Title: A Craigmillar Journey to School Improvement
1A Craigmillar Journey to School Improvement
- Lindsey Watt, Headteacher
2Castleview 2004
- HMIE required a return visit
- High exclusion rate
- Low attainment
- Unworkable behaviour policy
- Poor Attendance (staff and pupils)
- Disillusioned, sceptical staff
- Loss of Headteacher 2 x Acting Headteachers
- School had not moved forward
32004 - Ensure Improvement in
- the structure of the curriculum by establishing
clear expectations about what pupils are to learn
and how this will be planned and assessed - raising attainment in reading, writing and
mathematics by ensuring appropriate levels of
pace and challenge for all pupils in their
learning - monitoring pupils progress to help further
develop their learning experiences.
4Investment in Leadership by City of Edinburgh
5All schools should reflect aspects of the 6
Columban Values
6Awareness of the public perception of
Craigmillars Young People ?
7Focus on the reality
8Create the Long-term Vision - A High Quality
Learning Experience
9Eradicate barriers to learning
- School Environment
- Home Environment
- Health Well-Being
10Culture of leadership and ownership of learning
at every level
11School Environment
- Stabilise Staffing
- Create Calmness, respect
- and love
- Curriculum for Excellence
- a mandate for change
- Development of TL approaches
- Planning Assessment
- Encourage and map a Journey of Learning
- Teach transferable skills and apply in other
contexts - Teamwork CTs, PSAs, SfL, EAL, EWO, HOTS
- Quality Continuous Professional Development
- Promotion of partnerships in the City
12Persevere - Attainment and Achievement
132011 Cabinet Secretary For Life Long Learnings
Attainment Group
14- 1. Increasing the ambition, aspiration and
expectation of every child and young person. - 2. Delivering excellent learning and teaching
in every classroom, every day - 3. Developing effective leadership at all
levels - 4. Engaging family and the wider community
- Focus on Literacy and numeracy as
- platforms on which to build future
learning. - Using information intelligently to understand
- Cluster Primaries and High School
- Richmonds Hope
- Nairn's Oatcakes
- Community Citizenship Project
- Castlegreen Care Home
- Social Work
- Community Police Park Rangers
- Edinburgh University School of Architecture
- Queen Margaret University
- Benmore Outdoor Centre
- Historic Scotland
- Families and Schools Together - FAST
- Thistle Foundation
16Historic Scotland Inspirational
TeachingCurriculum for Excellence in Action
17Culture of Belief became the Norm
18HMIE 2013 HMIE 2013
Improvements in performance Very good
Learners experiences Very good
Meeting learning needs Excellent
Curriculum Excellent
Improvements through self-evaluation Very Good
19Culture of leadership continues
category needed to demonstrate that leaders who
guide or direct others can be anyone, from the
smallest child to the highest ranked person in
the organisation. Teams can also lead the way.
Leadership is about inspiring and motivating
others and supporting others to achieve a common
20Get a Life! You dont know what is around the
21New Challenges
Widen Transition Experiences Extend Broad
General Education Develop Curriculum for
Excellence Increase Opportunities for
Interdisciplinary Learning Eradicate the poverty
of ambition
22What did I do today that made a difference?