Title: Managing Quality of Context in Pervasive Computing
1Managing Quality of Context in Pervasive Computing
- Yingyi Bu, Shaxun Chen, Xianping Tao, Jun Li and
Jian Lu - Department of Computer Science Technology,
Nanjing University
Tao Gu Institute For Infocomm Research,
- Introduction
- Related work
- Quality measurement of context
- Context model
- Context Management Mechanism
- Evaluations
- Case Study
- Conclusions
- Context awareness
- A major software type in pervasive computing
environment - Quality of software in pervasive computing
- Quality of program
- Quality of document
- Quality of context
4Motivating example
Im a context-aware music player, and play Jazz
for you.
Oh, I dont want Jazz now! I want classical music!
5Context Mismatching
- A serious quality issue in current context-aware
software system - Context in real world ? context in computers
view - What could we do?
- To make context in computers approximate context
in real world!
6Related work
- Existing context-aware middleware
- SOCAM (IEEE pervasive computing)
- CoBrA (IEEE internet computing)
- CARISMA (IEEE trans. software engineering)
- Active campus (ICSE 2003)
- MobiPADs (IEEE trans. software engineering)
- .
7Weakness of those systems
- Dont pay enough attention to quality of context.
- In fact, lower quality of context may make users
8Work for quality of context
- Dey, et al. gave a novel solution for ambiguity
resolution by user mediation. (ACM TOCHI) - Throw the responsibility of maintain quality of
context to users.
9Work for quality of context
- Xu et, al. established a context consistency
management mechanism (ESEC/FSE 2005) - providing a middleware architecture for
inconsistency detection and resolution
10Work for quality of context
- Xu et, al. proposes an context consistency
checking mechanism (ICSE 2006) - Incremental consistency checking
11Our contribution
- Propose quality measures for context
- Establish a formulated context model
- Use ontology based context consistency checking
- Resolve context inconsistency automatically
- Shorten the delay of context delivering
12Quality measures for context
- Delay Time
- the time interval between the time when the
situation happens in real world and the time when
the situation is recognized in computers.
13Quality measures for context
- Context Correctness Probability
- The accuracy rate of sensed data
- What is the percent of context correct matching
14Quality measures for context
- Context Consistency Probability
- the probability that contexts in computers are
consistent - Dr.Gu in laboratory and Dr.Gu at home are two
inconsistent contexts - We use the 3 quality measures as our design
15Context Model
- Ontology
- a set of shared vocabularies of concepts and the
interrelationships among these concepts - Entity
- person, desk, classroom, meeting room, and campus
- Relationship
- the situations or predicates about entities
- Dependency
- the dependent relationship between Relationship
17Formulate to graph model
- Context graph
- Context
- ER-graph
- Dependency graph
- Context repository
- (see Section4.2 for details)
18Context management mechanism
- Context processing procedure
- Inconsistency resolution in raw context level
- Raw level refactoring in context repository
- Context reasoning and context repository updating
19Context processing procedure
20Inconsistency resolution in raw context level
- Definition Conflict Pair Set
- Conflict pair set, is a set consisting of pairs
such as (edgea, edgeb), in which corresponding
contexta(contains edgea) conflicts with
contextb(contains edgeb). - Definition Conflict Set
- For a given edge set denoted as EdgeSet, if its
members conflict with each other, we call EdgeSet
a conflict set.
21Inconsistency resolution in raw context level
- Definition Relative Frequency-rf
- A formula that calculates the rf value of a
raw-edge edgei is shown as follow
22RCIR algorithm
23Raw level refactoring in context repository
- Why?
- Before context reasoning, the context repository
should be updated in order to ensure incorrect or
outdated high-level contexts are removed.
24RLR algorithm
25Context reasoning and context repository updating
- Use rule reasoning and ontology reasoning orderly
- Update context repository (similar to raw level
26Evaluations performance study
27Evaluations effectiveness study
28Application Case study
Web Server
Office Room
Meeting Room
show warning
edit slide
- We implement 3 versions
- With a simplified quality management (SIR)
- With inconsistency resolution on high level
contexts (CIR) - With context management mechanism in this work
31Error rate comparison
- Context quality measures
- Context model
- Context management mechanism
- Evaluations
- Case study
33Future work
- Further improvement on quality of context
- A theoretical model for quality of context
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37Thank you!