Title: School Improvement Plan
1School Improvement Plan
For Bridgeport-Spaulding Middle School
2School Improvement Team
Contact information
David Hurst Jan Alderton Steven Baker Cheryl Gedraitis Heidi Hausmann Misty Hatton Amy Heintz Jason Kowalski Lori Lee Starr Luth Carol Mathews Terry Moore Jennifer Morrison Pam Nicastro Michael Ombry Cathy Raycraft Ron Rotunno Michael Gall Linda Will Principal Science English Language Arts Parent Mathematics Special Education English Language Arts Social Studies Mathematics Special Education Counselor Special Education Mathematics Special Education Computer Technology Parent Social Studies School Board Memeber English Language Arts hurstd_at_bscs.k12.mi.us aldertonj_at_bscs.k12.mi.us bakers_at_bscs.k12.mi.us CGedraitis_at_aol.com hausmannh_at_bscs.k12.mi.us hattonm_at_bscs.k12.mi.us heintza_at_bscs.k12.mi.us kowalskij_at_bscs.k12.mi.us leel_at_bscs.k12.mi.us luths_at_bscs.k12.mi.us matthews_at_bscs.k12.mi.us mooret_at_bscs.k12.mi.us morrisonj_at_bscs.k12.mi.us nicastrop_at_bscs.k12.mi.us ombrym_at_bscs.k12.mi.us tcray3_at_aol.com rotunnor_at_bscs.k12.mi.us mike_at_taspizza.com willl_at_bscs.k12.mi.us
32009-2010 Goals
- Writing By October 2009, 70 of our 7th 8th
graders will be at or above proficiency on the
writing components of the MEAP writing test. - Reading By October 2009, 70 of our 7th 8th
graders will be at or above proficiency on the
reading components of the MEAP reading test. - Math By October 2009, 70 of the
Bridgeport-Spaulding Middle School students (7th
8th graders) will be at or above proficiency
for the MEAP math test.
- Writing By October 2009, 70 of our 7th 8th
graders will be at or above proficiency on the
writing components of the MEAP writing test. - 53 of BSMS students were proficient in the Fall
of 2006 - 64 of BSMS students were proficient in the Fall
of 2007 - 65 of BSMS students were proficient in the Fall
of 2008
- Reading By October 2009, 70 of our 7th 8th
graders will be at or above proficiency on the
reading components of the MEAP reading test. - 59 of BSMS students were proficient in the Fall
of 2006 - 63 of BSMS students were proficient in the Fall
of 2007 - 68 of BSMS students were proficient in the Fall
of 2008
- Math By October 2009, 70 of the
Bridgeport-Spaulding Middle School students (7th
8th graders) will be at or above proficiency
for the MEAP math test. - 47 of BSMS students were proficient in the Fall
of 2006 - 64 of BSMS students were proficient in the Fall
of 2007 - 66 of BSMS students were proficient in the Fall
of 2008
72006-2008 Data
82006-2008 Data
92006-2008 Data
102006-2008 Data
112006-2008 Data
122006-2008 Data
132008 MEAP Data
142008 MEAP Data
15School Improvement Goal 1
Improve Writing Skills By Fall 2009, 70 of 7th
and 8th grade students will be at or above
proficient on the MEAP.
- Strategies
- Daily oral writing warm up
- MEAP like quarterly assessments
- Literacy Circles
- Continuation of 6 Traits 1
- Formal/Informal writing
- Cross-Curriculum
- Utilize technology
- Rubrics for major assignments/projects
- Use of quanswers
- Resources
- Make up daily prompts
- Teacher created MEAP-like test and quizzes
- Literacy circle jobs
- Computer lab
- MEAP release items
- Test Wiz
- Common prep time
- Teacher created rubrics
- 7th Period Intervention
S.C. 380.1277, Ed. YES!, NCLB
16School Improvement Goal 2
Improve Reading Skills By Fall 2009, 70 of 7th
and 8th grade students will be at or above
proficient on the MEAP.
- Strategies
- Daily oral writing warm up
- Literacy Circles
- MEAP like quizzes/Assessments
- Summarizing Text rendering
- Cross-Curriculum
- Utilize technology
- Higher level thinking questions
- Bearcat Notes
- Frayer Model vocabulary
- 3-2-1
- Rubrics for major assignments/projects
- Resources
- Teacher created MEAP-like test and quizzes
- Reading material (magazines, novels, etc.)
- Readingquest.com
- Computer lab
- MEAP released items
- Test Wiz
- Common prep time
- Teacher created rubrics
- 7th Period Intervention
S.C. 380.1277, Ed. YES!, NCLB
17School Improvement Goal 3
- Improve Mathematics Skills
- By Fall 2009, 70 of 7th and 8th grade students
will be at or above proficient on the MEAP .
- Strategies
- Small group activities
- Cross-Curriculum
- Activities using manipulatives
- Utilize technology (Graphing calculators,
computer tutorials) - Retesting/remediation
- Resources
- Teacher created MEAP-like test and quizzes
- SVSU math tubs
- Test Wiz
- Common prep time
- Computer lab
- MEAP released items
- After school tutoring
- Scantron
- Graphing calculators
- 7th Period Intervention
S.C. 380.1277, Ed. YES!, NCLB
18Professional Development
- Literacy circles
- Continue 6 Traits 1
- Common planning time
- Continued support for SVSU
- In-service on new benchmarks
- MMGW (Making Middle Grades Work)
- Standards Based Learning, Assessment, and
Reporting - Math/Technology training
- Assessment training
- Gang Task Force
- Bullying
19Proposed Budget Items
- Building Upgrades
- Furniture which includes computer chairs,
classroom desks, tables, and chairs
- Materials and Programs
- After-School tutoring program
- Science Club
- Head to Head
- Classroom supplies Transparencies, overhead
markers, white board markers - Core academic support
- Compass Learning Computer Program
- Technology materials
20Estimated Budget Items
- Core Academic Subjects
- All subject - 450 230 for consumables (All
areas could utilize a Scantron machine) - ELA 500-700 (new books)
- Science - 1,000 (consumable lab equipment)
- Social St. - 500 (maps, giant post-it paper,
colored pencils, used textbooks) - Math - 900 (calculators for everyday use)
- Science Club - 1,000
- Student Council - 200
- Wireless Lab
- Furniture Approximately 4,000 Per classroom
set of 30
21Character Education School Climate
- Discipline Data will be collected, shared and
assessed monthly with teachers - Advisory will be used to promote positive
behavior (study groups, videos, information
sharing, homework assistance, surveys, etc.) - School assemblies will support student
achievement or support school improvement goals - Counselor will continue to run support groups and
collaborate with local agencies to provide
services - Counselor will continue positive behavior
programs with incentives to be implemented by all
staff - VIPs will continue to provide quality activities
and financial support when appropriate - Head to Head, Sports, Club activities will be
offered - Use of student planners
- Student Profiles will be displayed in the
hallways - Student Council will focus on school issues
- Video News will keep students up to date with
current issues