1Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord
alone Shema
2The Nature of G-d
Only one God, God of the Jews, who are His
chosen people Omnipotent, omniscient,
transcendent, but also good and caring The
names of God ???? YHWH/JHWH Questions of
free will, suffering
3The Purpose of Existence
Chosen to be Gods witnesses Privileged insight
the Torah A mixed blessing
4Past and Future
Historical relationship with God Awaiting the
Messiah descendent of David, will gather Jews
to Holy Land, establish truth and justice, reign
for ever Transformed idea of messianic age
5Life after Death?
Sheol Bodily resurrection idea, from 6th c. BC,
but later rejected in favour of immortal
soul only Last Judgment, reward and
punishment. Rejection Kaufmann Kohler
and others
6Divisions within Judaism
Orthodox Judaism Emphasis on Torah and
Halakhah (Jewish Law) Gender roles Includes
7Divisions within Judaism
Conservative Judaism Maintaining Jewish law
and identity but adapted to modern times
8Divisions within Judaism
Reform Judaism Emphasising moral rather
than ceremonial aspects, spirit rather than
letter of law Gender equality
9Divisions within Judaism
Secular/Non-Religious Jews Judaism as purely
ethnic affiliation
10Aspects of Jewish Practice
Circumcision Male babies, 8th day after
birth Covenant of Abraham Celebrations What
about females?
11Aspects of Jewish Practice
Bar Mitzvah/Bat Mitzvah Ceremony marking
reaching age of religious majority Boys at
13, girls at 12 Cause for great celebration
12Aspects of Jewish Practice
Prayer and worship Daily prayers at synagogue
three times/day Sabbath observances
13Aspects of Jewish Practice
Kashrut (Dietary Laws) Restrictions on what
you can eat kosher (fit) Restrictions on
preparation The kosher kitchen
14Aspects of Jewish Practice
Death Last words, death as atonement Rituals
and funeral Sitting shiva and mourning periods