Title: Robotic Arm Controller
1Robotic Arm Controller
Team Justin Hamann Dave McNamara
Advisor Dr. Vinod Prasad
Organization Bradley University
2General Description
- EMAC user interface to accept user input
- Serial Communication of Position Based input data
- VLSI Robotic Arm Controller synchronously reads
data and moves arm - Servo Motor Feedback sets error flags when needed
3Previous Work
- Based off the Rhino Mark III robotic Arm
Controller - Uses EMAC board for user interface rather then PC
connection - No additional software required
- Positions instead of Direction vectors
4Functional Description
- Input
- Desired position of selected motor
- Output
- Motor movement
5Subsystem Block Diagram
6Controller Subsystem
- Position data received serially through six
lines from UI. - Uses synchronous communication with clock from
UI - Sends analog control signal to robot arm
7Controller Feedback Subsystem
- Servo status compared to expected motor function
- Error flag set and sent to UI
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9Micro Controller Subsystem
- Uses keypad to accept user input position for
each motor - Reads error flags from the feedback subsystem
- Send appropriate serial data based on user input
to the controller subsystem - Generate clock signal to control synchronous
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11Robot Arm Subsystem
- Requires a 12V high current power supply
- Uses the analog signals sent from the controller
subsystem to drive the servos - Photo diode, optical transistor, and a pair of
optical discs used to create feedback on servo
12Equipment List
- Rhino XR-2 Robotic Arm
- Programmable Logic Chip
- EMAC board
- 5V two rail low current power supply
- 2 12V single rail high current power supplies
- VLSI designed chip
13Expected Time Chart
Week 1 Researching the Rhino XR-2 Robotic Arm
Week 2 Researching the Arm Operation and available Power Supplies
Week 3 Coding the User Interface
Week 4 Troubleshooting / Testing the User Interface
Week 5 Beginning Programming of VHDL / Proposal Preparation
Week 6 VHDL Simulation
Week 7 Hardware Implementation of VHDL
Week 8 Testing the Robotic Arm / Troubleshooting
Week 9 Full System Testing / Start researching VLSI
Week 10 Begin VLSI Cell Development
Week 11 Continue Cell Development
Week 12 PSPICE testing of Cells
Week 13 Combining Cells and Troubleshooting / PSPICE testing
Week 14 Readying chip for fabrication / order
Week 15 Testing of VLSI chip
Week 16 Investigation of VLSI chip for high volume production
Week 17 Misc. Troubleshooting
Week 18 Prepare for Final Report and Presentation