Brain Research- Multiple Intelligences Dr. Douglas Gosse - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Brain Research- Multiple Intelligences Dr. Douglas Gosse


Brain Research- Multiple Intelligences Dr. Douglas Gosse & Olive Ridler, 2006 Methods Faculty of Education, Nipissing University Who is intelligent? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Brain Research- Multiple Intelligences Dr. Douglas Gosse

Brain Research- Multiple IntelligencesDr.
Douglas Gosse Olive Ridler, 2006 Methods
Faculty of Education, Nipissing University
Who is intelligent?
Theoretical Premise Howard Gardner 1983, 2000
  • People engage in different kinds of thinking
  • There is a connection between thinking and
  • Howard Gardner challenges traditional views of
    intelligence which he says have centered on only
    2 types of intelligence ( linguistic logical
  • This theory is more appealing cross culturally
    because other forms of intelligence are valued in
    other cultures
  • Real people have a blend of intelligences
    teachers must consider instructional strategies
    that uses all the intelligences

Howard Gardner 1983, 2000
  • Most people are strong in at least one of the
    intelligence areas.
  • Historically the traditional intelligences were
    privileged but Gardner proposes that all 8 of his
    intelligences are of equal utility
  • Teachers have embraced this theory because it is
    easy to apply to teaching and learning
  • This theory also provides for alternative forms
    of assessment. Instead of answering the question
    How smart are you? assessment becomes How are
    you smart?
  • All intelligences can be taught nurtured

Gardners definition of intelligence
  • The ability to solve problems that one encounters
    in real life
  • The ability to generate new problems to solve
  • The ability to make something or offer a service
    that is valued within ones culture

MI theory is not an educational prescription.
Educators are in the best position to determine
the uses in which MI theory can and should be put
to use
How am I smart?
  • Go to http//
  • Complete the self test

8 Intelligences by Dr. Howard Gardner
  1. Linguistic
  2. Logical/ Mathematical
  3. Spatial
  4. Bodily/ Kinesthetic
  5. Musical
  6. Interpersonal
  7. Intrapersonal
  8. Naturalistic

Can you define intelligence?
Margaret Atwood
  • Linguistic Intelligence
  • capacity to use language
  • Able to express what is on your mind
  • Adept with words
  • Word Smart

Can you define intelligence?
  • Albert Einstein
  • Logical/ Mathematical
  • Intelligence
  • Adept with numbers
  • reasoning
  • Manipulate numbers, quantities and numbers
  • Number Smart

Can you define intelligence?
  • Alex Colville
  • Spatial Intelligence
  • Adept with pictures
  • images
  • Able to represent the
  • spatial world internally
  • in your mind
  • Picture Smart

Can you define intelligence?
  • Mats Sundin
  • Bodily/ Kinesthetic
  • Intelligence
  • capacity to use parts of the body to solve a
    problem, make something or put on some kind of
  • Body Smart

Can you define intelligence?
  • Shania Twain
  • Musical Intelligence
  • capacity to think in
  • Music, able to hear
  • patterns, recognize them,
  • manipulate them
  • Music Smart

Can you define intelligence?
  • Pierre E. Trudeau
  • Interpersonal Intelligence
  • understanding other
  • People
  • ability to work with
  • motivate others toward a
  • common goal
  • People Smart

Can you define intelligence?
Helen Keller
  • Intrapersonal Intelligence
  • Skills of self-knowledge
  • Knowing who you are, what
  • you can do, what you want
  • Self smart

Can you define intelligence?
  • David Suzuki
  • Naturalistic Intelligence
  • Skills of making
  • connection to elements
  • in nature
  • Nature Smart

  • If you have strong linguistic intelligence you
    might learn better by
  • Reading
  • Memorizing
  • Playing word games (Scrabble, Anagrams, Password)
  • Making up rhymes, puns
  • Using the internet

Logical/Mathematical Learner
If you have strong logical-mathematical
intelligence you might learn better by
  • Recording information systematically
  • Setting up experiments (What if?)
  • Playing strategy games (Chess, Checkers)
  • Analyzing data
  • Asking logical questions
  • Using the internet

Spatial Learner
If you have strong spatial intelligence you might
learn better by
  • Studying pictures
  • Watching videos
  • Using visual, tangible aids
  • Doing mazes, puzzles
  • Making predictions
  • Using the internet

Bodily/Kinesthetic Learner
If you have strong bodily-kinesthetic
intelligence you might learn better by
  • Doing role plays
  • Constructing physical examples
  • Exercising while reviewing
  • Visiting museums, institutions, parks
  • Asking logical questions
  • Using the internet

Musical Learner
If you have strong musical intelligence you might
learn better by
  • Listening to recordings
  • Talking to yourself
  • Making up songs
  • Mentally repeating information
  • Reading aloud
  • Changing tempo

Interpersonal Learner
If you have strong interpersonal intelligence you
might learn better by
  • Studying in groups
  • Comparing information with others
  • Interviewing experts
  • Relating personal experiences
  • Being a team player
  • Doing cooperative projects

Intrapersonal Learner
If you have strong intrapersonal intelligence you
might learn better by
  • Avoiding distractions
  • Establishing personal goals
  • Playing solitary games
  • Setting own pace
  • Working alone
  • Relating personal experiences

Naturalistic Learner
If you have strong naturalistic intelligence you
might learn better by
  • Studying outside
  • Learning in the presence of plants pets
  • Relating environmental issues to topics
  • Smelling, seeing touching, tasting,
  • Observing natural phenomenon

Multiple Intelligences
  • Studies continue
  • Naturalistic Intelligence
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Moral Intelligence
  • Spiritual Intelligence

(No Transcript)
  • Charlie Chaplin and Maria Sharapova are two
    extraordinary examples of the following
  • Visual Spatial
  • Bodily Kinaesthetic
  • Musical rhythmic
  • Jane Goodall and David Suzuki are great examples
    of this intelligence
  • Logical Mathematical
  • Naturalist
  • Intrapersonal

  • 3. Pablo Picasso and the architect Frank Lloyd
    Wright had the following capacity in great
  • Visual Spatial intelligence
  • Logical Mathematical intelligence
  • Verbal Linguistic intelligence
  • 4. The famous lawyer Ed Greenspoon and the chess
    champion Gary Kasparov have the following
    intelligence in common
  • Interpersonal
  • Verbal Linguistic
  • Logical Mathematical
  • 5. Former prime minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau
    and talk show host Oprah Winfrey are examples of
  • Bodily Kinaesthetic intelligence
  • Interpersonal intelligence
  • Intrapersonal intelligence

  • 6. What do Arethra Franklin and Wolfgang Amadeus
    Mozart have in common?
  • Naturalist intelligence
  • Musical rhythmic intelligence
  • Visual Spatial intelligence
  • 7. Authors Henry David Thoreau and Khalil Gibran
    had abundant
  • Intrapersonal intelligence
  • Interpersonal intelligence
  • Musical rhythmic intelligence
  • 8. The work of Margaret Atwood, David Bergen,
    Anne Marie McDonald demonstrates
  • Bodily Kinaesthetic intelligence
  • Verbal Linguistic intelligence
  • Naturalist intelligence

Application Activity
  1. Corners move to the corner according to your
    preferred intelligence
  2. Form a pair with someone who has the same MI
    learning preference
  3. On lesson plan sheet write down the assigned
    course code lesson expectation
  4. Generate a teaching learning/instructional
    strategy in your MI to meet that expectation
  5. Search out 7 other pairs ( from all the other MI
    groups) have them give you a teaching
    learning/instructional strategy according to
    their MI that meets your expectation
  6. Once you have 8 different teaching learning
    strategies sign your lesson plan sheet hand it
    in to Dr. Gosse

(No Transcript)
Memory Strategies Armstrong. Thomas. (April 19,
2004). The Possibilities and Limitations of
Multiple Intelligences in the Schools. Retrieved
December 4, 2005, from http//
Logical-Mathematical -Digitalize words (or use
Linguistic - Traditional approaches
Spatial - Visualize words
Intrapersonal - Personalized spelling lists
Musical - Sing words
Interpersonal - People spelling
Bodily-Kinesthetic -Stand up on vowels, sit down
on consonants
Naturalist - Spelling outside (use naturalist
Resources References
Armstrong, Thomas. Multiple Intelligences in the
Classroom, 2nd Ed.. Alexandria, VA ASCD,
2000. Armstrong, Thomas. In Their Own Way
Discovering and Encouraging Your Childs Multiple
Intelligences. New York Tarcher/Putnam,
2000 Armstrong. Thomas. (April 19, 2004). The
Possibilities and Limitations of Multiple
Intelligences in the Schools. Retrieved December
4, 2005, from http//
Buzan, Tony. Use Both Sides of Your Brain. New
York Dutton, 1991. Campbell, L. and B. Campbell.
Multiple Intelligences and Student Achievement
Success Stories from Six Schools. Alexandria, VA
ASCD, 2000. Department of Education. (2004).
Use Your Brain - Multiple Intelligences.
Retrieved December 4, 2005, from
MI.ppt Gardner, Howard. Frames of Mind The
Theory of Multiple Intelligences. New York
Basic Books, 1983. Gardner, Howard. Multiple
Intelligences The Theory in Practice. New
York Basic Books, 1993. Gardner, Howard..
Intelligence Reframed Multiple Intelligences
for the 21st Century. New York Basic,
1999. Hoerr, T. Becoming a Multiple
Intelligences School. Alexandria, VA ASCD,
2000. Kornhaber, M. Project SUMIT Outcomes.
Website http//
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