Lesson 25 Port Royal - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lesson 25 Port Royal


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Title: Lesson 25 Port Royal

Lesson 25 Port Royal
Distant Education College, Jilin University
1. Guide Questions
2. Summary of The Lesson
3. Analysis and Explanation
4. Reading Comprehension
5. Questions For Discussion
Extensive Reading II
Guide Questions
1. Who discovered Port Royal?
2. Do you know anything else about him?
3. What was Port Royal like at that time?
4. Who took the harbor at last?
5. What was Port Royal like in the late 17th
6. Was there anything unusual on the day of the
7. How terrible was the earthquake?
8. What did people of other places think of the
destruction of Port Royal at that time?
9. What did Max find under the sea?
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Distant Education College, Jilin University
1. Christopher Columbus.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
2. He was an Italian navigator in the service of
the king of Spain, discover of America ( 1492 ) .
Distant Education College, Jilin University
3. Except for the harbor, it was not an exciting
discovery there was no fresh drinking water and
no good farm land, nor was it a comfortable place
in which to live.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
4. British.
5. It was a large ,rich city where eight thought
people lived.
6. There was not a breath of wind and the
breathless silence was quite unusual.
7. The whole city seemed to be turning upside
down. Stones from failing buildings poured into
the streets. Entire buildings were tumbling into
huge cracks in the earth. As the earth opened up
,the sea came rushing in. Men were thrown about
like toys, some times falling into deep holes in
the earth, whereupon the rushing sea would pick
them up and throw them back into the street.
Often they disappeared forever and the earth
closed over them.
8. This was Gods punishment on an evil city!
Port Royal had sold itself to the devil and
deserved its terrible fate.
9. He found light things ,such as rings and
coins. and big things like inns .Once it was a
great box containing hundreds of silver coins.
Questions for Discussion
1. Why was it difficult for Robert Max to explore
Port Royal nowadays?
Answer Because Port Royal was buried under the
water, sand and water covered the sunken city and
the waves pushed the ruins away, so nature
continues to spoil the city .And the
treasure-hunters came to dig among the ruins. So
man continues to spoil it, too.  
Questions for Discussion
2. What was the purpose for the modern
archaeologists of recent years to find the exact
site of Port Roral ?
Answer They were different from the earlier
treasure-hunters in the sense that they were more
interested in discovering the old town than in
finding treasure .And they wanted to built the
old city again.
Reading Comprehension
  • Multiple-choice Questions
  • 2. True/False Questions

Multiple-choice Questions
1. Port Royal was taken and retaken in frequent
battles before the seventeenth century
because_____________. A) it was a comfortable
place in which to live B) it was a magical
place where people could get rich
overnight C) it was a extreme military
importance D) it had a fine harbor in which
500 ships could lie safely
Multiple-choice Questions
1. Port Royal was taken and retaken in frequent
battles before the seventeenth century
because_____D________. A) it was a
comfortable place in which to live B) it was
a magical place where people could get rich
overnight C) it was a extreme military
importance D) it had a fine harbor in which 500
ships could lie safely
Multiple-choice Questions
2. According to the story, Port Royal was
widely known for ____________ . A) all kinds of
evils B) its fine harbor C) the warm welcome
that people were given in the city D) the
destructive earthquake in 1692
Multiple-choice Questions
2. According to the story, Port Royal was
widely known for __A__________ . A) all kinds of
evils B) its fine harbor C) the warm welcome
that people were given in the city D) the
destructive earthquake in 1692
Multiple-choice Questions
3.As a result of the earthquake ___________
. A) all of its eight thousand people lost
their lives B) most of the city disappeared
into deep water C) all of the ships in the
harbor sank D) the harbor was utterly
destroyed and could never be used again
Multiple-choice Questions
3. As a result of the earthquake B
A) all of its eight thousand people lost their
lives B) most of the city disappeared into
deep water C) all of the ships in the harbor
sank D) the harbor was utterly destroyed and
could never be used again
Multiple-choice Questions
4. The whole city seemed to be turning upside
down.(L. 49) In this contextupside downmeans
_____ . A) in a position where the top was
becoming the bottom B)  in great disorder
C) inside out D) buried in deep water
Multiple-choice Questions
4. The whole city seemed to be turning upside
down.(L.49)In this contextupside downmeans
__B__________ . A) in a position where the top
was becoming the bottom B) in great disorder C)
inside out D) buried in deep water
Multiple-choice Questions
5. When news of the dreadful event reached
other places, people showed no sympathy for the
city because _______ . A) they had been longing
for the treasures of Port Royal themselves B)
they had suffered enough from Port Royal pirates
C)they thought the city deserved to be
destroyed for all its crimes D) they did not
dare to go against Gods will
Multiple-choice Questions
5. When news of the dreadful event reached other
places, people showed no sympathy for the city
because_______C________ . A) they had been
longing for the treasures of Port Royal
themselves B) they had suffered enough from Port
Royal pirates C) they thought the city deserved
to be destroyed for all its crimes D) they did
not dare to go against Gods will
True/False Questions
1. The houses in the city of Port Royal were
built on piles over the water, which implies that
there was not enough land to be used.
2. Every country in Europe was trying to control
the West Indies because the rulers of each
country wanted to conquer the native Indians and
change the places into their colonies.
3. It was safe to walk in the very dirty street.
4. A few British officers spent a quite life with
daily visits to each other ,and control the
True/False Questions
5. Harbor was still in use after earthquake, but
the city of Port Royal was never recovered
because they dont want to run against Gods
6. Many years after the earthquake, a lot of
people came and began to dig among the ruins in
order to seek treasures.
7. Even archaeologists are fed up with collecting
broken pots and plates.
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Lesson 25 Port Royal
Distant Education College, Jilin University
Port Royal, a well-known harbor in the West
Indies in the seventeenth century, was suddenly
destroyed in an earthquake. How did some people
explain the cause of the happening? Read the
article and see if you agree with the author.

Now that we are able to work amid the treasures
under the sea we can hope to recover more of
them. In fact, we are winning the freedom of the
seas, and in a few years we shall be recovering
exciting things from the deepest water. There is
,for example, Port Royal which lies next to
Kingston. the capital city of Jamaica. Port Royal
first entered history in 1494 when its fine
harbor was discovered by Christopher Columbus.
Indeed, except for the harbor, it was not an
exciting discovery there was no fresh drinking
water and no good farm land ,nor was it a
comfortable place in which to live. In its fine
harbor, however, five hundred ships could lie
safely , and this was enough to decide Port
Royal s future. Every country in Europe was
trying to control the West Indies, and any good
harbor was a welcome port for their ships.
Port Royal was taken and retaken in
frequent battles, but at last it fell to the
British. By the end of the seventeenth century it
was a large, rich city where eight thousand
people lived. Many people have described the
scene in this busy port , packed with people and
full of life. The city was built on a narrow
strip of land .Its houses were built on piles
over the water, and crowded close together. The
streets were narrow and the houses were high. As
well as shops, houses ,factories and workshops,
the port contained three forts, two prisons, a
Governors House and many churches. Port Royal
was well-known. Indeed, it was notorious for
giving a welcome to all the worst thieves and
pirates in the West Indies ,men guilty of every
kind of crime ,who were invited to make their
home there .The city suffered for the money they
brought, and terrible stories were told about the
lives they lived.
People who wanted to get rich quickly crowded
into the port ready to cheat and steal, and the
effect of this was that decent honest people were
not welcome in Port Royal . It was a dangerous,
cruel city, where fortunes were made in a day and
lost in a night .It was risky to walk in the
filthy streets alone sailors arriving with
pockets full of money were found murdered the
next morning . Every other house was a drinking
place, and murder was frequent and familiar
every other sailor was a pirate. Thieves who
could not hope for mercy at home came to Port
Royal .Anything was forgiven there. A
few British officers controlled the port ,but
they were little interested in keeping order in
the streets.
  • They spent a quiet life with daily visits to each
    other , and did not try very hard to control the
    crime prevalent in the port .A few soldiers could
    not ,in fact, have controlled the pirates.
  • On Tuesday, 7 th June, 1692, this unhappy
    city woke on a bright midsummer morning. It was
    uncomfortably hot . The sky was a hard ,bright,
    cloudless blue .The sea was smooth and shining
    like glass ,and there was not a breath of wind
    moving the air .Ships ready to sail had to remain
    in harbor, because there was no wind to fill
    their sails .
  • This strange, breathless silence was the
    only unusual thing that morning .Sailors were
    returning to their ships after drinking and
    fighting all night. The wildest men were being
    taken to the port prisons .

Markets were opening and the city housewives were
walking to the shops. Lessons were starting in
the schools. Street children were happily
swimming in the harbor among the ships. Important
members of the City Council were on their way to
a meeting planned for that morning . Everyone was
hoping for rain. The Council members never
arrived at their meeting . The housewives never
reached home again .The school children never
finished their lessons .For between eleven
oclock and twelve Port Royal seemed to shake
itself like a dog after a swim . One earthquake
shock quickly followed another without pause, and
instantly the whole city was seized with fear .
Everyone rushed into the streets where they saw a
terrible scene.
The whole city seemed to be turning upside
down. Stones from falling buildings poured into
the streets. Entire buildings were tumbling into
huge cracks in the earth . As the earth opened
up, the sea came rushing in .Men were thrown
about like toys , sometimes falling into deep
holes in the earth , whereupon the rushing sea
would pick them up and throw them back into the
street . Often they disappeared forever and the
earth closed over them. The damage was all
done in a few minutes. Three great shocks shook
the city and a huge wave struck it at the same
moment. The sound of crying and moaning filled
the air , and over everything there hung a veil
of dust. No one could help anyone else it was
each man for himself. One moment men stood in the
sun the next moment they had disappeared.
By evening most of port Royal was gone
.More than two thousand people had died ,and more
had disappeared. Two fortes had been destroyed.
The prisons, containing all their prisoners, had
gone. Most of the ships in the harbor had sunk.
The only big British ship in the harbor had been
thrown out of the water into the middle of the
city , where it rested on top of the biggest
church in the city, St.. Paul s. For a short
time two hundred people found protection in the
ship .At last it ,too ,was washed back into the
harbor and the sea then closed over St. Pauls
Church! Most of Port Royal disappeared in
deep water. When news of this dreadful event
reached other places there was only one opinion
about it this was God s punishment on an evil
city ! Port Royal had sold itself to the devil
and deserved its terrible fate !
Port Royal never recovered from this
shock. The harbor continued in use, but a new
city was never built. Perhaps people really
believed that the city deserved its fate. Soon
treasurehunters came .Everyone knew that the
sunken ships and the ruins of houses contained
treasure. Many men tried digging among the ruins.
Swimming under water was not easy in the
seventeenth century, but eventually, in 1882, one
lucky man found three million dollars in a sunken
Spanish treasure ship. Others could see the roofs
of houses under the water, and so they broke
through and stole anything they could find.
Slowly the scene changed. Under water buildings
fell quickly into ruins .Sand and water covered
the sunken city . The waves pushed the ruins
about, and after a few years it was impossible to
see where the city lay. However, stories were
told about the bells of St . Pauls Church
people said they could hear the bells ringing
under the water during storms . Several
people have tried to explore Port Royal . In 1965
Robert Marx , an underwater archaeologist, was
invited to do the job by Government of Jamaica
by using modern equipment he hoped to rescue the
remains of the city and stop the sea from further
destroying them. At first he tried to make
a map of the city with photographs from the air
.Many things can be seen from airplanes that
cannot be seen on the ground . Shadows show up
the shapes of old cities and farms. However, the
water of Port Royal is dark and dirty and
consequently ,the air photographs were unclear,
and all the map-making had to be done under

  • Robert Mars and his few helpers spent
    months swimming around the ruins. It was
    dangerous work. They moved through the dirty
    water using only the sense of touch. Sharks could
    swim behind them unseen. Sometimes the swimmers
    leaned on walls which began to fall , and if they
    tried to hold them up, heavy stones would fall
    upon them, holding them fast until their friends
    were able to save them.
  • In order to clear the sand around the
    ruins, they used a big air pipe through which
    sand was sent up to a boat in the harbor. Light
    things, such as rings and coins, were sucked
    through this pipe . but bigger things were
    carried up in sacks . Many of the drowned
    buildings were inns ,and the swimmers found
    hundreds of bottles and knives and spoons and
    cups and plates and tins. Many things were found
    lying on the tables where they had been set.

  • The most exciting find was a great box
    containing hundreds of silver coins. The
    explorers could not control their excitement as
    sacks of money came up from the sea floor! This
    was high pay for their work! The
    archaeologists were not looking for treasure.
    They wanted to build the old city again. They
    wanted to obtain a clear idea of the scene in
    Port Royal in June, 1692 .Firstly, they found old
    streets and houses and then brought up actual
    bricks for building the houses on land . A map of
    the city is now being made .However , the best
    places for digging are still to be found even
    archaeologists get tired of collecting broken
    pots and plates! The richer houses and the forts
    will undoubtedly contain more things of value and
    interest .Meanwhile the archaeologists are
    learning how people lived in Port Royal in the
    seventeenth century.   From Exploring
    Our Past, Ed . , Joan Mackintosh , 1973.

Now that
1.Now that we are able to work amid the treasures
under the sea we can hope to recover more of
them. ??????????????,???????????????? ??,??(since)
Now that youve grown up, you must stop this
childish behavior. ??????,?????????????
????????? an island country in
the West Indies, south of Cuba.
Christopher Columbus ?krist??? ????????
Italian navigator in the service of the king of
Spain, discover of America (1492).
the West lndies an archipelago(??)in the North
Atlantic between North and South America.
Port Royal was taken and retaken in frequent
battles, but at last it fell to the
(1)take?????(seize)Our troops only took
three cities at first. fall to ??(??)( fall
Many people have described the scene in this busy
port, packed with people and fall of life
Many people have described the scene of this busy
port which was filled with people and full of
life . be packed with be full of ??. ??.
The dining hall was packed with students having
their lunch.??????????????
Its houses were built on piles over the water
lts houses were built on large heavy timber beams
which were driven into the bed of the sea to
support the buildings.
lndeed, it was notorious for giving a welcome to
all the worst thieves and pirates in the West
Indies,men guilty of every kind of crime,who were
invited to manage their home there
Indeed, it had a bad fame for attracting all the
worst thieves and pirates in west Indies. They
committed(or were guilty of)every kind of crime
and were attracted to make their home there.??
Men guilty of every kind of crime? the worst
thieves and pirates ?????????????????????
( 1 ) private n. ??( 2 ) be notorious for?
------ ?????( have bad reputation of )This
area is notorious for murders?????????????? ( 3
) be guilty of ??,??.He is guilty of
committing murder. ???????(4)invite ??(
attract )? Tibet invites a good many visitors
both at home and abroad.?????????????
suffered for
?-----?????? . I
suffered for my carelessness in the
test. ????????????
decent ?????? adj. Decent means respectable
and modest???,???
I only associate with decent fellow. ????????
filthy ?fil? adj. ??, ??filth clothes???,
filthy remarks ??
Every other house was a drinking
every other ???? I go there every other day.
forgive ?????? vt. to forgive means to stop
being angry with someone who has done something
wrong towards you or towards others.??,??
Please forgive me for being late.????????
----and did not try very hard to control the
crime prevalent in the port.
??????????????????? prevalent in the port It is
a adj. phrase used as attribute to modify the
crime , prevalent ????????( adj.
Popular) This kind of style ever prevalent in the
world has been out of fashion now. ???????????,???
---, no wind to fill their sails.
City council the governing body of the city .
Entire building were tumbling into huge cracks in
the earth. ???????????????????? tumble
into???,???--- ( collapse ,fall into --- ),
Often they disappeared forever and the earth
closed over them.?????????,????????????????close
over?????( swallow )?( 1 ) The flood
closed over the village and no one escaped
.?????????,??????( 2 ) Midsummer heat closed
over the whole city.?????????????
moan ???? v. low saond of pain or
regret.???,???He moaned in pain. ????????
Port Royal had sold itself to the devil and
deserved its terrible fate Port Royal was a
notorious place, where bad people had got the
upper hand and so it deserved to have been
destroyed by such a natural disaster.deserve
?????(be worthy of ) (1) Good work deserves
good pay ? ???????????? (2) He certainly
deserves to sent to prison.
Shadows show up the shapes of old cities and
farms. ???????????????show up
???,??,???(reveal)(1) Close study of the surface
of the picture shows up a network of fine
cracks.??????,????????????(2) His show-off only
serves to show up his ignorance.?????????????????
consequently ???? ?????????
therefore??,??I missed the train, consequently
was late for class.?????,???????
If they tried to hold them up, heavy stones
would fall upon them. ?????????????,??????????ho
ld up ??,??,?? ( 1 ) The pillars held up the
roof.???????? ( 2 )The ship was held up by
fog for several hours. ???????????? ( 3 )The
criminal held up the bus and took all the
passengers money.???????,???????????
holding then fast until their friends were able
to save them .?????????????? fastHere is a
adverb which means tight,in Chinese????????
He caught his mother fast lest he be taken
They wanted to obtain a clear idea of the scene
in port Royal in June ,1692.
????1692?6??????????????Obtain a clear idea of
??( get the picture of )
Outline of The Text
  • Comment on the story

This story is about the total
destruction of Port Royal by an earthquake. In
fact, Port Royal is not the only town to have
been destroyed by a natural disaster. One of the
earliest disasters was the destruction of Pompeii
and Herculaneum in southern Italy in79A D. The
two ancient Roman cities were engulfed and buried
in volcanic mud. Pompeii was rediscovered in 1748
and Herculaneum in 1709.
Outline of The Text
In December 1620, a small sailboat with one
hundred Pilgrims landed at Plymouth. Terrible
months of starvation, disease, and death were
ahead of them. Only the strongest survived that
winter .However, conditions began to improve in
the spring of 1621.The colonists health improved
with the warm weather and their better diet, too.
In the fall, they saw new hope for the future,
for a splendid harvest was behind them. Best of
all, they had established a treaty of friendship
with their Indian neighbors. At the end of
the year, the Pilgrims wanted to celebrate with a
real holiday. Governor Bradford decided on
December 13, 1621 as the day for giving thanks to
God. They offered humble thanks to god, and
started their three days of celebration.
In the following decades, Thanksgiving Days
were frequently held, sometimes twice a year,
sometimes every other year, depending on the
circumstances. In 1863, in agreement with
Mrs. Hales constant suggestions, president
Lincoln appointed the last Thursday in November
as the first national Thanksgiving Day. Since
then, each president has proclaimed a
Thanksgiving Day for the nation as a whole.
Thanksgiving is a happy celebration. It is a
family day and a chance to renew friendships.
Above all, it is a time for remembrance and for
giving thanks.
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