Title: Hominid Evolution
1Chapter 19
Hominid Evolution
2Classification Hierarchy (Linnaeus)
- Kingdom Animal
- Phylum Chordate
- Class Mammal
- Order Primates
- Family Hominids
- Genus Homo
- Species Sapiens
Humans and apes diverged 8 Mya
3Humans and Apes
- Diverged 8 million years ago
- gt12 different forms of hominids since then
4Oldest Hominid
- Sahelanthropus tchadensis,
- the oldest known hominid
- 7 million years old
- discovered in 2002 in Chad
5Sahelanthropus tchadensis
- Skull found in the African nation of Chad in 2002
- pushed back the origins of humans to nearly 7
million years ago - its discovery has raised more questions than it
6Bushy Model of Human Evolution
- Paleoanthropologists now think
- human evolution branched many times
- rather than evolving in a somewhat straight line
- Key traits such as
- upright walking
- manual dexterity
- large brain
- evolved more than once, and produced many
evolutionary dead-ends
7Fossil hominids
8Oldest Hominid
- Sahelanthropus tchadensis shows a mosaic of
primitive and advanced features - The small brain case and most of the teeth are
chimplike - Fairly flat nose and the prominent brow ridges
- are features only seen, until now, in the human
genus Homo - Looks more human than hominids that came millions
of years later!
9Early History of Ancestral Hominids
- Much of our knowledge
- comes from fossils found in a small desert area
southwest of Cairo, Egypt - During the Late Eocene and Oligocene
- this region was a lush, tropical rain forest
- supported a diverse and abundant fauna and flora
10Thousands of Fossil Specimens
- Several thousand fossil specimens
- representing more than 20 species of primates
- recovered from rocks of this region
- One of the earliest ancestral hominids
- was Aegyptopithecus,
- small, fruit-eating, arboreal primate
- weighed about 5 kg
11One of the Earliest Ancestral Hominids
- Skull of Aegyptopithecus zeuxis,
- one of the earliest known anthropoids
- 30 Ma
- The hominids (family Hominidae)
- primate family that includes present-day humans
- fossil record extending back 7 million years
- Hominids are bipedal
- that is, they have an upright posture
- Skeletal structure shows bipedal traits
- Hominid brain organization larger compared to
other primates
13Comparison of Locomotion
- Comparison between quadrupedal and bipedal
locomotion - in gorillas and humans
- In gorillas the ischium bone is long
- and the entire pelvis is tilted toward the
14Comparison of Locomotion
- Comparison between quadrupedal and bipedal
locomotion - in gorillas and humans
- In humans the ischium bone is much shorter
- and the pelvis is vertical
15Hominids Larger Reorganized Brain
- In addition, hominids show a trend
- toward a large and internally reorganized brain
- A large brain size and organization
- is apparent in the brain of a present-day human
16Response to Climatic Changes
- Many anthropologists think
- hominid features evolved in response to major
climatic changes - During this time
- vast savannas replaced the African tropical rain
forests - where the lower primates had been so abundant
17Mixed Forests and Grasslands
- As the savannas and grasslands continued to
expand - hominids made the transition from true forest
dwelling - to life in an environment of mixed forests and
18Geologic Age Ranges
19Oldest Known Hominid
- Discovered in Chad in 2002
- nearly 7-million-year-old skull and dental
remains of Sahelanthropus tchadensis - make it the oldest known hominid yet unearthed
- Australopithecines are early hominids
- genus Australopithecus
- Currently, five species are recognized
- A. anamensis
- A. afarensis
- A. africanus
- A. robustus
- A. boisei
21Evolutionary Scheme
- Many paleontologists accept that
- A. anamensis
- the oldest known australopithecine,
- is ancestral to A. afarensis,
- who in turn is ancestral to A. africanus
- and the genus Homo,
- as well as the side branch of australopithecines
- represented by A. robustus and A. boisei
- A reconstruction of Lucys skeleton
- Lucy is a 3.5-million-year-old
- Australopithecus afarensis
- Knees worked like modern human knees
- Makes 40 bigger than females
- Males had large crests on the tops of their skulls
23Hominid Footprints
- Preserved in volcanic ash in Tanzania
- Discovered in 1978
- Proved hominids were bipedal walkers at least 3.5
million years ago
24Hominid Footprints
- Most scientists think the footprints
- were made by Australopithecus afarensis
- whose fossils are found nearby
25Brain Size of A. afarensis
- A. afarensis had a brain size of 380450 cubic
centimeters (cc), - larger than the 300400 cc of a chimpanzee
- much smaller than that of present-day humans
(1350 cc average)
26Apelike Features
- The skull of A. afarensis retained many apelike
features - massive brow ridges
- forward-jutting jaw
- teeth were intermediate between those of apes and
humans - The heavily enameled molars
- adaptation to chewing fruits, seeds, and roots
27Landscape with A. afarensis
- Re-creation of a Pliocene landscape
- showing members of
- Australo-pithecus afarensis
- gathering and eating
- various fruits and seeds
28Skull of A. africanus
- A reconstruction of the skull
- of Australopithecus africanus
- This skull,
- known as that of the Taung Child,
- was discovered by Raymond Dart in South Africa in
1924 - and marks the beginning of modern
29Not As Well Adapted for Bipedalism
- It appears the limbs
- of A. africanus may not have been as well adapted
for bipedalism as those of A. afarensis
30The Human Lineage handy man
- Homo habilis
- The earliest member of our own genus Homo
- lived 2.5-1.6 million years ago
- H. habilis evolved from the A. afarensis and A.
africanus lineage - coexisted with A. africanus for about 200,000
31Geologic Age Ranges
- The geologic age ranges
- for the commonly accepted species of hominids
32Characteristics of Homo habilis
- H. habilis had a larger brain (700 cc average)
- than its australopithecine ancestors but smaller
teeth - It was about 1.2-1.3 m tall and weighed 32-37 kg
33Homo Erectus
- In contrast to the australopithecines and H.
habilis, - which are unknown outside Africa,
- Homo erectus was a widely distributed species
- migrated from Africa during the Pleistocene
- Specimens have been found
- not only in Africa
- also in Europe, India, China ("Peking Man"), and
Indonesia ("Java Man")
34Survived in Asia Until About 100,000 Years Ago
- H. erectus evolved in Africa 1.8 million years
ago - and by 1 million years ago
- was present in southeastern and eastern Asia,
- where it survived until about 100,000 years ago
35H. erectus Differed From Modern Humans
- Although H. erectus developed regional variations
in form, - the species differed from modern humans in
several ways - Its brain size of 800-1300 cc,
- though much larger than that of H. habilis,
- was still less than the average for Homo sapiens
(1350 cc)
36Size Similar to Humans
- H. erectus's skull was thick-walled
- face was massive
- prominent brow ridges
- teeth were slightly larger than those of
present-day humans - H. erectus was comparable to size to modern
humans - between 1.6 and 1.8 m tall
- weighing between 53 and 63 kg
37Skull of Homo erectus
- A reconstruction of the skull of Homo erectus
- a widely distributed species
- whose remains have been found in Africa, Europe,
India, China, and Indonesia
38H. erectus Was a Tool Maker
- The archaeological record indicates
- that H. erectus was a tool maker
- Furthermore, some sites show evidence
- that its members used fire and lived in caves
- an advantage for those living in more northerly
39Homo erectus Using Tools
- Re-creation of a Pleistocene setting in Europe
- in which members of Homo erectus are
- using fire and stone tools
40The "Out of Africa" View
- Currently, a heated debate surrounds the
transition - from H. erectus to our own species Homo sapiens
- Out of Africa" view
- early modern humans evolved from a small African
colony - offspring then migrated from Africa and populated
Europe and Asia, driving the earlier hominid
populations to extinction
41The "Multiregional" View
- Multiregional" view
- early modern humans did not have an isolated
origin in Africa - established separate populations throughout
Eurasia - Occasional contact and interbreeding
- enabled our species to maintain its overall
cohesiveness - still preserving the regional differences in
people we see today
42Homo sapiens Evolved From H. erectus
- Regardless of which theory turns out to be
correct, - our species, H. sapiens, most certainly evolved
from H. erectus
- Neanderthals
- inhabited Europe and the Near East
- 200,000 to 30,000 years ago
- Some paleoanthropologists
- as a Neanderthals are a subspecies of our own
species (Homo sapiens neanderthalensis) - Others separate species (Homo neanderthalensis)
44Neanderthals Difference
- Main difference between Neanderthals and
present-day humans is in the skull - Neanderthal skulls were long and low
- heavy brow ridges, a projecting mouth, and a
weak, receding chin - Their brain was slightly larger on average
- than our own, and somewhat differently shaped
45Neanderthal Skull
- Reconstructed Neanderthal skull
- The Neanderthals were characterized
- by prominent heavy brow ridges and weak chin
46First Humans in Cold Climates
- Given the specimens from more than 100 sites
- we now know Neanderthals were not much different
from us, only more robust - Europe's Neanderthals were the first humans
- to move into truly cold climates
- enduring miserably long winters and short summers
- as they pushed north into tundra ecosystems
47Burial Ceremony in a Cave
- Archaeological evidence indicates
- Neanderthals lived in caves
- and participated in ritual burials
- as depicted in this painting of a burial ceremony
- such as occurred approximately 60,000 years ago
- at Shanidar Cave, Iraq
- About 30,000 years ago
- humans closely resembling modern Europeans
- moved into the region inhabited by the
Neanderthals and completely replaced them - Cro-Magnons
- successors of the Neanderthals in France
- 35,000 to 10,000 years ago
- huge advances in development of art and
49Cave Painters
- Cro-Magnons were cave painters
- Using paints made from manganese and iron oxides
- painted hundreds of scenes on the ceilings and
walls of caves in France and Spain - many of them are still preserved today
50Painting From a Cave in France
- Cro-Magnons were very skilled cave painters
- Painting of a horse
- from the cave of Niaux, France
51Cultural Evolution
- With the appearance of Cro-Magnons,
- human evolution has become almost entirely
cultural rather than biological - Humans have spread throughout the world
- by devising means to deal with a broad range of
environmental conditions
- Aegyptopithecus 32 Ma (ancestral hominid
primate) - Somewhat developed forehead
- Australopithecus 5 Ma (early hominids)
- Afarensis (Lucy) 4 Ma, bipedalism, still tree
climbers, small skull - Africanus 2-3 Ma slightly larger brain
- Homo habilis 2 Ma
- Larger brain, less pronounced brow, rounder head,
smaller face - Use of stone tools
- Homo erectus 500 K-2Ma
- Larger brain and body
- Longer skull, large brow ridges
- Homo sapiens neanderthalensis 200 K
- Large brains and bodies, lack of frontal lobes?
- Homo sapiens sapiens (cro-magnon) 90 K
- Anatomically similar to humans
53Climate in Human History
- Peak of glaciation 18 Ka
- Present interglacial began 10 Ka
- Climatic Optimum
- 6-7 Ka
- First great civilizations in Middle East
- Some collapsed 3 Ka when climate changed
- Subatlantic Deterioration
- 2.5 Ka
- Reflected in art and invasions
54Climate in Human History
- Drought and famine
- Location of settlements
- Exploration
- Medieval Warm Period began 950 A.D.
- Little Ice Age 1550-1850 A.D.
- Settled Greenland and Iceland during Medieval
Warm Period - During Little Ice Age, Greenland was abandoned
and Iceland struggling - Ice blocked trade routes, cold weather caused
poor harvests - Fish moved southward
56Climate reflected in art
- Little Ice Age at its peak during 2nd epoch
57Recent History
- Two centuries of warm, mild climate
- Continual drying of northern Africa
- Interglacial should be coming to an end will
humans prolong it?