Cadet Program Updates - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cadet Program Updates


UNCLASSIFIED Cadet Program Updates 2005 Maryland Wing Conference UNCLASSIFIED Cadet Program Updates Agenda Stay Informed Tools for Cadets and Leaders Cadet Activities ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Cadet Program Updates

Cadet Program Updates
  • 2005
  • Maryland Wing
  • Conference

Cadet Program Updates
  • Agenda
  • Stay Informed
  • Tools for Cadets and Leaders
  • Cadet Activities
  • Awards
  • Questions and Answers

Stay InformedThe Cadet Programs Staff
Stay InformedThe Cadets of Maryland Wing
  • Cadets 617 (as of 4 November 2005)
  • Down 19 Cadets since Last Wing Conference in
  • Statistical breakdown of cadet achievements
  • since 1 March 2004
  • 167 Milestone awards processed by National HQ
  • 83 Wright Brothers
  • 58 Mitchells
  • 14 Earharts
  • 10 Eakers
  • 2 Spaatzs

Stay InformedCadet Programs Today Newsletters
Cadets see the world through IACE    Awesome
internship at OAS    CAP opens doors to Air
Force Academy    Civic Leadership Academy 2006
announced    CPFT's 'run plus 2 out of 3' rule
maintained    Achievement test policy clarified 
  Brewer "Aeroscholars" scholarship announced 
  Effective fund raising    Former cadet's
dream comes true    Images from NCSAs 2005
Stay Informed
  • 2006 National Cadet Special Activities.  Start
    planning for summer. With over 20 types of
    activities to choose from, every cadet can find
    something that matches their interests. Apply 1
    November through 31 December (for CLA, apply now
    through 1 November).  See the NCSA home page for
  • 13 Oct 05 Drill Ceremonies Resources.   A
    new drill and ceremonies instructor guide,
    student guide, and slides are available, courtesy
    of HQ AFJROTC. Units are encouraged to use these
    optional resources to support cadet
    leadership training. Download them from the Cadet
    Drill Ceremonies Homepage. 
  • 5 Oct 05 Civic Leadership Academy.  Not
    your average field trip to Washington, the Civic
    Leadership Academy is an opportunity for 24 of
    CAPs brightest cadets to explore their
    government and investigate public service
    careers. The academy culminates with CAP's
    Legislative Day, when CLA cadets will meet with
    Congressional leaders to help them better
    understand CAPs worth to America. Apply now
    through 1 November 2005.   30 Aug 05CPFT's
    "Run Plus 2 out of 3" Rule Maintained. The
    National Commander has directed that the "run
    plus 2 out of 3" rule used in scoring the Cadet
    Physical Fitness Test remain in effect until
    further notice. To learn more, download the
    original CPFT Policy Letter dated 18 February, or
    the letter extending the scoring rule dated 21
    August. The "run plus 2 out of 3 rule" applies to
    all achievements and milestone award exams,
    including the Spaatz Award exam. 29 Aug 05
  • Training Leaders of Cadets.  The 2005 draft
    curriculum is on-line now. A major reason why the
    TLC program is in the process of being
    re-designed is to respond to members' requests
    for a curriculum that is more user-friendly. The
    new lesson plans will guide instructors
    step-by-step, like a recipe. As drafts, the
    materials below are subject to change. The 2005
    edition is expected to be officially released on
    this page in November 2005. 18 Aug 05

Stay Informed
  • National Cadet Competition.  Results from the
    2005 NCC are available on our NCC
    page. Congratulations to all teams on
    an outstanding competition!  14 Jul 05
  • Feedback on Leadership Tests.  If a cadet fails a
    leadership achievement test, units are asked to
    let the cadet know which sections he or she
    missed, and pair them with a mentor, if
    necessary. For more information, read the memo
    sent to all testing officers. 1 Jun 05
  • Civic Leadership Academy earns seal of approval -
    After evaluating its syllabus, the National
    Association of Secondary School Principals has
    granted a seal of approval to CAP's Civic
    Leadership Academy.  22 Apr 05
  • CAPT 61 / Testing Officer's Quick Reference - HQ
    CAP issued a change to CAPT 61, "Aerospace
    Dimensions Achievement Tests."  All units will
    automatically receive an errata memo announcing
    the change in February, via the all-unit
    mail-out.  The change affects only 2 questions on
    the module 1 test.  When the testing officer
    posts this change, they are encouraged to check
    the unit's test inventory to ensure it is up to
    date, using the Testing Officer's Quick
    Reference.  7 Feb 05
  • EAA AeroScholars -  Our aerospace education team
    has developed a great partnership with EAA's
    Young Eagles AeroScholars program that they want
    to share with everyone. Aeroscholars provide high
    school youth with true on-line distance learning
    through an in-depth study of aerospace. Students
    enrolled as EAA Aeroscholars will also receive a
    one-year EAA student membership and the monthly
    EAA publication, Sport Aviation, for the duration
    of their coursework. A complete overview of this
    course may be viewed at the
    website (you will leave the domain if you
    click this link), which includes an interactive
    sample lesson. Registration for the spring 2005
    semester will be accepted through January 30,
    2005. Read more.   11 Jan 05

Stay InformedCP Related Publications
CAPP 52-5 The Congressional Award
CAPP 52-6 Mentoring
CAPP 52-7 Cadet Orientation Flight Syllabus
CAPP 52-8 Unit Honor Guard Program
CAPP 52-9 Cadet Orienation Course (3 vols)
CAPR 52-10 Cadet Protection Policy
CAPP 52-11 Sally Ride Science Festival
CAPP 52-12 Required Staff Training (2 vols)
CAPP 52-13 Spaatz Award Exam - Admin Guide
CAPP 52-14 Staff Duty Analysis
CAPR 52-16 Cadet Program Management
CAPP 52-18 Cadet Physical Fitness Program
CAPP 52-19 Cadet Advisory Council Guide
CAPP 216 CP Specialty Track Study Guide
CADET TEXTBOOKS - Available through CAPmart.
Leadership 2000 and Beyond
Aerospace Dimensions 
---  Student Guide
---  Leader Guide
Aerospace The Journey of Flight
Stay InformedTesting Officers Quick Reference
Tools for Cadets and Leaders!Cadet Programs
Officer Specialty Track Study Guide.
Cadet Uniform Program
  • The Cadet Uniform Program (formally called the
    "Free Cadet Uniform Program") provides an
    opportunity for new cadets to receive a basic
    blue uniform (shirt, pants or skirt,
    belt, buckle, and hat) at no cost to them. New
    cadets simply need to complete the voucher
    attached to their Application for Cadet
    Membership (CAPF 15), and mail their membership
    application/voucher to the address indicated on
    the application form.
  • Sizing Charts are available online!
  • Shoes are not provided as part of the program.
    Cadets are responsible for purchasing shoes
    and the CAP accessories (name tag, ribbons, grade
    insignia, hat device, etc.) - CAPMart (You will
    leave the domain if you click this link)
    would be happy to assist you at 800.633.8768 or
    on the web at (You will leave the domain if you click this link).
  • Please help! Last fiscal year, CAP returned
    nearly 1,500 vouchers because the vouchers were
    incomplete (missing names, addresses, sizes,
    etc.) or illegible. Please ensure that the
    vouchers are complete and legible for our Air
    Force partners to fulfill your orders!
  • The Air Force is paying hundreds of thousands of
    dollars for this program! This is a limited
    program - meaning that there may not be enough
    funds to provide every cadet with a uniform and
    the program will end when the funds run out.
    For FY 05, 519,494 was spent to give 9,091
    cadets a basic uniform. The budget for FY 06 is
    580,000, with 42,866 spent in October. Bookmark
    this site to stay updated on the latest

Character Development
  • Civil Air Patrol encourages youth to live the
    timeless Core Values of Integrity, Volunteer
    Service, Excellence, and Respect. CAP develops
    character in its cadets through formal values
    education and informal mentoring as ethical
    dilemmas arise in cadets' lives.CAPP 265-2
    "FLIGHT TIME Values for Living" July
    2004OVERVIEW. This pamphlet provides lesson
    plans and student handouts for use with the moral
    leadership or character development element of
    the CAP Cadet Program, which is defined in CAPR
    52-16, Cadet Program Management. It supersedes
    CAPP 265-2, dated August 2002. NEW FEATURES. 
    Some of the features new to this edition
    include--  Discussion questions designed
    specifically for younger, middle, and older youth
    that achieve an appropriate level of learning for
    each age group--  Case studies that help
    dramatize ethical concepts and dilemmas-- 
    Lesson plans that are more structured and
    comprehensive--  An annotated lesson plan that
    illustrates how-to conduct the lessons--  A
    formative lesson to introduce new cadets to the
    CAP Core Values and the character development
    program in general--  An attractive, easy to
    follow layout that separates the instructors
    lesson plans from the students handouts.

  • An Exchange of Best Practices Related to the
    Cadet Program
  • CrossTalk is a "best practices" feature appearing
    periodically in the Cadet Programs Today
    newsletters. HQ CAP Cadet Programs uses the
    CrossTalk column and this web page to share the
    "best practices" of our members. 
  • To view some of these resources, you will need
    the free Adobe Acrobat Reader (you will leave
    the domain if you click this link) or the
    free Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer (you will leave
    the domain if you click this link).
  • Check out all of the Cadet Programs "Benchmark
    Candidates" from various Wing Compliance

Cadet Drill Ceremonies
Tools for Cadets and Leaders!Multimedia
Tools for Cadets and Leaders!Lesson Plans
Tools for Cadets and Leaders!Myths Legends
  • Have you ever played the secret game? The
    first person whispers a secret to the second
    person, who then whispers it to the next, and so
    on. By the time the secret reaches the tenth
    person, the story has changed completely.
  • Cadets and seniors receive much of their CAP
    training by watching and listening. Its easy to
    see how rules and regulations can get twisted
    just like a story in the secret game.
  •                 CAC
  • Myth The CAC's job is to plan social events for
    cadets, organize cadet training at the wing
    level, and command wing level cadet activities.
  • Truth The CAC is the Cadet Advisory Council.
    Their primary mission is to aid the echelon
    commander in monitoring and implementing the
    Cadet Program, and make recommendations to
    improve it. CACs exist at the wing, region, and
    national level, and in some groups. CACs have no
    command authority and may not dictate policy
    (Ref CAPR 52-16, 3-1).

Tools for Cadets and Leaders!Training Resources
  • Encampment Training Module
  • Leadership skills are critical for an encampment
    to be successful.  Staff members - cadets and
    seniors - especially need training on topics such
    as leadership theory, group conflict, teamwork,
    and drill and ceremonies.  The optional resources
    below, which were developed by the USAF Air
    Command Staff College, are building blocks in
    HQ CAP's on-going efforts to develop a standard
    encampment curriculum.  Consider using them to
    help train encampment staff.
  • Cadet Orientation Course CAPP 52-9
  • New and prospective cadets need to know what the
    Cadet Program is all about if they are to be
    successful in CAP.  This optional course provides
    a synopsis of CAP's history, missions, the duties
    and privileges of cadet membership, and a basic
    overview of the Cadet Program.   Reference CAPR
    52-16, 2-2a.
  • RST CAPP 52-12
  • The Cadet Program flourishes only in the proper
    leadership environment.  RST helps leaders reduce
    the risk of hazing, harassment, and humiliation
    at their activity.  It provides examples and
    non-examples of hazing and illustrates how to
    create an effective and positive training
    atmosphere.  Staff members, cadets and seniors
    alike, must complete RST each time they
    participate at a cadet activity lasting four
    nights in duration or longer.  See CAPR 52-16,
    paragraph 1-4d, for full details.
  • Training Leaders of Cadets (New Curriculum!)
  • If you want to understand the mission of the
    Cadet Program and how it should be conducted, TLC
    is your single best source. TLC is one of the
    requirements to earn the Cadet Programs badge,
    senior rating.  
  • Seminars for Home Units

Tools for Cadets and Leaders!Important Links for
  • Ribbon Checker 
  • http//

Cadet ActivitiesCadet Advisory Council
  • Cadet Advisory Councils have three main purposes
  • 1. To provide an organization where cadets gain
    leadership experience at higher organizational
    levels 2. Aid the commanders in monitoring and
    implementing the Cadet Program 3. Make
    recommendations for improving and running the
    Cadet Program.
  • Resources
  • CAPP 52-19 "Cadet Advisory Council Guide."  CACs
    and their leaders may use this guide as a resouce
    to conducting CAC business. The National Cadet
    Advisory Council developed much of the guide's
    content. Several wing and region councils
    contributed to the project through field tests.
           "CAC Guide" Contents Include Role of an
    Advisory Body Measures of Success
    Communication Teamwork Roles
    Responsibilities Setting the Agenda
    Conducting Meetings Recording Proceedings
    Suggested Topics Writing Presenting
    Recommendations Guidance for Senior Advisors
  • National Cadet Advisory Council Constitution
    Bylaws.   The NCAC Constitution and Bylaws govern
    NCAC meetings only. They do not necessarily
    govern Cadet Advisory Councils at lower echelons,
    although CACs are welcome to use them as a
  • Cadet Program Management  (CAPR 52-16 April
    2003)Chapter 3 of this regulation governs the
    NCAC and all Cadet Advisory Councils.

Cadet ActivitiesDrug Demand Reduction
  • The Drug Demand Reduction Program is chartered
    with the responsibility to make CAP an
    environment that promotes and supports education,
    community involvement, social responsibility and
    respect for individuals. The DDR Program began
    in 1994 to support the "Air Force Family" within
    30 miles of an Air Force installation. Since
    that time, the program scope has expanded to
    include the entire CAP organization with a
    special emphasis on the Cadet Program. The
    program has evolved into three areas
  • Education and Training
  • CAP School Program
  • Community Outreach Activities

Cadet ActivitiesEncampment
24 June 2 July 2006 We are looking for staff !
Top 3 Cadet 31 December 2005 8 January Review
Board Cadet Staff 28 February 2005 25 March
Review Board Training Weekend 26 28
May Basics 31 May
Cadet ActivitiesIACE Hosting
  • The International Cadet Exchange (IACE)
  • provides selected youth and adults an opportunity
    to serve as "ambassadors" to participating
    countries and promote international goodwill,
    friendship and understanding.
  • 15 July 2 August

Cadet ActivitiesRegion Cadet Leadership School
  • These academies make use of local resources to
    broaden leadership skills in cadet officers and
  • 25-30 June Seymour Johnson AFB NC
  • The Tri-Wing Encampment is another opportunity to
    participate and get credit for a RCLS (Run at the
    same time, longer/cheaper instruction
  • Remember RCLS is still needed for cadet

Cadet ActivitiesModel Rocketry
  • Civil Air Patrol's Model Rocketry program is an
    achievement program for cadets interested in the
    science, technology, and flight of model
    rockets.The guide (available online) builds on
    the foundation of Aerospace Dimensions, Module 4
    "Rockets," to introduce cadets to the hobby and
    science of model rocketry. The guide begins
    with simple alternative-power models and
    progressively challenges cadets with more
    advanced models.  Cadets who complete the
    written and performance requirements for each of
    the three stages described in this text, as
    certified by their unit commander, will be
    awarded the Cadet Model Rocketry Badge. 

Cadet ActivitiesNational Cadet Competition
  • Drill Team and Color Guard
  • Color Guard competition is tentatively scheduled
    for 18 February 2006 at the 5th Regiment Armory
  • Drill Team - practices UNDERWAY!!
  • Region Competition (Color Guard and Drill Team)
  • 1-2 April 2006

Cadet ActivitiesNational Cadet Special Activities
  • National Cadet Special Activities offer cadets
    outstanding opportunities to spend a week or more
    exploring aerospace careers, developing
    leadership skills, and furthering their love of
    aviation. Over 30 activities will be offered
    across the nation for the summer of 2006.
  • How to ApplyFollow the application instructions
    to apply for NCSAs. Applications for most NCSAs
    are accepted from 1 November through 31 December
  • AF Air Education Training Command
  • Aircraft Maintenance Mfg. Course 
  • Cadet Officer School
  • Advanced Technologies Academy
  • AF Pararescue Orientation
  • Basic Airline Careers Exploration New for 2006!
  • Civic Leadership Academy  Aerospace Education
  • AF Space Command Familiarization Course
  • National Blue Beret
  • Hawk Mountain Search Rescue School
  • Engineering Technologies Academy
  • AF Weather Agency Course
  • Basic National Flight Academy / Powered
  • Honor Guard Academy
  • AF Weather Agency Course / Advanced
  • National Flight Academy / Glider

Cadet ActivitiesOrientation Flights
  • The Cadet Orientation Flight (COF) program is
    designed to introduce our youth, under 18 years
    old, to general aviation through hands-on
    orientation flights in single engine aircraft and
  • Complete details about the COF program are found
    in CAPP 52-7, Cadet Orientation Flight Syllabus.
  • The CAPC 77, Certificate of First Flight, which
    is attached to CAPP 52-7, is available as a full
    color certificate. You would request this
    certificate the same way you request other CAP
    forms or certificates - with a CAPF 8,
    Requisition for Publications and Blank Forms
    (send the CAPF 8 to the address listed on the
  • All COFs are reimbursed at the rates published in
    CAPR 173-3, Payment for Civil Air Patrol Support.

Cadet ActivitiesScholarships
    any simpler than that!  Each year, Civil Air
    Patrol provides academic and flight scholarships
    to deserving cadets and seniors who meet
    eligibility requirements. Over 300,000.00 is
    available. Many of the scholarships go unused
    apply today!New last year, members may track
    their applications status on-line Applications
    will still be submitted via U.S. Mail, as that
    remains the best way to send test scores, letters
    of reference, etc.  Some of the benefits of the
    new on-line system include
  • User-Friendly.  Members may check their
    applications status to see when it was received
    and note whether it is complete or incomplete.
  • Manager-Friendly. Unit commanders and Directors
    of Cadet Programs at every level may monitor
    applications from members  in their units.
  • Saves Money.   By reducing the need to correspond
    with applicants via U.S. Mail, CAP saves money
    and provides better service, especially to
    members who change their mailing address.
  • Basic Eligibility CriteriaThe following
    criteria applies to all scholarships, unless
    noted otherwise in the various scholarship
    announcements found on the scholarship
    webpage's1.  Be a current CAP member2.  Have
    earned the Billy Mitchell Award or attained the
    Senior Rating in the Cadet Programs Officer
    Specialty Track3.  Possess and maintain an
    academic and discipline standard acceptable to
    the school4.  Be enrolled in a full-time course
    of study during the academic year for which the
    scholarship is awarded.
  • College Scholarships   CAP Academic Scholarships
    New Texas AM University Corps of Cadets
    Auburn University Engineering   Spartan School
    of Aeronautics    Dowling College of Aviation 
      Embry-Riddle University    Clara Livingston
    Flying Scholarships  Order of Daedalians  
    The Spaatz Association    CAP General
    AviationUnited States Air Force Academy
    Preparatory School
  • Last years deadline was 31 January 2004

Cadet ActivitiesMaryland Specific Events
Cadet Solo School Aerospace Academy (Formerly
the Glider Academy) Cadet Competition
Team Tri-Wing Encampment Honor Guard IACE
Hosting MD ANG Shadow Program MD ANG Cook Teams
Speak Off (Wing 5 March 2005 and Region _at_ MER
AwardsMilestone Awards
  • Wright Brothers Award
  • Billy Mitchell Award
  • Amelia Earhart Award
  • Ira C. Eaker Award
  • Carl A. Spaatz Award

Milestone Award Cadets the U.S. MilitaryUS Air
Force Benefits.   Cadets who earn the Billy
Mitchell Award may qualify to enter the Air Force
at an advanced pay grade upon enlistment (see AFI
36-2002, Attachment 4, paragraph 1.5.5.). 
Mitchell cadets who enroll in AFROTC may also
receive credit for the CAP experience (see AFOTSI
36-2011, paragraph 2.5.6).  US Army Benefits. 
Cadets who earn the Billy Mitchell Award may
qualify to enter the Army at an advanced pay
grade.  See AR 601-210, paragraph 2-20J for
AwardsCadet Programs Specialty Badge
  • As approved by the National Board, the Cadet
    Programs specialty badge recognizes senior member
    volunteer service in the Cadet Program.  The
    badge may be worn by senior members who have
    attained a technician rating in the Cadet
    Programs specialty track. Its design is modeled
    on the cadet officer service cap device.
  • There are three variations of the Cadet Programs
    specialty badge
  • Blue Star   The basic badge is equipped with a
    blue star and denotes attainment of the
    technician rating.
  • Bronze Star  When affixed with a bronze star,
    the badge denotes attainment of the senior
  • Silver Star  When affixed with a silver star,
    the badge denotes attainment of the master
  • Request the badge using  CAPF 2a.  (Procedures
    may vary depending on the wing.) 
  • The badge is available at CAP-Mart, catalog
    number 0761.
  • For details on what is required to attain each
    rating in the Cadet Programs specialty track, see
    CAPP 216.

AwardsAnnual Cadet Program Awards
  • Cadet Officer of the Year
  • Cadet Junior Officer of the Year
  • Cadet NCO of the Year
  • Cadet Programs Advocate of the Year

AwardsSquadron of Merit 2006
  • Each year, wing commanders select one outstanding
    cadet or composite squadron from the wing to be
    the Squadron of Merit (SOM) for the year.
  • The criteria for this award is detailed in Award
    of CAP Medals, Ribbons, and Certificates, CAPR
    39-3, paragraphs 27 28, which includes     a.
    A minimum of 12 cadets on 1 January 2005     b.
    An active cadet recruiting and retention
    program     c. Number of cadet milestone awards
    (Mitchell, Earhart, Eaker and Spaatz)     d.
    Number of cadet first-time encampment
    attendees     e. Participation in the
    orientation flight program     f. Percentage of
    cadets flying the back seat (code 99)
    orientation flights.
  • The selected squadron will be the "Squadron of
    Merit 2006" winner and will receive a Squadron of
    Merit 2006 certificate and streamer. Data used to
    help determine the award winner will be based
    upon calendar year 2005 data.

AwardsSquadron of Distinction 2006
  • Each year, Region Commanders select one
    outstanding cadet or composite squadron from
    the region to be the Squadron of Distinction
    (SOD) for the year.
  • The criteria for this award is detailed in Award
    of CAP Medals, Ribbons, and Certificates, CAPR
    39-3, paragraphs 27 28, which includes     a.
    A minimum of 12 cadets on 1 January 2005
  •      b. An active cadet recruiting and retention
    program     c. Number of cadet milestone awards
    (Mitchell, Earhart, Eaker and Spaatz)     d.
    Number of cadet first-time encampment
    attendees     e. Participation in the
    orientation flight program     f. Percentage of
    cadets flying the back seat (code 99)
    orientation flights.
  • The selected squadron will be the "Squadron
    of Distinction 2006" winner and will receive a
    Squadron of Distinction 2006 certificate and
    streamer. Data used to help determine the award
    winner will be based upon calendar year 2005 data.

AwardsPhysical Fitness Awards
  • National headquarters will recognize squadrons
    that make physical fitness a cornerstone of their
    Cadet Program. The Squadron Physical Fitness
    Award is a voluntary program open to every cadet
    unit twice per year.  For more details about the
    awards and the Cadet Physical Fitness Test
    (CPFT), see CAPP 52-18.
  • In May and/or November, simply administer the
    CPFT. If 70 of the cadets in your squadron can
    perform at the 50th percentile of the PCPFS
    survey (or higher) for their age and gender, 
    your unit qualifies for the award. 
  • The requirements of the gold, silver, and bronze
    awards are shown below. The award program itself
    is simple, but fulfilling the standards will be a
  • Award Level            Requirements               
             AwardGold Award             70 at 70th
    percentile           TrophySilver Award         
      70 at 60th percentile           Certificate
    Bronze Award          70 at 50th
    percentile           Certificate
  • Test Periods.
  • In May and/or November, conduct the CPFT as you
    normally would. 
  • Award Requirements.  
  • At least 70 of the total cadet membership must
    meet or surpass the award standards to earn an
    award at any level. Total membership means the
    number of cadets who are official CAP members on
    the first day of May or November, according to
    the HQ CAP database. For example, for a squadron
    with 30 cadets on the membership rolls, 21 (70)
    must meet the award standards.  If only 25 cadets
    happen to test, 21 still need to pass.
  • Standards. 
  • How do you know what the 50th, 60th, or 70th
    percentiles standards are?  Simply refer to CAPP
    52-18, Attachment 3. The requirements for the
    Mitchell Award correspond to the 50th percentile,
    the Earhart Award corresponds to the 60th
    percentile, and the Eaker Award corresponds to
    the 70th percentile.  Remember that a cadets CAP
    grade is irrelevant as far as the Squadron
    Physical Fitness Award is concerned. 
  • How to Request the Award.
  • To apply for the Squadron Physical Fitness Award,
    send the following information via email or via
    US Mail to
  • Squadron Fitness AwardHQ CAP/LMPD105 S Hansell
    St    Maxwell AFB AL  36112-6332
  • Please include the following
  • 1.  Unit name and charter number2.  Name and
    phone/email address of senior member project
    officer3.  Roster of cadets and their percentile
    score on the CPFT   (ie 50th, 60th, 70th)4. 
    Date of test5.  Level of award you are
    requesting (ie Gold, Silver, Bronze)
  •  Application Timeframe.
  • Spring - Test any day in May         Request
    award by 15 JuneFall - Test any day in
    November     Request award by 15 December

AwardsSpecial Awards for Cadets

  • We are here to help you!!
  • Thank you for your service
  • to the cadet program!

Questions and Answers
  • The Cadet Oath" I pledge to serve faithfully in
    the Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program and that I
    will attend meetings regularly, participate
    actively in unit activities, obey my officers,
    wear my uniform properly, and advance my
    education and training rapidly to prepare myself
    to be of service to my community, state, and
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