Electronic Communications - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Electronic Communications


Chapter 11 Electronic Communications Understanding Communication Systems Key ideas: Information and communication technologies include the inputs, processes, and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Electronic Communications

Chapter 11
  • Electronic Communications

Understanding Communication Systems
  • Key ideas
  • Information and communication technologies
    include the inputs, processes, and outputs
    associated with sending and receiving
  • Information and communication systems allow
    information to be transferred from human to
    human, human to machine, machine to human, and
    machine to machine.

Understanding Communication Systems (contd.)
  • Key ideas (contd.)
  • Communication systems are made up of a source,
    encoder, transmitter, receiver, decoder, storage,
    retrieval, and destination.
  • At the source, a modem modulates an analog
    carrier signal to encode digital information.
  • At the destination or receiver, a modem
    demodulates the signal to decode the transmitted
    information and receive the message.

Communication Systems
  • Made up of building blocks
  • Consider instant messaging
  • Input, transmit (process), output, feedback
  • Communication process includes
  • A source
  • An encoder
  • A channel
  • A decoder
  • A receiver

Communication Systems (contd.)
Figure 11.5 Communication process consists of a
source, encoder, transmitter, receiver, decoder,
storage, retrieval, and destination.
Identifying Types of Communications
  • Key ideas
  • Information and communication systems can be used
    to inform, persuade, entertain, control, manage,
    and educate.
  • There are many ways to communicate.
  • Technological knowledge and processes are
    communicated using symbols, measurements,
    conventions, icons, graphic images, and languages
    that incorporate a variety of visual, auditory,
    and tactile stimuli.

Identifying Types of Communications (contd.)
  • Key ideas (contd.)
  • Graphical analysis and presentation can be
    divided into two general types qualitative and
  • Oral presentations to bosses, teachers,
    customers, or colleagues at meetings or
    conferences can be used to share information, or
    sell an idea, a product, or even yourself (for
    example, a job interview).

Types of Communications
  • How we communicate our message depends on the
    communication medium.
  • Graphic communications
  • Words and pictures convey a message.
  • Electronic communications
  • Electrical signals, pulses of light, or radio
    waves carry messages.

Graphical Communication
  • Technical communication
  • Sharing technical information through graphs,
    graphics, and other visual tools.
  • Computer-Aided Design programs are used to create
  • Qualitative information
  • Drawings, bar graphs, and pie charts
  • Quantitative information
  • Tables and line graphs

Oral Communication
  • Steps to improve
  • Preparation
  • Jot down facts and create an outline.
  • Identify theme.
  • Split into 15-20 minute chunks and practice.
  • Visual aids
  • PowerPoint/KeyNote.
  • Presentation techniques
  • Look presentable, neat, and well dressed
  • Speak clearly and loud enough.

Defining Telecommunications
  • Key ideas
  • Telecommunications is a very broad term that
    implies transmission of messages at a distance
  • Could include transmission of signals via smoke
    (smoke signals), sound (drums), flags
    (semaphore), and even reflected sunlight
  • Modern telecommunications involves some
    combination of an electronic transmitter and

Defining Telecommunications (contd.)
  • Key ideas (contd.)
  • Communication technology and the ability to
    communicate electronically provide a competitive
  • Digitizing voice data allows telecommunications
    carriers to use a single common digital
    infrastructure for voice, video, and data.
  • A basic communications system consists of
  • A transmitter to send the message, media over
    which to send it, and a receiver of the

  • Telecommunication
  • Ability to connect with voice, video, and data
  • Global telecommunications market
  • Three percent of the gross world product

Figure 11.17 Modern communication is shifting
from old media (such as CNN.com) to new media
(such as blogs).
Figure 11.21 The developing world lags behind the
rest of the world in fixed telephone use.
Figure 11.22 Internet access is also less
frequent in the developing world than in other
Telecommunications (contd.)
  • Telegraphy
  • Transmission of messages as a series of dots and
    dashes (i.e., Morse code).
  • Replaced with telephony (Bell and Gray).
  • Telephony
  • Switchboard
  • Switches established a connection.
  • Analog
  • Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) dominant
    protocol is Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM).

Telecommunications (contd.)
  • Basic elements
  • All communication systems can be modeled with the
    core components (transmitter, media, receiver).
  • Transceiver
  • Transmitter and receiver

Analog Versus Digital
Figure 11.25 If you move a garden hose slowly up
and down, the water stream shows low-frequency
Figure 11.29 You can use the stream from the hose
to simulate binary 1s and 0s.
Figure 11.26 By moving the hose faster, you
create waves of higher frequency.
Figure 11.31 The difference between an analog
signal and a digital signal is dramatic.
  • Each network or station broadcasts its own signal
    in a very specific communications channel,
    usually associated with a frequency
  • Frequency division multiplexing
  • Multiplex bundled channels together
  • Demultiplex unbundle channels after receiving
  • Time division multiplexing
  • Chop time into slices or slots and assign each
    conversation its own time slot

Carrier Waves
  • Carrier waves
  • Analog signal or waveform acts as a carrier.
  • Modulation
  • How the signal is carried.

Figure 11.36 In frequency modulation (FM), the
frequency of the carrier wave is modified.
Satellite Communications
  • Key ideas
  • In communications, a satellite is a manmade
    object positioned in the Earths orbit to
    facilitate communication on the Earth.
  • A satellite usually travels in either a
    geostationary, elliptical, or low Earth orbit
  • A satellite constellation is a group of
    satellites working together.

Global Positioning Systems
  • Key ideas
  • The Global Positioning System (GPS) uses a
    constellation of at least twenty-four medium
    Earth orbit satellites to transmit microwave
    signals to a GPS receiver.
  • Civilian GPS is only accurate within 15 meters
    because of a combination of factors
  • Errors due to atmospheric conditions, multipath
    effects, clock drift in the satellites onboard
    clock, selective availability, and relativistic

Satellite Communications
  • Satellite
  • Celestial body orbiting Earth or other planet
  • Usually categorized by their orbits (e.g.
    geostationary, elliptical, or low Earth orbits)
  • Sputnik I
  • Explorer I
  • Variety of applications
  • Satellite constellation
  • A group of satellites working together

Figure 11.41 Various types of orbits include
geosynchronous, medium Earth, and low Earth
Figure 11.42 Satellite orbits can be polar, high
incline, or low incline.
Global Positioning Systems
  • Enables a user to accurately determine location,
    speed, direction, and time
  • Receiver identifies satellites within range and
    calculates its position relative to three or more
    of them

Figure 11.45 A constellation of satellites helps
to operate the Global Positioning System.
Figure 11.46 Atmospheric effects and errors have
the greatest effect on GPS accuracy when
satellites are near the horizon.
Exploring Digital Media
  • Key ideas
  • The shift from analog to digital information has
    forever altered the way we view sound, images,
    and video, and has opened up entirely new methods
    of communication and connectivity.
  • Digital media is made up of ones and zeroes, and
    is measured in bits, bytes (8 bits), kilobytes
    (103 or 1,000 bytes), megabytes (106 or
    1,000,000 bytes), and gigabytes (109 or
    1,000,000,000 bytes or 1,000 megabytes).

Exploring Digital Media (contd.)
  • Key ideas (contd.)
  • With analog media, we record sound by
    scratching an analog signal, created by your
    voice or a musical instrument, onto a surface and
    playing it back following the grooves we created.
  • The MP3 file format uses a compression algorithm
    to reduce the size of a song while retaining
    near-CD sound quality, compressing a 32-MB song
    to 3 MB.

Exploring Digital Media (contd.)
  • Key ideas (contd.)
  • Digital cameras and camcorders function by
    focusing light onto a small semiconductor image
    sensor that filters the light into the three
    primary colors, records the colors, and combines
    them to create a full-color image.

Exploring Digital Media (contd.)
  • Most devices are built around the same basic
  • Converting analog into digital information
  • ADC (analog-to-digital converter)
  • DAC (digital-to-analog converter)
  • Digital media is made up of ones and zeroes
  • When we refer to digital media, we refer to bits,
    bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, and gigabytes.

Exploring Digital Media (contd.)
  • Digital media includes
  • Audio, images, video
  • Digital cameras and camcorders focus light onto a
    small semiconductor image sensor
  • Often, this sensor is a charge-coupled device
  • CCD consists of a 1-cm panel of hundreds of
    thousands of light-sensitive diodes called
  • High-end cameras and camcorders use three
    sensors, as well as three filters with a beam
    splitter to direct light to the different sensors.
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