Title: Evolution of Landfill Technology:
1Evolution of Landfill Technology South American
Dr. Patrick Hettiaratchi Department of Civil
Engineering Faculty of Engineering, University
of Calgary Chair, Environmental Engineering
Division (EED), Canadian Society for Civil
Engineering (CSCE) June 22, 2005
University of San Fransisco De Quito Quito,
2Sanitary Landfill Technology
- What are sanitary landfills?
- The evolution from open dumps to current
conventional landfills
- How technology is used to minimize landfill
problems? - Future of landfilling bioreactor
landfills/sustainable landfills??
3History of Landfilling Open Dumping A way of
Past was the accepted way of getting rid of our
waste (until someone showed that it is not a
good practice)
4Open Dumps
are unsightly
5Open Dump near Bangkok, Thailand
6Scavengers in Quito, Ecuador
7(No Transcript)
8Earning a living Quito, Ecuador
9Landfills Produce Leachate or Garbage Juice
The Problem
- Leachate is an aqueous solution containing high
- concentrations of inorganic and organic
- Leachate BOD can be as high as 20,000 mg/L
- (compare with domestic sewage BOD of 250 mg/L)
- Leachate can cause Surface-water and
Groundwater contamination
10Leachate pool.on surface!!!
11- Landfill Technological Solutions
- In 1980s, we converted Open Dumps to Sanitary
Landfills .. - Dry-tomb type Sanitary Landfills are designed
and constructed to eliminate problems with Open
12Approaches to control water contamination
- Leachate is garbage juice or an aqueous
liquid produced within the landfill
13Landfill Construction
14Leave it Alone !!!!!
15Current Practice of Sanitary Landfill
Engineering in South America
- Excellent leachate escape control Extensive
use of geo-membrane liner systems with leachate
- In-adequate leachate production control
Landfills are kept open for too long
16Sanitary Landfills in South America Leachate
Management Alternatives
- Build smaller cells (smaller area, but deeper),
close the cell quickly with an evapo-transpirativ
e cover. Result decrease leachate production
with time
- Avoid leachate treatment by transporting to a
nearby sewage treatment plant. Since quantities
are small, this is viable and cost effective (not
in Quito .. Combined sewage and leachate
treatment in Inga???)
17Performance-based Design of Sanitary Landfills
The Common-sense Approach ..
- Performance-based Design Optimal design for a
defined performance of the landfill components. - Example Leachate management required only if
groundwater contamination is unacceptable. - Sometimes expensive liners may not be required
- Inga in Quito,
- Dona Juana in Bogota
- Loma Los Colorados in Santiago
18Performance-based Design of Landfills The
Common-sense Approach
- Performance-based design is practiced in
- United States (allowed under Sub-title D
landfill regulations) - Canada (sometimes known as the natural
attenuation landfill)
19Performance-based Design of Landfills The
Common-sense Approach
20Other Problems with the Dry-tomb Sanitary
Landfillling Approach
- Un-sustainable??? Loss of Space. Need to find
new space every few years (Quito, Toronto,
- Long-term liability Need to monitor potential
impact for a long- time (until waste stability is
21Landfill Gas a liability or a resource?
22Zambiza Landfill (Quito, Ecuador)
23Zambiza Landfill (Quito, Ecuador)
24A Case for Landfill Gas Extraction and Energy
- 50 of landfill gas is methane
- 1 tonne of MSW produces 150-200 m3 of methane
- based on stoichiometry,
- under ideal conditions
- over a period of time (time period depends on
rate kinetics)
Landfill Gas is typically extracted using active
systems (passive systems are used primarily to
reduce gas pressure build up more wells are
25Landfill Gas Extraction and Energy Recovery
- Extraction is feasible in any landfill
- Typical vertical well network
- Networks are designed using
- gas production estimates,
- field testing and
- theoretical calculations (based on radius of
- Or on as needed basis using surface
emission data
26Active Gas Recovery in Loma Los Colorados
Landfill, Chile, Using a Designed Well Network
27Loma Los Colorados Gas Well Network
28A problem with gas extraction in Loma Los
- The designed network was not efficient..
- Less than 25 of the gas produced was captured
- based on a methane balance done in 2001.
- Why??
- The landfill was not designed for methane
recovery - Use of low permeable daily/intermediate
- cover material
29Experience in Montreal, Canada
- Most wells are installed on as needed basis
- Use a large number of wells, but gas
collection - Efficiency is very high.
30Gas wells.everywhere
31Well-head in Montreal landfill
32Energy Recovery Is it Feasible??
- Gas can be extracted from most landfills,
- but sometimes energy recovery may not be
feasible !!! -
- Reason Not economical
33In Chile gas is burned in a Central
CH4 burned 85 tonnes/year (or 330 m3/d)
34In Ecuador wells are fitted with flares.
produce toxic compounds
35Gas Management Other Solutions
- Find a nearby community or industry to use the
recovered gas directly - Develop as a CDM project (for Carbon Credits
under Kyoto Protocol)
36Another Solution..
Design for Gas Extraction and Energy Recovery!!
- Landfill Bioreactor concept
- Leachate is recirculated as a means of enhancing
rates of reactions within the cell - Controlled recirculation of leachate will
- increase moisture, nutrients and
- provide a microbial seed for rapid
biodegradation - High rates of gas production will enhance
economics of energy recovery
37Bioreactor Landfill
Anaerobic Reactor
38(No Transcript)
39A Better Solution Sustainable Landfill
Go two steps further
- After the Anaerobic Bioreactor stage, include
- Aerobic Bioreactor stage (in-ground composter)
- Biocell mining stage
- Stabilize the waste quickly (Anaerobic and
- Mine the cell, and extract recyclables
- Holistic approach (not piece-meal)
40Sustainable Landfill
Aerobic Reactor
41Sustainable Landfills Are we there yet???
- Although there are some operating Anaerobic
Reactors (and a few Aerobic Reactors) around the
World, no one has tried the sequential operation
(Sustainable Landfill) yet..
- A number of operational problems needs to be
resolved before Sustainable Landfills can be
universally applied.
42Problems to Resolve
Moisture Distribution Within the Cell
43Leachate Pools Created by over-zealous
Leachate Recirculation
44Problems to Resolve
Surface Gas Emissions
- Could occur during construction of the biocell
(may take 1 or 2 years to completely fill a cell)
- Significant quantities can escape from surface
even with - a gas capture system
- example Loma Los Colorados Landfill, Chile
45Landfill Bio-Caps or MOLs
- A new concept
- Use a naturally occurring bacteria to convert
46Biofiltration of CH4
Microbially mediated oxidation of CH4 is carried
out by methanotrophic bacteria
(Methylomonas methanica)
47CH4 Oxidation in Landfill Caps
48Sustainable Landfill Operation (Calgary Biocell
Anaerobic Year 2
Anaerobic Year 1
Anaerobic Year 3
Mining/ Space Recovery Year 6
Aerobic Year 5
Aerobic Year 4
49Calgary Sustainable Biocell or LBC
- Pilot Project (1 hectare 50,000 tonnes of waste)
- Partners/Participants City of Calgary,
University of Calgary and Consultants
- Biocap, or Methane Oxidation Layer (MOL), to
control methane gas emissions during
construction and operation
50LBC Design ..
51LBC Construction
52LBC Filling
53Monitoring/Sensors for Research and LBC Operation
- Temperature
- Settlement (plates at 4 levels)
- Loads (pressure transducers/pressure plates)
- Leachate head (piezometers)
- Moisture in waste (TDR)
- Pore pressure measurements
- Leachate characteristics
54Monitoring/Sensors Settlement
55Monitoring/Sensors Layout
56LBC Current Status
- First lift is being filled with domestic waste
- In early July, the first intermediate biocover
will be placed - Sensors are being installed
- Expect to collect settlement data and biocover
performance data, starting mid-July
- Waste disposal has progressed from open dumps
(in the past) to dry-tomb sanitary landfills
(present). - Bioreactor Landfills/Sustainable Landfills
could be the future. -
- Sustainable landfilling follows a holistic
approach. Consider waste as a resource extract
biogas energy and compost and recyclables, and
space. It is consistent with the current
environmental (sustainable development) thinking
- Technical challenges need to be overcome,
before Sustainable Landfill concept could be
universally applied. -
Thank You!