Title: European Cities Against Drugs
1European Cities Against Drugs United in
Diversity18th ECAD Mayors Conference, Varna,
BulgariaWorkshop, 13th May 2011
- Eric Carlin
- Birkbeck College, University of London
- Mentor Foundation
- Wired In www.wiredin.co.uk
- Building Resilience Prevention and Recovery
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4- Resilience
- A multifaceted phenomenon that produces the
ability to thrive despite adversity. It involves
a dynamic process encompassing positive
adaptation within the context of significant
adversity. - Feel good
- Feel that you are managing
- Feel hopeful
- www.carlinenterprises.co.uk
5Equality and opportunity cannot exist alongside
each other. What is opportunity if your only
opportunity is to be equal? Margaret Thatcher,
Eastbourne, 1981
McKeganey, N. and Barnard, M. AIDS, Drugs and
Sexual Risk Lives in the Balance, 1992 It
makes little sense to spend endless hours
attempting to prove or disprove whether
unemployment and poverty cause drug use. The
simple fact remains that such behaviour
flourishes where young people see nothing
positive in their own lives or in the lives of
others around them.
7A Tale of Two Cities
8In developing your community plans, always ask
- What makes you feel good?
- What makes you feel in control of your life?
- What makes you feel hopeful about the future?
9What does prevention look like?
10What does recovery look like?
11- Thank you!
- www.carlinenterprises.co.uk
- www.mentorfoundation.org
- www.wiredin.org.uk
- eric.carlin_at_live.com