Maximised Manhood by Dr. Edwin Louis Cole - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Maximised Manhood by Dr. Edwin Louis Cole


by Dr. Edwin Louis Cole Lessons 4 to 6 Primary Syllabus Dr. Edwin Louis Cole Build Men - Raise Sons Maximised Manhood Chapter Five & Six Lesson 4 There s a ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Maximised Manhood by Dr. Edwin Louis Cole

Maximised ManhoodbyDr. Edwin Louis Cole
Lessons 4 to 6
Primary Syllabus
Dr. Edwin Louis ColeBuild Men - Raise Sons
Maximised Manhood
  • Chapter Five Six
  • Lesson 4

Theres a hole in the door
Theres a Hole in the DoorLesson 4 - Chapter 5
  • I. Theres a Hole in the Door.
  • (A) Forgiveness is always a release. (page 53)
  • Write out Psalm 10312
  • As far as the east is from the west, So far has
    He removed our transgressions from us
  • Transgression Sin Iniquity

Theres a Hole in the DoorLesson 4 - Chapter 5
  • (A) Men need to learn forgiveness. Ephesians
  • And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted,
    __________, even as God for Christ's sake hath
    ___________ you. (KJV)

Theres a Hole in the DoorLesson 4 - Chapter 5
  • (A) Men need to learn forgiveness. Ephesians
  • And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted,
    forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's
    sake hath forgiven you. (KJV)

Theres a Hole in the DoorLesson 4 - Chapter 5
  • (B) Unforgiveness binds you to one who has
    wrong you.
  • Unforgiveness towards an abusive parent can
    often birth the same sin as yourself. (page 54)

Theres a Hole in the DoorLesson 4 - Chapter 5
  • 1 Read John 2023
  • Whosesoever sins ye remit, they are remitted
    unto them and whosesoever sins ye retain, they
    are retained. (KJV)

Theres a Hole in the DoorLesson 4 - Chapter 5
  • 2 Name people in your life whom you have NOT

3 Review your list carefully. Are you in any
way reaping what they sowed?
Theres a Hole in the DoorLesson 4 - Chapter 5
  • C) It is part of maximized manhood, and it is
    ____________ to give and receive forgiveness.
    (page 57).

Theres a Hole in the DoorLesson 4 - Chapter 5
  • C) It is part of maximized manhood, and it is
    Christlikeness to give and receive forgiveness.
    (page 57)

Theres a Hole in the DoorLesson 4 - Chapter 5
  • D) Circle one to complete the sentence (page
  • Sins are often passed from generation to
    generation because they are
  • a) inherited b) genetically-based c) not

Theres a Hole in the DoorLesson 4 - Chapter 5
  • (D) Circle one to complete the sentence (page
  • Sins are often passed from generation to
    generation because they are
  • a) inherited b) genetically-based c)
    not forgiven

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • A) Balance is the key to life, therefore men
    must learn to be both (page 61)
  • _________
  • and
  • _________

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • A) Balance is the key to life, therefore men
    must learn to be both (page 61)
  • tender
  • and
  • tough

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • List three ideas of how balance can be kept
    when dealing with children (page 61)
  • 1. _____
  • 2. _____
  • 3. _____

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
List three ideas of how balance can be kept
when dealing withchildren. (page 61) 1. Reward
punishment 2. Caress spanking 3. Commendation
Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • B) Think of Bible stories you know and list a few
    examples of Jesus tenderness.
  • _____

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • C) The highest good of every individual is
    to be like Jesus ..
  • So Manhood and Christlikness
  • are synonymous. (page 63)

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • Romans 829
  • For whom he did foreknow, he also
  • did predestinate to be conformed to the image of
    his Son, that he
  • might be the firstborn among many brethren.

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • D) John 151-2
  • "I am the true vine, and my Father is the
    gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that
    bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear
    fruit he prunes so that it will be even more
    fruitful. (NIV)

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • Read Luke 136-9
  • Then he told this parable "A man had a fig tree,
    planted in his vineyard, and he went to look for
    fruit on it, but did not find any. So he said to
    the man who took care of the vineyard, For three
    years now I've been coming to look for fruit on
    this fig tree and haven't found any. Cut it down!
    Why should it use up the soil?

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • "Sir,' the man replied, leave it alone for one
    more year, and I'll dig around it and fertilize
    it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not,
    then cut it down." (NIV)

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • The fruit God expects from our lives as men
  • Circle one (page 64)
  • a) angelic character b) manhood c) hard

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • The fruit God expects from our lives as men is
  • Circle one (page 64) a) angelic
    character b) manhood c) hard work

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • Fill in the blank (page 65)
  • Jesus effectively said in John 152 If it
    doesnt produce ________

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • 2. Fill in the blank (page 65)
  • Jesus effectively said in John 152 If it
    doesnt produce lop it off

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • E) Fill in the blank (page 66)
  • The Kingdom of God is based on truth, not on
    human ________.

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • E) Fill in the blank (page 66)
  • The Kingdom of God is based on truth, not on
    human sentiment.

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • F) Read Joshua 2415
  • And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord,
    choose for yourselves this day whom you will
    serve, whether the gods which your fathers served
    that were on the other side of the River, or the
    gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell.
    But as for me and my house, we will serve the

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • (F) Fill in the blank (page 69)
  • Women desire their men to make _______.

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • F) Fill in the blank (page 69)
  • Women desire their men to make decisions.

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • G) Fill in the blank (page 71)
  • Maturity doesnt come with age, but with
    acceptance of __________.

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • G) Fill in the blank (page 71)
  • Maturity doesnt come with age, but with
    acceptance of responsibility.

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • H) No one can be responsible for success unless
    he is willing to accept the responsibility for
    (page 71)
  • a) his wife b) money c) failure

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • (H) No one can be responsible for success unless
    he is willing to accept the responsibility for
    (page 71)
  • a) his wife b) money c) failure

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • I) The more Word you have in you, the more
    ________ you become. (page 73)

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • I) The more Word you have in you, the more
    Christ like you become. (page 73)

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • J) Circle all that apply (page 74)
  • What challenged the prodigal was
  • new clothes
  • accepting responsibility for his actions
  • repentance
  • the fatted calf
  • asking for forgiveness
  • pigs

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • J) Circle all that apply (page 74)
  • What challenged the prodigal was
  • new clothes
  • accepting responsibility for his actions
  • repentance
  • the fatted calf
  • asking for forgiveness
  • pigs

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • Practical
  • 1 If we fail to act in truth because of
    sentiment, the consequences can be tragic
  • Read See 1 Samuel 212-26 313-14 about Eli
    his sons

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • 1 Samuel 212-26 Now the sons of Eli were
    corrupt they did not know the Lord. And the
    priests custom with the people was that when any
    man offered a sacrifice, the priests servant
    would come with a three-pronged fleshhook in his
    hand while the meat was boiling. Then he would
    thrust it into the pan, or kettle, or caldron, or
    pot and the priest would take for himself all
    that the fleshhook brought up.

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • So they did in Shiloh to all the Israelites who
    came there. Also, before they burned the fat, the
    priests servant would come and say to the man
    who sacrificed, Give meat for roasting to the
    priest, for he will not take boiled meat from
    you, but raw.

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • 16 And if the man said to him, They should
    really burn the fat first then you may take as
    much as your heart desires, he would then answer
    him, No, but you must give it now and if not, I
    will take it by force.
  • Therefore the sin of the young men was very great
    before the Lord, for men abhorred the offering of
    the Lord.

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • Samuels Childhood Ministry
  • 18 But Samuel ministered before the Lord, even as
    a child, wearing a linen ephod. Moreover his
    mother used to make him a little robe, and bring
    it to him year by year when she came up with her
    husband to offer the yearly sacrifice. And Eli
    would bless Elkanah and his wife, and say,

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • The Lord give you descendants from this woman
    for the loan that was given to the Lord. Then
    they would go to their own home. And the Lord
    visited Hannah, so that she conceived and bore
    three sons and two daughters. Meanwhile the child
    Samuel grew before the Lord.

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • 22 Now Eli was very old and he heard everything
    his sons did to all Israel, and how they lay with
    the women who assembled at the door of the
    tabernacle of meeting. So he said to them, Why
    do you do such things? For I hear of your evil
    dealings from all the people. No, my sons!

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • For it is not a good report that I hear. You make
    the Lords people transgress. If one man sins
    against another, God will judge him. But if a man
    sins against the Lord, who will intercede for
    him? Nevertheless they did not heed the voice of
    their father, because the Lord desired to kill
  • And the child Samuel grew in stature, and sin
    favour both with the Lord and men.

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • 2 Samuel 313-14
  • For I have told him that I will judge his house
    forever for the iniquity which he knows, because
    his sons made themselves vile, and he did not
    restrain them. And therefore I have sworn to the
    house of Eli that the iniquity of Elis house
    shall not be atoned for by sacrifice or offering

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • List times when youve been guilty of acting on
    sentiment rather than truth.
  • 1. _____
  • 2. _____
  • 3. _____
  • 4. _____
  • 5. _____

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • 2 Consider the types of wrong decisions
    mentioned on page 69
  • (a) Decisions based on personal preferences
    or selfish gratification rather than what is
    best to the followers.
  • (b) No decision (a decision by default).
  • (c) Indecisiveness (which creates instability).

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • 2 Reflect back, and name times when you were
    guilty of each.
  • Write on these three most affects you (not
    necessary to write down).
  • What can you do about it?
  • What will you do about it this week?

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Chapter 6
  • Prayer
  • Father, You know my heart and You see what I am
    writing on these pages. I ask you to help me
    accept responsibility and become truly mature in
    ever area of my manhood. I submit to You my
    errors of the past, thank You for Your
    forgiveness, and ask You to help me go forward
    with good balance, good decisions, and a better
    relationship with You and all those around me.

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Self Test
  • 1. Leadership in the home requires both _____
    and _____.
  • 2. Unforgiveness _____ you to the sin of the one
    who has wronged you.
  • 3. Sins are inherited.
  • ___ True ____ False

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Self Test
  • 1. Leadership in the home requires both toughness
    and tenderness.
  • 2. Unforgiveness binds you to the sin of the one
    who has wronged you.
  • 3. Sins are inherited.
  • ___ True __?_ False

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Self Test
  • 4. There are times when God requires you to be
    rough in your leadership at home.
  • ___ True ___ False
  • 5. Our God looks for fruitfulness in our lives.
    The fruit He expects from us is manhood.
  • One of the principles of the kingdom is, if it
    isnt producing, _____.

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Self Test
  • 4. There are times when God requires you to be
    rough in your leadership at home.
  • ___ True __?_ False
  • 5. Our God looks for fruitfulness in our lives.
    The fruit He expects from us is manhood.
  • One of the principles of the kingdom is, if it
    isnt producing, purge it or lop it off.

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Self Test
  • 6. The major issue in becoming "mature" in our
    manhood is learning to _____ for our decisions.
  • 7. What are some areas in which I need to be
    tougher on myself?
  • _____
  • _____

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Self Test
  • 6. The major issue in becoming "mature" in our
    manhood is learning to accept responsibility for
    our decisions.
  • 7. What are some areas in which I need to be
    tougher on myself?
  • _____
  • _____

Tender and ToughLesson 4 - Self Test
  • 8. What are some areas in which I need to be more
    tender with those I lead?
  • _____
  • 9. What are some areas in which I need to be more
  • _____

Maximised Manhood
  • Chapter Seven
  • Lesson 5
  • Is there a Priest in the House

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • I) Is there a Priest in the Home
  • A) The priest not only ministers to the Lord,
    but to the ones entrusted to his care. (page
  • In your own words, what are major areas of your
    life that you are responsible for as a minister?
  • ___________________________

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
A) The priest not only ministers to the Lord,
but to the ones entrusted to his care. (page
75-76) In your own words, what are major
areas of your life that you are responsible for
as a minister? Family, work, sport, church
Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • B) As a priest of the home, you must pray with
    and for your wife (page 77)
  • 1. You become ______ with the one to whom you
    pray, the one for whom you pray, and the one
    with you pray.
  • 2. Prayer produces _________

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • (B) As a priest of the home, you must pray with
    and for your wife (page 77)
  • 1 You become intimate with the one to whom you
    pray, the one for whom you pray, and the one with
    you pray.
  • 2 Prayer produces
  • intimacy.

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
C) Fill in the blanks 1 Sexual relations are one
thing ___________ is another. If you really
want to be one with your wife, then pray for
her and with her. (page 78). 2 Read Amos 33
Can two walk together, except they ______? (KJV)
Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
C) Fill in the blanks 1. Sexual relations are
one thing spiritual union is another. If you
really want to be one with your wife, then pray
for her and with her.(page 78) . 2. Read Amos 33
Can two walk together, except they agree to?
Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • D) Some women try to play God.
  • Read 2 Samuel 620-23 - David Michal.
  • Then David returned to bless his household. And
    Michal the daughter of Saul came out to meet
    David, and said, How glorious was the king of
    Israel today, uncovering himself today in the
    eyes of the maids of his servants, as one of the
    abase fellows shamelessly uncovers himself!

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • So David said to Michal, It was before the Lord,
    who chose me instead of your father and all his
    house, to appoint me ruler over the people of the
    Lord, over Israel. Therefore I will play music
    before the Lord. And I will be even more
    undignified than this, and will be humble in my
    own sight. But as for the maidservants of whom
    you have spoken, by them I will be held in
    honor. Therefore Michal the daughter of Saul
    had no children to the day of her death.

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • Look up John 644 and write it out
  • No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent
    Me draws him and I will raise him up at the last

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • Who draws a man to God?
  • (page 80)
  • _______________

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • Who draws a man to God? (page 80) The Holy

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • 3. Women need to ______ their husbands for his
    sin and love ___
  • (page 81).

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • 3. Women need to forgive their husbands for
    his sin and love him. (page 81).

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • E) Men can change ____. Only God can change a
    _____. (page 81).

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • E) Men can change habit. Only God can change a
    nature. (page 81).

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • Read 2 Corinthians 517 and fill in the blanks
  • Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a _____
    _____ old things are passed away behold, all
    things are become new. (KJV)

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • Read 2 Corinthians 517 and fill in the blanks
  • Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new
    creation old things are passed away behold, all
    things are become new. (KJV)

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • F) A man ministers to his wife by giving her
  • 1. Every woman needs to know she is _____ to
    her man. (page 82)

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • F) A man ministers to his wife by giving her
  • 1. Every woman needs to know she is unique to
    her man. (page 82)

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • 2. Read Proverbs 3128
  • Her children rise up and call her blessed Her
    husband also, and he praises her
  • In your own words describe how you can minister
    to a wifes uniqueness.
  • _____

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • 3. You are ________ to what you confess.
    (page 82)

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • 3. You are committed to what you confess. (page

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • G) Everything in life is ______.
  • (page 84)

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • G) Everything in life is ministry.
  • (page 84)

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • H) You are only a ______ of your wifes love,
    not a possessor of it.
  • (page 85)

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • H) You are only a steward of your wifes love,
    not a possessor of it. (page 85)

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • I) Look up 1 Timothy 35
  • for if a man does not know how to rule his own
    house, how will he take care of the church of
  • What is a mans priority (circle one)?
  • 1) church2) earning a living3) ministering
    to his family

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • What is a mans priority (circle one)?
  • 1) church 2) earning a living 3)
    ministering to his family

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • J) Read 1 Corinthians 42 and fill in the blank
  • Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man
    be found _________. (KJV)

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • J) Read 1 Corinthians 42 and fill in the blank
  • Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man
    be found faithful. (KJV)

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • Practical
  • 1 What are some specific areas where you can
    strengthen your position as the priest of your
  • _____
  • _____
  • _____

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • 2. Think about your family life, and write some
    thoughts down on paper. THEN go to your wife and
    ask her to join you in prayer for those matters.
    Dont promise to do it regularly. Just DO IT
  • (Sometimes she cant hear your words because
    your actions are too loud).

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • 3. Look your wife in the eyes TODAY, and tell her
    how special she is to you.
  • 4) Plan your next honeymoon now, spending at
    lest one night away from home.

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 -
Chapter 7
  • PRAYER Father, in Jesus Name, forgive me for
    not being a priest in my home. Help me be
    faithful to come to You, and then to my wife.
  • Forgive me for prayerlessness in my home. I make
    the decision today, to be a man of prayer, and a
    tender but firm priest in my home.
  • Open my eyes to ways I can minister to my wife
    and help me be faithful to minister to her daily.
    Help me remember this lesson, and make new habits
    in my marriage and home. Thank You Father for
    hearing me. Amen

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 - Self
  • 1. As the priest of the home, I minister not only
    to the Lord, but also to
  • _____
  • 2. Prayer produces _____.

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 - Self
  • 1. As the priest of the home, I minister not only
    to the Lord, but also to the ones entrusted to
    his care.
  • 2. Prayer produces intimacy.

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 - Self
  • 3. Every woman needs to know she is _____.
  • 4. Ministry is defined as preaching.
  • ___ True ____ False

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 - Self
  • 3. Every woman needs to know she is unique.
  • 4. Ministry is defined as preaching.
  • ___ True __?_ False

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 - Self
  • 5. In your own words, in what areas of life is a
    man responsible to minister?
  • Pray for her
  • _____
  • 6. A man never stops ministering.
  • ____ True ___ False

Is There a Priest in the House?Lesson 5 - Self
  • 5. In your own words, in what areas of life is a
    man responsible to minister?
  • Pray for her
  • _____
  • 6. A man never stops ministering.
  • __?_ True ___ False

Maximised Manhood
  • Chapter Eight
  • Lesson 6
  • The One Dollar Tip

The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Chapter 8
  • I. The One Dollar Tip
  • A) Write out 1 Peter 37
  • Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with
    understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to
    the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of
    the grace of life, that your prayers may not be

The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Chapter 8
  • 1 If you do not treat your wife right, your
    ______ will not get ready answers (page 89).

The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Chapter 8
  • 1. If you do not treat your wife right, your
    prayers will not get ready answers (page 89).

The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Chapter 8
  • 2 If your own words, name some effects in life
    that come from God not answering you
  • _____
  • _____
  • _____

The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Chapter 8
2. If your own words, name some effects in life
that come from God not answering you Spiritual
emotional death and at the extreme physical
The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Chapter 8
  • B) Assumption is lifes _____ level of knowledge
    (page 91).

The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Chapter 8
  • B) Assumption is lifes lowest level of
    knowledge (page 91).

The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Chapter 8
  • C) Self-justification makes you right in _______
    eyes by placing _____ on someone else.
  • (pages 91-92)

The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Chapter 8
  • C) Self-justification makes you right in your own
    eyes by placing blame on someone else. (pages

The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Chapter 8
  • D) When the man treats his wife like a chattel
    instead of a joint heir, the ______ observe it
    and reflect the same attitude. (page 93)

The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Chapter 8
  • D) When the man treats his wife like a chattel
    instead of a joint heir, the children observe it
    and reflect the same attitude. (page 93)

The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Chapter 8
  • E) When something _________, it gains in value
    (page 93).
  • When something _________, it loses in value
    (page 93).

The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Chapter 8
  • E) When something appreciates,it gains in value
    (page 93).
  • When something depreciates, it loses in value
    (page 93).

The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Chapter 8
  • F) When a woman is appreciated, she gains value
    in (circle as many as apply)
  • a) your eyesb) her eyesc) her childrens
  • (page 93)

The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Chapter 8
  • F) When a woman is appreciated, she gains value
    in (circle as many as apply)
  • a) your eyes b) her eyes c) her childrens
  • (page 93)

The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Chapter 8
G) What positive attributes can you say your wife
has, even if only partially (circle as many as
  • A) good spirit
  • B) hospitality
  • C) steady worker
  • D) devotion
  • E) loyalty
  • F) good mother
  • G) desire for goodness
  • H) humour
  • H) responds to love
  • J) attention to detail
  • K) retains friendships
  • L) future-minded

The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Chapter 8
G) How can we bring out her strengths?
1. _____2. _____3. _____ 4. _____
The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Chapter 8
G) How can we bring out her strengths? 1. Enc
ouragement, 2. Prayer, 3. Support, 4. Love,
The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Chapter 8
  • Practical
  • 1 Have you allowed yourself to make jokes about
    your wife (not necessary to write down)?
  • Are there areas of her life that you habitually
    murmur about, even though joking?

The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Chapter 8
  • What can you say in place of such jokes?
  • Write out appropriate phrases to say to your
    wife regularly.
  • Commit them to memory commit to the Lord to
    use them.

The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Chapter 8
  • 2 A one dollar tip may offend women whose
    husbands have more than a dollar to share. Others
    might not have as such as a dollar to give. What
    can you give to your wife that would be
    meaningful to her now.

The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Chapter 8
  • PRAYER Father, in Jesus Name, I desire for my
    wife to be completely comfortable around me. I
    want her to know that she is safe when I am
    around, especially when were with others. Please
    forgive me for knowingly or unknowingly hurting
    my wife by my choice of words and jokes. Help me
    to listen to her and to value what she says, even
    when I dont agree. I determine right now to
    build my wife up, not only when in public, but
    also when were all alone. I ask You to help me
    achieve these goals so that our marriage brings
    glory to You. Thank You, Father. Amen

The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Self Test
  • 1. 1 Peter 37 (KJV). Fill in the blank from
  • "Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them
    according to knowledge, giving honour unto the
    wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being
    heirs together of the grace of life _____ be not

The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Self Test
  • 1. 1 Peter 37 (KJV). Fill in the blank from
  • "Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them
    according to knowledge, giving honour unto the
    wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being
    heirs together of the grace of life that your
    prayers be not hindered."

The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Self Test
  • 2. One of the lowest levels of knowledge is
  • 3. Children will pick up from _____ their
    attitude toward their mother.

The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Self Test
  • 2. One of the lowest levels of knowledge is
  • 3. Children will pick up from the man their
    attitude toward their mother.

The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Self Test
  • 4. Murmuring against your wife will keep you from
    having a maximised marriage.
  • ___ True ___ False
  • 5. When something "appreciates," it _____ in

The One Dollar TipLesson 6 - Self Test
  • 4. Murmuring against your wife will keep you from
    having a maximised marriage.
  • __?_ True ___ False
  • 5. When something "appreciates," it gains in

End of Part Two
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