A Mind Of Her Own By Anne Campbell - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A Mind Of Her Own By Anne Campbell


Title: Women As Heavy Investors Author: LMULABS Last modified by: LMULABS Created Date: 4/2/2003 6:34:24 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: anne | campbell | feelings | good | mind


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A Mind Of Her Own By Anne Campbell

A Mind Of Her OwnBy Anne Campbell
  • Annie Greynald
  • Dana Stewart
  • Keah Larsen

Sexual, not natural selection
  • animal that survives but doesnt reproduce leaves
    no genes behind
  • sexual selection the advantages which certain
    individuals have over other individuals of the
    same sex and species, in exclusive relation to
  • genes enhancing good reproduction will flourish
    even if earlier death is result

Sex differences derive from sexual rather than
natural selection
  • genetic trait increasing the number of children
    reared will be passed on
  • but the traits assisting these genes are
    different in men and women
  • such genes may be activated by sex-specific
    hormones, thus men and women show different
    expressions of these genes.

Anisogamy the start of parental inequity
  • advantages of parthenogentic species
  • 1. no time wasted looking for a mate
  • 2. no exposure to predators while copulating
  • 3. no concern of desirability
  • 4. dont sacrifice 50 of genes
  • advantages of sexual reproduction (mating)
  • 1.unique individuals
  • 2.less competition
  • 3.increase odds some will survive environment
    with unique immune systems

Why an egg and sperm?
  • mutations and variability occurred in gamete
    size, some giving more or less than half of their
    chromosomal information
  • those who gave less, produced more those who
    gave more, produced less
  • sperm and egg
  • large gametes good for egg because they must
    carry nourishment for growing zygote to survive
  • small gametes good for sperm because they are
    small, cheep and mobile
  • medium gametes had neither advantageonce
    anisogamy began, the gulf between only became

Robert Trivers
  • key reproductive difference between sexes
    parental investment
  • r-k selected distinction holds for men and women
  • minimum biological costs of reproduction are much
    greater for females
  • 20 eggs/month vs. 300 million sperm/ejaculation
  • by the time baby arrives, mother views offspring
    as huge emotional and physical investment

Sex differences result from the females greater
biological investment compared to men
  • psychological differences are side-effects
  • men have plenty of time to desert female while
    she develops the ovum for 9 months
  • desertion leads to future reproductive prospects
  • women have no benefit from desertion of a male

Why such a long period of parental care?
  • 9 months is a compromised gestation period
  • later than 9 months the head becomes to big to
    fit through pelvic bones
  • earlier than 9 months, offspring would be too
    immature to survive

However, babies are still born too early in a
maturational sense
  • they are completely dependent on parental care
  • women will provide more parental investment
    because infant represents huge biological

Man and the attraction of polygny
  • ideal condition for reproductive success is
    access to many fertile females
  • evolution has fitted men for polygny to enhance
    reproductive output
  • evidence for this derives from examining sex

Why Men Invest at All
  • Need for additional parental care
  • Paternal certainty
  • Behavior of females

Need for Additional Parental Care
  • How important is paternal care to the survival of
    the infant?
  • Is it more beneficial in terms of reproductive
    success to invest?
  • Evolutionary past show a high correlation between
    father abandonment and child mortality.

Paternal Certainty
  • The greater the doubt the less willing is the
    male to invest
  • Internal fertilization and concealed ovulation
    make it harder for the male to make certain of
  • mate guarding has evolved as a means to lessen
    this uncertainly

Behavior of Females
  • Rewarding Monogamy
  • Females should encourage monogamy by practicing
  • Discouraging polygyny
  • Females should make it difficult for men to take
    part in a polygynous mating system. They can do
    this by being less willing to have casual sex and
    by patronizing women who do so.

Women as choosy investor
  • Environmental Factors
  • Quality of male mate
  • More parental investment

Environmental Factors
  • Females must ensure that her body has a
    reasonable chance of sustaining the pregnancy
  • Suppression or even loss of menstruation is very
    common in environments of poor resources and high
  • Stress is relative
  • Babies are more likely to be born during seasons
    when the climate is moderate and food supplies
    are plentiful.

Picking the right mate
  • Concealed ovulation
  • Creates uncertainty about who the father is. This
    way the woman can fool each man into believing
    they are the father and so encourage them to
    supply recourses and defense. This will make for
    a more likelihood of infant survival.
  • Encourages monogamy. The male must go through a
    period of courtship in order to ensure that she
    has not and is not copulating with other males.
  • Evolved as an advantage for women

Picking the right mate
  • Favoring healthy and attractive males
  • sperm wars
  • Only the most successful sperm with the strongest
    army will win and therefore impregnate.
  • Female orgasm
  • Increases the likely hood of conception
  • More likely to occur when the female has strong
    feelings about the male.

More parental investment
  • The decision to investment in a child must be
    made carefully
  • There are many points at which a
    less-than-optimum pregnancy can be knowingly or
    consciously halted.

More Parental Investment
  • Only a very small percentage of fertilized eggs
    make it through the first trimester
  • Low success of implanting
  • Miscarriages
  • Concord fallacy
  • If an infant is not viable than a woman is better
    off abandoning it as early as possible.

  • Voluntary abortion is high among young women ages
    20 of less.
  • ¾ is 18-19 year-olds choose to terminate their
  • Material, personal and intrapersonal resources
    also play a role in the decision to abort.
  • The best predicator of abortion is whether the
    father is willing to commit himself to the mother
  • In the United States 65 of pregnancy among
    unmarried woman were terminated compared to the
    10 among married women.

  • Another factor is the woman's own psychological
  • In addition, these women have a more likelihood
    of miscarriages and are also more likely to give
    birth to infants with health problems.

  • Infanticide is a last resort for a woman who
    believes that the investment in the current
    infant is not worth continuing.
  • Factors in deciding to commit infanticide include
    deformity of the infant at birth, absence of male
    support, and economic hardship
  • Post-partum depression a psychological
    adaptation that reduces attachment and may thus
    open the way to infanticide.
  • associated with inadequate emotional and material
    support from the father, family, and friends.

Women As Heavy Investors
  • The birth of an infant is only the beginning of
    the mothers duties, not the end.

Orphaned Infants
  • To ensure the survival of her offspring, a mother
    must defend and feed her infant(s) and herself.
  • The disappearance or death of the mother
    dramatically shortens the life expectancy of an
  • When a mother initially disappears, the effects
    in the infant are observed immediately in the
    rise of stress activated cortisol levels.
  • Long term disappearance of the mother most often
    causes a shortened life-span for the infant.
  • Jane Goodall observed this in the infant primate
  • A North-western German coastal region have
    records that prove this phenomenon in humans.

The Importance of Lactation for Mother and Infant
  • In a mother, breast feeding suppresses ovulation,
    thus causing a better spacing between children.
  • In infants, breast milk provides about half a
    gram of anti-bodies a day.
  • For both, it is a pleasurable experience because
    of the release of oxytocin in the mother which is
    passed on to the infant.

The Bond Between Human Mother and Infant
  • Within 48 hours of birth, mothers can distinguish
    the cry of their own infant.
  • Human mothers are able to distinguish between a
    distress cry and a hunger cry from a baby.
  • As early as 2 months, the infant is able to show
    a negative response to strangers.
  • An evolutionary force is behind an infants fear
    of strange males instead of females.
  • When upset, most children prefer their mother
    over their father to provide comfort.

Child Care
  • Even in this liberal era, mothers do most of the
    routine childcare.
  • In households where both parents work, such as
    Israel and Sweden, mothers return home and carry
    out a majority of the duties.
  • In traditional and non-traditional families,
    mothers proved to be more affectionate, soothing,
    disciplining, and vocal towards the infant.
  • The amount of child-care and play between father
    and child depends on the relationship between
    father and mother.
  • When Divorce occurs, the mother almost always
    takes on the child-care responsibilities.
  • In no state do mothers abandon their children at
    the rate fathers do.

Pursuing Half The Point
  • The pre-occupation with mating studies and the
    neglect of parenting studies.

Male and Female Roles
  • Males devote their time to finding the right
    mate, females devote their time to raising the
    offspring to maturity.
  • Parenting is critical to the survival of the
    offspring, perhaps more than finding the right
    mate, however a womans role is seen by many
    researchers as unproblematic.
  • The excitement of the pursuit of a mate is
    perhaps why more research is devoted to mate
    selection over parenting.
  • The excessive study of male-male competition only
    confuses the fact that males competed because
    they were much less important.
  • A loss of females would be much more hazardous to
    the human population than the loss of males.

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