Title: Ann Holmes
1Statutory supervision In the background In the
foreground In the round
- Ann Holmes
- Scottish Government Health Directorates
- Directorate for Chief Nursing Officer,
- Patients, Public and Health Professions
2NHS Scotland
- Health Directorates
- Policy, strategy
- Health Boards
- National
- Education
- Resources marketing
- Improvement
- Information statistics
- Territorial - 14
- Local service delivery
- Urban,
- Remote rural
Quality strategy
Public health
Maternity early years policy
Maternity services Person centred Safe Effective
Quality improvement
Right care, right place, every time
4Maternity services
- 60,000 births
- Variety of provision
- Consultant led units
- Large full range obstetric, neonatal, anaesthetic
care - Alongside midwife led units
- Smaller, more limited services
- Community maternity units (CMUs)
- Midwife led
- Antenatal, intrapartum, postnatal care
- Near and far!
5Service principles
- Pregnancy birth normal life events ?
- Holistic approach ?
- Appropriate care lead professional ?
- Multi-professional ? multi-agency team work
Not an illness, normality model Self referral,
direct access
Social medical context Early identification of
need Timely, appropriate intervention
- Midwife led - healthy women, straightforward
pregnancy - Maternity team - women with complexity
6Practice reality
External factors Demographic Professional Expectat
ions Fiscal
7Raison d'être
- NHS Scotland Quality Strategy
- Caring compassionate staff services
- Communication explanation about conditions
treatment - Effective Collaboration, clinicians, patients,
others - A Clean safe environment
- Continuity of care
- Clinical excellence
- NMC Code, Rules, Standards
- Statutory supervision
8My supervision journey
Expertise leadership
- In the background
- Local clinical lead role
- Focus on clinical skill
- Early leadership
- Basic understanding of regulation supervision
- SoMs
- Tap on the shoulder
- Minimal preparation
- Low profile
- Contact problem!
Clinical midwife Charge midwife
SoM preparation course
9My supervision journey
- In the foreground
- Strategic leadership role
- Good understanding of regulation supervision
- SoMs
- Improved preparation
- Rising profile
- Emerging leadership
- Promotion advocacy
- Leadership programme
- Scottish LSA forum
- Consistency
- CEO SEND profile
- Regional approach
Consultant midwife
LSAMO role
Clinical midwife Charge midwife Research
SoM preparation course
10My supervision journey
Consultant midwife Midwifery advisor
NMC Midwifery Committee
Consultant midwife
LSAMO role
Clinical midwife Charge midwife Research
SoM preparation course
11Supervision in action
- NHS Board profile
- CEO/SEND, audit NMC reviews
- SOM input, care services
- Clinical governance meetings
- Â National integration
- Leadership
- LMSG agenda, leadership work
- Midwifery Adviser links
- Workstreams
- Care pathways SWHMR
- Policy generation
- Key groups - SPSP telehealth
- HEI education research provision
- UK interface
- Midwives Supply Orders
- Midwifery 2020
12In the future
Organisation governance?
Nursing? Support workers?
Independent Scotland?
Professional courage?
13Professional leadership
- It takes a lot of courage to release the
familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the
new. But there is no real security in what is no
longer meaningful. There is more security in the
adventurous and exciting, for in movement there
is life, and in change there is power Alan
Cohen author