Title: School Improvement: Creating High Performing Schools
1School Improvement Creating High Performing
- This presentation is intended to accompany the
Georgia School Council Institute GuideBook
2Progress in Georgia Schools since 2000
- Many schools in Georgia have shown remarkable
progress in student achievement since the A
Reform Act of 2000 and the No Child Left Behind
Act of 2001. - What are these schools doing to be successful?
- Is there a common set of behaviors at these
schools that can be replicated elsewhere?
3Effective Practices School Study
- 47 schools were selected by the Georgia School
Council Institute (GSCI) based on performance
and/or gains over a 3 year period. - Selection was based on an analysis of test scores
in all grades, subjects, and demographic
subgroups. - Similar school analysis was based on student
4What Kinds of Schools?
- Rural, suburban, and inner city
- Wealthy communities to very poor communities
- Small schools (190 students) to large schools
(2500 students) - Old schools (built in 1936), new schools, and
schools with half the population in portable
classrooms - Community schools and district-wide schools
- Three high schools, four middle schools, forty
elementary schools (ranging from K-2 to K-8 and
everything in between)
5The Process after Selection
- Contacted the Superintendent
- Requested additional data
- Conducted a full day visit
- Visited classrooms
- Toured the school and grounds
- Face-to-face interviews with a variety of
6Topics Discussed
- School improvement plan
- School leadership
- Staffing
- Curriculum
- Staff development
- Staff leadership roles
- School council role
- Staff-parent interaction and communication
- School atmosphere
- Student, parent, and staff expectations
- School priorities and goals for the future
7Findings Five Common Characteristics
- Effective Leadership
- Effective Teaching
- Effective Use of Data
- Effective Discipline
- Effective Engagement of Community
8Effective Leadership I
- Superintendent is key to providing an environment
that allows the principal to be successful. - Leadership comes from the principal.
- Principal is allowed to assess the needs of the
school and make changes. - Principal is willing and able to make tough or
unpopular decisions. - Principal is totally involved with instruction.
9Effective Leadership II
- Principal is very visible and visits classrooms
on a regular basis. - Principal provides verbal and written feedback on
classroom visits. - Principal understands and can articulate the
curriculum. - Principal attends teacher training and staff
development. - Principal can determine if student work is
meeting the standard.
10Effective Leadership III
- Principal can model quality classroom
instruction. - Principal conducts staff meetings as a learning
opportunity for staff. - Principal uses regular memos and e-mails instead
of staff meetings to relay information to staff. - Principal attends grade-level and
cross-grade-level meetings. - Principal communicates with parents on a regular
11Effective Leadership IV
- Principal encourages parents to visit the school.
- Principal develops programs, processes, and
events to involve parents. - Principal values parent and community
involvement. - Principal plans for regular communication with
parents. - Principal is an encourager and motivator.
- Principal has high expectations of all students
and staff.
125 Common Characteristics
- Effective Leadership
- Effective Teaching
- Effective Use of Data
- Effective Discipline
- Effective Engagement of Community
13Effective Teaching I
- Teachers understand the curriculum.
- Horizontal and vertical alignment of curriculum
is evident. - Grade-level planning
- Cross-grade-level planning and communication
- Examining curriculum at the previous and
subsequent grade-levels - Teachers use curriculum as the basis for
instruction and textbooks as a resource.
14Effective Teaching II
- Teachers instruct, evaluate, remediate, and
enhance. - Teachers value time on task.
- Teachers communicate regularly with parents.
- Students are provided additional and alternative
opportunities to learn after school, Saturday
school, summer school, intercessions, and
15Effective Teaching III
- Teachers share best practices and have common
planning times. - Teachers have comprehensive, planned, meaningful
staff development. - Teachers are trained on effective strategies and
use varied teaching techniques. - Teachers use activities that motivate and engage
165 Common Characteristics
- Effective Leadership
- Effective Teaching
- Effective Use of Data
- Effective Discipline
- Effective Engagement of Community
17Effective Use of Data I
- Data is analyzed at multiple levels
- Student level test analysis allows for targeted
assistance for students. - Classroom level test analysis allows for targeted
staff development. - Grade level test analysis allows for targeted
grade level staff development. - School level test analysis allows for school-
wide staff development.
18Effective Use of Data II
- Staff is not threatened by data.
- Staff is fully trained in data analysis.
- Staff understands the importance of data.
- Staff supports data analysis.
- School has planned approach to use data.
- School analyzes many kinds of data, not just
achievement-related data.
195 Common Characteristics
- Effective Leadership
- Effective Teaching
- Effective Use of Data
- Effective Discipline
- Effective Engagement of Community
20Effective Discipline I
- All students are the responsibility of all staff.
- Staff demonstrate on a daily basis that they care
for the students. - Staff knows and communicates regularly with
students and parents. - School is student-centered.
- Staff, students and parents take pride in and
responsibility for the school. - Sense of community exists.
21Effective Discipline II
- A school-wide discipline plan exists.
- Entire staff supports and follows discipline
plan. - Parents and students understand and support
discipline plan. - Expectations are posted in each classroom.
- Students are expected to respect adults.
- Adults are expected to respect students.
- Teachers handle the majority of discipline.
225 Common Characteristics
- Effective Leadership
- Effective Teaching
- Effective Use of Data
- Effective Discipline
- Effective Engagement of Community
23Effective Engagement of the Community I
- Communication is planned and frequent.
- Multiple ways are used to communicate.
- Parents feel comfortable communicating with the
school. - Two-way communication with teachers is prompt and
readily available.
24Effective Engagement of the Community II
- Active, involved and visible school councils and
parent organizations exist. - Parents understand what their children are
learning and how they can help. - Parents are regularly invited to school for a
variety of activities. - The community supports the school with business
partners and volunteers.
253 Primary Areas of Focus
- The building blocks for student achievement are
- Curriculum
- Instruction
- Assessment
263 Primary Areas of Focus
- Common characteristics found in these schools
- Focus on academic achievement
- Clear curriculum choices have been made
- Frequent assessment of student progress with
multiple opportunities for improvement - Emphasis on writing
- Common characteristics found in these schools
- External evaluation
- Curriculum is a separate document from the
textbook - Textbooks are a resource, not the curriculum
- Assessments measure students knowledge of
standards, not the content of the textbooks
29What to look for at your school
- Are curriculum standards posted in the classroom?
- Can students state what is being learned?
- What curriculum resources are being used?
- How is implementation of the curriculum
monitored? - How is new curriculum being implemented?
- What professional development do teachers receive?
- Common characteristics found in these schools
- Teachers create instructional groups within the
classroom to fit students academic needs. - Teachers make efficient use of time.
- Teachers carefully orient students to lessons.
- Teachers provide clear and focused instruction.
- Teachers regularly provide students with feedback
and reinforcement regarding their performance.
- Common characteristics found in these schools
- Teachers review and re-teach as necessary to help
all students master learning the material. - Teachers use strategies to help build students
critical thinking skills. - Teachers use effective questioning techniques to
build basic and higher level skills. - Teachers give high-needs students the extra time
and instruction they need to succeed. - Teachers monitor student progress closely.
32What to look for at your school
- Do teachers use a variety of instructional
strategies? - Do teachers receive staff development on
instructional strategies? - Do teachers have time for planning?
- Do teachers meet regularly for cross-grade-level
planning? - Do teachers participate in collaborative
planning? - How do teachers evaluate instruction?
- Common characteristics found in these schools
- Teachers assess student progress regularly.
- Teachers use alternative assessments as well as
traditional tests to evaluate individual student
strengths and weaknesses. - Results of assessments are used to guide
instruction. - The purpose of assessments is understood.
- Results of assessments are posted
- Common characteristics found in these schools
- Parents understand assessment results.
- Parents understand required testing
- Criterion Referenced Competency Tests (CRCTs)
- Georgia High School Graduation Tests (GHSGTs)
- End of Course Tests (EOCTs)
- National Assessment of Educational Progress
(NAEP) - Norm Referenced Tests (NRTs)
35What to look for at your school
- Are periodic assessments given rather than just a
final test? - Are pre and post tests used? How are assessment
results used? - Is instruction adjusted based on test results?
- What evidence do you see of the results?
36Effective Practices Summary
- Effective leadership supports effective teaching.
- Effective teaching leads to higher levels of
student achievement. - There is no magic bullet- just hard work.
- The building blocks of effective schools are
curriculum, instruction and assessment. - The focus is mastering, not covering, the
curriculum. - The focus is on what students learn, not on what
teachers taught. - The focus is on using the data, not on testing.
37Effective Practices Summary
- When students are engaged in learning, discipline
is not a problem. - Parents want to help their children succeed in
school but often do not know how. - Parents need to be engaged in the school
improvement process in order for it to be
sustainable. - Communities support schools they think are
working hard to improve student learning.
38FYI State Curriculum
- The State Board of Education is required by law
to develop a statewide basic curriculum including
the competencies that all students must master
before completion of high school. - Local boards of education must adopt the state
curriculum or one that exceeds the state
39Georgias New Curriculum
- Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) is the
revised curriculum currently being phased in over
the next several years. - Performance standards state what a student is
expected to know and how well a student must
perform. - The curriculum being phased out (QCC) was based
solely on what a student is expected to know.
40Georgias New Curriculum
- There is a two-year implementation period for
each subject and grade. - In Year 1, systems receive training on the new
curriculum. - In Year 2, systems implement and will be assessed
on the new curriculum through the CRCTs, End of
Course tests, and High School Graduation Test.
41Georgias New Curriculum
- Timeline
- In 2005-2006, it is Implementation Year 1 for
Math in grades K-2 and 7, and Science in grades
3-5. - It is Implementation Year 2 for English Language
Arts in grades K-12, Math in grade 6, and Science
in grades 6, 7, 9-12. - The complete Phase in Plan for GPS is available
at www.gadoe.org.
42FYI Textbooks
- The state of Georgia maintains an approved list
of textbooks. - Local school systems select textbooks from the
approved state list. - There is a budget cycle for purchasing textbooks
usually every 7 years. - State assessments measure students knowledge of
the state curriculum, not the content of the
- What does your community need to know about
curriculum, instruction, and assessments to
understand and support the schools efforts? - Who is responsible for making sure parents are
offered this information? - What can the school council do to facilitate this
44FYI The School Improvement Plan
45Role of the School Council
- The school principal shalldevelop the school
improvement plan and school operation plan and
submit the plans to the school council for its
review, comments, recommendations, and approval.
O.C.G.A. 20-2-86 (r)(4)
46New in 2005 Legislation
- As part of its review of a school improvement
plan, the school council at each school is
authorized to request and receive data from the
school relative to the schools utilization of an
academic coach and whether such use of an
academic coach has led to increased academic
performance. O.C.G.A. 20-2-215(e)
47The School Improvement Plan
- School improvement plans are usually written to
cover a three-to-five year period. - The plans should be reviewed and updated
annually. - All stakeholders should understand the goals of
the school improvement plan, what progress is
being made, and how they can support it.
48Pop Quiz
- What are three goals of your schools improvement
plan? - Did the school meet those goals in 2004-2005?
- If you knew the answers, congratulations! Few
people can answer without doing research.
50School Improvement Process
- Where are we?
- Analyze data
- Where are we going?
- Set goals
- How are we going to get there?
- Select strategies
- Are we there yet?
- Monitor progress
51- Setting goals and selecting strategies requires
specific, research-based information.
52What kind of specific information?
- Start by looking at the demographics.
- What changes are occurring?
- What implications do those changes have for
student achievement? - Does the school improvement plan reflect these
Consider these three questions as you view the
next four slides.
53Demographics of Georgia Public Schools 2000-2004
 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 5 Year Change
Total K-12 1,391,579 1,412,665 1,437,294 1,496,012 1,486,125 94,546
Asian 2 2 2 2 3 1
Black 38 38 38 38 38 0
Hispanic 4 5 5 6 7 3
White 55 54 53 52 51 -4
FRL 43 43 44 45 46 3
LEP No Data 4 4 4 4 0
Special Ed 11 12 12 12 12 1
FRL Free and Reduced Lunch LEP Limited
English Proficient
54Demographic Trends 2000-2004
55Increase in Minority Students 1994-2004
56Increase in Students Receiving Free and Reduced
- What possible impact might these population
changes have on test scores? - What changes have taken place in your school?
- Are demographic trends considered in your
improvement plans?
58What other information should be considered?
- Look at standardized test scores and see how
different student groups perform. - Is attendance or tardiness an issue at your
school? - What are the discipline issues?
- How many students are in upper level classes?
- What are the demographics of special education,
gifted, honors, and advanced placement classes?
59- What should a school council consider when
reviewing and approving the school improvement
- Goals specifically define the targeted
improvement. - What do you want to accomplish in terms of
student outcomes, by when, and how will progress
be monitored? - Data-based research should be the basis for each
61Goal Criteria
- Is the goal measurable?
- Is the goal clear and specific?
- Does it relate directly to student achievement?
- Is the goal linked to a year-end assessment or
other standards-based assessment? - Is it annually updated to reflect an increase
over the previous year? - Is it written in simple, understandable language?
- Below are two sample goals. Evaluate them
against the criteria. Are they appropriate for
a school improvement plan? - Increase the percentage of students passing the
Georgia High School Science Test by 10 percentage
points in 2006. - Students will demonstrate effective problem
solving skills. - 100 of parents will attend parent-teacher
- Strategies are selected to meet each school
improvement goal. - The goal is the destination, and the strategies
are the vehicles to get there. - When selecting strategies, consider the resources
needed, including funding, staff development, and
evaluations. - An excellent strategy that can not be fully
implemented is more likely to cause frustration
than to create positive change.
64Evaluating Strategies
- These are the questions to ask as a plan is being
developed. Once the plan is in place, strategies
do not need to be re-evaluated if the goals are
being met. - Are the specified actions different from the
current way things are being done? - Do the strategies specify actions to be taken?
- Are there any barriers to implementing the
65Evaluating Strategies
- Do the strategies directly address the goal of
increasing student achievement? - Do the strategies focus on curriculum,
instruction, assessment, and school organization
that will directly impact student achievement? - When implemented, will the strategies directly
impact student learning?
- Bellamy High School has set the following school
improvement goal - By spring 2006, increase the percentage of
students passing the Georgia High School Writing
Test by 12 percentage points. - 2 strategies have been suggested. Evaluate these
strategies against the criteria - Implement writing across the curriculum.
- Increase the number of times students write per
week in every class to two times.
67Plan how to include the community
- Use communication channels to build community
awareness of and support for the schools goals.
- All the stakeholders should understand the goals
of the school improvement plan, what progress is
being made, and how they can support it.
- How many parents at your school could name a goal
in your school improvement plan? - How can the school council help communicate the
schools improvement plans and progress? - Has your school council approved the school
improvement plan? - Does your school council monitor the progress of
the plan?
69Monitoring Progress
- If the goals are being met and the goals are
still appropriate, then no changes are needed. - When making changes consider the intended and
unintended results. - Who will be affected?
- Can those affected be made a part of the planning
process? - Any change to the plan should be as well thought
out as the original plan.
70Additional Information
- The Georgia School Council GuideBook has more
detailed information on reviewing the school
improvement plan and includes a goal review
worksheet and a checklist for monitoring
progress. See Pages 1.5-1.9.
71Examples of school council recommendations
- Precede parent-teacher conferences with a
workshops for parents. - Hold Science and Math Nights with activities for
each grade level across subjects. - Have a Read In for families in media center for
reading and educational games. - Communicate to all parents the importance of
daily on-time attendance.
72School Improvement Creating High Performing
- This presentation is intended to accompany the
Georgia School Council Institute GuideBook