Title: Pancake Day
1Pancake Day
2Find the words in the dictionary.
- a pancake
- a frying-pan
- to run
- a housewife
- an apron
- a hat
3 As far as everyone knows, English people have
got a lot of nice traditions and holidays. One of
them is called Pancake Day. It is usually in
March. On this day Englishmen eat a plenty of
tasty pancakes!
4They have pancakes not only at home, but at
school as well. But they not only eat pancakes,
they run with them!This holiday takes place in
most of English places every year. These races
are run by housewives.
5There are special rules about pancake races
housewives must wear aprons, hats or scarves on
their heads. They must run about 415 yards (410
6Unscramble these words.
- ady -----------
- ytats ---------
- aet ------------
- omhe -----------
- yhte -----------
7Make up questions to these sentences.
- Pancake Day is usually in March. (When?)
- Women run with pancakes. (What?)
- Pancakes races take place every year. (How
often?) - There are special rules about pancakes races. (
8A bell rings twice before the race. With the
first bell the women must make their pancakes.
With the second bell they start running with a
pancake in a frying-pan. While running the race,
they must toss the pancake three times and catch
it back on the frying-pan.
9If the pancake falls down, the runner may pick it
up and toss it again. The other members of the
families watch the runners and cheer Run, Mum,
run, run quickly!
10Fill in the table.
Present Past Ukrainian variant
11Unscramble these sentences.
- rings/twice/a bell/ race/before/the.
- are/these/by/races/run/housewives/
- must/aprons/wear/the/housewives.
- start/with/bell/second/the/they/running.