Title: Curriculum
1Curriculum Instruction
2Intended Learning Outcomes
- Timeline
- Curriculum Changes
- Test Specs ELA/Math
- Test type/delivery
- Text Complexity
- Social Studies
- Science
- Instructional Connections
3Curriculum Cycle
- June 2010 North Carolina State Board of
Education adoption of the CCSS - 2010-2011 Item development for the Next
Generation of Assessments - 2011-2012 Administration of stand-alone field
tests of assessments - 2012-2013 Operational administration of
assessments aligned to the CCSS- NCDPI - 2013-2014 Operational administration of
assessments aligned to the CCSS-NCDPI - 2014-2015 National assessments aligned to the
CCSS (Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium)-
pending SBE approval
4Three Shifts in Literacy
Informational and NonfictionBuilding knowledge
through content-rich nonfiction and informational
Shift 1
EvidenceReading and writing grounded in evidence
from text
Shift 2
Complex Texts Regular practice with complex text
and its academic vocabulary
Shift 3
Draft March 2012. Check http//www.ncpublicschoo
5English Language Arts Grades 3-5
Enabling strategies to read and write 5-10
Strategies and skills to comprehend 58-68
Make connections through the use of oral language, written language, and media and technology 23-35
Reading for Literature 30-40
Reading for information 29-49
Language 19-31
6English Language Arts Grades 6-8
Use language to express individual perspectives 3-11
Explore and analyze information from a variety of sources 18-22
Examine the foundation of argument 5-8
Use critical thinking skills and create criteria to evaluate print and non-print texts 9-21
Respond to various literary genre 45-55
Conventions of grammar and language 3-8
Reading for Literature 32-38
Reading for Information 41-46
Language 19-25
7- Types of Items
- Grades 38 ELA will consist of
four-response-option multiple-choice items. - NCEXTEND2 assessments will consist of
three-response-option multiple-choice items,
technology-enhanced items, and constructed-respons
e items. - NCEXTEND1 ELA alternate assessments will consist
of fifteen performance-based, multiple-choice
8Delivery Mode Grades 38 ELA assessment designed
for a paper/pencil administration and may have an
online administration option.Grades 38
NCEXTEND2 ELA assessments will closely follow the
weightings of the standards on the general
assessments. The NCEXTEND2 ELA assessments will
be designed for online administrations. The
NCEXTEND1 ELA assessments will be designed for
paper/pencil administrations with online data
entry by the assessor.
9English Language Arts High School
Reflections and reactions to print and non-print 7
Explain meaning, describe process, answer research questions 7
Examine arguments and develop informed opinion 5
Create and use standards to critique communication 18
Demonstrate an understanding of a variety of genre 32
Apply conventions of grammar and language 31
Reading for Literature 30-34
Reading for Information 32-38
Writing 14-18
Language 14-18
10- Types of Items
- High School English II assessment will consist
of four-response-option multiple-choice items,
technology-enhanced items, and constructed-respons
e items. - NCEXTEND2 English II assessments will consist
of three-response-option multiple-choice items,
technology-enhanced items, and constructed-respons
e items. - NCEXTEND1 ELA alternate assessments will consist
of fifteen performance-based, multiple-choice
items. - Â Â
11Delivery Mode The High School English II online
administration will also be available in a
paper/pencil version.NCEXTEND2 English II
assessment will closely follow the weightings of
the standards on the general assessments.
NCEXTEND2 ELA assessments will be designed for
online administrations. NCEXTEND1 ELA and High
School English II assessments will be designed
for paper/pencil administrations with online data
entry by the assessor. Â
12Three Shifts in Mathematics
Focus strongly where the standards focus
Shift 1
Coherencethink across grades and link to major
topics within grades
Shift 2
Rigorrequire conceptual understanding,
procedural skill and fluency, and application
with intensity
Shift 3
Draft March 2012. Check http//www.ncpublicschoo
13Math Grades 3-5
Number and operations 20-40
Measurement 10-15
Geometry 10-30
Data analysis and Probability 10-18
Algebra 20-25
Operations and Algebraic Thinking 5-35
Numbers and Operations in Base Ten 5-27
Numbers and Operations -Fractions 20-52
Measurement and Data 10-27
Geometry 2-17
14- Item Type Math
- The Grades 3 and 4 mathematics assessments will
consist of four-response-option multiple-choice
items. - The Grades 58 mathematics assessments and the
Algebra I/Integrated I assessment will consist of
four-response-option multiple-choice items and a
maximum of eight gridded-response items requiring
numerical responses. - NCEXTEND2 assessments will consist of
three-response-option multiple-choice items and
gridded-response items. - All CCSS mathematics assessments will include
both calculator-active and calculator-inactive
sections. - One-third to one-half of the Grades 38
assessments will be comprised of
calculator-inactive items approximately
one-third of the high school assessments will be
calculator inactive. - The NCEXTEND1 mathematics alternate assessments
will consist of fifteen performance-based,
multiple-choice items.
15Math Grades 6-8
Numbers and Operation 10-25
Measurement 10-15
Geometry 10-25
Data Analysis and Probability 20-25
Algebra 20-40
Ratios and Proportional Relationships 7-27
Number System 2-32
Expressions and Equations 18-32
Functions 22-27
Geometry 17-30
Statistics and Probability 7-20
16- Item Type Math
- The Grades 58 mathematics assessments and the
Algebra I/Integrated I assessment will consist of
four-response-option multiple-choice items and a
maximum of eight gridded-response items requiring
numerical responses. - NCEXTEND2 assessments will consist of
three-response-option multiple-choice items and
gridded-response items. - All CCSS mathematics assessments will include
both calculator-active and calculator-inactive
sections. - One-third to one-half of the Grades 38
assessments will be comprised of
calculator-inactive items approximately
one-third of the high school assessments will be
calculator inactive. - The NCEXTEND1 mathematics alternate assessments
will consist of fifteen performance-based,
multiple-choice items.
17Delivery Mode Grades 38 assessments are
designed for paper/pencil administrations and may
have an online administration option. The
Algebra I/Integrated I is designed for an online
administration but will also be available in a
paper/pencil version. NCEXTEND2 mathematics
assessments will closely follow the weightings of
the standards on the general assessments. The
NCEXTEND2 mathematics assessments will be
designed for online administrations. NCEXTEND1
mathematics assessments will be designed for
paper/pencil administrations with online data
entry by the assessor.
18Math High School
Number and Operations 20-25
Geometry and Measurement 10-15
Data and Probability 30-35
Algebra 35-40
Number and Quantity 5-10
Algebra 22-27
Functions 35-40
Geometry 10-15
Statistics and Probability 15-20
19- Item Type Math
- Algebra I/Integrated I assessment will consist of
four-response-option multiple-choice items and a
maximum of eight gridded-response items requiring
numerical responses. - NCEXTEND2 assessments will consist of
three-response-option multiple-choice items and
gridded-response items. - All CCSS mathematics assessments will include
both calculator-active and calculator-inactive
sections. - Approximately one-third of the high school
assessments will be calculator inactive. - The NCEXTEND1 mathematics alternate assessments
will consist of fifteen performance-based,
multiple-choice items.
20Delivery Mode The Algebra I/Integrated I
assessment is designed for an online
administration but will also be available in a
paper/pencil version. NCEXTEND2 mathematics
assessments will closely follow the weightings of
the standards on the general assessments. The
NCEXTEND2 mathematics assessments will be
designed for online administrations. NCEXTEND1
mathematics assessments will be designed for
paper/pencil administrations with online data
entry by the assessor.
21Science Grade 5
- Essential Standards - Science
Forces and Motions 13-15
Matter Properties and Change 12-14
Energy Conservation and Transfer 11-13
Earth Systems, Structures, and Processes 15-17
Structures and Functions of Living Organism 14-16
Ecosystems 14-16
Evolution and Genetics 13-15
Interdependence of plants and animals 25-30
Landforms 20-25
Weather and Climate 20-25
Forces and Motion 25-30
22Science Grade 8
- Essential Standards - Science
Matter Properties and Change 14-16
Energy Conservation and Transfer 10-12
Earth Systems, Structures, and Processes 13-15
Earth History 11-13
Structures and Function of Living Organisms 19-23
Ecosystems 9-11
Evolution and Genetics 11-13
Molecular Biology 8-10
Scientific Inquiry 48-52
Technological Design 28-32
Investigations Hydrospace 28-32
Chemistry 25-30
Evolution in Organisms and Landforms 20-25
Cell Theory 8-12
Microbiology 8-12
23Biology High School
- Essential Standards - Biology
Scientific inquiry 28-32
Physical, chemical, and cellular basis of life 25-30
Continuity of life and the changes of organisms over time 30-35
Unity and diversity of life 25-30
Ecological relationships among organisms 15-20
Structure and Function of Living Organisms 18-22
Ecosystems 18-22
Evolution and Genetics 43-53
Molecular Biology 15-19
24- Item Type
- Grade 5, Grade 8, and biology assessments will
consist of four-response-option multiple-choice
items and technology-enhanced items. - NCEXTEND2 assessments will consist of
three-response-option multiple-choice items and
technology-enhanced items. - NCEXTEND1 alternate assessment will consist of
fifteen performance-based multiple choice items.
25Delivery Mode
- Grade 5, Grade 8, and biology designed for
online administration but will have a
paper/pencil version - NCEXTEND2 online administration
- NCEXTEND 1 - paper/pencil with online data entry
by assessor
26K-12 Social Studies
27Revised Blooms Taxonomy
- The use of a common taxonomy
- (Revised Blooms or RBT)
- Conceptually written standards
- Strands
- Provides the cognitive framework used for all of
the North Carolina Essential Standards - Provides common language for all curriculum areas
- Use of one verb
29Social Studies Kindergarten 5th Grade
- K-2 No major content changes
- 3rd Grade Communities
- 4th Grade North Carolina through Reconstruction
(2009 General Assembly HB 1032 - Yearlong
instruction on NC history and geography in the
elementary grades) - The focus of 5th grade has changed from a
geographic study of the United States, Canada,
Mexico and Central America to a historical study
of the United States from pre-colonial times
through Reconstruction.
30Social Studies 6th - 8th Grades
- 6th Grade Shift from a study of just Europe and
South America to an integrated study of the
Ancient World through Exploration - 7th Grade Shift from a study of just Africa,
Asia, and Australia to an integrated study of the
Age of Exploration to the present - 8th Grade Parallel study of the United States
and North Carolina (American Revolution
31Social Studies 9th 12th Grades
- World History addresses all time periods but the
key focus is 1500s present - Civics Economics
- Integration of Personal Financial Literacy
- Colonial History is moved back into the American
History course - Two American History courses
- Similar standards/objectives
- American History I begins with the European
exploration of the New World and continues
through the era of Reconstruction - American History II begins at the end of the
Reconstruction era and continues to present
32The Common Core State Standard of Text
- What does it really mean?
- How can we help make it happen?
33Text ComplexityAppendix A
- Qualitative evaluation of the text
- Levels of meaning, structure, language
conventionality and clarity, and knowledge
demands - Quantitative evaluation of the text
- Readability measures and other scores of text
complexity - Matching reader to text and task
- Reader variables (such as motivation, knowledge,
and experiences) and task variables (such as
purpose and the complexity generated by the task
assigned and the questions posed)
34Rationale for Text Complexity
- K-12 texts have become easier college texts have
not. - College textbooks, workplace texts, and
newspapers are more demanding than materials used
in 12th grade. - Instruction with HS texts is heavily scaffolded
while students are expected to read independently
in college. - The reading load in college is substantially more
than what students typically experience in lower
35New (Common Core State Standards) and Old
(Lexiles) Quantitative Grade Bands
The K-1 suggested Lexile range was not
identified by the Common Core State Standards and
was added by Kansas. Taken from Accelerated
Reader and the Common Core State Standards,
available at the following URL
36Shift in Instruction
- . . . it is important to recognize that
scaffolding often is entirely appropriate. The
expectation that scaffolding will occur with
particularly challenging texts is built into the
Standards grade-by-grade text complexity
expectations, for example. The general movement,
however, should be toward decreasing scaffolding
and increasing independence both within and
across the text complexity bands defined in the
standards. - Appendix A
37Classroom implications of text complexity
38CCSS Text Issues Highlights
- CCSS intentionally do not offer reading list/s,
but do offer sample texts to help guide and
inform - CCSS establish staircase of increasing
complexity to prepare students for college and
career-level reading - CCSS mandate certain critical types of content
for all students including classic myths,
foundational U.S. documents, seminal works of
American literature, Shakespeare - Students expected to read diverse array of
classic and contemporary literature along with
challenging informational texts in a range of
subject areas
- Essential Standards for K-12
NC Science Essential Standards Vertical
PSc.3.2.4 Illustrate the wave interactions of
reflection, refraction, diffraction, and
Phy.2.2.2 Analyze wave behaviors in terms of
transmission, reflection, refraction and
6.P.1.2 Explain the relationship among visible
light, the electromagnetic spectrum, and
sight. 6.P.3.2 Explain the effects of
electromagnetic waves on various materials to
include absorption, scattering, and change in
4.P.3.2 Recognize that light travels in a
straight line until it strikes an object or
travels from one medium to another, and that
light can be reflected, refracted, and absorbed.
41Regional Wikispaces
- Below are links to each regional resource page
created by the NCDPI RttT PD Leads designed to
share information and support the work of the
district/charter PD teams. This information is
shared and compiled as a result of the training
sessions, individual virtual conferences,
district/charter team meetings, and more that are
held in each region. Please take advantage of
these resources and feel free to contact the RttT
PD Leads for additional information.
42Regional Wikispaces
- Region 1 http//region1rttt.ncdpi.wikispaces.net
- Region 2 http//NCRegion2.ncdpi.wikispaces.net
- Region 3 http//region3pd.ncdpi.wikispaces.net
- Region 4 http//rt3region4.ncdpi.wikispaces.net
- Region 5 http//ncregion5rttt.ncdpi.wikispaces.ne
t - Region 6 http//region6pd.ncdpi.wikispaces.net
- Region 7 http//rt3region7.ncdpi.wikispaces.net
- Region 8 http//region8wnc.ncdpi.wikispaces.net
43Important to Know and Do
- Pay attention to new objectives, pacing,
unpacking documents, Cross-walks, and learning
progressions. - Limit following current textbooks and workbooks
exclusively. Select and sort current materials
to help pupils actively dig deeper in content. - Identify gaps and supplement by
grade-level/subject kits, materials, etc. - Utilize DPI, district, and standard Smarter
Balanced Common Core materials. - Remember Every teacher teaches READING and
44Common Core and Essential Standards Instructional
- Common Core State Standards Overview of the
standards, which states have adopted, etc.
http//www.corestandards.org/ - For grade-level materials http//www.ncdpi.wikis
paces.net/ - Common Core Resources listed and annotated
sources.pdf - Common Core Contains units already written for
K-12 ELA. Cost 20 each to access K-5, 6-8,
9-12. http//commoncore.org/ - ELA Live Binders Comprehensive overview of the
ELA standards, produced by NCDPI.
45Instructional Materials Contd
Crosswalks and Unpacked Content
- http//science.ncwiseowl.org/
- NC DPI WIKI for Collaborative Workspaces-
- http//scnces.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/
46Lets Explore Together
- Find a partner, visit the presented links, and
share other resources you have found helpful!