Design Case Studies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Design Case Studies


Title: Design Case Studies Author: Paul H. King Last modified by: Paul king Created Date: 11/15/2004 8:11:52 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Design Case Studies

Design Case Studies
  • Chapter 23

Multidetector Brain Scanning System Development
  • Problem given point source response, how can one
    improve net spatial sensitivity of a device?
  • Pre-CAT scanning and other current technologies

Detector Point source response
Lead collimator cross section detector are on
the left on this diagram, iso-response profiles
are to the right
Problem Statement
  • "Given one or more focusing collimators (and
    related electronics), develop a brain scanning
    system that shows increased sensitivity compared
    to a rectilinear scan using a single detector,
    and which gives a cross sectional image of the
    brain more suited for surgical planning than
    rectilinear scans."

Solution 1 Multicrystal Tomographic Scanner
Schematic of early tomographic scanner, U.S.
Patent Number 3,591,806, eight detectors arranged
in a circle with a common intercept point.
Solution 2 Mutually Orthogonal Multicrystal
Tomographic Scanner
Mutually orthogonal schematic arrangement one
quadrant of a 12-detector system with 4 sets of
three mutually orthogonal detectors
TRIZ principle 5
  • "combining in space homogenous objects destined
    for contiguous operations "
  • Both systems worked, one was patented, both
    formed the basis for other technologies (see
    reference patents.)

Testing of Anesthetists Hypotheses
  • A challenging protocol may be developed using a
    simulator that tests anesthetists' skills at
    maintaining patient homeostasis within limits,
  • An analytical technique may be demonstrated that
    will suggest that "skill level" may be inferred
    from the data collected from the simulator.

(No Transcript)
Simulation Method
  • Inform examinee who the patient is (Stan, normal
    young male)
  • Operation type low anterior bowel resection
  • SOP please
  • Inform re stage of surgery
  • Start!

And we are off
The protocol (Stable Anesthesia)
  • Induction ? Intubation (epi) ? Maintenance
  • ? Incision (epi) ? Fluid loss ( 3L) ?
  • ? Maintenance ? Ischemia Desaturation (? lung
  • ? Maintenance ? Emergence
  • ? Extubation (? adequacy)

Trained Physician Results
Novice Results
  • The human patient simulator may be used as a
    testing device to do inter-individual comparison
    of anesthetist response to simulated stresses
    during anesthetic procedures.
  • A simple measure of competency of intervention
    may be derived by a time out of range measure
  • King, P.H., Pierce, D., Higgins, M., Beattie, C.,
    Waitman, L. C. A Proposed Method for the
    Measurement of Anesthetist Care Variability,
    Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, 16
    (2) 121-125, 2000.

Apnea Detection System
  • A means of monitoring patients for potential
    respiratory depression needs to be found, such
    that the patient in a step-down unit may be
    better monitored than just with simple periodic
    visits by hospital personnel.

A partial solution included the following items
  • CO2 monitoring -too low a CO2 level, or no
    waveform (apnea) as detected by a commercial unit
    Sampling was achieved with a single capillary
    tube placed near the patient's nostrils. The
    units used had an alarm level that could be set
    manually the alarm signal could be accessed for
    use in other devices.
  • An autodialing motion detection alarm system was
    modified and connected to the capnometer. The
    system would then dial the charge a nurses'
    beeper when the system alarmed. The beeper was
    unique to the patient being monitored.
  • The basic system had to be modified with an
    on/off switch that could be activated when the
    patient was talking (seen as a high respiration
    rate) or eating.
  • A special cannula had to be obtained to sample
    air from both nostrils and from near the mouth.
    This was necessary for patients who mouth
    breathed due to snoring and/or stuffy noses.

Cancer Clinic Charting
  • While charting the pathway of patients through a
    screening clinic (breast cancer screening) a
    means had to be found to display not only the
    process but also the patient perception of the

Cancer clinic diagnosis/discharge/follow-up
EKG Analysis Techniques
  • 2 -3 hours of ekg sampled at 1000 samples/sec
    analyze report on 10-20 averaged ekgs at
    multiple points in time (mouse, implanted
  • Desire r-r interval analysis also
  • Desire arrhythmia analysis

Alternatives considered
  • Access Excel Visual Basic
  • IDL and Visual C
  • PV-Wave C
  • MATLAB Visual C Excel Visual Basic
  • Others approaches, ease of use?

Current solution
  • Initial developmental work done in Excel with
    visual basic (debug test)
  • Migration to MATLAB as soon as feasible
  • Currently in use

EKG Analysis Module
  • Given the mandate to do so, design an
    introductory freshman module (1 credit hour) to
    allow students potentially interested in your
    department to sample what they might experience
    in their remaining three years should they elect
    your department's major.

Electrocardiogram Capture and Analysis
  • data analysis techniques in electrocardiography,
  • medical and engineering nomenclature,
  • engineering and engineering applied to medicine,
  • technologies involved in cardiology and
  • and societal ramifications of heart-related

  • EKG lectures, basic ekg recognition
  • Student ekg sampled, analyzed with Excel (for R-
    wave analysis HR determination)
  • Same ekg analyzed with MATLAB
  • http//
    for layout, etc.

Choosing the Correct Plastic Material
  • The purpose of the test is to provide rough
    insight into whether plastic materials subjected
    to stress are compatible with common cleaning
    substances. The materials being considered are
    Valox, Zytel, Cycoloy, and Thermocomp.

Test dogbones of material
  • Kleen-Aseptic
  • Sporicidin
  • Cidex
  • Aldiced
  • Virex 256
  • Wescodyn
  • Acetone
  • Bleach
  • Isopropyl alcohol.

Testing -
  • Tensile tests
  • Flex tests
  • Time/exposure tests
  • Inspect visually
  • Test to failure

Similar tests procedures
  • Materials tests for autoclaving
  • Choosing the right cleaning material
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