Fowler Middle School Lady Falcon Athletic Program - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fowler Middle School Lady Falcon Athletic Program


Expectations Girls will be given two shirts and one pair of shorts for workout clothes ... Making the team for Basketball Tryouts will include ... 19th Strength ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Fowler Middle School Lady Falcon Athletic Program

Fowler Middle SchoolLady Falcon Athletic Program
FMS Girls Coaches Staff
  • Tommy Hill FMS Girls Athletic Coordinator
  • Head 8th grade basketball and assistant track
  • Misty Stevens
  • Head 7th grade volleyball and basketball, head
  • Mandy Willis
  • Head 8th grade volleyball, cross country and
  • Caitlin Rutland
  • 8th assistant volleyball and basketball,
    assistant track, 7th soccer
  • Shanna Miller
  • 7th assistant volleyball and basketball, Head

  • All girls will be required to have a physical on
    file in the coaches office before they will be
    allowed to participate in the athletic period or
    tryout starting on the first day of school.
  • All paperwork will be done on-line beginning this
  • Girls can have a physical done by their own
    doctor, but it will need to be filled out on
    FISD/U.I.L. physical paperwork.
  • Physicals due no later than August 26th, all
    other paperwork is due by September 3rd.

Emergency Release Forms
  • All girls will be required to have an emergency
    release form on file in the coaches office before
    they will be able to travel anywhere with the
  • This will give us the ability to contact you in
    case of an emergency.
  • The Acknowledgement of Rules Form also must be
    signed along with the Steriod and Travel Forms

Bus Transportation
  • Transportation will be provided to away sporting
    events. Directions are listed on each schools
    webpage and in RankOne Sports.
  • Coaches will have a sign out sheet at every
    event, and girls will need to be signed out at
    away events before leaving ONLY for
  • If anyone other than yourself is taking your
    daughter home, you will need to provide a written
    note stating who your child is going to ride home
    with, and that person will then be responsible
    for signing your daughter out.
  • This note needs to be given to the coaching staff
    by 830 a.m. the day of the event.

  • Athletics is a privilege. There are guidelines
    that will be followed in order to stay in
  • Participation in athletics during and after
    school is required.
  • If your daughter is absent for a practice she
    will have to do make-up work for her absence when
    she returns to school, before she is allowed to
    participate in the upcoming event.
  • If your daughter is absent for a game or sporting
    event she will be expected to be in attendance
    to support her teammates at the next event, but
    she will not be allowed to participate.

  • Following a competition, please allow the
    coaches enough time to talk with the team before
    speaking with your daughter. If you wish to
    speak to a coach, please contact the Head Coach
    on the following day to set up a conference.

  • Girls will be given two shirts and one pair of
    shorts for workout clothes and one set of gray
    sweats during the school year.
  • She will be expected to dress in this attire for
    practices daily, and responsible for turning it
    in to the coaches at the end of the year.
  • Athletic gear will not be worn outside of school.
  • Cost for lost or damaged athletic gear
  • Workout clothes are 20.00 a set
  • Gray Sweats is 50.00 a set.

  • Girls will be expected to dress out everyday,
    even due to an injury.
  • Hair needs to be pulled back, and do not reapply
    make-up before practice or games.
  • Shirts tucked in
  • No jewelry allowed including feathers in hair.
  • Girls are not allowed by UIL to wear jewelry
    during practices and competitions. If an
    athlete has recently gotten her ears pierced the
    earrings will have to be removed before she will
    be allowed to participate in practices or events.

  • Respect all authority including coaches,
    teachers, parents, officials, and administrators
    on our campus, as well as, those from other
  • No Cell phones are allowed to be used in the
    locker room at any time (pictures).
  • Cyber bullying is a serious offense.
  • Classroom behavior will be addressed in athletics.

  • All Lady Falcon athletes are expected to
    demonstrate sportsmanlike conduct and loyalty to
    her team in any athletic competition and
  • When other teams are playing, Lady Falcon teams
    are expected to sit together in the assigned area
    until they are to take the court.

  • Please speak to the coaches before deciding to
    discipline your child by not letting them play in
    a game.
  • Please understand this is the coaches profession
    we are trained for this job.
  • Remember we look at the program first and then at
    the individual.
  • Be positive with your child in athletics let
    them enjoy being in athletics.

Drugs and Alcohol
  • Coaches will investigate all rumors.
  • We will always call parents to tell them about
    facts and rumors.
  • Fastest growing group for steroids is 14-18 year
    old females
  • We will follow FISD policy 14 calendar days out
    of contests with extra conditioning assigned on
    1st offense.
  • 2nd out of athletics.
  • Watch pictures posted on internet even in the

Chain of Command for Parents
  • Athlete speaks with coach first
  • Parent and athlete speaks with coach this
    becomes a documented process.
  • Parent to Athletic Coordinator
  • Parent to Principal
  • Parent to Athletic Director
  • Parent to District Committee
  • Please do NOT go out of this order.

  • Take pride in the athletic facilities, including
    keeping locker rooms clean.
  • Lock all personal items in your locker at ALL
    times. Theft will be handled according to FISD
    athletic policies.

Making the Team
  • All girls will participate in tryouts for
    volleyball, basketball, and soccer.
  • Volleyball and basketball have 12 girls on each
    team 36 total. Soccer has up to 18 each grade
  • Tryout dates are
  • Volleyball Begin August 26
  • Basketball Begin November 11
  • Soccer TBD
  • CC and Track do not have tryouts

Making the Team
  • Girls who wish to tryout for volleyball and
    basketball must be enrolled in the athletic
  • Girls who are interested in trying out for track,
    cross country, and soccer do not have to be
    enrolled in the athletic period. These sports
    are considered after school sports.

Making the team for Volleyball
  • Tryouts will begin on Monday Aug. 26th and will
    last for 4 days.
  • Tryouts will be held during the athletic period
    and after school until 500 p.m.
  • Each team will play 10 games. The A team will
    play in 2 tournaments.
  • Teams will be posted on Thursday, August 29th
    at 500 p.m. in the locker room.

Making the team for Volleyball
  • Tryouts will include
  • Serving skills
  • Passing skills
  • Setting skills
  • Hitting skills
  • Attitude
  • Timed mile
  • Game situations
  • Knowledge of the game
  • Please understand these are just a few of the
    tangibles that the coaches will look for during

Making the team for Basketball
  • Tryouts will include
  • Dribbling
  • Lay-ups
  • Shooting
  • Passing
  • Attitude and work ethic
  • Timed Mile
  • Game Situations
  • Knowledge of the game
  • Other items may be considered as well

Beginning of the year
  • Practice gear will not be distributed until one
    week into the school year. Girls will be
    expected to follow FMS dress code during the
    first two weeks of workouts.
  • Wear old P.E. uniform or white t-shirt with name
    on front and back for coaches.
  • Sophie shorts, spandex and tank tops are not
    within the FMS dress code requirements.

Game Day Meals
  • We will use Jersey Mikes
  • 6 includes sub, chips, cookie and water
  • Can choose a different sandwich each week.
  • Cash Only NO CHECKS will start taking after

RankOne Sports
  • All Parents can sign up on RankOne Sports for
    schedules and email alerts to changes in games,
  • The Fowler Athletic Webpage will link you to

Other Information
  • Please pick your child up after games in the back
    by the gym area. We will always have a coach
    waiting with them at this spot. athlete may be
    removed from program for 3 late pick-ups (15
    minutes after the end of a contest).
  • Game day dress Home games the athletes will
    dress up No skirts/dresses. Away games will
    wear team shirt and jeans.
  • Order team shirt 10.

Club Sports
  • We encourage all athletes to improve.
  • Do not miss school workouts and then play club
    that same day.
  • Athletes need a break for their bodies to recover
    learn to find a balance.
  • Athletes who play multiple sports have a lower
    chance of injury.
  • Only 3 of H.S. athletes achieve a scholarship.
  • Only .2 of H.S. athletes make it to the Pro

U.I.L. Information
  • U.I.L. Parent Information Manual
  • C.A.R.E. Manual
  • U.I.L. Safety Power Point
  • 7th Grade Age 14 before Sept. 1
  • 8th Grade Age 15 before Sept. 1
  • Athletics is a privilege, with privilege comes
    Responsibility and Sacrifice
  • UNIform One all look the same

  • 1/3 of all athletes in the U.S. have an injury
    each year.
  • Playing multiple sports has been proven to
    decrease the chance of injury.
  • Kendi Gruben and Joseph White are the trainers at
    Liberty High School. Coaches will email the
    trainers to set up an appointment before school
    on Wednesdays between 715 and 815 a.m.
  • See the trainer before going to see a doctor
    unless it is an emergency.
  • great information.

Student Accident Insurance
  • Call or email me if you need information on the
    extra insurance after an injury.

  • Lady Falcon Tennis Team
  • Coach Dopson - Head tennis coach
  • 469-633-5868

All Season Passes
  • High School - 75 for adults and 50 for
    students. Includes High School and Middle School
    except for varsity football games.
  • Middle School - 50 adult and 25 for students.
    No H.S. contests included.
  • Athletic Office Hours 800 a.m.-430 p.m.
  • Gold Card for senior citizens includes
    athletics, plays, musicals and concerts. Contact
    communications office.
  • Individual M.S. Events Adult 4, Student 2.

Summer Camps
  • Basketball Camp June 9th June 12th
  • Volleyball Camp June 16th June 19th
  • Strength Conditioning Camp
  • Wrestling Camp
  • Softball Camp

Compete with Class and be Humble at ALL
times.Hard work beats talent when talent does
not work hard.
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