Electing the President of the United States - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Electing the President of the United States


I have the most famous signature on the declaration of independence. ... I was a movie star for several years and was California's governor. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Electing the President of the United States

Electing the President of the United States
  • By Taylors Tigers
  • Grade Second
  • Teacher Ms. Michelin Taylor
  • School William M. Boyd Elementary

Electing The President of the United States
  • By Taylors Tigers
  • 1. David Archibald
    10. Jykeecia Raines
  • 2. Lashanda Comer
    11. Coreen Rodgers
  • 3. Quovadis Garrison
    12. Larodtez Clay
  • 4. Antonio Mathis
    13. Keyonna Epps
  • 5. Dekecia Reid
    14. Nieara Chester
  • 6. Kenija Thomas
    15. Patrick Ceasar
  • 7. Tericia Thomas
    16. Justin Jones
  • 8. Deshawn Waller
    17. Donya Stephens
  • 9. Edna Ward
    18. Quatavious

Election KWL
When Do We Elect the President of the United
  • The people of the United States of American
    choose a President every four years. An election
    takes place on the first Tuesday of November.

Who Can Run For President?
  • To be the President you must
  • Be born in the United States
  • Be at 35 years old
  • Lived in the U.S. for 14 years or more
  • The President can be
  • a man or woman
  • of any race or any religion.

How Long Can You Be President?
  • You can be President for eight years
  • (thats two four-year terms)
  • Trivia Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the only
    person to be President for more than two terms.
    He was elected four times.

What does the President do?
  • The Presidents Job is very important!
  • The President
  • Is in charge of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and
  • Represents the United States and decides how we
    work with other countries.
  • Suggests laws and signs laws and sometime rejects
  • Helps other countries get along with each other.

How do we Elect a President?
  • Candidates announce that they are entering the
    race. This usually happens 1-2 years before the
    November election.
  • Members in the same party run against each other,
    trying to become the partys candidate during the
    primaries and caucuses.
  • At the National party convention the party
    selects a candidate, the candidate selects a
    running mate for vice president
  • The party writes a platform of goals and

How do Presidential Candidates Campaign?
  • The Presidential candidates run against each
    other try to get people to vote for them by
  • Giving speeches
  • Shaking hands
  • Giving interviews
  • Paying for ads on TV, radio, and in the newspaper

Who Can Vote for President?
  • To be qualified to vote one must be
  • A United States citizen
  • 18 years of older
  • A resident of a state of the District of
  • Registered to vote

Who Can not Vote?
  • You can not vote if you are
  • In jail or on probation for committing a felony
  • A convicted felon
  • Legally insane

When do you Vote?
  • On the first Tuesday of November, people all over
    the United States go to polling locations and
    vote their choice for President.

How do you Vote?
  • Some people vote by
  • Punching a hole in a card
  • Touching a computer screen
  • Putting an X on a paper ballotnext to the
    candidate name.

Who is running for President in 2004?
There are several people running for President
but the two major candidates are George W. Bush
and John Kerry.
  • Democrat
  • John Kerry

RepublicanGeorge W. Bush
Click on the candidates picture to view their bio
Who is in the Republican Party?
  • Presidential Candidate
  • George W. Bush
  • Vice Presidential Candidate
  • Richard Cheney

Who is in the Democratic Party?
  • Presidential Candidate
  • John Kerry
  • Vice President Candidate
  • John Edwards

What is the Electoral College?
The candidate that gets the most votes in each
state gets all the electoral votes for that
state. Each state has a certain number of
electoral votes. The more people that live in
your state-the more electoral votes your state
gets. Candidates spend a lot of time
campaigning in California, New York, and Texas.
The first candidate to win 270 electoral votes
becomes the President!
How did the States Vote?
When is the President Sworn In?
  • On January 20, the President is sworn in, in
    Washington, D. C. He recites an oath I do
    solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the
    Office of President of the United States, and
    will, to the best of my ability, preserve,
    protect, and defend the Constitution of the
    United States.

What Does the President Do After He is
  • After the inauguration, the President nominates
    people for the jobs he or she wants them to be in
    charge of in the different departments of the
    federal government. The people who head each
    department of the federal government make up the
    Presidents cabinet.

Where does the President live?
  • The new President and his family move into the
    White House at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in
    Washington, D.C. The President and his family
    will live and work there for the next four years.

Student Pictures and Activities
Student Pictures and Activities
Student Pictures and Activities
Election Unscramble
  • edaidnact- candidate
  • rpiyram- primary
  • eisuss- issues
  • lneetcio- election
  • evot- vote
  • hotob- booth
  • edtabe- debate
  • repdsinet- president
  • tapirse- parties
  • psehce- speech

Quatavious, Edna and Tericia completing election
Voter Registration
Patrick is registering to vote
Who would I vote for President?
Quovadis and Dekecia reading about the
Presidential Candidates in Scholastic News
Who would I vote for President?
Our writings on Who we would vote for President
Who would I vote for President?
  • Objective The students discussed the candidates
    running for president. They decided who they
    would like to vote for. They wrote an essay
    about who they will vote for.
  • Level of Work Synthesis, Application and
  • Rubric

My Vote
Justin casting his vote
Jykeecia and Antonio on voting day
Our Class Vote
Lashanda casting her vote
Lessons, Activities and Resources on the Electing
the President
Click the picture to view the Lesson plan
Related QCCs
  • S.S. 2.28- Follow established rules
  • S. S. 2.39- Engages in group decisions using
    democratic process.
  • S.S.- Names and locates ones state, country, and
    continent on a map and a globe
  • S.S. 3.1- Recognize rights, duties, and
    responsibilities of a U.S. citizen.
  • S.S. 3.3 Distinguishes the difference between
    rights and privileges.
  • S.S. 3.7- Distinguishes between city, county, and
    state government.
  • S.S. 3.9- Identifies the current governor of the

National Educational Technology Standards for
  • 1. Use input devices (e.g. mouse, keyboard,
    remote, control) and out put devices (e.g.
    monitor, printer) to successfully operate
    computer, VCRs, audiotapes, and other
  • (Standard 1 Basic operations and concepts)
  • 2. Work cooperatively and collaboratively
    with peers, family members, and others when using
    technology in the classroom.
  • (Standard2- Social, ethical, and human issues)
  • 3. Use a variety of media and technology
    resources for directed and independent learning
  • (Standard 1- Basic operations and concepts and
  • Standard 3- Technology productivity tools)

Suggested Election Activities
  • Discuss electing a president. Complete KWL
  • Build background on government and how officials
    are elected discuss the importance of voting
  • Discuss qualities of a leader.
  • Discuss voter registration. Does everyone vote?
    Register to vote at school.
  • Discuss polling places. Ask students to find out
    where the closest polling place to their home is
  • (Day before the election)- Have student vote
    tally and record votes.
  • Instruct students to watch television coverage of
    the election results. As student watch the
    returns with their families, have them color each
    state on the map red or blue based on the
    electoral college vote.
  • Ask the students to write how many votes the
    winning candidate received in this election.
  • (Day after the election) Discuss winners and
    reactions. why do they believe that candidate

Election Lesson Plans
Election Scavenger Hunt If I Was the
President Election Math Election Map Results Mock
Election Results M M Election
We Are Family (Voting Song)
(Chorus) We are family Voting is important to
me We are family Get up everybody and
sing (Repeat) (Verse) Everyone can see were
together As we make our choice And we fly just
like birds of a feather As we lift our voice All
of the people say theyre just kids And they just
dont know Just let me state for the record
Were proud to give our vote

Chorus R. Cook E Sessoms (W.
M. Boyd (2000)
Election Vocabulary
  • Ballot- a list of people trying to get elected
  • Campaign- when people get together to try to
    influence other to vote for a particular
  • Candidate- a person who is trying to get elected
  • Caucus- closed meeting of party members to
    determine nominations
  • Debate- a formal meeting where the candidates
    discuss and argue about different things that are
    important to our country.
  • Democrat- a member of the Democratic party.
  • Election- when people choose the person they want
    for the job.

Election Vocabulary
  • Electoral college- a group of representatives
    chosen by voters to elect the president and the
    vice-president of the United States.
  • Oath- a promise
  • Polling location- place where people vote.
  • Primary- an election that happens in some states
    to choose candidates for the political partys
    convention (only members of the party can vote in
    these elections.
  • Republican- someone who belongs to the Republican
  • Running mate-a candidate who is running with
    another candidate.
  • Term- amount of time someone is elected for.

Election Quiz
  • Every _______ years the people of the United
    States choose a new President.
  • You have to be at least ______ years old to run
    for President.
  • The 2004 Republican Candidate is
  • The 2004 Democratic Candidate is
  • Candidate try to get people to vote for them by
    giving_________ and shaking _________.
  • _____________________ was the only President to
    be elected for more than two terms.
  • You must be at least _______ years old and U.S.
    citizen to vote.
  • On the first Tuesday of ______________, people go
    to the polls to vote.
  • On ____________________ the new President is
    sworn into office.
  • The President and his family move into the
    _________________ on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in
    Washington, D. C.

Which President Am I?
Related Websites
  • www.abcteach.com
  • www.takeyourkidstovote.com
  • www.yahooligans.com
  • www.activitiesforkids.com
  • www.scholastic.com
  • www.timeforkids.com
  • www.glc.k12.ga.us
  • (GA DOE-GA Learning Connections)

Electing the President of the United States
THANK YOU!!! Taylors Tigers
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