Title: Causes of the War of 1812
1Causes of the War of 1812
2Causes of the War of 1812 1) British violate
American freedom of the Seas
3Causes of the War of 1812
4Causes of the War of 1812 2) Impressment of
Americans on Trading Ships
5Causes of the War of 1812
Henry Clay John C. Calhoun
6Causes of the War of 1812 3) Urging of War Hawks
in Congress
Henry Clay John C. Calhoun
7British Strategy during the War of 1812
8British Strategy during the War of 1812 1) Fight
Americans along U.S.-Canadian border
9British Strategy during the War of 1812 1) Fight
Americans along U.S.-Canadian border 2) Attack
U.S. At Washington, D.C.
10British Strategy during the War of 1812 1) Fight
Americans along U.S.-Canadian border 2) Attack
U.S. At Washington, D.C. 3) Fight in the South
11British Strategy during the War of 1812 Reason
Spread American forces throughout country.
12Results of War and Treaty of Ghent 1) War ends
in a stalemate.
13Results of War and Treaty of Ghent 1) War ends
in a stalemate. 2) U.S. Proves it can fight
England to a standstill.
14Results of War and Treaty of Ghent 1) War ends
in a stalemate. 2) U.S. Proves it can fight
England to a standstill. 3) America sees itself
as victorious and celebrates.
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