Curriculum design - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Curriculum design


The curriculum presentation will help , how to revise a curriculum. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Curriculum design

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Curriculum Design
  • By

  • Latin( currie) Running course
  • Scotland 1603 Carriage way,
  • US 1906 Course of
  • US1940 Plan for
  • In education ,curriculum is generally identified
    with the course of studies or lists of subjects
    prescribed for a course.

  • Curriculum is a plan for learning.

  • (Taba,1962)
  • The subjects that are included in a course of
    study or taught in a school, college etc.

  • (oxford)
  • Curriculum is the tool in the hands of the artist
    (teacher) to mould his material
  • (the students) according to his ideals (aims
    and objectives) in his studio( the School).

  • (Cunningham)

Types of curriculum
  • Spiral curriculum
  • The spiral curriculum is a way of arranging
    complex subject matter for learning and
  • Example
  • In universities the students learn a simple
    content but in the subsequent years they learn
    the contents in more complex form .During the
    course of the study the student goes deeper into
    the subject matter of the studies.
  • A year work in a subject may be spread over
    several years in terms of increasing maturity of
    the students.
  • Advantages
  • 1.Contents learnt in the previous year and
    in the subsequent years are inter-related.
  • 2. The students can go deeper into the
    subject when his /her age increases.
  • 3.A year work in subject can be spread
    over several years.

  • Concentric curriculum
  • It also a way of arranging complex subject matter
    for learning and instruction. It is similar to
    the spiral curriculum in the fact that simple
    concepts are arranged in the lower grades and
    difficult concepts are arranged in the higher
    grades. It is different from the spiral
    curriculum in the fact that there is no
    continuity in the concepts learnt in the lower
    grades and in the higher grades.
  • Linear curriculum
  • It is classified into
  • Horizontal curriculum Vertical curriculum
  • Horizontal curriculum
  • It refers to the correlation of contents in the
    different subjects at a particular grade in order
    to strengthen a particular concept.
  • Vertical curriculum
  • In this curriculum the contents in a lower class
    are strengthen with advanced contents in a higher

  • Example
  • what is learned in science in the 9th
    class may be related to what is learned in
    science in the 10th class. In this type of
    curriculum the level of difficulty or complexity
    of contents increases with the grades.
  • Pyramidal curriculum
  • In this type of curriculum ,a part of the subject
    learnt at lower classes will be studied at higher
    classes .Thus ,when students go higher classes
    ,broad area of the subject comes to narrow.
  • Example
  • Science
    lower classes
  • Biology
    Higher secondary
  • Botany
    college studies
  • one topic
    Research studies .

Curriculum and Syllabus
  • Curriculum refers to all the learning experiences
    provided to the learners by the teacher in the
  • While a syllabus is a document which drives its
    content from the curriculum. It is a summary or
    an outline of a course of studies.
  • Curriculum is a broad one, whereas the syllabus
    is the part of it.
  • Importance of curriculum
  • curriculum is not only important to run a
    course but also to improve the quality of
  • The following points demonstrate the importance
    of curriculum.
  • Achievement of educational aims.
  • Fixing limits. (It is quite helpful in fixing
    limits of teaching and learning)
  • Development of democratic values.( It is helpful
    to the students in developing democratic values
    such as liberty,equality,justice and so on.

  • 4. Development of citizenship.
  • Development of citizenship is one of the
    major responsibility of education. Suitable
    curriculum is helpful in achieving this aim of
  • Development of character.
  • There is no system of education which
    does not aim at developing character in the
    youth. Character such as truthfulness, loyalty,
    faithfulness, etc can be developed through
    suitable curriculum.
  • Criteria of suitable teachers.(the curriculum
    mainly shows what types of teachers are needed
    in the schools.)
  • Selection of suitable methods.
  • Curriculum makes the teacher to select
    suitable methods of teaching How to teach.
  • Development of personality.
  • It develop physical, intellectual
    ,social ,culture of the educand.
  • Discoveries and inventions.
  • The main aim of curriculum is to
    encourage research and inventions at the
    university or higher level of education.

Curriculum design and development
  • Curriculum design and development depend on the
    following points
  • 1. Evaluation of curriculum objectives.
  • 2. Development of scheme of study.
  • 3. Development of syllabus of each subject.
  • 4.Development of textbook, Instructional
  • 5.Teaching training.
  • The Role of Higher Education Commission in
    Curriculum development
  • Federal Govt took responsibility to
    determine the current text boards, policy,
    planning and standards of education.
  • In December 1976 federal govt appointed
    university grant commission (now HEC) as the
    competent authority to look after the curriculum
    revision work at bachelor and onwards.

  • In 45th meeting of vice-chancellors committee
    its recommended that the UGC
  • (HEC) should review the curriculum of
    particular discipline after every three (3)
  • HEC adopted a procedure to review /revise
  • Curriculum development at higher education
  • Steps involve in curriculum
    review/revision process.
  • PHASE-1 Curriculum under consideration
  • PHASE-2 Circulation of the draft curriculum
  • PHASE-1 Curriculum under consideration
  • Step 1 Constitution of National curriculum
    revision committee ( NCRC) in the subject. The
    vice chancellors of all universities, directors
    of colleges and industries related to the subject
    are requested to nominate their representatives
    for appointment of national curriculum review

  • Step 2 Assessment /Analysis of the existing
  • The existing curriculum is circulated
    amongst the members of (NCRC)
  • to discuss it with their colleagues a
    bring collective proposal for review and revision
    of existing curriculum in relation to
  • objectives, scheme of the study, course
    contents, weight age, reading materials, teaching
    strategies etc.
  • Step 3 NCRC meeting 1 and Draft
  • The first meeting of the NCRC is
    organized at the HEC headquarters Islamabad or
    one of its regional centers at Peshawar, Lahore
    and Karachi.
  • The meeting draft at revised curricula ,
    after detail discussion and deliberation on the
    proposals prepared by the NCRC members.

  • PHASE-2 Circulation of the draft curriculum
  • Step 4 Appraisal of the first draft.
  • The first draft prepared is circulated
    among the Universities, Institutions, and
    Organization and is viewed for its future
  • The view/recommendations collected on the
    draft curriculum were deliberated upon to design
    and finalize the curriculum of specific subject
    of the study in a final meeting.
  • Step 5 NCRC meeting -2
  • Finalization of draft.
  • The second meeting of the (NCRC) is
    held to finalize the draft of the revised
    curricula in the light of the comments/suggestions
    /recommendations received from the Colleges and
    Universities teachers and Institutions all over
    the country.
  • The meeting would again take three 3 days
    to finalize a curriculum.

  • Step 6 Approval of the revised curriculum by the
    vice chancellors committee.
  • The final draft curriculum is submitted to the
    vice chancellors committee for approval .
  • Implementation
  • The curriculum designed is printed and
    send to the universities /Institutions for its
    adoption after the approval of the competent
  • Factors effecting curriculum development
    in Pakistan
  • 1. Lack of sequence. 6.Lake
    of follow up of actual curriculum
  • Economic problem. Implementation
    in class room practice.
  • Political interference. 7. Curriculum
    often deferent from the official
  • Lack of teaching materials. Curriculum
  • Lack of In-service training. 8. Lack of
    subject area expert.

  • 1. Communication It is the first stage of
    curriculum design .In this phase the planning is
    made to design a curriculum according to the need
    of society . Information and knowledge related to
    curriculum is exchanged with the experts.
  • 2. Resource It is very important regarding
    curriculum design. In this step it is consider
    that which types of resources would be used such
    as human resources and financial resources. The
    logistic resources is also look under
  • 3. Deliver Deliver means, to present the
    curriculum draft before the experts and subject
    specialists . It includes the whole plan to the
    concerned stakeholders of the course.

  • 4. Support In this step support is gain from
    the subjects experts and people. It can be gained
    through forums, discussion with experts and
    social media etc.
  • 5. Assess An assessment the whole design and
    resources have to be assessed through technology.
    Similarly, the course design should be made
    available to all the stakeholders and get a
    proper assessment from the subject experts.
  • 6. Evaluate Evaluate means ' the process of
    judging of the quality of the work. In this phase
    an critical evaluation is conducted of a
    curricula . The main aim of evaluation is to
    check courses and teaching that increase students
    learning , by providing contents which are
    current , relevant and suitable for their needs.
  • 7. Initiate or Review It is also important
    stage in which data is review for auditing. The
    changing is made according to its need. The data
    generated during assessment and evolution.
  • 8. Develop or Redevelop In this second last
    stage after the reviewing new data of learning is
    developed or the current data is redeveloped.
  • 9. Approval
  • This is the final phase of a curriculum design
    lifecycle in which the curriculum is sent for
    approval after all the process. It is approved by
    the competent authority and send it for
    implementation in different universities and

Conclusion and Recommendations
  • Indeed curriculum is like a soul which exists in
    the education and if this soul is removed from
    education then education become like a Skelton.
  • Education is now regarded as a dynamic process
    and curriculum is closely related to education.
    While education as the process , curriculum is a
    mean to the process. Education is the product
    and curriculum is the process of the product.
  • For designing and developing a good Curriculum
    the following below recommendations should be
  • National institutions of the country should be
    made aware of the objectives of curriculum in
    different areas of the subject .
  • Teaching strategies should be developed for the
    achievement of the objectives of curriculum.
  • Objectives should be derived on the basis of
    religious values .
  • Quality of content material should be ensured
    before finalizing the curriculum draft .

  • The selected concepts in content material should
    be presented from simple to complex.
  • Suggestions from subject specialists should be
    invited for the improvement in the content.
  • Vocational institutions should be given proper
    weightage in curriculum development process.
  • During the formulation of the curriculum the
    opinion of the teacher should be given due
  • Experts from different walks of life should share
    their ideas in curriculum development.
  • Latest researches in curriculum development
    should be used to recognize the needs for
    updating the curriculum.
  • Librarians should be given proper weight age in
    curriculum development process.
  • Librarians should be the chief selectors of the
    curriculum committee.

  • Study tours of different countries should be
    arranged for the subject specialists to study the
    process of curriculum development in those
  • Public opinions should be invited through media
    for the improvement of curriculum .
  • The members of curriculum review committee should
    be selected on merit.

  • Sharma,Promila.(2009).Principles of
    curriculum.Navin shahdara,Delhi-32S.B.Nangia.
  • Kalaiyarasam,Dr.G.(2012).Curriculum development.
    Navin shahdara,Delhi-32S.B.Nangia.
  • curriculum design and developed process in
  • https//

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