?a???s?as? t?? PowerPoint - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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?a???s?as? t?? PowerPoint


K. Oikonomou and I. Stavrakakis, – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ?a???s?as? t?? PowerPoint

?ß??d??? ???t?? ??????????? ?s??µat?? ???sßas??
sta 5/60 GHz
??a??s??? ????? (?p. ??d.) ???sta?t???? ?as??????
(?p. ??d.) ?????a?? ??????? (?et. F??t.)
?????a?? ?a??t???? (?p. ??d.) ??t???? ?a?a?????
(??d.) ?e???da? ??eße???a? (?p. ??d.)
  • ??µ??????a µ?a? ??f??a? a??µesa st? ????
    s????t?t?? t?? 5GHz ?a? a?t?? t?? 60GHz (?????
  • p??te????ta? ??a t?p??? as??µat? d??t?? d??
    s????t?t?? p?? e?asfa???e? t?? ?µa?? e?????? t??
    ?p?????sa? OFDM te???????a? HIPERLAN/2 µe t??
    e?s?µ?t?s? t?? ????? t?? 60GHz.
  • ? ep??tas? t?? HIPERLAN/2 st? ???? t?? 60GHz
    ???µ??eta? HIPERSPOT ?a? a??????e? t??? ?a???e?
    t?? ?at? pe??pt?s? d??t??? (ad-hoc),
    e?asfa?????ta? t?? e?a??a?? a??µesa st?? d??
    s????t?te? pa??????a µe t? pa???? ?p??es???
    ?????? p???t?ta?.
  • ??a p?atf??µa ??a s?µe?a ?????? p????t?ta?
    ???st?? (hot spots) p?? pe???aµß????? t?s?
    ?d??t???? (e-home) ?s? ?a? d?µ?s?e? (fast outdoor
    downloading) efa?µ????.
  • ?pe?te??e? ?a? s?µp?????e? ta ?p?????ta as??µata
    t?p??? d??t?a (WLANs) e??e?a? ????? sta 5GHz
    ???s?µ?p????ta? t? s????t?ta t?? 60GHz ?a?,
    pa??????a, ??a??p??e? t?? apa?t?se?? t??
    s???????? ???st? ??a ?????? ta??t?te? µet?d?s??.
  • ?p?st????e? t? ????t???t?ta t?? ???st?? se
    s??d?asµ? µe t? pa???? ?????? ????t???t?ta? st?
    p????pt?? s?st?µa (240Mbps).
  • ?? s?µe?? p??sßas?? (Access Point) ?e?t????e?
    ta?t?????a ?a? st?? d?? s????t?te? e?? ta ????t?
    te?µat??? (Mobile Terminals) p??pe? ?a µetap?d???
    d?a???? ap? t? µ?a s????t?ta ?e?t?????a? st??
  • ?e???d??? ? µ?, ???? ?? ??µß?? s??t??????ta? se
    ??a p???a????sµ??? ?a???? t?? 60GHz, ß??s????
    t??? ?e?t??????? t??? ??µß??? (one-hop away) ?a?
    st?????? t? p????f???a st? s?µe?? p??sßas??
    (Neighborhood Discovery).
  • ?? s?µe?? p??sßas?? e??a? ?pe????? ??a ??e? t??
    ap?f?se?? d??µ?????s?? (routing decisions) ?p??
    ep????? s????t?ta? ?e?t?????a?, ep?????
    µ???pat??? sta 60GHz, ?a????sµ?? t?? ????? ???e
  • ???a? a?a??a?? t? s??µa p??sßas?? st? µ?s? ?a
    ep?t?????e? ????? ???µap?d?s? ?ste ?a
    ??a??p?????ta? ?? apa?t?se?? t?? s?st?µat??.
  • ?a d?? p??a?? ?p???f?a p??t?????a (CSMA ? TDMA)
    a??????????a? ?a? s????????a? a?a??t???.
  • S?µp??asµa e?a?t?a? t?? ap??s?a? ?e??? pe???d??
    ?a? s??????se??, t? TDMA s??µa ep???????e ?? ?
    ß?s? ??a t?? ep?te??? ?????te??? ???µ??.
  • ????S???S??S
  • K. Oikonomou, A. Vaios, S. Simoens, P. Pellati,
    I. Stavrakakis, "Centralized Ad-Hoc Network
    Architecture (CANA) Based on an Enhanced
    HiperLAN/2 System", PIMRC 2003, 7-10 September,
    Beijing, China.
  • A. Vaios, K. Oikonomou, N. Zinelis, K.
    Ntagkounakis, I. Stavrakakis, "On Supporting
    Dual-Mode HiperLAN/2 Architecture and Overhead",
    13th IST Mobile Wireless Communications Summit
    2004, June 27-30, Lyon, France.
  • K. Oikonomou and I. Stavrakakis, "Analysis of a
    Probabilistic Topology-Unaware TDMA MAC Policy
    for Ad-Hoc Networks", IEEE JSAC Special Issue on
    Quality-of-Service Delivery in Variable Topology
    Networks, vol. 22, no. 7, September 2004.
  • Antonis Panagakis, Elias Balafoutis, Ioannis
    Stavrakakis, "Study of the capacity of multi-hop
    cellular networks", Quality of Future Internet
    Services (QoFIS) 2003, 1-3 October 2003,
    Stockholm, Sweden.
  • A. Vaios, N. Zinelis, I. Stavrakakis, "Employing
    Ad Hoc Networks in WLANs Trade offs and
    Insights", International Conference on Next
    Generation Teletraffic and Wired/Wireless
    Advanced Networking (NEW2AN'04), Feb. 2-6, 2004,
    St. Petersburg, Russia.
  • A. Vaios, K. Oikonomou, P. Pellati, S. Simoens,
    I. Stavrakakis, "A Dual-Band HiperLAN/2-based
    Architecture for Indoor Hotspot Applications",
    International Workshop on Wireless Ad-Hoc
    Networks (IWWAN) 2004, 31st May - 3rd June, 2004,
    Oulu, Finland.
  • N. Laoutaris, B. Van Houdt, I. Stavrakakis,
    "Optimization of a Packet Video Receiver Under
    Different Levels of Delay Jitter An Analytical
    Approach ", Performance Evaluation, vol. 55, no.
    3-4, pp. 251-275, Feb. 2004.
  • N. Laoutaris, V. Zissimopoulos, I. Stavrakakis,
    "Joint Object Placement and Node Dimensioning for
    Internet Content Distribution", Information
    Processing Letters, vol. 89, no. 6, pp. 273-279,
    March 2004.

? t?p?????a t?? f?s???? s?ed??? t?? ?????µat??
  • ??e?e??????a? p??s?µ???se?? µe t? ß???e?a t??
    ns-2, ?p?? ?a? a?apt?????a? se ??d??a ??e? ??
    ep?µ????? µ???de? t?? s?st?µat??.
  • ? ????t???t?ta t?? te?µat???? µ??te??p??????e
    µ?s? t?? waypoint model (a?aµ????ta? µ?????
    ta??t?te? sta ?e??µe?a hot spots).
  • ?????te??? ???µ?? µet?d?s?? µeta?? d?? ????t??
    te?µat???? sta 60GHz ep?t???????ta? ?ta? a?t?
    ß??s???ta? p?? ???t? (4-6 µ?t?a).
  • ?a µ???p?t?a sta 60GHz e??a? ?e???? p???ap???
    a?µ?t?? a? ?a? d?ad??µ?? p?? ap?te????ta? ap?
    p???? ??µata de? ????? µe???? d????e?a ???? ????
    t?s? t?? ?a?a?t???st???? d??d?s?? st? ??a
    s????t?ta, ?s? ?a? t?? µ????? eµß??e?a?
    ep????????a? (10 µ?t?a).
  • ? d????e?a ???? e??? µ???pat??? sta 60GHz
    a????eta? ?a??? µe???eta? ? a???µ?? t?? a?µ?t??
    ap? ta ?p??a ap?te?e?ta? ?/?a? ?p??????
    apa?t?se?? ??a ??????? ???µ??? µet?d?s??.
  • ?et?????e t? ??st?? ??a t?? e??es? t?? ?e?t?????
    sta 60GHz (overhead of ND) ?? t? p?s?st? t??
    ?????? p?? spata?e?ta? ??a ?a d?at?????ta? p???
    ap? t? 90 t?? ???sµ???? µ???pat??? e?e???.
  • ????? t? ??st?? se ??e? t?? pe??pt?se??, ?s?
    pe??ss?te??? ?? ??µß?? t?s? pe??ss?te?a ta p??a??
    µ???p?t?a a??? ?a? t? s??????? ??st??.

IST Broadway Project The Way to Broadband
Access at 60 GHz
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