Title: King Minos
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2King Minos
3A white bull. A gift to King Minos from Poseidon
4King Minos was supposed to sacrifice the bull,
but he did not. Poseidon became very angry.
5As punishment, Poseidon made King Minoss wife,
Pasiphae, fall in love with the bull.
6Pasiphae and the bull had a half human, half
bull child called the Minotaur.
7King Minos was so ashamed, he called on the work
of the very cunning builder, Daedalus.
8He asked Daedauls to build a complex maze, and
he put the minotaur in the center of it.
Daedalus was such a skilled builder King Minos
knew the minotaur would never escape.
9King Minos NEVER wanted the Minotaur to escape.
So he locked Daedalus and his son Icarus in a
tower on the island of Crete, and surrounded it
by guards so that Daedalus could never tell
anyone how to solve the maze.