Title: Lecturer: Moni Naor
1Algorithmic Game Theory Uri Feige Robi
Krauthgamer Moni NaorLecture 11
Combinatorial Auctions
- Course resumes to 1400-1600
3The setting
- Set of alternatives A
- Who wins the auction
- Which path is chosen
- Who is matched to whom
- Each participant a value function viA ? R
- Can pay participants valuation of choice a with
payment pi is vi(a)pi
Quasi linear preferences
4Mechanism Design
- Mechanisms
- Recall We want to implement a social choice
function - Need to know agents preferences
- They may not reveal them to us truthfully
- Example
- One item to allocate
- Want to give it to the participant who values it
the most - If we just ask participants to tell us their
preferences may lie - Can use payments result is also a payment vector
p(p1,p2, pn)
5The Revelation Principle
Theorem if there exists an arbitrary mechanism
implementing a social choice function f in
dominant strategies, then there exists an
incentive compatible mechanism that implements
f The payments of the players in the incentive
compatible mechanism are identical to those
obtained at equilibrium in the original
mechanism Proof by simulation
6Direct Characterization
- A mechanism is incentive compatible iff the
following hold for all i and all vi - The payment pi does not depend on vi but only on
the alternative chosen f(vi, v-i) - the payment of alternative a is pa
- The mechanism optimizes for each player
- f(vi, v-i) 2 argmaxa (vi(a)-pa)
7 Expected Revenues
- Theorem Revenue Equivalence under very general
conditions, every two Bayesian Nash
implementations of the same social choice
function - if for some player and some type they have the
same expected payment then - All types have the same expected payment to the
player - If all player have the same expected payment the
expected revenues are the same
Not true when there are reservation prices!
8Range Voting
- Each voter ranks the candidates in a certain
range (say 0-99) - The votes for all candidates are summed up and
the one with highest total score wins - Can be considered as a generalization of approval
voting from the range 0-1 - No incentive for voter to rate a candidate lower
than a candidate they like less.
9Vickrey Clarke Grove Mechanism
- f(v1, v2, vn) maximizes ?i vi(a) over A
- Maximizes welfare
- There are functions h1, h2, hn where
- hi V1 ? V2 ? ? Vn ? R does not depend on vi
- we have that
- pi(v1, v2, vn) hi(v-i) - ?j ? i vj(f(v1, v2,
vn)) - Clark Pivot rule Choosing hi(v-i) maxb 2 A ?j
? i vj(b) - Payment of i when af(v1, v2,, vn)
- pi(v1, v2, vn) maxb 2 A ?j ? i vj(b) - ?j ? i
Depends only on chosen alternative
Does not depend on vi
Social welfare when he does not participate
Social welfare (of others) when he participates
10Examples of Auctions
- Sponsored Search
- Buying keywords (Google, Yahoo, MS)
- Spectrum Auctions
- Ebay
- Government procurement
- Privatization
FCC Auction 2008
11????? ???
???? ????? ???'? ???? ?-3.8 ???????, ???? ????
?-4.11 ???????, ?????.
- ???? "????", 29 ???? 2005
- ??? ?????? ??????? ????? ????? ???????-???,
?????? ???'?. - ?????? ????????? - ???'? 3.2 ???????, ??? 3.6
??????? ?"? - ?????? ?????? ?? ???? ????? ????? ?? ??????,
????? ????? ????? - ????? ???? ????? ????.
- ???? ???? ????? ??? ??? ?????? ????? ???? ??????
??? ?????? ??????, ??? ???'? ?????? ??????. - ????? ???????, ????' ???? ??? ????????, ?????
?????? ??? ?????? "??? ?????? ???, ??? ???? ???
??????? ????? ??????? ?????? ?????. ?? ????? ???
??? ????????? ?? ?????? ???? ??????... ?????
??????? ??? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????
???????, ??? ?? ??? ??????? ???? ????? ?? ????
????? ?? ?? ?????. ??? ???????? ?? ???? ???, ???
?????? ???? ?????, ????? ?????? ????? ????, ???
?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????".
From Ron Lavis slides
12VCG turning mechanisms truthfulUsing exact
Exact optimization algorithms for social welfare f
VCG prices
truthful mechanism
Strategic players
13VCG and Computational Complexity
- Several optimization must be performed in VCG
- f(v1, v2, vn) maximizes ?i vi(a) over A
- Clark Pivot rule hi(v-i) maxb 2 A ?j ? i vj(b)
- These may be hard optimization problems.
- What happens when we replace then with
approximations? - Incentive compatibility not guaranteed!
14Combinatorial Auctions
- Set M of m indivisible items
- Set N of n bidders
- Preferences are on subsets S µ M bundles of
items - Valuation function vi 2M ? R
- vi(S) - value bidder i receives on bundle S
- Must satisfy monotonicity v(s) v(T) for S µ T
- Normalized v(?) 0
- Allocation subsets S1, S2, Sn where Si Ã… Sj
? for i?j - Social welfare of allocation ?i1n vi(Si)
15Combinatorial Auctions Example
- Allocation subsets S1, S2, Sn where Si Ã… Sj
? for i?j - Social welfare of allocation ?i1n vi(Si)
Interested in any one of red subsets
items 1,, m
indivisible item
- Computational Complexity of finding the
allocation maximizing the social welfare - Representation and communication of the valuation
functions vi - May be large since defined for every subset
- How to analyze the strategy of the bidder in
light of the obstacles
- Complexity of Approximation
- Tight bounds for the single minded bidder
- Connection with communication complexity
- Demand queries and the relaxed LP formulation
18Single Minded Auctions
- A valuation v is single minded if there is a
bundle of items S and value v 2 R such that - v(S) v if S µ S
- v(S) 0 for all other S
- Very simple to represent (Si, vi )
- Allocation problem for single minded bidders
- Given (Si, vi )i for bidders i1..n
- Find a subset W of winning bids such that Si Ã…
Sj ? with maximum social welfare ?j 2 W vj
19Single Minded Auctions Example
- Allocation problem for single minded bidders
- Given (Si, vi )i for bidders i1..n
- Find a subset W of winning bids such that Si Ã…
Sj ? with maximum social welfare ?j 2 W vj - Example communication links in a tree
- bidders want a path between some two nodes in the
tree - Since there is only one path between any pair of
nodes, the bidders are single-minded - Bidder i wants to connect si to ti
- Items edges of tree
- Si set of edges connecting (si, ti)
- vi 1
20Complexity of Single Minded Auctions
- Allocation problem for single minded bidders
- Given (Si, vi )I for bidders i1..n
- Find a subset W of winning bids such that Si Ã…
Sj ? with maximum social welfare ?j 2 W vj - Claim Allocation problem for single minded
bidders is NP-hard - Proof Reduction from imaximum independent set.
- For a Graph G(V,E)
- each node ? bidder
- each edge ? item
- Si e 2 EI 2 e and vi1.
- Winning set W must correspond to an independent
set - Welfare of W is its size W
- Size of max W is exactly size of max independent
Size m
Size n
21Computationally easy cases
- When each Si is of size 2
- Allocation problem corresponds to maximum
weighted matching in the corresponding graph - Item ? node
- Bidder ? edge, vi is the weight
- Can be solved in polytime
- When the items are on a line. Each Si is a
contiguous segment - Finding max weight independent set in in interval
graphs possible in poly time
22Approximation of Single Minded Auctions
- Allocation problem for single minded bidders
- Given (Si, vi )I for bidders i1..n
- Find a subset W of winning bids such that Si Ã…
Sj ? with maximum social welfare ?j 2 W vj - Size of max W is exactly size of max independent
set - What about approximating the best allocation?
- W is a c-approximation if for any other
allocation W - ?j 2 W vj / ?j 2 W vj c
- Limited by the approximation ratio of independent
set - Cannot be better than n1-? Hastad
- In terms of the number of items cannot be better
than m1/2-?
23Incentive Compatible Approximation Mechanism
- Want to satisfy both incentive compatibility and
computational efficiency - Lemma a mechanism for single-minded bidders
where losers pay 0 is incentive compatible iff - Monotonicity a bidder who wins with (vi , Si)
also wins with (vi, Si) for any vi vi and
Si µ Si - Critical payment a bidder who wins with pays the
minimum value needed for winning - infimum of all vi, where (vi, Si) wins.
24Incentive Compatible Approximation Mechanism
- Want to satisfy both incentive compatibility and
computational efficiency - Given (Si, vi )I for bidders i1..n
- Rank bidders by vi / v Si
- v1 / v S1 v2 / v S2
- Run a greedy algorithm, starting from large to
small - Add to W if not adjacent to any current member of
W - Allocation the set W
- Payments for i 2 W pi vj/ v (Sj / Si)
where j is smallest index that - Si Ã… Sj ? ?
- j wins without i
- and 0 if none exists
The value that would have made j appear before i
25Approximation Ratio of the Mechanism
- Theorem Let OPT be allocation maximizing ?j 2
OPT vj and W the output of the greedy algorithm.
Then - ?j 2 OPT vj vm ?j 2 W vj
- Proof
- For each i 2 W let OPTij 2 OPT, j i SiÃ… Sj
? ? - The set of elements that did not enter W
because of i - We know that OPT µ i 2 W OPTi
- Will show ?j 2 OPTi vj vm vi
- For all j 2 OPTi we know that vj vi/ v
(Sj/Si) - ?j 2 OPTi vj vi/ v Si ?j 2 OPTi v Sj
26Approximation Ratio of the Mechanism
- Will show ?j 2 OPTi vj vm vi
- For all j 2 OPTi we know that vj vi/ v
(Sj/Si) - ?j 2 OPTi vj vi/ v Si ?j 2 OPTi v Sj
- By Caushy-Schwarz
- ?j 2 OPTi v Sj v OPTi v ?j 2 OPTi Sj
- For j 2 OPTi SiÃ… Sj ? ?
- Since OPT is an allocation
- these intersections are disjoint and OPTi
Si - ?j 2 OPTi Sj m
- ?j 2 OPTi v Sj vSi vm
- Complexity of Approximation
- Tight bounds for the single minded bidder
- Connection with communication complexity
- Demand queries and the relaxed LP formulation
28Communication Complexity and Bidding
- Two (or more) parties
- Each party i can compute valuation function
vi 2M ? R by an oracle call - No succinct description
- Want to find optimal allocation by sending as few
bits to each other. - Suppose vi 2M ? 0,1
- Claim need to exchange an exponential number of
bits to find optimal allocation
29Communication Complexity
Let fX x Y? Z Input is split between two
participants Want to compute outcome zf(x,y)
while exchanging as few bits as possible
30A protocol is defined by the communication tree
z0 z1 z2 z3 z4 z5 z6 z7 ...
31A Protocol
- A protocol P over domain X x Y with range Z is a
binary tree where - Each internal node v is labeled with either
- avX? 0,1 or
- bvY? 0,1
- Each leaf is labeled with an element z 2 Z
- The value of protocol P on input (x,y) is the
label of the leaf reached by starting from the
root and walking down the tree. - At each internal node labeled av walk
- left if av(x)0
- right if av(x)1
- At each internal node labeled bv walk
- left if bv(y)0
- right if bv(y)1
- The cost of protocol P on input (x,y) is the
length of the path taken on input (x,y) - The cost of protocol P is the maximum path length
32Motivation for studying communication complexity
- Originally for studying VLSI questions
- Connection with Turing Machines
- Data structures and the cell probe model
- Boolean circuit depth
- Combinatorial Auctions
33Communication Complexity of a function
- For a function fX x Y? Z the (deterministic)
communication complexity of f (D(f)) is the
minimum cost of protocol P over all protocols
that compute f - Observation For any function fX x Y? Z
- D(f) log X log Z
- Example
- let x,y µ 1,,n and let f(x,y)maxx y
- Then D(f) 2 log n
34Combinatorial Rectangles
- A combinatorial rectangle in X x Y is a subset R
µ X x Y such that R A x B for some A µ X and B
µ Y - Proposition R µ X x Y is a combinatorial
rectangle iff (x1,y1) 2 R and (x2,y2) 2 R implies
that (x1,y2) 2 R - For Protocol P and node v let Rv be the set of
inputs (x,y) reaching v - Claim For any protocol P and node v the set Rv
is a combinatorial rectangle - Claim given the transcript of an exchange
between Alice an Bob (but not x and y) possible
to determine zf(x,y) -
35Fooling Sets
- For fX x Y? Z a subset R µ X x Y is
f-monochromatic if f is fixed on R - Observation any protocol P induces a partition
of X x Y into f-monochromatic rectangles. - The number of rectangles is the number of leaves
in P - A set Sµ X x Y is a fooling set for f if there
exists a z 2 Z where - For every (x,y) 2 S, f(x,y)z
- For every distinct (x1,y1), (x2,y2) 2 S either
- f(x1,y2)?z or
- f(x2,y1)?z
- Property no two elements of a fooling set S can
be in the same monochromatic rectangle - Lemma if f has a fooling set of size t, then
D(f) log2 t
- Equality Alice and Bob each hold x,y 2 0,1n
- want to decide whether xy or not.
- Fooling set for Equality
- S(w,w)w 2 0,1n
- Conclusion D(Equality) n
- Disjointness let x,y µ 1,,n and let
- DISJ(x,y)1 if x ? y 1 and
- DISJ(x,y)0 otherwise
- Fooling set for Disjointness
- S(A, comp(A))A µ 1,,n
- Conclusion D(DISJ) n
37Bidding as a function
- In bidding the parties are interested in finding
a good allocation - Can be viewed as computing a relation
- Can view the
38Communication Complexity and Bidding
- Theorem every protocol that find the optimal
allocation for every pair of 0,1 valuation
v1,v2 must use - m choose m/2 ¼ 2m/v (?/2 m)
- bits.
- Proof by a fooling set argument
- For every valuation v define dual v
v(S)1-v(Sc) - dual v is monotone
- Claim Let v ? u then the sequence of bits
transmitted on (v,v) cannot be the same as that
transmitted on (u,u) - Claim ? Theorem there are at least m choose
m/2 different valuations
Number of 1s
39- Claim Let v ? u then the sequence of bits
transmitted on (v,v) cannot be the same as that
transmitted on (u,u) - Proof if v ? u but same transcript on (v,v) and
(u,u) then same transcript on (v,u) and
(u,v). - Same allocation, S, Sc, is produced in all 4
cases - For some T we have that v(T) ? u(T).
- WLOG v(T) 1 and u(T)0, u(Tc )1.
- Hence
- v(T) u(Tc )2. Therefore v(S) u(Sc ) 2.
- However v(S) v(Sc) u(S) u(Sc )2
- We get that u(S) v(Sc) 0 which is suboptimal
- Allocation produced
- Should be optimal
- Approximating the social welfare with a factor
strictly smaller than minn,m1/2-? requires
exponential communication
- Complexity of Approximation
- Tight bounds for the single minded bidder
- Connection with communication complexity
- Demand queries and the relaxed LP formulation
42Demand Queries
v(S) never explicitly represented!
- Demand query auctioneer presents a vector of
item prices p1, p2, , pn - the bidder reports a demand bundle for the
prices a set S maximizing - v(S) ?j 2 S pi
- Value query auctioneer presents a bundle S,
- the bidder reports his value v(S) for this bundle.
43Linear Programming Formulation
For single minded bidder just xi,S
- Linear Programming Relaxation
- Variable xi,S for each bidder i 2 N and subset S
- Max ?i,S vi(S) xi,S
- s.t.
- ?i,S s.t. j 2 S xi,S 1 for all j 2 M
- ?S µ M xi,S 1 for all i 2 N
- xi,S 0 for all S µ M, i 2 N
- The integer Program xi,S 20,1
Exponential number of variables
xi,S 1 iff i receives bundle S
44Dual Linear Programming Relaxation
- Variable ui for each bidder i 2 N and pj for each
item j 2 M - Minimize ?i 2 N ui ?j 2 M pi
- s.t.
- ui ?j 2 S pj vi(S) for all S µ M, i 2 N
- ui 0, pj 0 for all i 2 N, j2 M
Interpretation pj price of item j Ui demand
of user i
Exponential number of constraints
45Demand Queries
v(S) never explicitly represented!
- Demand query auctioneer presents a vector of
item prices p1, p2, , pn - the bidder reports a demand bundle for the
prices a set S maximizing - v(S) ?j 2 S pi
- Theorem Linear Programming Relaxation can be
solved in poly time (in n,m and number of bits of
precision) using only demand queries with item
46Back to the RLP
- Use the dual problem (nm variables, exp
constraints) - Ellipsoid Method
- Uses Separation oracle for when given a
candidate solution, either confirms that it is
feasible or respond with a violated constraint - Given (u,p) need to check ui vi(S) -?j 2 S pj
- query user i with demand query p response Di
- See whether ui ?j 2 Di pj vi(D_i)
ui ?j 2 S pj vi(S) for S µ M, i 2 N ui
0, pj 0 for i 2 N, j2 M
Value query
47From the Dual to the RLP
- The Ellipsoid Algorithm makes a polynomial number
of calls to the separation oracle - Each time a constraint is returned poly
altogether - Remove all other constraints and obtain a
reduced dual LP - Ellipsoid Algorithm still returns the same result
- Use the dual of the reduced dual problem to get a
solution to the original primal - With a polynomial number of variable
- It is also a solution to the original (with 0s
on all non-variables) - What to do with the relaxed solution?
- Many approximation algorithms use it
- Randomized rounding is the obvious choice
Encountered in Separation
ui ?j 2 S pj vi(S) for S µ M, i 2 N ui
0, pj 0 for i 2 N, j2 M