Email Security, Web Security and Malicious Programs Lecture 9 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Email Security, Web Security and Malicious Programs Lecture 9


Title: Public Key Cryptosystems Author: P D Le Last modified by: pdle Created Date: 2/23/1996 1:12:16 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Email Security, Web Security and Malicious Programs Lecture 9

Email Security, Web Security and Malicious
ProgramsLecture 9

Email Basis
  • Email Infrastructure
  • Allows a user to send a message to one or more
  • Using either single email address or a
    distribution list
  • If a distribution list is used then
  • The message is sent to a site where the
    distribution list is maintained and that site
    then sends the message to each of the recipient
    from the list, or
  • The sender retrieves the list and then sends the
    message to each recipient from the list

Email Infrastructure
  • Source and destination computers are directly
    communicate to each other
  • Both machines have to be running and reachable on
    the network (not always work if the user machine
    is only occasionally connected to the network)
  • In general, email infrastructure consists of
  • a whole mesh of mail forwarders or Mail Transfer
    Agents (MTA)
  • The mail processing at the source and destination
    computers is done by a program called User Agent

Email Infrastructure (e.g)
Not authenticated path
Authentication between MTAs or between MTA and
Reasons for multiple MTAs
  • Reasons for needing multiple MTAs along a mail
    path from the source to the destination
  • Part of the network may be occasionally connected
  • MTAs may need to authenticate other MTAs or user
  • A company may want a security gateway through
    which all mail has to be forwarded
  • Different parts of the network may be using
    different protocol suites

Email Services and Security
  • Privacy message is only for intended
  • Authentication authentication of the source
  • Integrity integrity of message
  • Non-repudiation sender cant deny her sent
  • Proof of submission verification to the sender
    that the message was handed to the mail delivery

Email Services and Security
  • Message flow confidentiality a third person C
    cannot even determine whether A sent B a mail or
  • Containment the ability of the network to keep
    certain security levels of information from
    leaking out of a particular region
  • Self-destruction message cant be forwarded or
  • Proof of delivery verification that the
    recipient received the message
  • Anonymity recipient cant find out the identity
    of the sender

Email Security Services
  • Most email security services can be provided by
    cryptographic means
  • Privacy using secret or public key
  • Non-repudiation digital signature
  • Authentication using secret and public key
  • Integrity using secured hash function and secret
    or public key technology

Email Security Services
  • Proof of delivery
  • Is it possible to provide a receipt if and only
    if the recipient got the message (Yes/No) Yes?
  • If the recipient signs before the message is
    delivered, the message can be lost but the mail
    system has the signature.
  • If the recipient signs after receiving the
    message, the recipient may not furbish a
    signature at that point, but yet has the message.
  • Anonymity
  • What for?
  • Is it easy? (most mail systems automatically
    include the senders name in the message)
  • Does it compromise mail security?

Email Security counter measures
  • Make sure email software is configured properly
  • Use wrappers to enhance security of email
  • Educate and regularly remind users of the danger
    of malicious programs (No email system is
  • Design and implement prevention systems to early
    detect and give warning message to users or stop
    malicious programs

Further Readings about Email Security
  • PEM (Private Enhanced Mail)
  • Additional features encryption, source
    authentication, and integrity protection
  • Relies on certificates and uses one path of
  • S/MIME (Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail
  • Additional features Similar to PEM
  • Relies on certificates and usees multiple
    certificate hierarchies
  • PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)
  • Certificates are an optional in PGP
  • Each user decides which keys to trust
  • Different from PEM S/MIME by treating mails as

Web Security
  • Server-side security
  • Protect the server against denial of service
  • Need to protect against site vandalism
  • Protect against break-ins
  • Client-site security
  • need to protect clients machine against
    malicious programs
  • Limit the amount of personal information that the
    browser can transmit without the users consent
  • Document confidentiality
  • Need to protect documents against eavesdropping
  • Protect against the risk of fraudulent
  • A user misrepresents herself to get unauthorised
    access to the server
  • A web server tricks a user into sending it
    confidential information

Web Security Risks
  • Web and Email by their services have a high
    security risk
  • Web browsers and servers are large and complex
    pieces of software gt vulnerable to security bugs
    (e.g Internet Explorer 3.0)
  • Webservers allow scripts, applets programs in
    many languages to run on server machines by
    request from clients ( browsers) gt high security
  • Web servers can be easily misconfigured gt
    provide security holes

Web Security Risks
  • The servers hardware may not be secured
  • Transmissions across the Internet are not secured
    hence web documents and interactive login session
    are vulnerable to eavesdropping
  • Remote authoring and administration tools open
    security holes
  • Many web accounts may need be created due to a
    high number of people involved in providing
    different information

Web Security (e.g)
  • Possible attacks
  • Integrity
  • Modification of message
  • Confidentiality
  • Eavesdropping theft getting information about
    network configuration or which client talk to
    which server
  • Denial of service
  • Killing of user processes flooding servers with
    bogus requests filling up memory or disk etc.
  • Authentication
  • Impersonation of legitimate users data forgery

Web Security counter measures
  • Integrity cryptographic check
  • Confidentiality encryption (or using Web proxies
    this is not an absolute solution)
  • Denial of service Difficult to prevent
  • Authentication Cryptographic techniques

Web Security counter measures
  • Other web security issues can be minimized by
  • Carefully design and test CGI scripts and other
    added programs
  • Do the configuration carefully
  • Do not provide more web accounts than necessary

Danger of Malicious Programs
  • Systems such as Microsoft Outlook make it very
    simple to send anything to anyone and to work
    with objects that are received
  • Mobile-program systems such as Java based system,
    ActiveX based system, Mobile-agent based system,
    allow programs to move on their own from one
    system to another gt malicious programs can take
    advantage and spread quickly (modern software
    systems tend to allow mobile agents and program
    migrations see P.D Le, B. Srinivasan and P.
    Granville, "A Prototype Tool to Support Migration
    in Distributed Environments", Proceedings of the
    2nd International Symposium on Applied and
    Corporate Computing, pp. 53-62, 1994. )

Taxonomy of Malicious Programs
Need Host Program
Logic Bombs
Trojan Horses
Malicious Programs
  • Logic bomb coded embedded in some program that
    is set to explode when certain conditions are met
  • Trapdoor a secret entry point (often for
    debugging purpose) in a program that allows
    someone to gain access without going through
    normal procedure
  • Trojan horse instructions hidden inside an
    otherwise useful program that do the bad things
  • Bacteria programs that replicate themselves to
    fill disk and memory or to take up CPU
  • Worm a program that replicates itself by
    installing copies of itself on other machines
    across network

Malicious Programs
  • Zombie malicious code installed on a system that
    can be remotely triggered to carry out some
    attack with less traceability.
  • Virus code that, when executed, inserts copies
    of itself into another program the infected
    program, when executed, will execute the virus

Malicious Programs - Virus
  • Virus can be embedded into a program in different
    fashion (pre-pended, post-pended, pre-defined
    point, etc)
  • Most viruses are designed to work for particular
    OS or environment
  • They are designed to take advantage of the
    weaknesses of a particular system or software
  • Virus can do anything a program can do it
    attaches itself to a host program and executes
    secretly when the host program is run

Simple Structure of A Virus
Do-damage () do-whatever-damage-you-like
InfectedProgram Goto virus_main Label_for_virus
Virus_main Infect_executable () if
Trigger-pulled () Do-damage ()
Trigger-pulled () if some condition holds
return true else return
Infect_executable () loop AFile
randomly get an executable file if there
is Label_for_virus (file already infected)
goto loop else prepend Virus to
Malicious programsImmune System
Virus analysis machine
Virus infected client machine
Analyse virus behavior and structure
Administrative machine
client machine
A Private Network A
client machine
Extract signature
Administrative machine
client machine
Derive prescription
A Private Network B
client machine
Individual user
Malicious programsImmune System
  • Each computer (client) has a monitoring program
  • The monitoring program tries to find a
    thought-to-be infected program
  • If there is one, then the client forwards a copy
    of that program to administrative machine within
    the organisation
  • The administrative machine (AM) encrypts the
    suspicious program and sends it to a virus
    analysis machine (VAM)
  • The VAM creates an environment in which
    suspicious program can be run safely for analysis
  • The VAM produces a prescription for treatment and
    sends it back to the AM
  • The AM forwards the description to the client and
  • With this method subscribers can receive
    antivirus updates

How to Protect your Systems against Malicious
Programs (MP)
  • There are many ways to enhance your system
    security such as using encryption, firewall,
    security at different layers, etc
  • However, there is no absolute way to protect your
    system against malicious programs
  • Modern computer systems allow mobile programs and
    services via Web, Email, Internet software
    products and the like
  • MPs will be the main security concern for modern
    computer systems

MP and Security
  • How to prevent MPs from quickly spreading
  • Should your system provide rapid response so that
    MPs can be stamped out almost as soon as they
    are introduced? How can it be done?
  • Should your systems be able to automatically
    capture new MPs when it enters your organisation
    computer system?
  • Should your system dynamically inform other
    systems so that they can analyse, detect and
    possibly remove MPs?
  • Dynamically provide tools for diagnosis
    treatment, etc.

Malicious Program Detection System (MPDS)
Quantum machine
Common Administrative machine
Virtual machine 1
Virtual machine 2
Network 2
Network 1
Network 3
Virtual machine 3
Virtual machine N
Proposed Malicious Program Detection System
  • Reason Modern computer systems allow mobile
    programs and services via Web, Email, Internet
    software products and the like
  • Such systems are more vulnerable due to the
    nature of the services they provide and the heavy
    interactions between users and the systems
  • Goals
  • The proposed system attempts to reduce the impact
    of MPs attack
  • The idea can be applied at organisation level or
    larger scale

How MPDS works?
  • MPDS requires that if an application allows user
    interactions, then it must be constructed to
    allow corresponding non-interactive options
  • This requirement is reasonable since it allows
    automatic software testing, analysis and
  • Modern software are object-oriented and hence it
    facilitates both interactive and non-interactive

Main components of MPDS
  • A quantum or extremely fast computer (FC) is used
    as a simulation and detection centre on which
    many different software platforms can
    concurrently reside
  • A common administrative machine (CAM) forwards
    all incoming messages to FC
  • FC delivers messages to FC for analysis and
  • If the analysis and checking says Not O.K, then
    messages are marked unsafe and sent back to CAM
  • CAM forwards unmarked messages to intended
    destinations or rejects marked messages

Further research reading
  • Security achievement is related to planning more
    than fixing, we encourage you to
  • Discuss the trend of web, Email applications and
    other Internet services
  • Attempt to provide some conceptual models to deal
    with threats from MPs
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