Title: The United States Constitution For Kids
1The United States ConstitutionFor Kids
- Constitution Day
- September 17
- http//www.usconstitution.net/constkidsK.html
2The law is the set of rules that we live by. The
Constitution is the highest law. It belongs to
the United States and all Americans.
3The Constitution says how the government works.
It creates the President. It creates the
Congress. It creates the Supreme Court.
4The Constitution was written in 1787. Yes, it is
over 200 years old.
5This is a picture of the Constitution
6In 1787, a group of men met to write the
Constitution. They did not like the way the
country was going. They fixed it by creating the
Constitution. We call these men The Framers.
7The Constitution gives us rights. Rights are
things that all people have just because they are
alive. The Bill of Rights is a part of the
Constitution. It gives us rights like freedom
of speech and freedom of the press.
8The Bill of Rights is very important. It protects
important ideas. It protects your right to say
what you want. It gives rules for the police. It
lets you gather with your friends to talk and
protects your home. The Bill of Rights keep
Americans safe.
9The Constitution sets up the government. It is
split into three parts Congress, the President
and the courts. These three parts of government
work together to make our laws good and fair.
10Today, the Constitution protects us and keeps us
safe. We should be grateful to the founding
fathers and celebrate each year that we have
these freedoms and rights.
11The PreambleWe the people,In order to form a
more perfect union,Establish justice, insure
domestic tranquility,Provide for the common
defense,Promote the general welfare andSecure
the blessings of libertyTo ourselves and our
posterityDo ordain and establish this
Constitution for the United States of America.