Title: Role and Deficiency Symptoms of Phosphorus in Tomato
1Role and Deficiency Symptoms of Phosphorus in
2Role and Deficiency Symptoms of Phosphorus in
- P deficiency is the major growth-limiting factor
in acid upland soils where soil P-fixation
capacity is generally high -
- It is not easily lost or added to the root zone
by biological and chemical processes. The
residual effect of P fertilizer application can
persist for several years - It is more effective to prevent P deficiency than
treat P deficiency symptoms -
- Ideal soil pH for availability of organic or
inorganic fertilizer is between 6 - 7
3Role and Deficiency Symptoms of Phosphorus in
Role of phosphorus in tomato
- Essential constituent of adenosine triphosphate
(ATP), adenosine diphosphate (ADP), nucleotides,
nucleic acids, and phospholipids - Involved in energy storage and transfer,
photosynthesis, cell division and membrane
integrity -
- Essential for seed germination and root
development - Phosphorus improves quality of fruits, vegetables
and water-use efficiency
4Role and Deficiency Symptoms of Phosphorus in
Sources of phosphorus
Organic manures Animal manure, plant residue and
humus Chemical fertilizers Single Super
Phosphate, Diammonium phosphate
Biofertilizers Phosphate solubilizing bacteria,
5Role and Deficiency Symptoms of Phosphorus in
P deficiency symptoms
- Stunted plant growth
- Small leaves that may take on a reddish-purple
tinge on margin - Leaf tips can look burnt and older leaves become
almost black - Reduction in size of fruit and seed
- Low fruit yields
6Role and Deficiency Symptoms of Phosphorus in
Deficiency symptoms in tomato leaves
Source http//5e.plantphys.net/article.php?chti
7Role and Deficiency Symptoms of Phosphorus in
Phosphorus deficient tomato plant
8Role and Deficiency Symptoms of Phosphorus in
Causes of P deficiency
- Low inherent capacity of soil to supply P
- Inadequate use of P fertilizers and organic
matter - Low efficiency of applied P fertilizer use due to
high P-fixation capacity or losses by soil
erosion losses - P immobilization in Ca phosphates due to
excessive liming - Imbalanced use of fertilizers e.g. excessive use
of N fertilizer with insufficient P application
9Role and Deficiency Symptoms of Phosphorus in
Let us sum up
- P is essential for growth, cell division, root
lengthening, seed and fruit development, and
early ripening - It is a part of several compounds including oils
and amino acids. P compounds adenosine
diphosphate (ADP) and adenosine triphosphate
(ATP) act as energy carriers - Plant growth is markedly restricted under P
deficiency and ripening delayed - Use of organic manures and chemical fertilizers
to prevent phosphorus deficiency