Political Identity: territory and regions in Europe - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Political Identity: territory and regions in Europe


Political Identity: territory and regions in Europe Alistair Cole Three ways of understanding regions and regionalism Ethno-territorial mobilisation Multi-level ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Political Identity: territory and regions in Europe

Political Identity territory and regions in
  • Alistair Cole

Three ways of understanding regions and
  • Ethno-territorial mobilisation
  • Multi-level governance
  • New Regionalism?
  • Three approaches that might be tested in
    relation to a broad variety of cases

Identity and ethno-territorial mobilisation
  • Moreno Ethno-territorial identities have
    developed as a result of the decline of the
    Nation-State, hollowed to the core by economic
    globalisation and political integration.
  • The new politics in Europe is that of
    ethno-territorial mobilisation. This reflects
    itself in sub-state political institutions,
    distinctive party systems, language rights
    movements and cultural traditions and specific
    forms of elite accommodation.
  • There has been renewed interest in minority
    nationalism, ethno-territorial mobilisation and
    how identity has an impact upon institutional
    arrangements .
  • In Spain, in theory a unitary state, there has
    developed a State of Autonomies, where three
    nations Catalonia, Basque Country and Galicia
    are recognised as historic nationalities in the
    1978 constitution and given extended devolved
  • In the UK, the minority nationalist question has
    been nested in a broader class cleavage in both
    Scotland and Wales, national identity came as
    a result of a specific feeling of class identity
    and of being different from the rest of the UK.
  • If there are fashions, this is one. In Italy, a
    move to regional evolution has accompanied more
    assertive regional claims, such as that of
    Padania in the north.
  • But are there other explanations. Is identity

Multi-level governance?
  • A different approach but one which focusses on
    regions is that of multi-level governance
  • Initially developed by Marks (1992), this
    approach views the European policy process as a
    system of continuous negotiation among nested
    governments at several territorial tiers (Marks,
    1993 p392).
  • One of the strongest arguments by supporters of
    multi-level governance is that EU cohesion policy
    has transformed territorial policy styles across
    Europe, by encouraging and facilitating the
    development of new political strategies and
    networks, bypassing State administrations and
    creating new alliances between the European
    Commission and sub-state players.
  • This perspective views the multi-level game
    played jointly by the European Commission (and
    latterly the European Parliament) and regional
    actors as a normative one, designed to by-pass
    or evade the centre qua central government, and
    result in an overall strengthening of both
    supranational and regional tiers.
  • The multi-level governance perspective is in part
    a decentralisation narrative that emphasises the
    financing of regional and structural programmes,
    the institutionalisation of regional
    representation at EU level and the transnational
    activity of the regions
  • Regions are functional spaces, in this model,
    more than harbingers of a post-nation-state future

New Regionalism? Be careful..
  • The norm in Europe is for an asymmetrical
    configuration of government and a multiplicity of
    institutional regimes(Majone, 2003).
  • Regions are strengthened not just because of
    identity, or strategy of the EU, but also because
    they represent functionally appropriate levels of
    government, especially for economic planning.
  • Loughlin and Keating (2003) there has been a
    transformation of regions in Europe, from
    functional outposts of central government... to
    genuine political spaces, with directly elected
    institutions and developed forms of capacity
  • Strengthening regions in a counterpart to the
    emasculation of the state
  • But how accurate is this? The response lies in
    empirical investigation and comparison

Identity... Against instrumentalism
  • When considering the new regionalism debate
    above, we drew a basic distinction between
    identity-based forms of sub-state mobilisation
    capacity building and more instrumental
    considerations of competencies and
    inter-governmental relations.
  • Instrumental models are more likely to focus on
    levels as being the appropriate ones for the
    delivery or co-ordination of a range of services,
    while identity models look to regions as
    historic, cultural and political entities and
    argue for an institutional focus for
    identity-based loyalties.

A word of caution
  • In some states, regions are weak or non-existent,
    especially where there is a tradition of strong
    local government, as in the Netherlands, the
    Scandinavian countries or for much of its
    history the United Kingdom
  • In some of the smaller European Union countries,
    such as Portugal, Greece or Ireland, there is a
    tradition of centralisation that has difficulties
    in accommodating regions. In the countries of
    central and Eastern Europe, there is no tradition
    of autonomous regional level administration
    (Marcou, 2003).
  • During the EU enlargement negotiations, there was
    much opposition from within these countries to
    creating new decentralised structures, with the
    new entrants fearful lest irredentist national
    minorities try and break away and create their
    own states.
  • Though the European Commission started off by
    advocating decentralisation, it swiftly moved to
    the idea of centralised regional economic
    planning. In some countries, regions are
    principally city regions, based around large
    cities and their hinterland (Parkinson, 1992).

Spain an attractive model for devolutionists
  • The move to democracy in Spain from 1975 onwards
    was closely linked with accommodating Spains
    historic nations and regions and rallying
    everybody to the democratic cause.
  • The State of Autonomies embodied in the 1978
    Constitution represented the most radical
    regionalisation of any European state at the
    time. It created 17 Autonomous Communities with
    far reaching devolved powers. Catalonia, the
    Basque Country and Galicia were recognised early
    on as historic nationalities, facilitating
    their support for the plural Spanish nation.

Spain identity or institutions?
  • The Spanish state is neither federal nor
    unitary.. here there is a strong institutional
    argument. No-one wants to be left behind and ACs
    are discovering ancient identities
  • Until recently, Apart from one or two exceptions
    (such as the Basque tax-raising powers) in theory
    all autonomous communities have the right to
    exercise the powers of the strongest communities.
  • Since 1995, the weakest communities have caught
    up with the stronger ones in terms of
    competencies. The precise list of competencies
    depends on the organic laws in existence in each
    of the autonomous communities.
  • In some policy areas, the autonomous community
    has complete legislative and regulatory powers,
    not dependent upon the Spanish State. In some
    areas, there are shared powers, and in still
    others exclusive Spanish state responsibility.

Spain Institutional incentives to identivise
  • There is an inherent tension between recognising
    historic identities and providing the opportunity
    for all Spanish regions to develop their own
    institutional capacity within the Union State.
  • In some important respects, the Spanish model
    does not favour the historic nationalities over
    other regions. The constitution does not
    establish a hierarchy between the historic
    communities and the others. In legal terms, any
    autonomous community can call itself a nation, if
    it so desires.
  • While during the 1980s, only the three historic
    nationalities plus Andalusia had proclaimed
    themselves to be nations, by 1999 eight out of 17
    autonomous communities were recognised as
  • Weaker regions have pointedly developed their
    national identities in order to prevent
    incorporation by stronger neighbours (the case
    for Valencia in relation to Catalonia).
    Devolution in Spain has somewhat artificially
    provoked a wide range of regionalist demands.
  • In the case of Spanish devolution, then, we can
    identify a clear institutional effect.
    Institutions create a spiral effect and have
    introduced a race for autonomy, a lesson
    policy-makers in the UK would be advised to take
    on board.

Slippery slope
  • New Catalan statute approved by the Catalan
    parliament in 2006, setting out Catalonia as a
    nation. Eventually approved by the Spanish
    lower house on 30th March 2006. The Catalan
    statute involves
  • Recognition of Catalan national identity
  • national reality as a nationality
  • Control over legal affairs
  • Strengthens Catalonia in relation to the EU and
    foreign policy
  • Catalan parliament to raise 50 of income tax and
    VAT and create a revenue agency
  • Catalan examples followed by Valencia, Andalucia
    and Basque country.
  • Identity is exaggerated by institutions...

Germany instrumentalism ovder identity
  • Germany provides a contrast both to Spanish
    asymmetry and Belgian communautarianism. The
    Federal Republic of Germany provides the
    interesting case of a federal system that does
    not allow great room for policy diversity.
  • By imposing federalism upon western Germany in
    1949, the occupying powers sought to reduce the
    power of central government and ensure a stable
  • Even after sixty years of operation, there
    remains something artificial about German
    federalism. Unlike in a country such as Canada,
    German federalism does not reflect the
    organisation of a society with specific
    minorities. There are no significant ethnic,
    cultural, social or religious tensions in
  • Moreover, the 16 state governments (the länder)
    are artificial units that do not correspond to
    historic German regions and do not reflect
    cultural, historic or linguistic differences
    within Germany.
  • Even after sixty years of institutional
    existence, Germans feel themselves to be members
    of a local or a national community rather than a
    land. Their real attachment to regions is to
    those based on dialects, customs and culture such
    as the Rhineland, Palatinate, Badenia, or

  • There is a very close interdependency between the
    federal and the state (länder) governments, the
    system of interlocking politics described by
  • The länder are legally bound into a system of
    joint decision-making and revenue-sharing, and
    share a strong normative commitment to policy
  • The länder co-operate closely with the federal
    government in matters of regional economic
    policy, agriculture and the planning of
  • The länder are closely involved in
    decision-making at the federal level through the
    composition of the second chamber, the bundesrat,
    which has a veto on federal legislation in around
    50 of cases.
  • Unlike in Belgium or even Spain, there is a
    strict system of fiscal redistribution and most
    resources for federal governments and the länder
    come from joint taxes.
  • For all these reasons, there is a greater
    uniformity of policy in Germany than might be
    expected in a federal system.
  • Identity is squeezed out by institutions

Belgium linguistic fracture
  • The case of Belgium is the most eloquent in terms
    of demonstrating the centrifugal effects of
    linguistic divisions
  • .
  • Belgium was created as an independent state in
    1830 domination of the French-speaking Walloons
    in the south.. at the expense of the Dutch
    speaking Flemish, mainly in the north. In the
    course of the mid 20th century, the economic and
    linguistic balance began to shift so that the
    downtrodden Flemish now became the majority of
    the population and the more dynamic economic
  • The only solution discovered to prevent the
    complete dissolution of the Belgian state the
    policy of separate language communities (from
    1963), to deal with issues of education and
    culture, for the different communities.
  • The language issue has had a profound impact in
    Belgium, to the extent of changing the party
    system and replacing Belgian-wide parties - e.g.
    Socialists, with specific parties for each
    community. Here language has had the effect of a
  • Institutions have encouraged linguistic
    identities and language performs the role of a
    key cleavage.

  • Comparison with other EU states reveals the
    persistence of this belief in equality as
    uniformity and how this constricts local and
    regional capacity building.
  • In comparative perspective, France still appears
    as the most resistant of the five major European
    nations to asymmetrical territorial development
    on its mainland. Germany, Spain, the UK and Italy
    have each undergone developments that can in some
    senses be labelled as federal, quasi-federal or
    asymmetrical (different parts of the national
    territory developing more or less advanced forms
    of autonomy).
  • In the case of France, a distinctive form of
    sub-national governance has evolved. But there
    are no equivalents to the strong regions with
    fiscal and/or legislative powers, such as
    Scotland, the Belgian and Italian regions, the
    Spanish Autonomous Communities, or the German
    länder. Frances 22 regions have a shared general
    competency, some tax-varying powers but no
    hierarchical control over other layers of local
    government. Governance might challenge the
    state, but not the unitary state form.
  • Given its reaction to the Corsican example, it is
    highly likely that any attempt to derogate too
    seriously from the norm of uniformity will be
    resisted by the Council of State, the guardian of
    Frances conservative public law tradition.
  • Institutions have, in the main, squeezed out

Lesser Used languages as sources of identity
  • There is a strong argument that recent moves to
    more differentiated forms of regional and local
    governance are likely to encourage linguistic
    pluralism (see, for example, Keating, Loughlin
    and Deschouwer, 2003).
  • In countries such as Spain, Belgium and Italy,
    the move to enhanced regional self-consciousness
    in the 1980s and 1990s was associated with a
    rediscovery of the value of lesser-used languages
    and cultures and the adoption of new policy
    instruments to plan language revival.
  • In the age of think global, act local, language
    can exercise a useful signalling function,
    demonstrating clearly the distinctiveness and
    value-added identity of specific regions.

Some examples
  • Catalonia, Basque country, Galicia ability to
    speak the regional language essential for
  • Ireland Gaelic speakers 2-3 of the population,
    but mastery essential for higher office
  • Wales Welsh Language Act (1993) introduces
    bilingualism. Welsh an official langiuage of the

The Welsh Language Identity, institutions
  • In broad socio-economic terms, Welsh has expanded
    its usage considerably in the past two decades
    and the language is now used widely in education,
    the media, leisure and selected public services.
  • Language survey data suggests that social
    context, family language transmission and
    exposure to formal bilingual education are the
    key factors in language reproduction.
  • In the case of Wales, community and family are
    less powerful agents of language reproduction
    than they were previously, but formal bilingual
    education and language planning has slowed the
    rate of absolute decline.

Welsh Identity language
  • Analysis of family/household composition patterns
    by Aitchison and Carter (1997) show that an
    extremely high proportion of Welsh speakers is
    linguistically isolated within their home
  • Many communities of the northern and western
    heartland seem to be fragmenting irretrievably,
    threatening the transmission of the Welsh
    language. Welsh is not secure as a community
    language despite its official status.
  • Fluent and good Welsh-speakers manifesting a high
    proclivity towards Welsh identity, as do the
    intermediate and basic speakers, when contrasted
    with the non-Welsh speakers.
  • Rather like in Spain, devolved instituions create
    a space for a linguistic identity

Welsh Identity Class
  • There are clearly sociological differences in
    bases to identity.
  • Cole and Evans (2007) Individuals residing in
    the Valleys showing a much greater propensity
    towards Welsh identity than the Cardiff
    reference. A Class Identity (Wyn Jones and
    Scully, 2003)?
  • In terms of occupational class belonging, two
    classes stand out the petty bourgeoisie, with
    the highest probability of British identity, and
    workers with conversely the highest level of
    Welsh identity.
  • Interestingly, even in areas of reputed
    Welshness such as the North-West of Wales and
    mid-Wales, there is no significant difference
    from the capital indeed North-West Wales is
    slightly more British in its identification.

Welsh Identity Age
  • Cole and Evans (2007) There is an almost
    monotonic relationship between age categories and
    identity, with the two youngest strata
    identifying most strongly with the Welsh
    identity, decreasing in the 55 and older
  • Educationally, a similarly clear profile emerges.
    Individuals with the lowest educational
    attainment have the highest level of Welsh
    identity, following by the mid-level group.

  • Moreno and ethno-terriorital mobilisation mixing
    up normative and empirical evidence. Appropriate
    for a minority of cases? But how representatives
    are these?
  • Multi-level governance? Useful as a metaphor, but
    regions contsructed in instrumental senses
  • New Regionalism? In places.. Nut not as a general
  • Comparsion creates a spectrum. When does
    identity drive institutions? What do institutions
    confine identities? How do we explain variation?
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