Title: Welcome to the Spring Reception!
1Welcome to the Spring Reception!
- The Year in Review Cynthia Archer
- MINES Update
- The Eye-Opener - Library Information Systems
3Archives in Action
4Bibliographic Services
- MESH (Medical) Subject Headings
- Ongoing work on RDA
- Electronic theses and dissertations
- New online journals
- Historical Studies in Education, Litte Realite,
Paul Claudel Papers - To Date
- E-Books 351,037
- E-Video 3239
- E-Audio 6912
- Created short online modules on popular research
topics - QR codes direct students to the group study room
booking page - Library orientation given to first cohort of
India MBA students
- Working with contractors to have construction
done on time for Learning Commons - Pitching in, making sure each Library event is
a success
- Taught IL classes to 2,400 equal to the entire
student population at Glendon - Switched print periodicals from alpha to call
numbers - Completed a shelf read of the entire collection
8Library Accessibility Services
9Library Information Systems
- Mobile Version of VuFind
- Mariposa 50th Anniversary digitization project
10Map Library
11Microcomputer Support
- Active Directory implementation
- LCD and PC deployment for Learning Commons
renovations before and after
12Resource Sharing
- Racer upgrade in December
- Print from the Web pilot
- Removing photocopy charges
- Joining CRL effective May 1
13Scott Circulation
14Scott Reference
- Learning Commons
- Video Project
- Congratulations to Janet Cheng Voice of York
- New acquisitions
- 400 boxes from the Arpin collection of ragtime
sheet music - 5000 educational online video titles
- 250 16mm films from the Toronto Reference Library
16Steacie Science Library
17Pan-Library Achievements
- Education Resource Centre Migration
- Subject Guides and MULER Best bets
18(No Transcript)
19Grand opening and dedication of Lorna R. Marsden
20more than a physical space
- YUL and LC Partners
- collaborate on successful 196,000 AIF grant for
Virtual Learning Commons - Deliver joint workshop with CST on students
challenges and services available to faculty
(assignment design, etc.)
21Undergraduate mini-conference
Graduate Open House at Steacie Library
22Scholarly Communication
at York University October 18th - 24th, 2010
Movie Screening Webinars OA Presentation to
Senate March 24, 2011 Andrea Kosavic and Lisa
SSHRC grant collaboration Andrea Kosavic with
Leslie Sanders (chief investigator)
Lisa Sloniowski with Bobby Noble (chief
24Research Chair in E-Librarianship
The IAINBAXTERraisonnE is an innovative
electronic collection, virtual exhibition and
research environment devoted to the lifes work
of internationally-active Canadian conceptual
artist IAIN BAXTER. The raisonnE seeks to expand
and transform the catalogue raisonné format into
a collaborative scholarly communications and
learning zone. excerpt
25Information Literacy
- IL Plan
- Assessment
- teaching assessment tools
- demonstrating impact on student success
- Experiential Education Leadership
- EE workshop for Librarians
- membership on Faculty of Healths EE working
26Staff Development
- Project Management Workshop
- TRY conference (attendees and presenters)
- OLA Conference
- LibQual Forum
27New Faces
28 29Overview
- Measuring the Impact of Networked Electronic
Services (MINES) an online, transaction-based
survey that collects data on the purpose of use
of electronic resources and on the demographics
of users. - Short, 5 question web survey that is delivered at
the point of use, every 250 times an e-journal,
or ebook is accessed from Scholars Portal. - Survey included all OCUL schools except U of T,
Algoma, and OCAD and ran Feb 2010 - Feb2011
30MINES for Libraries
- A short web-based survey that intercepts a user
as they attempt to access an electronic resource.
- Patron status faculty, grad, undergrad
- Affiliation department
- Location in library, on campus, off campus
- Purpose of use funded/non-funded research,
teaching, coursework - Why they chose important resource,
recommended, reading list
31Why OCUL Turned to MINES
- To capture in-library and remote web usage of the
OCUL Libraries eresources - To identify the demographic differences between
in-house library users as compared to remote
users - To identify users purposes for accessing OCULs
electronic services - To develop an evaluation infrastructure to make
studies of patron usage of networked electronic
resources routine, robust, and integrated into
the decision-making process.
32OCUL MINES 2004 vs 2010
- OCUL I 2004
- Randomly selected 2 hour periods each month for a
year - Mandatory
- OCUL II 2010
- SFX as delivery mechanism
- Systematic sampling (every nth)
- Mandatory and optional versions
- Additional question contact pool
34RESPONSES BY department
35Responses by status
37LibQual Update
- The LibQual team is drafting an action plan
- To be presented at Library Forum
- Look for further updates in the Fall!
38Thank you everyone for your hard work this
year!Enjoy the luncheon! (See you again
in August at the All-Staff Kickoff!)