Work in Non-Industrial Societies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Work in Non-Industrial Societies


Work in Non-Industrial Societies Volti Chapter 8 Majority of people s lives is spent working Technology has greatly changed the way we work It has lightened our ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Work in Non-Industrial Societies

Work in Non-Industrial Societies
  • Volti Chapter 8

  • Majority of peoples lives is spent working
  • Technology has greatly changed the way we work
  • It has lightened our load

Working with the Earliest Tools
  • Earliest man (Homo habilis) used simple tools
  • Early tools have crude appearance but are not
    primitive in use
  • Early tools called primitive because they were
    used by one person for a few tasks
  • Early societies --gt division of labor very
  • Workers in "Primitive" societies did not lack
    technical ability
  • Although work process is simple, worker may be
    highly dexterous and ingenious
  • "Stone Age" technology very important
    breakthrough --gt the idea of making stone
    chipping tool is hardly obvious

Work and Leisure in Technologically Primitive
  • Primitive people - life of work and toil may not
    be the whole picture
  • !Kung Bushmen (Present day-Kalahari Desert- S.
    Africa) give insight into primitive man
  • !Kung live in harsh, difficult environment
  • But !Kung not etching out a meager existence, as
    one would suspect
  • Adults work 12-19 hours each week to maintain
    their lifestyle
  • Remainder time --gt hanging out with friends and
  • One commentator "The !Kung are the original
    affluent society"
  • Affluence not equal to Abundance --gt !Kung have
    very little material stuff
  • !Kung illustrate the principle
  • "The amount of work per capita increases with
    the evolution of culture, and the amount of
    leisure per capita decreases"

Work and Leisure in Technologically Primitive
  • "A technologically dynamic society generates
    labor-saving devices, but at the same time it
    produces a steady stream of new goods that are
    eagerly sought after....As workers in a a
    technologically advanced society, we often find
    ourselves on a treadmill, working long and hard
    to obtain the material goods that we scarcely
    have time to enjoy"

Work and the Development of Agriculture
  • Hunting and gathering dominant mode of existence
    throughout human history
  • Why did humans take up farming
  • Some say changes in climate
  • Others argue - climate did not radically change
    when farming emerged
  • Whatever the cause - ability of people to produce
    food grew rapidly
  • Development of agriculture allowed for greater
    population densities
  • Workload of individual increase

Farming Techniques and Patterns of Work
  • Connection between technology, population
    expansion, and increased work best demonstrated
    through farming technology
  • Foraging - Hunting and Gathering societies
  • Slash and Burn- (earliest farming technology) cut
    down vegetation and burn it on the spot
  • Clears land puts nutrients in the soil
  • After harvest land is abandoned up to 20 years
    --gt land replenishes itself
  • More destructive than foraging but less
    destructive than some other practices
  • This practice supports more people than foraging
    150 people/sq. mi.
  • Annual labor requirement - 500-1000 hours - 9-19
    hrs/wk equal to !Kung
  • Cannot support large populations
  • Sedentary farming - (Irrigation) supports larger
    populations - more destructive
  • Settled farming - people can remain in one place
    - communities emerge
  • Paradox - as land becomes more productive, people
    have to work harder
  • 2X the labor is required for this method

The Ironies of Progress
  • Is an "advanced" society truly advanced?
  • "Advance" needs to be considered within a number
    of qualifications
  • Time - does technology save time or is it time
  • Skill - technology may not mean the individual
    is more skilled
  • Foragers have just as much "skill" as modern man
  • One thing is certain - the development of
    agricultural technology increased the human

Artisans and Craft Work
  • Settled Farming - communities emerge - many of
    the institutions of today are a result of this
    shift in farming
  • Religious institutions
  • Political institutions
  • Division of Labor

Market Emerges
  • When goods are no longer made for one another but
    for a market - work is no longer embedded in
    social relationships
  • "It is not from the benevolence of the butcher,
    the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our
    dinner, but form their regard to their own
    interest. We address ourselves, not to their
    humanity, but to their self-love, and never talk
    to them of our necessities, but of their own
    advantages (Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations)
  • Market relationships are based on the exchange of
    goods and services
  • This relationship ends when the transaction is
  • This principle has far reaching implications for
    the way in which work is approached
  • "When work is firmly rooted in social
    relationships, the way the work is organized will
    not be governed solely by the technical
    requirements for the job."

Guild Organization and Technological Change
  • Guilds - groupings of people engaged in the same
    kind of occupation restricts the practice of a
    particular craft to members of the guild
  • New members often recruited within guild families
  • Guild regulates entrance of new members and,
    consequently, new blood into the industry because
    "outsiders" are restricted, innovation they may
    have for industry is never realized --gt
    technological change is stifled

Slavery and the Inhibition of Technological
  • When slaves are readily available, there are few
    incentives to invent and use labor-saving
  • Rome/Greece --gt few technological advances - many
  • Middle Ages --gt many technological advances - few
    slaves (Church forbade slavery)

The Measurement of Time and Changed Working
  • Relationship between work and time
  • amount of time that is expended on work
  • the way that it is scheduled
  • In traditional societies the distinction between
    work and leisure unclear
  • work integrated with various religious and social
  • certain times of year required much work
    (harvesting) other times required little
  • no fixed schedules
  • In modern society work/leisure distinction is
    much sharper
  • Rise of Protestantism (Calvinism) gave a new
    centrality to work

The Clock
  • Major influence by this invention
  • Time telling devices always a part of human
    existence (Sun Dial, etc.)but none as "accurate"
    as the clock
  • Ancient world had little need for clock - society
    not regimented
  • The rise of the Medieval monastery brought about
    the need for precise time
  • telling
  • Monasteries had hundreds of monks and workers to
    be organized
  • Prayer time, Masses, and other religious
    observances required scheduling
  • Rule of St. Benedict - day/night divided into 12
    hr. intervals - prayers said every 3rd hr.
  • First Clock - 13th century
  • Clock - embodies all the key characteristics of a
  • external source of energy required - no human or
    animal power needed
  • operation automatic - required little human
  • Output - standard - in hours, minutes, seconds
  • Clock made time into a substance, something to be
    saved or wasted
  • Clock is the symbol for modern age
  • Clock turned work into routinized procedures
    governed by artificial time schedules
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