new grants to state and local law
enforcement. Yet, we cannot put the criminals out
of business until we also confront the problem of
demand. Those who pay for the chance to sexually
abuse children and teenage girls must be held to
account. So we'll investigate and prosecute the
customers, the unscrupulous adults who prey on
the young and the innocent. - We also have a duty to reach out to victims of
trafficking, some of whom were smuggled into this
country as children. The legislation I sign today
will help us provide important new services to
these victims, including appointing a guardian
for young victims and providing access to
residential treatment facilities to help victims
get a chance at a better life.
18The Government of Canada fully complies with the
minimum standards for the elimination of
trafficking. The governments Interdepartmental
Working Group coordinates and reports on the
effectiveness of the national anti-trafficking
policy. Senior government officials are speaking
out more often, and more resources are being
devoted to border control a new RCMP
anti-trafficking taskforce is also being created.
For these reasons, Canada has been reclassified
from Tier 2 to Tier 1.
In total, trafficking in people within Canada
represents a market of 120 million to 400
million, affecting 8,000 to 16,000 illegal
immigrants annually.
19Press Release
On Nov. 25, 2005 the Government of Canada passed
bill C-49 which amends the criminal code to add
three new criminal charges for people involved in
trafficking of persons. Unfortunately, we do not
have any provisions for protection of the victims
at this point.
This action is a direct result of pressure on the
government to act on the UN protocol. Keep up the
pressure to get protection for the victims.
20- Take Action
- Write letters to the Federal Minister of
Citizenship and Immigration send a copy - of your letter to your local member of
parliament and the prime minister. - 2. Monitor the federal government's plan of
action to address trafficking of women and
children. - 3. Monitor media reports regarding the federal
government's efforts to stop trafficking.
A SPORT No To Germanys Prostitution of
Women During the World Cup Games in 2006
Contact the German government and its chancellor
Angela Merkel, the German football federation and
its president, Gerhard Mayer-Vorfelder, to stop
this traffic in women for prostitution and to
discourage the male demand that fosters
22Canadian Council of Refugees Postcard Program
23Servant Anonymous
The SA Foundation is a Christian organization
whose purpose is to build a legacy of hope for
sexually exploited women and youth, with or
without children. It seeks to accomplish this
through1 Creating an awareness of sexual
exploitation and the SA program model2
Training leaders who want to establish SA
organizations that are based on servant-hood and
personal recovery3 Providing SA organizations
with a complete non-profit model to establish
long-term recovery programs for women and youth,
with or without children, who desire to leave a
life of sexual exploitation and become productive
members of society4 Empowering friends of SA
locally, nationally and internationally to join
the fight against sexual exploitation and
trafficking 5 Forming a community of dedicated
servants to secure the unity of purpose of SA as
a whole, and to foster a spiritual core that
nourishes and strengthens the resolve of SA
organizations to continue their work
SEXUAL EXPLOITATION? Active Participation1.
Educate protect your children. The driving
force behind the sex trade in North America is
sexual abuse during childhood that communicates
to these children that they have no value in life
and are only good for sex. The decision to sell
oneself for sex is not one easily made all of a
sudden. Rather it is this abuse that drives these
children (average age of entry into the sex trade
in Canada is 13 years old!) onto the streets. If
you want to prevent a new generation of victims
you must educate your boys and girls on how to
protect their bodies and how to respect others.
252. Organize a dinner in support of the World
Services Division of the SA Foundation. Invite
your friends over for a special meal (choose
different themes/countries). When they ask what
they can bring tell them that you are providing
the entire meal and instead invite them to make a
donation to SAs work. You can also charge a
certain price per plate letting them know that
all funds raised go to support the SA
Foundations fight against the sex trade. 3.
Host a handicraft sale party. Contact SA to
receive an assortment of handicrafts made by
women who are in the SA program in Nepal. Then
invite your friends over and have fun selling
these products. Dont forget to tell them who
made the handicrafts and the purpose of this
business economic alternatives to sexual
slavery. (Please visit Serve Nepals website at
www.serve-nepal.org to view samples of
handicrafts available.)
264. Organize an SA Fresh Start Fundraiser in your
city. SA Fresh Start fundraisers can be anything
from an easy to organize event like a Bowl-a-thon
to a buffet dinner with local musicians providing
entertainment! The possibilities are limitless!
All efforts support the World Services Division
of the SA Foundation and could be the connector
to bringing community awareness, and eventually
an SA organization, to your city! Contact SA to
see how you can get an SA Fresh Start Fundraiser
started in your city!
27The need for justice reforms is necessary
Improved training is needed for police and
judges along with supporting systems that hold
law enforcement accountable for
failure to act on reports of violence against
women. Justice systems should not discriminate
against women and girls.
29Created by David Bouchard, sfo
- Canadian Religious Conference Fieldworker
- Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC)
- Sept. 2005
30 Resolution - 04.05 - End Trafficking of
Children Submitted by B.C. Yukon Provincial
Council Whereas, Canada has committed to the
Stockholm Declaration of the 1st World Congress
Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of
Children (1996) to work against the commercial
sexual exploitation of children and has signed
the United Nations Optional Protocol to the
Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale
of children, child prostitution and child
pornography (November 10, 2001) and, Whereas,
Canada is being used as a destination and transit
point for children who are being bought and sold
on the international market for the sex trade
even though the 2004 Trafficking in Persons
Report places Canada in Tier 1 with monitored
countries who fully comply with minimum
standards therefore, be it resolved that,
31- the national council of The Catholic Women's
League of Canada, in 84th annual national
convention assembled, urge the federal government
- to develop, implement and monitor a
comprehensive, coordinated national plan of
action to be adopted as national policy as called
for by the Stockholm Declaration of the 1st World
Congress Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation
of Children - ratify the United Nations Optional Protocol to
the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the
sale of children, child prostitution and child
pornography which was signed November 10, 2001. -
32Franciscans International
- Franciscans International advocates for the
protection of the trafficked persons, their
treatment as victims of criminal organised
networks, and their legal, social and
psychological assistance, regardless of their
collaboration (or lack thereof) in the
investigation process.
33Secular Franciscan Rule
- 15. Let them individually and collectively be in
the forefront in promoting justice by the
testimony of their human lives and their
courageous initiatives. Especially in the field
of public life, they should make definite choices
in harmony with their faith.
34Knights of Columbus Resolution Whereas 800
women and children are being trafficked into
Canada every year and 1200 2000 people are
trafficked through Canada and forced into
prostitution and pornography, and Whereas
Human trafficking is tied with the illegal arms
trade as the second largest criminal industry in
the world, and it is the fastest growing,
and Whereas The Canadian government has
signed on to the United Nations Protocol which
states, The UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress,
and Punish Trafficking in Persons (2000)
specifically calls upon nations to address
protection of the human rights of victims and to
provide measures for the physical, psychological,
and social recovery of victims of trafficking. It
is important to protect the privacy and identity
of individuals freed from traffickers especially
during and following prosecution of their
35Whereas The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic
fraternal organization that respects the rights
of individuals and is in solidarity with the
Church in her stand on human trafficking as a
modern form of slavery, The present Conference
reflects the growing international consensus
that the issue of human trafficking must be
addressed by promoting effective juridical
instruments to halt this iniquitous trade, to
punish those who profit from it, and to assist
the reintegration of its victims. Therefore, be
it resolved that All members of the Alberta
Northwest Territories jurisdiction be encouraged
to take an active role in denouncing this
horrific injustice by insisting that our
government pass legislation that protects the
victims of human trafficking. And be it
further resolved that The State Deputy, on
behalf of the Alberta/Northwest Territories
jurisdiction write a letter to the Minister of
Citizenship and Immigration and encourage Kof C
councils to contact their Members of Parliament
to act swiftly in passing legislation that will
provide appropriate medical and psychological
assistance to people who have been sexually
exploited through human trafficking.