Managing Yourself and Your Time - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Managing Yourself and Your Time


Title: CHAPTER 13 Author: Fern Jones Last modified by: Fern Jones Created Date: 1/15/2004 4:59:40 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Other titles – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Managing Yourself and Your Time

  • Managing Yourself and Your Time

Demand the best from yourself,because others
will demand the best of you. . . .Successful
people do not simply give a project hard work.
They give it their best work.
  • Win Borden

Becoming An Agility Master
  • Great leaders have learned the art and science of
    mastering self-improvement and time management
  • In many ways, these principles apply to
  • To be effective in sales, one must have courage
    and a positive attitude, even in the face of

Six Aspects of Leadership
  • Each aspect can be applied to selling and to life
    in general
  • Having a set of beliefs and sticking with them
  • Optimism
  • Courage
  • Relentless preparation
  • Teamwork
  • Communication

Mayor Rudy Giulianni, from a speech given to the
Direct Selling Association on June 11, 2003
  • Learning to manage oneself and ones time
    requires self-discipline, which requires
  • Determination begins with a purpose or a
    calling, the creation of passion, which drives
    one toward reaching specific goals

Your dreams will not progress to failure unless
you fail to progress
  • Fern Jones

Becoming Self-Disciplined
  • Self-discipline is defined as making a disciple
    of ones self
  • Becoming ones own teacher, trainer, coach,
  • Becoming disciplined helps salespeople develop
    and manage their personal and professional goals
    (their purpose)

Source William J. Bennet, The Book of Virtues
Habits Powerful Factors
  • A good habit, consisting of three elements, is
    defined as the intersection of knowledge
  • Knowledge the what to do
  • Skill the how to do
  • Desire (motivation) the want to do

Source Stephen Covey, The Seven Habits of Highly
Effective People
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
  • Stephen Coveys seven habits are
  • Be proactive
  • Begin with the end in mind
  • Put first things first
  • Think win/win
  • Seek first to understand and then to be
  • Synergize
  • Sharpen the saw

Refer to Table 13.1--How the Seven Habits Apply
to Salespeople
Sharpen the Saw
  • Effectiveness and Efficiency
  • Successful people are accountable for how they
    manage both themselves and their time
  • Managing oneself is largely concerned with
    learning how to make oneself more effective
  • Managing time is largely concerned with making
    oneself more efficient

Always demanding the bestof oneself, living
with honor, devoting ones talents and gifts to
the benefit of othersthese are the measures of
success that endure when material things have
passed away
  • Gerald Ford

Managing Oneself
  • When people engage in self-management, they are
    engaging in a practice of determining what
    qualities lead to agility and success
  • Self-management also involves learning how to
    develop those qualities to build and maintain

Success In TodaysKnowledge Economy
  • Success in todays knowledge economy comes to
    those who know
  • Their strengths
  • Their values
  • How they best perform

  • Why some people succeed and others do not is
    largely due to how they manage their
  • Accountability refers to being responsible for
    someone or some activity
  • Two facets
  • Simply performing the activities specified
  • How effectively the person performs those

Maintaining Accountability
  • Maintaining accountability involves several
  • What the salesperson wants to be
  • How the salesperson is going to get there
  • The salespersons assessment of how she is doing

A great attitude does much more than turn on the
lights in our worlds it seems to
magicallyconnect us to all sorts of
serendipitousopportunities that were
somehowabsent before we changed
  • Earl Nightingale

Attitude The Great Motivator
  • The difference between the professional and the
    amateur is more a matter of attitude
  • Having the agility to compete successfully
    depends on many things, but high on the list is
  • Attitude conveys a zeal for the work and a
    sincerity of interest in it

  • A professional image is extremely important
  • Image is a function of both physical qualities
    and personal qualities
  • A persons image is a mental picture of what
    others think of that person
  • Remember, a person never gets a second chance to
    make a first impression

Review Chapter 7--Attention
Physical Qualities
  • Physical qualities are those that a customer can
    see or hear
  • The physical dimension of sharpen the saw is
    caring for our bodies
  • Eating the right foods
  • Exercising
  • Getting enough rest and relaxation

Success Breeds Success
  • People who look successful will be perceived as

Personal Qualities of Agile Salespeople
  • Ego Drive
  • Empathy
  • Commitment
  • Maturity
  • Personal Magnetism
  • Sincerity
  • Self-Confidence
  • Trainability

Refer to Table 13.3--Qualities of Successful
Ego Drive
  • Ego Drive is a balance within oneself
  • Energy
  • Some goal must energize the salesperson
  • Image
  • The salesperson must have a good self image
  • Optimism
  • The salesperson must remain optimistic about
    achieving her goal

  • Throughout Selling ASAP, the importance of having
    empathy has been emphasized
  • Empathy is the capacity to participate in another
    persons feelings or ideas
  • Agile salespeople can put themselves in their
    customers situations
  • Only with empathy can salespeople truly
    understand customers and inspire them

  • The spiritual dimension of sharpening the saw
    has to do with commitment to ones value system
  • A persons value system inspires that person and
    affects how he treats other people
  • In a sales context, commitment encompasses the
    feelings a salesperson has toward the various
    aspects of his sales career and his customers

  • A mature person is one who can make personal
    adjustments to people and circumstances
  • Salespeople show maturity in their ability to
    control personal feelings
  • Self-control is a necessary attribute of the
    successful salesperson

Review the Social Styles Matrix in Chapter 5
Personal Magnetism
  • Personal magnetism is a combination of
    enthusiasm, intelligence, and smartness
  • It is a trait that strongly attracts others to
    those who have it
  • Salespeople who have personal magnetism are just
    that much more ahead of their competition

Sincerity and truth arethe basis of every
  • Confucius

  • A mental dimension of sharpening the saw" is
  • Sincere salespeople develop trusting
    relationships with customers
  • Sincerity convinces the prospect that the
    salesperson knows what she is talking about
  • Sincere salespeople are truly convinced that
    their products and services will meet their
    customers needs and wants

  • Self-confidence is
  • The belief in oneself or ones own abilities
  • The belief that success comes from hard work and
    intelligent effort, not luck
  • Coveys first habit, be proactive, means that
    salespeople must take responsibility for what
    they do
  • Taking initiative requires self-confidence

Refer to Table 13.2--How Salespeople Can Develop
  • Successful people respond well to training and
    view learning as an opportunity for improving
  • Achievers are those who thrive on new data and
    welcome a new challenge

  • Complacency is feeling secure and ignoring any
    threats that exist
  • Complacency can erode salespeoples relationships
    with their customers
  • Salespeople who become complacent risk using
    obsolete sales tactics

Refer to Table 13.4 Things Salespeople Should
Managing Time
  • Coveys third principle deals with prioritizing
  • The primary reason people cannot find time to be
    reflective is that they mix up what is urgent and
    what is important

People become addicted to the urgent.They
simply define important as urgent. They neglect
preventive thinking, they neglect long-term
strategic thinking, they neglect the building of
high trust relationships, and they are consumed
by an addiction called urgency
  • Stephen Covey

Importance and Urgency
  • Four combinations of importance and urgency
    relate to activities in which salespeople engage
  • Not important, not urgent
  • Not important, but urgent
  • Important, but not urgent
  • Important and urgent

How Much Is Time Worth?

If annual earnings are . . . Every hour is worth approximately . . .
25,000 13
30,000 15
35,000 18
50,000 26
75,000 38
100,000 50
200,000 102
Its About Time
  • Time is a precious resource that should be used
  • The allocation of time between nonselling and
    selling activities represents one of the
    salespersons most important challenges
  • The key for salespeople in building long-term
    relationships is to make sure that nonselling
    time has a focus

Success Is a Race Against Time
  • Advanced technology has accelerated the pace of
    work life
  • Time is part of the agile professionals
  • Agile sales professionals adjust their work
    habits to meet the changing demands on their time

The work you do between 800 A.M. and 500 P.M.
is what you get paid to do
The work you do between 500 P.M. and 800 P.M.
is what gets you promoted
Professional Selling Efficiency
  • Efficiency is often described in the sales
    profession in the form of advice Plan your
    work, and work your plan
  • The time-management challenge for salespeople is
    to separate the unnecessary from the essential
  • Salespeople must learn to assign priorities to
    important activities

  • Planning involves setting SMART objectives
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Time-based

Cycles of Productivity
  • Productivity involves making the clock work to a
    persons advantage
  • Individuals must determine their own peak periods
    and use them to their advantage
  • Salespeople should do the most demanding
    activities when they are at their best

Suggestions for Managing Time
  • Set goals
  • Manage interruptions
  • Clear the clutter
  • Use multiple contact media
  • Learn to say no
  • Manage appointments
  • Call on prospects who can buy now
  • Put a time value on entertainment and travel
  • Increase personal efficiency

Setting Goals
  • By setting goals, people know exactly what is to
    be accomplished and where they want to be
  • In order to be effective goals must
  • Be in writing
  • Be specific and relate to results
  • Be realistic
  • Have a time schedule and a target date for
    finishing each step as well as each goal

Refer to Table 13.5--Possible Goals for the
Managing Interruptions
  • Constant day-to-day interruptions are huge
    time-wasters for people
  • Unnecessary visits
  • Unplanned social conversations and meetings
  • Self-sabotage is another form of wasting time
  • Procrastination
  • Perfectionism

Clearing the Clutter
  • A good way for salespeople to eliminate clutter
    and get organized is to
  • Standardize all routine tasks
  • Consolidate tasks by combining separate but
    similar ones
  • Redistribute work to the appropriate people
  • Anticipate what is to come by identifying tasks
    that can be done in advance

Managing Appointments
  • Salespeople should work cold calls and
    appointments concurrently because this maximizes
    the salespersons available time
  • Many salespeople use both appointments and cold
    calls, reserving their cold calls for fact
    gathering and finding out about a companys

Refer to Table 13.6 Working Appointments and Cold
Calling on ProspectsWho Can Buy Now
  • The salespersons best opportunity to impress
    prospects is on the first call
  • The average cost of a sales call is increasing
  • Calling on customers who are not real prospects
    costs a lot of money

Personal Efficiency
  • Salespeople who are striving to increase their
    efficiency should record their transactions
  • A Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)
  • A Pocket Calendar or Day Planner
  • A Tickler File

Those who are persistent and who work hard and
work smart can fulfill their visions
Going Back In Time
  • The following are people who believed in
    themselves in spite of criticism from others
  • Michelangelo
  • The Wright Brothers
  • Benjamin Franklin
  • Henry Ford

Can you name a few?
Stepping Out on Faith
  • History provides many accounts of individuals who
    stepped out on faith with an ideawith a dream
  • Their belief system, along with determination and
    perseverance, allowed them to run with purpose,
    in spite of criticism from the masses

Pursue your dreams with courage and optimism
  • The Authors of Selling ASAP

Eli Jones, Carl Stevens Larry Chonko
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