Title: Unit 22 A tale of two cities
1Unit 22 A tale of two cities
- By Yan Yan May 14th, 2003
2Now read the dialogue silently and find out this
- 1.What are the two revolutionaries talking about?
- 2.Where did the revolutionary go?
- 3.Who helped him?
- 4.What did they do?
- They are talking about what they have done
recently - To a castle.
- A servant helped him.
- They set fire to the castle.
3Read the dialogue again and then turn it into a
short passage by filling the right verb forms
- This is a story about what a revolutionary did in
the 1789 French Revolution. One morning he got
into a castle by in a farmers cart.
As it was not yet light, it was easy for him to
stay Then he by the kitchen
door till a servant to some
wood. The man to her and
her to let him in. She
a brave woman. She that the revolution
for the poor and that the man was not an
enemy of hers. She him a fire
that for many miles.
could be seen
4Lesson 86 A Tale of Two Cities
- Pre- reading discussion
- 1 Whos the author of A tale of two cities? Do
you know him or any of his fictions? - 2 Who are the main characters in the story?
Please discuss in groups of four and then tell
your classmates about them separately.
5- About the author---- Charles Dickens
- He was one of the greatest novelist in English
literature. Born of a poor clerks family, he had
little schooling. When he was ten, his father was
put into prison because of being unable to pay
his debts, and Charles Dickens , being the eldest
son, had to earn a salary of six shillings a week
in the blacking factory. - In 1834, at sixteen, he started working for a
newspaper and thus began his life work of writing
. His first novel The Pickwick Papers got
published, He poured out novel after novel.
Oliver Twist The Old Curiosity Shop. David
Copperfield Hard Times A Tale of Two Cities and
Great Expectations These are generally regarded
as his masterpiece and have been translated into
many languages. They have been also translated
into Chinese and become favorite books of Chinese
6His Fiction A Christmas Carol A Tale of Two
CitiesAmerican Notes Barnaby RudgeBleak
House David CopperfieldDombey and
Son Great ExpectationsHard Times
Little DorritMartin Chuzzlewit
Nicholas NicklebyOliver Twist
Our Mutual FriendThe Mystery of Edwin DroodThe
Old Curiosity ShopThe Pickwick Papers
- Our present text is adopted from a chapter of
DickensA Tale of Two Cities It was a novel
completed in 1859 The two cities refers to
Paris the scene of the story and London, where
the hero of the novel spent his remaining time
7Watch and say Who are they?
- Mr Manette
- He was the father of Lucie. One day he was called
to attend the young peasant and his sister. But
after the death of the two , he was put in prison
by the Marquis St. Evremonde and his brother so
that he would keep silent over the matter. Many
years later he was set free. Then he was brought
to England where his mental health and strength
gradually got better.
8- Lucie Manette
- She was the daughter of Dr Manette. Her mother
died when she was a baby. She was brought up in
England. She managed to find her father in Paris
and brought him back to England where his mental
health and strength gradually got better. Later
she married Charles Darnay.
9- Charles Darnay
- He was the nephew of the cruel Marquis St.
Evremonde. He had left France because he hated
crele deeds of the French nobles and the way they
treated the peasants. He preferred to give up the
fortune that would one day come to him, and went
to live in England. - He fell in love with Lucie Manette and married
her. During the French Revolution, he was put in
prison and was sentenced to death because he had
been a member of the St. Evremonde family. But he
was rescued by his friend Sydney and left Paris
with Lucie and Dr Manette.
10- Sydney Carton
- He was a single man. He looked like Charles
Darnay very much and also fell in love with
Lucie. He promised her that he would do anything
he could for her to make sure of happiness. He
managed to get into the prison to visit Charles
and changed clothes with him. He had his head cut
off, but Charles was saved. He carried out the
promise he had made to Lucie many years before.
11- Monsieur Defarge
- He was the owner of a wine shop in Paris. During
the Frech Revolution, he became one of the
leaders . He found a letter in the Bastille. The
letter had been written by Dr Manette and had
been hidden behind a stone in the little room
where he was kept a prisoner. - Madame Defarge
- She was the sister of the peasant boy and girl
who had been so badly treated by the St.
Evremonde brothers. She was one of those who were
eager to have Charles sentenced to death.
12- The Marquis St. Everomond
- He and his brother were called French nobles they
treated the peasants very badly. They killed a
young peasant and his sister, put Dr Manette
into the Bastille.
13Read the text and fill in the blanks
- In 1775, Lucie a wine
shop in Paris because she learned the news that
his father was still Defarge,once
a servant of Dr.Manette,was pleased at their
_______.When she saw his father ,she realized he
had been ______ disturbed by a long
prison for no good reason but only to
a matter.After their return
to England, two young men fell in love with
Lucie.________, they looked as if they were
twins. Though Lucie _______ Charles,
Carton __________ her that he would always do
anything he could for her to __________of her
called at
keep silent over
make sure
14Lesson 87 Read the second part of the story and
answer the questions(fill in the blanks)
- What did the peasants and the poor people in
cities do in the revolution? Why? - Why did Charles Darnay return to Paris from
London? - What happened to him on his arrival in Paris?
- For what was Charles sentenced to death?
- What did Sydney Carton do while Charles was in
prison? - How did Sydney save Charles? Why did he do so?
15- In 1789,____________started in France ,the poor
_________ their guns and knives to kill the
rich________.Later, Darney found a letter from
France __________to him . On reading it , he
returned to ______a servant of his family
.However , he was recognized as a noble and
______into prison . Unfortunately , he was
sentenced to ______because he was the nephew of
the cruel Marquis who had ______________to the
peasant boy and his sister many years before .
Because of his love to Lucie, Carton
__________ a way to rescue Darney .He had his
head ______. With his arrangement, they left
Paris safe .
took up
done wrong
thought of
cut off
16Read the whole text once again and try to find
the main idea of it
17- In the book the author shows strong hatred for
cruelty of the nobles and express deep sympathy
for the lower class people, The story develops
around a French doctor, named Manette, through
whose eyes we can see how the French people ,
during the years before the revolution in 1789,
were oppressed and exploited under the rule of
the emperor, and how they struggled for their
18Translation work ????
- It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I
have ever done it is a far, far better rest that
I go to, than I have ever known. - It was the best of times, it was the worst of
times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age
of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it
was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season
of light, it was the season of darkness, it was
the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair,
we had everything before us, we had nothing
before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we
were all going direct the other way--in short,
the period was so far like the present period,
that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on
its being received, for good or for evil, in the
superlative degree of comparison only.
19- ???????????????????????????????????? ??
- ????????,???????????????,???????????
?,???????????????????????????,???????? ?,???????
20- The wind is rushing after us, and the clouds are
flying after us, and the moon is plunging after
us, and the whole wild night is in pursuit of us
but, so far we are pursued by nothing else.
21 - The two stand in the fast-thinning throng of
victims, but they speak as if they were alone.
Eye to eye, voice to voice, hand to hand, heart
to heart, these two children of the Universal
Mother, else so wide apart and differing, have
come together on the dark highway, to repair home
together, and to rest in her bosom. - Charles Darnay seemed to stand in a company
of the dead. Ghosts all! The ghost of beauty, the
ghost of stateliness, the ghost of elegance, the
ghost of pride, the ghost of frivolity, the ghost
of wit, the ghost of youth, the ghost of age, all
waiting their dismissal from the desolate shore,
all turning on him eyes that were changed by the
death they had died in coming there.