Title: Children of the American Revolution
1Children of the American Revolution
2History of C.A.R.
- Founded April 5, 1895 by Harriett Mulford
Lothrop, Regent of Old Concord Chapter DAR, MA - Purpose To instill patriotic values in the youth
of America.
3Mission Statement
"The National Society of the Children of the
American Revolution trains good citizens,
develops leaders and promotes love of the United
States of America and its heritage among young
4National Headquarters
- 2nd Floor of DAR Constitution Hall
- N.S.C.A.R. Museum
- New exhibit Children and the American
Revolution - Veterans Tribute
- The Childrens Room
- N.S.C.A.R. Library
- C.A.R. Business Office
5Members Gain Skills
- Leadership experience in conducting meetings
- Learn parliamentary procedures and standard
protocol - Serve as delegates at local, state and national
conferences. - Speak before large groups
- Gain valuable understanding of the democratic
process through the privilege of selecting
6C. A. R. Programs
American Heritage
American History
Government Studies
Kids Helping Kids
Mountain Schools
Public Relations
American Indian
7National Society C.A.R.
Mary Lib Schmidt, President (Dick Anderson
Society, Virginia)
National Theme Living the American Dream
National Project Fisher House Support through
financial donations and volunteer support.
8Your State Society C.A.R.
_________, State President _________Society
State Theme ____________________
State Project __________________
9A C.A.R. Year
Installation at Mount Vernon
Regional Tour
October Board and Yorktown Day
Programs and Activities supporting the National
State Conferences!
National Convention!
10Membership/ Meetings
- Any boy or girl under the age of 21
- Must be lineally descended from a man or women
who gave material aid to the cause of American
- Usually September - June
- Meetings in Members homes or on field trips
- Business meeting followed by a program for the
month hands on activities.
11Senior Leaders!
- National and State Officers
- National and State Chairmen
- Senior Society Presidents!!!!
- Senior Supporters!!
- Newsletters
- Chaperones
- Event Planners
- Program Presenters
- Treasurer
- Assistants
- Chauffeurs
- Chefs
12C.A.R. and YOU!
- Take credit for working with the C.A.R.!
- Sponsor (or co-sponsor) a Local Society
- Support the State and National Projects
Visit www.nscar.org to find details of this
years programs, a calendar of events, and lots
of other information!
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