Title: Chapter Sixteen The Eighteenth Century: From Rococo to Revolution
1Chapter SixteenThe Eighteenth CenturyFrom
Rococo to Revolution
2We know a lot about Rome because of a terrible
natural disaster
- The destruction of towns surrounding the volcano,
Vesuvius, during its eruption in the year 79 CE
(AD). - Towns such as Pompeii, Herculaneum and Oplontis
were completely buried in ashand thus preserved
as time capsules of Roman life. - These towns remained buried for over 1700 years
until they were rediscovered in the 18th century
by archeologists.
3Pompeii, 79 AD
4Life in Pompeii is good, so long as you are a
Or at least it was good
5The eruption of Vesuvius destroys Pompeii, 79 CE
(AD), covering the entire city in choking ash.
But in doing so, it leaves us a remarkably
preserved sample of Roman life as lived sometime
around breakfast.
6Age of Diversity, Age of Enlightenment
- Unqualified optimism, extreme discontent
- Trust in science and human reason
- Conscious engagement with social issues
- Revolutionaries and conservatives
- Enlightened despots
- Welfare of citizenry
- Duty and responsibility
7The Late Eighteenth CenturyTime of Revolution
- Technological improvements
- Increased literacy, circulation of ideas
- Governmental abuses
- Louis XV Après moi le déluge
- The Reign of Terror
- Maximilien Robespierre (1758-1794)
- Essentiality of constitutional government
8Literature in the Eighteenth CenturyIntellectual
- Systematic examination of society
- Pessimistic views vs. Optimistic views
- Renewed interest in Classical culture
- Translations, themes, forms, references
- English Augustan movement
- Imitated Roman Augustan poets
- Return to order after English Civil War
- A desire to see divine order in the world
9The Late Eighteenth CenturyTime of Revolution
- American Revolution
- Inspired revolution in France and French
Declaration of the Rights of Man - Jeffersons Declaration of Independence
- Optimistic, rational view
- Political and social freedom
- Equality and justice
- Universality of man and nature
10Literature in the Eighteenth CenturyRational
Humanism The Encyclopedists
- Encyclopédie
- Denis Diderot (1713-1784)
- System for the classification of knowledge
- Compendium of human rationality
- Freedom of conscience and belief
11The Feminist RevolutionMary Wollstonecraft
- Vindication of the Rights of Women
- Similar sentiments to French declaration of
rights of man and American declaration of
independence, both of which excluded women - First statement of womens inherent rights
- Women not subservient objects for men, but free,
rational beings possessed of strength and dignity
and deserving of respect
12Literature in the Eighteenth CenturyRational
Humanism The Encyclopedists
- Charles-Louis Montesquieu (1689-1755)
- Distribution of governmental power
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
- Humansgood, societybad
- The noble savage
- Contempt for superficial, artificial
- Belief in human equality
13The critical satirists Voltaire and Swift
14Literature in the Eighteenth CenturyVoltaire
- A man engagé
- Importance of freedom of thought
- Ecrasez linfame
- Fanaticism and persecution
- Natural religion, morality
- Candide (1759)
- Folly of unreasonable optimism
- Cruelty and stupidity of the human race
15Literature in the Eighteenth CenturyJonathan
Swift (1667-1745)
- Hatred for human race
- Savage indignation
- Animals capable of reason
- Gullivers Travels
- Satire of human behavior
- A Modest Proposal
- Mans inhumanity to man
- Inevitability of human suffering
16The Rococofantasy life of the last European
17Watteau, Return from Cythera (1717)
18Fragonard, Love Letters (1773)
19Fragonards The Bolt Note how the hunky
fellow in short pants is bolting the door. What
will happen next???
20The tres rococo Salon de la Princesse, Hotel de
Soubise, Paris
21The Visual Arts in the Eighteenth
CenturyNeo-Classical Art
- Archeological inspiration
- New awareness of classical art
- Inspired by discoveries at Pompeii and
Herculaneum - Appealed to revolutionaries in France and America
- Roman Republic, French Revolution
- Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825)
- United opposition to tyranny
- Modeled on ideals of Roman Republic
- Austere poses, orderly decoration
- Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-1792)
22Davids neo-classical Oath of the Horatii (1784)
23Davids Napoleon Crossing the Alps (1800)
24The Visual Arts in the Eighteenth
CenturyNeo-Classical Architecture
- Classical models of architecture
- Austere public buildings
- Thomas Jeffersons State Capitol (1785-1796)
25(No Transcript)
26Literature in the Eighteenth CenturyIntellectual
- Systematic examination of society
- Pessimistic views vs. Optimistic views
- Renewed interest in Classical culture
- Translations, themes, forms, references
- Rise of Feminism
- Mary Wollstonecraft, Vindication of the Rights
of Women (1792)
27Literature in the Eighteenth Century The
SatiristsJonathan Swift (1667-1745)
- Hatred for human race
- Savage indignation
- Animals capable of reason
- Gullivers Travels
- Satire of human behavior
- A Modest Proposal
- Mans inhumanity to man
- Inevitability of human suffering