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Title: Government employees medical aid Author: Eugene Watson Last modified by: Pumza Created Date: 5/27/2004 9:10:12 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • 2010-2011
  • Presentation to the Portfolio Committee
  • 24 August 2011

  • Introduction
  • Fourth Quarter Performance Report
  • Financial Performance Report

  • The 2010-11 activities were informed by the
    DPSAs 2010-2014 Strategic Plan
  • In October 2010 the Delivery Agreement for
    Outcome 12 was signed and the Departments Annual
    Performance Plan was revised to include the 1st
    year targets of the Delivery Agreement

Fourth Quarter Performance Report
Human Resource Management and Development
Annual Target Performance Progress Report
IFMS HR System implemented in DPSA and commence with implementation in Free State Education Department The IFMS HR System is being implemented in DPSA. Training programme for users has been completed and the Minister formally launched the HR solution on 27 February 2011. On-going support to users is also being provided by SITA. The implementation of the IFMS HR solution in the Dept of Education in Free State (DoE FS) is also continuing. The blueprint workshops have been completed and the blueprints are currently being reviewed. Governance structures to oversee the implementation of the solution have been established
Facilitate to ensure that 25 000 learners have completed either an internship or learnership programme A total of 13 474 Learnerships and 1 255 Internships have been registered
Fourth Quarter Performance Report
Human Resource Management and Development
Annual Target Performance Progress Report
Report developed covering 70 of all departments that have implemented the HRD Strategic Framework HRD Performance Report developed and tabled at the GA Cluster and is en route to Cabinet.
Report on Organisational and SMS members skills gaps identified and analysed in 40 departments A report on Organisational skills requirements and SMS members' skills gaps has been drafted covering 40 departments. Analysis of skills gaps of SMS members in 40 departments has been conducted. Additionally, available information on competency assessments and the validation study were integrated into the report.
Determine and analyze the average time spent by SMS members in a post level The baseline for the average time spent by SMS members in a post level has been verified and validated. Currently at approximately 3.8 years.
Strategy to improve recruitment and reduce turn around times for filling vacancies Consultations have been completed and amendments to Public Service Regulations have been submitted on reduced turn around times for filling vacancies.
Fourth Quarter Performance Report
Human Resource Management and Development
Annual Target Performance Progress Report
Directive on verification of qualifications issued and 10 of departments have verified the qualifications of 80 of their employees A Report was compiled at the end of the third quarter on employee qualifications and this has been verified.
Revised Strategic PMD Framework and SMS assessment methodology A Task Team of the Ministry for Performance Monitoring and Evaluation in the Presidency is leading the process of improving institutional performance management. The DPSA is aligning institutional and employee performance to ensure the required linkages between performance and incentives. The draft Strategic Framework has been utilised to inform the development of the Management Performance Assessment Tool (MPAT). On 10 November 2010, Cabinet approved the piloting of an Institutional PAT. The piloting of the PAT has commenced in 2 pilot departments. Only once this has been completed further refinement to the Strategic Framework can be considered.
Fourth Quarter Performance Report
Human Resource Management and Development
Annual Target Performance Progress Report
Implementation of EHW Policies and Piloting of EHW Tools and Technologies Departmental Readiness Assessment was piloted and departments are currently submitting completed assessment tools. Workshops on the reinforcement of the EHW Readiness Assessment Tool was held on the 1-2 March 2011 during the Inter-Departmental Committee Meeting.
Fourth Quarter Performance Report
Labour Relations and Remuneration Management
Annual Target Performance Progress Report
Collective agreements on wage increase for the public service for 2010/11 and 2011/12 signed and implemented The Resolution has been signed and implemented for 2010-11. Negotiations currently under way for 2011-12. Employer proposal for aligning salary negotiations and the budget presentation in Parliament was developed and tabled at the PSCBC in March 2011. Awaiting response from organised labour.
Review of the Collective Bargaining structures and procedures and develop a set of recommendations to take forward. Proposals have been developed and referred for mandating
Institutionalise the maximum period of three months to finalise disciplinary process Internal consultation process finalised and a draft proposal produced. Task Team established with the Office of the Auditor General.
Fourth Quarter Performance Report
Labour Relations and Remuneration Management
Annual Target Performance Progress Report
Disciplinary and poor performance framework and policies in the public service are reviewed Comprehensive review conducted. Guidelines on suspension and sanctioning have been developed and are at consultation stage. Draft guidelines on appropriate sanctions also drafted.
Ensure that resources are in place (resource mobilization) to enable the development of a framework of appropriate sanctions ensuring consistent application of discipline Draft guideline has been developed and is being consulted on
100 of OSDs emanating from PSCBC Resolution 1 of 2007 implemented Implementation of OSD for Medical Therapeutic Service has commenced. OSD for Engineers and related occupations has been implemented in 80 of departments. Legal OSD Outstanding translations for SMS employees in the Dept of Justice and Constitutional Development have commenced.
Review of current housing policy in terms of a phase-in approach and investigate mechanisms of using the GEPF as a guarantor of a home loan pension- backed Scheme A concept paper developed jointly with Human Settlement, National Treasury, GEPF and NHFC on a sustainable home ownership scheme
Fourth Quarter Performance Report
Public Service Information and Communication
Technology Management
Annual Target Performance Progress Report
Development of Information Security Governance Framework A blue print for a government wide security policy has been developed and will be integrated across departments and spheres of government
Development of Phase One Government Wide IT Master Plan focused on Shared Services Architecture and Designs An Information Technology Plan has been developed working together with Government IT officers (GITO) and IT managers in the Provincial Government of the Northern Cape. The IT plan defines the roadmap for IT in the province to streamline IT operations and provide more reliable IT services to the provincial government departments
Development of e-Government Prototype Platform to deliver a number of services including automation of 6 initial services A conceptual framework for the implementation of a catalytic e-government prototype has been developed, and further work will be done over the MTEF including design, deployment, testing and refinement.
Fourth Quarter Performance Report
Public Service Information and Communication
Technology Management
Annual Target Performance Progress Report
100 Thusong Services Centres connected to Local Area Network (LAN). 100 Thusong Services Centres have been connected to Local Area Network (LAN) and 60 Thusong Services Centres connected to Wide Area Network (WAN)
Development of Information Security Governance Framework The draft Security Governance Framework has been completed. Consultation with key stakeholders such as the GITOC Standing Committee on Information System Security (SCISS) and the Department of State Security has been facilitated through several workshops and presentations. The final framework will be consolidated by the DPSA and the Department of State Security in 2011/12
Adoption of IT Security policy to mitigate risks in Government The Government wide IT Security policy has been developed. The purpose of the policy is to ensure that adequate access control measures are in place to protect information and IT resources from loss, possible data corruption, unauthorised use/ viewing and denial of service
Fourth Quarter Performance Report
Service Delivery and Organizational Transformation
Annual Target Performance Progress Report
Data obtained for the development of geographic accessibility statistics for selected government services including the development of access norms and guidelines Terms of reference approved and data has been collected. Tender was advertised and is in the process of being awarded. Project initiation meeting was held and project progressing in line with timelines Differentiated geographic access norms developed for service points of Basic Education, Home Affairs, SA Social Development (SASSA) and Labour. Guideline available to departments on DPSA website and tender to print hard copy guidelines is in the process of being awarded
Development of policy on utilisation of CDWs Draft policy developed . Currently consulting with stakeholders
Increase in development and implementation of service delivery Improvement plans focused on value for money 76.2 compliance for the current year has been achieved with regard to service delivery improvement plans.
Fourth Quarter Performance Report
Service Delivery and Organizational Transformation
Annual Target Performance Progress Report
Improved understanding of Batho Pele and working culture of public service Concept document to re-focus the BPIA has been finalised to ensure alignment with Outcome 12 and other government priorities. Schedule for MPSA outreach programme for current calendar year re- focussed. All the provinces are implementing the BP programmes. The majority of provinces had the Premiers awards ceremonies in 2010. KHAEDU programme reconceptualised for implementation of BP.
Development of standard for waiting time for pensions, hospital queues and vehicle licensing centres Draft generic standard on waiting and turn around times completed
Development of a complaints management system A draft citizen complaints and compliments management framework has been developed and under consultation
Fourth Quarter Performance Report
Service Delivery and Organizational Transformation
Annual Target Performance Progress Report
Development of Guide on unit costing, business process management, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPS), setting of service standards and service delivery improvement plans for all core services delivered by departments First drafts of the following frameworks and methodologies were developed and consulted upon Service Delivery Model Business process quality management unit costing standard operating procedures setting service standards service charters and service delivery improvement plans. Consultation took place on 14 and 15 March 2011.
Development of generic sector specific organizational structures Concept document on the development of generic structures that include OD principles completed. Consultative workshops with the departments of Health, Social Development, Education and OTPs were conducted.
Development of template for HR and financial delegations A draft Principles of Public Administration and Financial Delegations and delegation templates were developed by DPSA and National Treasury. The delegation principles document including delegation templates were consulted with departments in a national workshop, Provincial Treasuries, CFO forum, the GA Working Committee and the GA Cluster.
Fourth Quarter Performance Report
Governance and International Relations
Annual Target Performance Progress Report
Aligned Strategy toward the development of overarching legislation for the SPS Draft Cabinet Memo on the strategy submitted Draft Public Service Amendment Bill Process Map to Parliament has been realigned
Establishment and opening of Governments first pilot Urban Mall in Soweto Completed the physical construction of the Centre and it has been opened for business. Installation of walls, demountable walls, floors, furniture, fittings and ICT infrastructure have been done. The Centre has been branded. Started implementation of the communication strategy drafted and consulted on the SLA, MoA and cost-sharing model and developed OHS and fire systems and procedures installed security equipment and trained staff on customer service excellence.
Finalisation of ME Policy, Capacity Development Plan, Guidelines and Implementation Support to departments ME policy, Capacity Development Plan and Guidelines developed and five provincial workshops conducted in offices of the Premier in Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Northern Cape, Kwazulu-Natal and Eastern Cape
Fourth Quarter Performance Report
Governance and International Relations
Annual Target Performance Progress Report
Establishment of the Special Anti-corruption Unit to coordinate and support the management of anti-corruption processes in the public service Inhouse Unit established. Feasibility study conducted together with SIU and National Treasury. Commenced investigating a number of cases.
Production of 2nd Annual Progress Report on the implementation of the APRM POA The Report was tabled at the African Union APRM Summit in June 2011
Fourth Quarter Performance Report
Financial Performance Report
Description Final Budget Allocation R000 Final Expenditure R000 Amount Unspent R000 Spent of Total Budget Allocation
Compensation of employees 179,244 175,371 3,873 97.84
Operational 226,400 199,785 26,615 88.24
Transfers and Subsidies 253,009 253,009 0 100.00
Total 658,653 628,165 30,488 95.37
Fourth Quarter Performance Report

Expenditure Per Programme
Description Adjusted Appropriation R'000 Preliminary Expenditure R'000 Budget Available R'000 Spent Commitments
Programme 1 - Admin 141,905 135,454 6,449 95.45
Programme 2 - HRMD 47,707 44,633 3,074 93.56
Programme 3 - LRRM 57,059 49,096 7,963 86.04
Programme 4 - PSICTM 41,340 35,120 6,220 84.95
Programme 5 - SDOT 189,137 188,728 409 99.78
Programme 6 - GOVN 181,505 175,134 6,371 96.49
Total 658,653 628,165 30,488 95.37
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