The Emerging Church and The Line of Despair - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Emerging Church and The Line of Despair


Oppressed people would be free. Poor people would be liberated from poverty. ... Rationality and faith are totally out of contact with each other.' ( God Who ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Emerging Church and The Line of Despair

The Emerging Church and The Line of Despair
Presented by Bob DeWaay September 9th, 2005
  • Escaping From Reason

Defining The Undefined
  • The Emerging Church does not like to be defined,
    because definitions create boundaries and they do
    not like boundaries.

What the Emerging Church Means by Missional
  • One of the key features of the generous
    orthodoxy promoted in McLarens book, is that
    practice must precede theology. This means,
    rather than going to a people group with a fixed
    set of theological beliefs about God, man, the
    world, Christ, salvation, justification, the Holy
    Spirit, and other important Biblical matters, one
    goes to the people first and finds a practice
    that fits their needs and priorities.

In Emergent Thinking, Ones Mission Determines
Ones Theology
  • I am a Christian because I believe that, in all
    these ways, Jesus is saving the world. By world
    I mean planet Earth and all life on it, because
    left to ourselves, un-judged, un-forgiven, and
    un-taught, we will certainly destroy this planet
    and its residents. And by the world I
    specifically mean human history, because again,
    it was and is in danger, grave danger, ultimate
    danger, self-imposed danger, and I dont believe
    anyone else can rescue it. (McLaren 97)

In Emergent Thinking, Ones Mission Determines
Ones Theology
  • Theology is the church on a mission reflecting
    on its message, its identity, its meaning.
    (McLaren 105)
  • But How do we know what the Mission is?

Mission is Defined along the Lines of Liberation
  • Oppressed people would be free. Poor people would
    be liberated from poverty. Minorities would be
    treated with respect. Sinners would be loved, not
    resented. Industrialists would realize that God
    cares for sparrows and wildflowersso their
    industries should respect, not rape, the
    environment. . . . The kingdom of God would
    comenot everywhere at once, not suddenly, but
    gradually, like a seed growing in a field, like
    yeast spreading in a lump of bread dough, like
    light spreading across the sky at dawn (McLaren

There is no Bad News
  • The idea that the Christian message is
    universally good news for Christians and
    non-Christians alike is, to some, unheard of,
    strange, and perhaps heretical. To me, it has
    become natural and obvious.
  • (McLaren, 110)

Rejection of Systematic theology
  • At the heart of the theological project in the
    late modern world was the assumption that one
    could and should reduce all revealed truth into
    propositions and organize those propositions into
    an outline . . . (McLaren, 152)

Rejection of Systematic theology
  • Barth anticipated the day when the common sort
    of systematic theology would become a historical
    artifact. Prose abstractions just dont contain
    or convey Gods truth as well as we thought they
    did. (McLaren 152)

  • The implications of deconstruction are
    staggering for Christians doing ministry in the
    emerging culture. . . By driving for the one
    true interpretation, for example, they
    disenfranchise postmodern reader for whom
    deconstruction is as much the mother tongue as
    traditional interpretation is for modern people.
    (Language, Sweet, McLaren, Haselmayer, 89)

  • This full, radiant, glorious experience of God
    in Jesus Christ eventually revolutionized the
    whole concept of God, so that the word God itself
    was reimagined through the experience of
    encountering Jesus, seeing him act, hearing him
    speak, watching him relate, and reflecting on his
    whole career. (McLaren, 73)

A Theology of Personal Preference
  • Think of the kind of universe you would expect if
    God A created it a universe of dominance,
    control, limitation, submission, uniformity,
    coercion. Think of the kind of universe you would
    expect if God B created it a universe of
    interdependence, relationship, possibility,
    responsibility, becoming, novelty, mutualilty,
    freedom. . . . I find myself in universe B
    getting to know God B (McLaren 76)

Perpetual Doubt Rejecting the Reformation View
of Scripture
  • How do I know the Bible is always right? And
    if I am sophisticated enough to realize that I
    know nothing of the Bible without my own
    involvement via interpretation, Ill also ask how
    I know which school, method, or technique of
    biblical interpretation is right. . . .

Perpetual Doubt Rejecting the Reformation View
of Scripture
  • What makes a good interpretation good? And if
    an appeal is made to a written standard (book,
    doctrinal statement, etc.) or to common sense or
    to scholarly principles of interpretation, the
    same pesky I who liberated us from the
    authority of the church will ask, Who sets the
    standard? . . .

Perpetual Doubt Rejecting the Reformation View
of Scripture
  • Whose common sense? Which scholars and why?
    Dont all these appeals to authorities and
    principles outside the Bible actually undermine
    the claim of ultimate biblical authority? Arent
    they just the new pope? (McLaren 133)

Schaeffers View of the Scriptures
  • The Scriptures give the key to two kinds of
    knowledgethe knowledge of God, and the knowledge
    of men and nature. The great Reformation
    confessions emphasize that God revealed His
    attributes to man in the Scriptures and that this
    revelation was meaningful to God as well as to
    man . . .

Schaeffers View of the Scriptures
  • There could have been no Reformation and no
    Reformation culture in Northern Europe without
    the realization that God had spoken to man in the
    Scriptures and that, therefore, we know something
    truly about God, because God has revealed it to
    man. (Escape From Reason, 21)

Schaeffer Warned of the New Theology
  • To the new theology, the usefulness of a symbol
    is in direct proportion to its obscurity. There
    is connotation, as in the word god, but there is
    no definition.
  • (The God Who is There, 58)

Emergent Theology is a Contemporary Version of
  • The secret of the strength of neo-orthodoxy is
    that these religious symbols with a connotation
    of personality give an illusion of meaning, and
    as a consequence it appears to be more optimistic
    than secular existentialism. (God Who is There,

Schaeffer Rebukes Emergent Thinking before the
  • All the new theology and mysticism is nothing
    more than a faith contrary to rationality,
    deprived of content and incapable of
    communication. . . Rationality and faith are
    totally out of contact with each other. (God Who
    is There, 61)

Rationalism and Rational
  • Rationalistic By this meant that man begins
    absolutely and totally from himself, gathers
    information concerning the particulars, and
    formulates the universals
  • Rational The sobering fact is that the only way
    one can reject thinking in terms of an antithesis
    and the rational is on the basis of the rational
    and the antithesis. . . .
  • The basis of classical logic is that A is not
    non-A (Schaeffer, Escape, 35)

Emergent ThinkingLoathes the Propositional
  • The purpose of Scripture is to equip Gods
    People for good works. Shouldnt a simple
    statement like this be far more important than
    statements with words foreign to the Bibles
    vocabulary about itself (inerrant, authoritative,
    literal, revelatory, objective, absolute,
    propositional, etc)? (McLaren 165)

Schaeffers Warnings and Predictions
  • The evangelical Christian needs to be careful
    because some evangelicals have recently been
    asserting that what matters is not setting out to
    prove or disprove propositions what matters is
    an encounter with Jesus. . .

Schaeffers Warnings and Predictions
  • When a Christian has made such a statement he
    has, in an analyzed or unanalyzed form, moved
    upstairs. If we think that we are escaping some
    of the pressure of the modern debate by playing
    down propositional Scripture and simply putting
    the word Jesus or experience upstairs. . .

Schaeffers Warnings and Predictions
  • We must face this question What difference is
    there between doing this and doing what the
    secular world has done in its semantic mysticism,
    or what the New Theology has done? . . .

Schaeffers Warnings and Predictions
  • Certainly men in the next generation will tend
    to make it the same thing mysticism. If what is
    placed upstairs is separated from rationality, if
    the Scriptures are not discussed as open to
    verification where they touch the cosmos and
    history, . . .

Schaeffers Warnings and Predictions
  • Why should one then accept the evangelical
    upstairs any more than the upstairs of the modern
    radical theology? . . Why should it not just as
    well be an encounter under the name Vishnu?
    (Escape from Reason, 76, 77).

Religious Symbols, Stories, Mystical Experiences,
Icons, etc. Replace Proclamation of Truth
  • To go abductive, get rid of your
    inductive/deductive outlines and points and make
    your sermons pointless! . . . Instead of asking
    yourself before creating a sermon. . . What is
    my point? ask yourself, Whats my image?
    (Language, Sweet, 31, 32)

The Ten Commandments Propositional Truth or
Religious Symbol?
  • Then God spoke all these words, saying, I am the
    Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of
    Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall
    have no other gods before Me. (Exodus 201-3)

Heeding Schaeffers Warning
  • Increasingly over the last few years the word
    Jesus, separated from the content of
    Scriptures, has become the enemy of the Jesus of
    history, the Jesus who died and rose and who is
    coming again and who is the eternal Son of God. .

Heeding Schaeffers Warning
  • . . . So let us take care. If evangelical
    Christians begin to slip into the dichotomy, to
    separate an encounter with Jesus from the content
    of the Scriptures (including the discussable and
    the verifiable), we shall, without intending to,
    . . .

Heeding Schaeffers Warning
  • . . . Be throwing ourselves and the next
    generation into the millstream of the modern
    system. This system surrounds us as an almost
    monolithic consensus.
  • (Escape from Reason, 79)
  • This system is now called postmodern

Brian McLaren Writes of Seven Jesuses I have
  • Up until recent decades, each tribe felt it had
    to uphold one image of Jesus and undermine some
    or all of the others. What it, instead, we saw
    these various emphases as partial projections
    that together can create a hologram a richer,
    multidimensional vision of Jesus? (McLaren, 66)

How Much Heresy Will This Lead to?
  • The end of entropy
  • In the postmodern matrix there is a good chance
    that the world will reverse its chronological
    polarity for us. Instead of being bound to the
    past by chains of cause and effect, we will feel
    ourselves being pulled into the future by the
    magnet of Gods will, Gods dream, Gods desire.
    (Language, Sweet, 113).

How Much Heresy Will This Lead to?
  • This new vision sees the universe as only
    partially created, an unfinished symphony, a
    masterpiece in progress. In this eschatology we
    are invited to be part of Gods creative team
    working to see Gods dream for the universe come
    true . . .

How Much Heresy Will This Lead to?
  • . . . In this way our relationship with God is
    more than interactive it is collaborative. It is
    more than just a matter of God interacting with
    us it is a matter of God inviting us to be
    creative partners in the construction of a world
    as it could be from the world as it is to be.
    (Language, Sweet, 113, 114)

What Does the Bible Say About this?
  • But the day of the Lord will come like a thief,
    in which the heavens will pass away with a roar
    and the elements will be destroyed with intense
    heat, and the earth and its works will be burned
    up. Since all these things are to be destroyed in
    this way, what sort of people ought you to be in
    holy conduct and godliness, (2Peter 310, 11)

What Does the Bible Say About this?
  • looking for and hastening the coming of the day
    of God, on account of which the heavens will be
    destroyed by burning, and the elements will melt
    with intense heat! (2Peter 312)

The Traditional, Christian View is that History
is LinearHistory Begins with Gods Act of
Creation and Ends With Gods Act of Judgment
  • Postmoderns reject this view and claim a new view
    that is a combination of linear and circular
    time a helix A spiraling faith is one of
    timelessness within time, one in which the past
    is embedded in the future. (Language, Sweet, 143)

We Were Warned about This
  • But realize this, that in the last days difficult
    times will come. . . . holding to a form of
    godliness, although they have denied its power
    and avoid such men as these. . . . always
    learning and never able to come to the knowledge
    of the truth. (2Timothy 31, 5, 7)

How Does the Emergent Church Cross the Line of
Despair But Apparently Feel no Despair?
  • They are clinging to the false hope that God is
    still creating and that with our help the world
    is going to solve its problems
  • This is like going to the dentist with an
    abscessed tooth, getting a shot of Novocain, and
    going home happy because the pain is gone.

Brian McLaren Mentions post-foundationalism
What is That?
  • Foundationalism is the classical epistemology
    that builds a theory of knowledge from
    foundational givens.
  • These givens are typically the basic reliability
    of sense perception, the law of
    non-contradiction, and causality.
  • Emergent thinkers reject foundationalism.

What is the Alternative to Foundationalism?
  • Coherentism judges a system of knowledge by
    internal coherence without requiring it to be
    attached to the real world.

What is Wrong with Coherentism?
  • Coherence requires foundational presuppositions
    such as non contradiction in order to test for
  • That a coherent system is better than a non
    coherent system merely assumed, therefore is
    itself a foundation.
  • It would be possible to create a fully coherent
    view of reality that had no attachment to the
    real world.

What is Wrong with Coherentism?
  • Coherentism is an epistemological attempt to put
    knowledge into an upper storey.
  • This creates a disjunction in which in the realm
    of nature, people go about their business in
    areas such as science and engineering as if
    foundationalism were valid in a lower storey, but
    put everything else into a mystical upper storey.

An Illustration of Why post-foundational
Epistemology Leads to a Disjunction Between Upper
and Lower Storeys
  • A Trip to a post-modern doctor.

A Trip to a Post-modern Doctor.
  • A person goes to the doctor with vision problems
    and severe headaches.
  • A brain scan is ordered and it shows a brain
  • The post-modern doctor has rejected
    foundationalist premises basic reliability of
    sense perception, the law of causality, and the
    law of non-contradiction.

A Trip to a Post-modern Doctor.
  • Patient Am I going to need Brain surgery?
  • Doctor There is no reason to believe that.
  • Patient But the person who read the brain scan
    sees a tumor. I did not use to have these
    symptoms, now I do, the tumor must have caused
  • Doctor Causality is a relic of Enlightenment
    Rationalism, I dont believe in it.

A Trip to a Post-modern Doctor.
  • Patient But the technician who read the scan
    showed me the tumor, I saw it.
  • Doctor The reliability of sense perception is a
    relic of foundationalism, now we know that we
    cannot believe what we see.
  • Patient But a brain with a tumor is not the same
    as a normal brain, I need help.
  • Doctor I do not believe in non-contradiction.

A Trip to a Post-modern Doctor.
  • Patient So what do you believe in?
  • Doctor, I believe reality is filtered through a
    culturally determined grid that distorts what you
    see. Perhaps you should stretch your mind to see
    things differently. I suggest meditation.
  • Patient I think I want a second opinion do you
    know any Enlightenment Rationalist doctors?

This Cannot be Lived out in the Real World
  • Schaeffer The basic issue is a shift in
    epistemology. . . . As far as the theologians are
    concerned, they have separated religious truth
    from contact with science on one hand and history
    on the other. There new system is not open to
    verification, it must simply be believed.
  • (God Who is There 54)

Schaeffer Warns about Hegelian Synthesis
  • Schaeffer wrote, If our own young people within
    the churches and those of the world outside see
    us playing with the methodology of synthesis, in
    our teaching and evangelism, in our policies and
    institutions, we can never expect to take
    advantage of this unique moment of opportunity
    presented by the death of romanticism. (God Who
    is There, 47)

The Emerging Church Uses What Schaeffer Warned
  • For those familiar with Hegelian synthesis, it
    may be tempting to see modernity as the thesis
    and postmodernity as the antithesis. We believe a
    better approach would be to see pre-modernity as
    the thesis, modernity as the antithesis, and
    post-modernity as an attempt at synthesisan
    attempt that is still in its earliest stages.
    (Language, Sweet, 242)

Conclusion Distinguishing Description from
  • The whole Emerging Church Movement is predicated
    on the idea that relativistic, postmodern young
    people cannot be expected to embrace the gospel
    in terms of it being an absolute truth claim.
    Therefore it, they say, it cannot be presented
    that way.

Conclusion Distinguishing Description from
  • That many people in our culture are relativistic
    is descriptively true.
  • It does not follow, however, that the gospel or
    Christianity must be changed to make it
    attractive to such people.

The Gospel Is Gods Power to Change Anyone who
Believes Regardless of Their Cultural Prejudices
  • Romans 116
  • For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is
    the power of God for salvation to everyone who
    believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

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