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COSC4607 - Computer Security


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: COSC4607 - Computer Security

COSC4607 - Computer Security
Dr. Haibin Zhu Assistant Professor Department of
CS and Math, Nipissing University Room A124A,
Ext. 4434 Email URL
http// Office
Hour Mon. Thurs. 230pm-430pm or by
Learning Outcomes
  • On completion of this course you will be able to
  • Understand a number of basic design principles in
    computer security.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of
    security models with reference to the security of
    computer systems.
  • Describe the features and security mechanisms
    which are generally used to implement security
  • Provide examples of the implementation of such
    features and mechanisms within a number of
    particular operating systems.
  • Display a breadth of knowledge of the security
    vulnerabilities affecting computer systems.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the main issues
    relating to Web security in the context of
    computer systems.

  1. Introduction to Computer Security
  2. Access Control
  3. Security Models
  4. Security Mechanisms
  5. Linux / Unix Security
  6. Windows 2000 Security
  7. Computer Virus
  8. Software Security
  9. Security of Distributed Systems
  10. Network Security
  11. Cryptography

Notes Lecturers Books The Internet and
  • Textbooks
  • D. Gollmann, Computer Security, John Wiley
    Sons, 1999.
  • References
  • C.P. Pfleeger, Security in Computing,
    Prentice-Hall, 1997 (2nd Ed).
  • R. Anderson, Security Engineering, Wiley, 2001.
  • B. Schneier, Secrets and Lies, Wiley, 2000.
  • John Viega Gary McGraw Building Secure
    Software, Addison Wesley, 2001

Course Information
Questions ?
Review Operating Systems (1)
  • It is useful to have some basic understanding of
    what an Operating System is and what it does.
  • An Operating System is an application that sits
    between users and applications and the computer
    hardware. Essentially, it provides a moderately
    friendly interface to the hardware.
  • Because computers think binary then they are
    extremely user-unfriendly! The Operating System
    removes some of the pain!

Review Operating Systems (2)
Review Operating Systems (3)
A more common version of the previous diagram is
given below
Review Operating Systems (4)
  • The System Services layer is the real interface
    to the Operating System. It consists of many
    functions designed to translate an application
    request into something the Operating System can
  • POSIX is becoming the standard for System
    Services, mainly driven by the need to make it
    easier to port an application from one Operating
    System to another.
  • So, what does an Operating System actually do?
  • The primary functions of an Operating System are
    given on the next slide.
  • Note that an Operating System must perform all
    its tasks efficiently and economically. Resource
    use by the system, in terms of CPU time, memory
    and disk usage must all be acceptable for the

Review Operating Systems (5)
  • Starting and stopping programs and sharing the
    CPU between them
  • Managing memory
  • Memory allocation keeping track of memory usage
  • Input and Output
  • Device drivers concurrent handling of I/O
  • File management
  • Protection (preventing different programs from
    interfering with each other firewalling)
  • Networking (seamless communication with other
  • Error handling (detection, recovery, warning)

Review Operating Systems (6)
Security Problems
  • Security and reliability
  • Buffer overflows
  • Arrays and integers
  • Canonical representations
  • Race conditions
  • Precautions defences
  • Dangers of abstraction

Security Reliability
  • On a PC, you are in control of the software
    components sending inputs to each other
  • On the Internet, hostile parties can provide
  • To make software more reliable, it is tested
    against typical usage patterns it does not
    matter how many bugs there are, it matters how
    often they are triggered
  • To make software more secure, it has to be tested
    against untypical usage patterns (but there are
    typical attack patterns)

Secure Software
  • Software is secure if it can handle intentionally
    malformed input the attacker picks (the
    probability distribution of) the inputs
  • Secure software protect the integrity of the
    runtime system
  • Secure software ? software with security features
  • Networking software is a popular target
  • intended to receive external input
  • involves low level manipulations of buffers

  • In code written in a typical programming language
    values are stored in variables, arrays, etc.
  • To execute a program, memory sections (buffers)
    have to be allocated to variables, etc.
  • In programming languages like C or C the
    programmer allocates and de-allocates memory
  • Type-safe languages like Java guarantee that
    memory management is error-free

Buffer overflows
  • If the value assigned to a variable exceeds the
    size of the buffer allocated to this variable,
    memory locations not allocated to this variable
    are overwritten
  • If the memory location overwritten had been
    allocated to some other variable, the value of
    that other variable can be changed
  • Depending on circumstances, an attacker could
    change the value of a protected variable A by
    assigning a deliberately malformed value to some
    other variable B

Buffer overflows
  • Unintentional buffer overflows can make software
  • Intentional buffer overflows are a concern if an
    attacker can modify security relevant data
  • Attractive targets are return address (specifies
    the next piece of code to be executed) and
    security settings
  • In safe languages such errors cannot occur

Stack heap
  • Stack contains return address, local variables
    and function arguments it is quite predictable
    where a particular buffer will be placed on the
  • Heap dynamically allocated memory it is more
    difficult but by no means impossible to predict
    where a particular buffer will be placed on the

Stack overflows
  • Find a buffer on the runtime stack of a
    privileged program that can overflow the return
  • Overwrite the return address with the start
    address of the code you want to execute
  • Your code is now privileged too

  • Be sparing with privileges if the code attacked
    runs with few privileges, the damage is limited
  • If feasible, use a type-safe language
  • In C and C avoid dangerous instructions like
    gets() and use instructions like fgets() where
    the length of the argument has to be specified
    extensive lists of good and bad instructions
  • Non-executable stack stack cannot be used to
    store attack code

  • Canaries (random) check values placed before the
    return address (StackGuard)
  • Before returning, check that the canary still has
    the correct value

return address
write to A value1 value2 my_address to A
check value
value2 ? check value
buffer for variable A
attack detected
Heap overflows
  • More difficult to determine how to overwrite a
    specific buffer
  • More difficult to determine which other buffers
    will be overwritten in the process if you are an
    attacker, you may not want to crash the system
    before you have taken over
  • Attacks that do not succeed all the time are a
  • Heap overflow attacks have started to occur

  • Mathematics integers form an infinite set
  • Programming languages signed 4-byte integers,
    unsigned 4-byte integers, long integers,
  • Truncation (Unix example) input UID as signed
    integer, value ? 0?, truncate to unsigned short
    integer 0x10000 ? 0x0000 (root!)
  • Different interpretation of signed and unsigned
    integers (signed) -1 0xFFFF 216-1 (unsigned)

  • Addition 0xFF00 0x0100 0x0000 base
    offset lt base
  • Of course, the runtime may raise an exception
    when an overflow occurs on addition
  • Ashcraft Engler IEEE SP 2002 Many
    programmers appear to view integers as having
    arbitrary precision, rather than being
    fixed-sized quantities operated on with modulo

  • Buffer overflow the length of an array is not
    checked when elements are written to the buffer
  • Wrap-around to lower addresses when arithmetic
    operations do not have the result expected by the

  • In scripting languages, executables can be passed
    as arguments
  • Escape characters indicate that an argument is an
  • Unescaping (making input non-executable) can
    protect code from malicious input
  • Filters for escape characters have to know the
    escape characters and the character set in use

Canonical Representations
  • File names, URLs, IP addresses, can be written
    in more than one way
  • Directory traversal c\x\data
    c\y\z\..\..\x\data c\y\z\2e2e\2e2e\x\data
  • Dotless IP a.b.c.d ? a?224 b?216 c?28 d
  • Symbolic link file name pointing to another file
  • Canonicalization computes the standard
  • When access right depends on location, you better
    get the location right do not rely on the names
    received as input

Race conditions
  • Multiple computations access shared data in a way
    that their results depend on the sequence of
  • Multiple processes accessing the same variable
  • Multiple threads in multi-threaded processes (as
    in Java servlets)
  • An attacker can try to change a value after it
    has been checked but before it is being used
  • TOCTTOU (time-to-check-to-time-of-use) is a
    well-known security issue

Example CTSS (1960s)
  • Once the message of the day was the password file
  • Every user had a unique home directory when a
    user invoked the editor, a scratch file with
    fixed name SCRATCH was created in this directory
  • Several users working as system manager
  • system manager one starts to edit message of the
    day SCRATCH ? MESS
  • system manager two starts to edit the password
    file SCRATCH ? PWD
  • system manager two stores the edited file
  • MESS ? PWD

Defences Code inspection
  • Code inspection is tedious we need automation
  • K. Ashcroft D. Engler Using Programmer-Written
    Compiler Extensions to Catch Security Holes, IEEE
    SP 2002
  • Meta-compilation for C source code expert
    system incorporating rules for known issues
    untrustworthy sources ? sanitizing checks ? trust
    sinks raises alarm if untrustworthy input gets
    to sink without proper checks
  • Code analysis to learn new design rules Where is
    the sink that belongs to the check we see?
  • Applied to Linux and OpenBSD kernels

Defences Black-box testing
  • Black-box testing when source code is not
  • You do not need the source code to observe how
    memory is used or to test whether inputs are
    properly checked
  • Oulu University Secure Programming Group PROTOS
    project (Juha Röning, http//
  • Syntax testing of protocols based on formal
    interface specification, valid cases, anomalies
  • Applied to SNMP implementations

Defences Type-safety
  • Type safety guarantees absence of untrapped
  • Cardelli Practitioners who invented type safety
    often meant just memory integrity, while
    theoreticians always meant execution integrity,
    and its the latter that seems more relevant now.
  • A language does not have to be typed to be safe
  • Safety guaranteed by static checks and by runtime

  • Marketing ploy We are type safe, therefore we
    are secure
  • Type safety is difficult to prove completely
  • Proofs are conducted in an abstract model,
    problems may hide in the actual implementation
    (e.g. SUN Security Bulletin 00218)
  • PROTOS Also software in Java were shown to have
    buffer overflows in native code sections
  • Type safety is a useful property to have for
    security but type safety does not imply security

Keeping up-to-date
  • Sources of information CERT advisories, BugTraq
    at, security bulletins from
    software vendors
  • Hacking tools have attack scripts that
    automatically search for and exploit known type
    of vulnerabilities
  • Analysis tools following the same ideas will
    cover most real attacks
  • Patching vulnerable systems in not easy you have
    to get the patches to the users and avoid
    introducing new vulnerabilities through the

Intrusion patterns
W. Arbaugh, B. Fithen, J. McHugh Windows of
Vulnerability A Case Study Analysis, IEEE
Computer, 12/2000
The wider picture
  • We could treat all these problems individually
    and look for specific solutions, often limited to
    a given programming language or runtime system
    (penetrate-and-patch at a meta-level)
  • Overall, a general pattern familiar programming
  • variable, array, integer, data program, address
    (resource locator), atomic transaction,
  • are implemented in a way that can break the

Summary of Security Problems
  • Many of the problems listed may look trivial
  • There is no silver bullet
  • Code-inspection better at catching known
    problems, may raise false alarms
  • Black-box testing better at catching known
  • Type safety guarantees from an abstract
    (partial) model need not carry over to the real
  • Experience in high-level programming languages
    may be a disadvantage when writing low level
    network routines

Introduction to Computer Security
  • Security objectives
  • Security strategies
  • Distributed systems security computer
    communications security
  • Aspects of computer security
  • Fundamental design principles for
  • computer security

Security objectives
  • Confidentiality prevent unauthorized disclosure
    of information
  • Integrity prevent unauthorized modification of
  • Information
  • Availability prevent unauthorized withholding of
    information or resources
  • Other aspects accountability, authenticity

  • Historically, security and secrecy were closely
    related sometimes, security and confidentiality
    are used as synonyms
  • Prevent unauthorized disclosure of information
    (prevent unauthorized reading)
  • ?Privacy protection of personal data
  • ?Secrecy protection of data belonging to an

  • ITSEC Definition The property that prevents
    unauthorized modification of information (prevent
    unauthorized writing)
  • Orange Book (US Trusted Computer Systems
    Evaluation Criteria)
  • Data Integrity - The state that exists when
    computerized data is the same as that in the
    source document and has not been exposed to
    accidental or malicious alteration or destruction
    (integrity synonymous for external consistency)
  • In communications detection and correction of
    intentional and accidental modifications of
    transmitted data

  • IS 7498-2 ( Basic Reference Model for Open
    Systems Interconnection (OSI) Part 2 Security
    Architecture) The property of being accessible
    and usable upon demand by an authorized entity
  • Denial of Service (DoS) The prevention of
    authorized access of resources or the delaying of
    time-critical operations
  • Distributed denial of service (DDoS) is receiving
    a lot of attention and systems are now designed
    to be more resilient against these attacks

  • Audit information must be selectively kept and
    protected so that actions affecting security can
    be traced to the responsible party.

  • The property of a computer system such that
    reliance can justifiably be placed on the service
    it delivers. Here, the service delivered by a
    system is its behavior as it is perceived by its
    users a user is another system which interacts
    with the former.

A Remark on Terminology
  • Definition Computer security deals with the
    prevention and detection of unauthorized actions
    by users of a computer system.
  • There is no single definition of security
  • When reading a document, be careful not to
    confuse your own notion of security with that
    used in the document
  • A lot of time is being spent - and wasted
    trying to define an unambiguous notation for
  • Resources
  • http//
  • http//
  • ftp//

Security strategies
  • Prevention take measures that prevent your
    assets from being damaged
  • Detection take measures so that you can detect
    when, how, and by whom an asset has been damaged
  • Reaction take measures so that you can recover
    your assets or to recover from a damage to your

Example 1 Private Property
  • Prevention locks at doors, window bars, walls
    round the property
  • Detection stolen items are missing, burglar
    alarms, closed circuit (cable) TV
  • Reaction call the police, replace stolen items,
    make an insurance claim
  • Footnote Parallels to the physical world can
    illustrate aspects of computer security but they
    can also be misleading

Example 2 E-Commerce
  • Prevention encrypt your orders, rely on the
    merchant to perform checks on the caller, dont
    use the Internet (?)
  • Detection an unauthorized transaction appears on
    your credit card statement
  • Reaction complain, request new card number, etc.

Security Policies
  • Organizational security policy Laws, rules, and
    practices that regulate how an organization
    manages and protects resources to achieve its
    security policy objectives.
  • Automated security policy Restrictions and
    properties that specify how a computing system
    prevents violations of the organizational
    security policy.
  • D. F. Sterne On the Buzzword Security Policy,
    1991 IEEE Symposium on Research in Security and
    Privacy, pages 219-230

Distributed systems security
  • Distributed systems computer systems connected
    by a network Communications (network) security
    deals with security aspects of the communications
  • Computer security deals with security aspects
    related to the end systems today, this is the
    difficult part
  • Application security relies on both to provide
    services securely to end users

Other Computer Security Aspects
  • Access control (authorization) prevention and
    detection of unauthorized actions by users of a
    computer system
  • How to design access control systems
  • How to support application security policies
  • Secure software software that can cope with
    malicious inputs (important paradigm shift from
    the PC world to the Internet)

Principles of Computer Security
  • The Dimensions of Computer Security

1st - Where to focus security
  • The focus may be on data operations users
    e.g. integrity requirements may refer to rules on
  • Format and content of data items (internal
    consistency) account balance is an integer
  • Operations that may be performed on a data item
    credit, debit, transfer,
  • Users who are allowed to access a data item (
    authorized access) account holder and bank clerk
    have access to account

2nd -Where to place security controls?
3rd-Complexity or Assurance?
  • The location of a security mechanism on the
    man-machine scale is often related to its
  • Generic mechanisms are simple, applications
    clamor for feature-rich security functions
  • Do you prefer simplicity - and higher assurance -
    to a feature-rich security environment?

The Fundamental Dilemma ofComputer Security
  • Security-unaware users have specific security
    requirements but no security expertise.
  • Simple generic mechanisms may not match specific
    security requirements. To choose the right
    features from a rich menu, you have to be a
    security expert.
  • Security unaware users are in a no-win situation

Security Evaluation
  • To check whether a system delivers the security
    services promised, one has to state the function
    of the security system and the required degree of
    assurance (trust) in its security
  • To gain high assurance, the security system has
    to be examined in close detail
  • There is a trade-off between complexity and
    assurance. The higher an assurance level you aim
    for, the simpler your system ought to be.
  • Feature-rich security and high assurance do not
    match easily

4th-Central or Decentralized Control?
  • Within the domain of a security policy, the same
    rules should be enforced.
  • With a single entity in charge of security, it is
    easy to achieve uniformity but this central
    entity may become a performance bottleneck.
    Distributed solutions may be more efficient but
    added care has to be taken to guarantee that
    different components enforce a consistent policy.
  • Should the tasks of defining and enforcing
    security be given to a central entity or should
    they be left to individual components in a system?

5th-Blocking access to the layer below
  • Every protection mechanism defines a security
    perimeter (boundary).
  • The parts of the system that can disable the
    mechanism lie within the perimeter, the parts of
    the system that can malfunction without
    compromising the mechanism lie outside.
  • Attackers try to bypass protection mechanisms
    corollary to the second design decision
  • How do you stop an attacker from getting access
    to a layer below your protection mechanism?

The Layer Below - Examples
  • Recovery tools like Norton Utilities recover data
    by reading memory directly and then restoring the
    file structure. Such a tool can be used to
    circumvent logical access control as it does not
    care for the logical memory structure
  • Unix treats I/O devices and physical memory
    devices like files. If access permissions are
    defined badly, e.g. if read access is given to a
    disk containing read protected files, then an
    attacker can read the disk contents and
    reconstruct the files.

More examples
  • Object reuse in a single processor system, when
    a new process becomes active, it gets access to
    memory positions used by the previous process.
    You have to avoid storage residues, i.e. data
    left behind in the memory area allocated to the
    new process.
  • Backup whoever has access to a backup tape has
    access to all the data on it. Logical access
    control is of no help and backup tapes have to be
    locked away safely to protect the data.
  • Core dumps same story again

  • Security terminology is ambiguous with many
    overloaded terms
  • Distributed systems security builds on
    communications security and on computer security
  • In computer security, two major challenges are
    the design of access control systems that fit the
    requirements of the Internet and the design of
    secure software
  • In security, understanding the problem is more
    difficult than finding the solution
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