Title: Foundations of Cryptography Lecture 1: Introduction, Identification, One-way functions
1Foundations of CryptographyLecture 1
Introduction, Identification, One-way functions
- Lecturer Moni Naor
- Weizmann Institute of Science
2What is Cryptography?
Traditionally how to maintain secrecy in
Alice and Bob talk while Eve tries to listen
3History of Cryptography
- Very ancient occupation
- Biblical times -
- ??? ????? ??? ????? ???? ??
???? - ??? ????
???? ??? ?????? - Many interesting books and sources, especially
about the Enigma - David Kahn, The Codebreakers, 1967
- Gaj and Orlowski, Facts and Myths of Enigma
Breaking Stereotypes Eurocrypt 2003 - Not the subject of this course!
4Modern Times
- Up to the mid 70s - mostly classified military
work - Exception Shannon, Turing
- Since then - explosive growth
- Commercial applications
- Scientific work tight relationship with
Computational Complexity Theory - Major works Diffie-Hellman, Rivest, Shamir and
Adleman (RSA) - Recently - more involved models for more diverse
tasks. - How to maintain the secrecy, integrity and
functionality in computer and communication
5 Cryptography and Complexity
- Complexity Theory -
- Study the resources needed to solve computational
problems - computer time, memory
- Identify problems that are infeasible to
- Cryptography -
- Find ways to specify security requirements of
systems - Use the computational infeasibility of problems
in order to obtain security.
The development of these two areas is tightly
6Key Idea of Cryptography
- Use the intractability of some problems for the
advantage of constructing secure system
Almost any cryptographic task requires using this
idea. Our goal is to investigate this
- Instructor Moni Naor
- Grader Gil Segev
- When    Wednesday 1600--1800 Where   Ziskind
1 - Home page of the course
- www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/naor/COURSE/founda
tions_of_crypto.html - METHOD OF EVALUATION around 8 homework
assignments and a final (in class) exam. Also
must prepare notes for (at least) one lecture. - Homework assignments should be turned in on time
(usually two weeks after they are given)! - Try and do as many problems from each set.
- You may discuss the problems with other students,
but the write-up should be individual. - There will also be reading assignments.
8Official Description
- Cryptography deals with methods for protecting
the privacy, integrity and functionality of
computer and communication systems. - The goal of the course is to provide a firm
foundation to the construction of such methods. - In particular we will cover topics such as
notions of security of a cryptosystem, proof
techniques for demonstrating security and
cryptographic primitives such as one-way
functions and trapdoor permutations
9What you will learn in this course
- How to specify a cryptographic task
- How to specify a solution
- Relationship with complexity assumptions
10Lectures Outline
- Identification, Authentication and encryption
- One-way functions and their essential role in
cryptography - Universal one-way functions, multiple
identifications, - Amplification from weak to strong one-way
functions - Universal hashing and authentication.
- One-way hashing
- Signature Scheme Existentially unforgeability
- Pseudo-random generators
- Hardcore predicates,
- Pseudo-Random Functions and Permutations.
- Semantic Security and Indistinguishability of
Encryptions. - Zero-Knowledge Proofs and Arguments
- Chosen ciphertext attacks and non-malleability
- Oblivous Transfer and Secure Function Evaluation
11Three Basic Issues in Cryptography
- Identification
- Authentication
- Encryption
12Example Identification
- When the time is right, Alice wants to send an
approve message to Bob. - They want to prevent Eve from interfering
- Bob should be sure that Alice indeed approves
13Rigorous Specification of Security
- To define security of a system must specify
- What constitute a failure of the system
- The power of the adversary
- computational
- access to the system
- what it means to break the system.
14Specification of the Problem
- Alice and Bob communicate through a channel
- Bob has two external states N,Y
- Eve completely controls the channel
- Requirements
- If Alice wants to approve and Eve does not
interfere Bob moves to state Y - If Alice does not approve, then for any behavior
from Eve, Bob stays in N - If Alice wants to approve and Eve does interfere
- no requirements from the external state
15Can we guarantee the requirements?
- No when Alice wants to approve she sends (and
receives) a finite set of bits on the channel.
Eve can guess them. - To the rescue - probability.
- Want that Eve will succeed only with low
probability. - How low? Related to the string length that Alice
17Suppose there is a setup period
- There is a setup where Alice and Bob can agree on
a common secret - Eve only controls the channel, does not see the
internal state of Alice and Bob (only external
state of Bob) - Simple solution
- Alice and Bob choose a random string X ?R 0,1n
- When Alice wants to approve she sends X
- If Bob gets any symbols on channel compares to
X - If equal moves to Y
- If not equal moves permanently to N
18Eves probability of success
- If Alice did not send X and Eve put some string
X on the channel, then - Bob moves to Y only if X X
- ProbXX 2-n
- Good news can make it a small as we wish
- What to do if Alice and Bob cannot agree on a
uniformly generated string X?
19Less than perfect random variables
- Suppose X is chosen according to some
distribution Px over some set of symbols G - What is Eves best strategy?
- What is her probability of success
20(Shannon) Entropy
- Let X be random variable over alphabet G with
distribution Px - The (Shannon) entropy of X is
- H(X) - ? x ?G Px (x) log Px (x)
- Where we take 0 log 0 to be 0.
- Represents how much we can compress X
- If X0 (constant) then H(x) 0
- Only case where H(x) 0 is when x is constant
- All other cases H(x) gt0
- If X ? 0,1 and ProbX0 p and
ProbX11-p, then - H(X) -p log p (1-p) log (1-p) H(p)
- If X ? 0,1n and is uniformly distributed,
then - H(X) - ? x ? 0,1n 1/2n log 1/2n 2n/2n n
22Properties of Entropy
- Entropy is bounded H(X) log G with equality
only if X is uniform over G
23Does High Entropy Suffice for Identification?
- If Alice and bob agree on X ? 0,1n where X has
high entropy (say H(X) n/2 ), what are Eves
chances of cheating? - Can be high say
- ProbX0n 1/2
- For any x? 10,1 n-1 ProbXx 1/2n
- Then H(X) n/21/2
- But Eve can cheat with probability at least ½ by
guessing that X0n
24Another Notion Min Entropy
- Let X be random variable over alphabet G with
distribution Px - The min entropy of X is
- Hmin(X) - log max x ?G Px (x)
- The min entropy represents the most likely value
of X - Property Hmin(X) H(X)
- Why?
25High Min Entropy and Passwords
- Claim if Alice and Bob agree on such that
- Hmin(X) m, then the probability that Eve
succeeds in cheating is at most 2-m - Proof Make Eve deterministic, by picking her
best choice, X x. - ProbXx Px (x) max x ?G Px (x) 2
Hmin(X) 2-m - Conclusion passwords should be chosen to have
high min-entropy!
26- Good source on Information Theory
- T. Cover and J. A. Thomas, Elements of
Information Theory
27One-time vs. many times
- This was good for a single identification. What
about many sessions of identification? - Later
28A different scenario now Charlie is involved
- Bob has no proof that Alice indeed identified
- If there are two possible verifiers, Bob and
Charlie, they can each pretend to each other to
be Alice - Can each have there own string
- But, assume that they share the setup phase
- Whatever Bob knows Charlie know
- Relevant when they are many of possible verifiers!
29The new requirement
- If Alice wants to approve and Eve does not
interfere Bob moves to state Y - If Alice does not approve, then for any behavior
from Eve and Charlie, Bob stays in N - Similarly if Bob and Charlie are switched
30Can we achieve the requirements?
- Observation what Bob and Charlie received in
the setup phase might as well be public - Therefore can reduce to the previous scenario
(with no setup) - To the rescue - complexity
- Alice should be able to perform something that
neither Bob nor Charlie (nor Eve) can do - Must assume that the parties are not
computationally all powerful!
31Function and inversions
- We say that a function f is hard to invert if
given yf(x) it is hard to find x such that
yf(x) - x need not be equal to x
- We will use f-1(y) to denote the set of preimages
of y - To discuss hard must specify a computational
model - Use two flavors
- Concrete
- Asymptotic
32Computational Models
- Asymptotic Turing Machines with random tape
- For classical models precise model does not
matter up to polynomial factor
Random tape
Both algorithm for evaluating f and the adversary
are modeled by PTM
Input tape
33One-way functions - asymptotic
- A function f 0,1 ? 0,1 is called a
one-way function, if - f is a polynomial-time computable function
- Also polynomial relationship between input and
output length - for every probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm
A, every positive polynomial p(.), and all
sufficiently large ns - Prob A(f(x)) ? f-1(f(x)) 1/p(n)
- Where x is chosen uniformly in 0,1n and the
probability is also over the internal coin flips
of A
34Computational Models
- Concrete Boolean circuits (example)
- precise model makes a difference
- Time circuit size
35One-way functions concrete version
- A function f0,1n ? 0,1n is called a (t,e)
one-way function, if - f is a polynomial-time computable function
(independent of t) - for every t-time algorithm A,
- ProbA(f(x)) ? f-1(f(x)) e
- Where x is chosen uniformly in 0,1n and the
probability is also over the internal coin flips
of A - Can either think of t and e as being fixed or as
t(n), e(n)
36Complexity Theory and One-way Functions
- Claim if PNP then there are no one-way
functions - Proof for any one-way function
- f 0,1n ? 0,1n
- consider the language Lf
- Consisting of strings of the form y, b1,
b2,,bk - There is an x ? 0,1n such that yf(x) and
- The first k bits of x are b1, b2bk
- Lf is NP guess x and check
- If Lf is P then f is invertible in polynomial
time - Self reducibility
37A few properties and questions concerning one-way
- Major open problem connect the existence of
one-way functions and the PNP? question. - If f is one-to-one it is a called a one-way
permutation. In what complexity class does the
problem of inverting one-way permutations reside?
- good exercise!
- If f is a one-way function, is f where f(x)
is f(x) with the last bit chopped a one-way
function? - If f is a one-way function, is fL where fL(x)
consists of the first half of the bits of f(x) a
one-way function? - good exercise!
- If f is a one way function is g(x) f(f(x))
necessarily a one-way function? - good exercise!
38Solution to the password problem
- Assume that
- f 0,1n ? 0,1n is a (t,e) one-way function
- Adversarys run times is bounded by t
- Setup phase
- Alice chooses x?R 0,1n
- computes yf(x)
- Gives y to Bob and Charlie
- When Alice wants to approve she sends x
- If Bob gets any symbols on channel call them z
compute f(z) and compares to y - If equal moves to state Y
- If not equal moves permanently to state N
39Eves and Charlies probability of success
- If Alice did not send x and Eve (Charlie) put
some string x on the channel to Bob, then - Bob moves to state Y only if f(x)yf(x)
- But we know that
- ProbAf(x) ? f-1(f(x)) e
- or else we can use Eve to break the
one-way function - Good news if e can be made as small as we wish,
then we have a good scheme. - Can be used for monitoring
- Similar to the Unix password scheme
- f(x) stored in login file
- DES used as the one-way function.
The time and probability of success of breaking
the identification scheme by Eve same as The
time and probability of inverting f by A
- This is a simple example of a reduction
- Simulate Eves algorithm in order to break the
one-way function - Most reductions are much more involved
- Do not preserve the parameters so well
41Cryptographic Reductions
- Show how to use an adversary for breaking
primitive 1 in order to break primitive 2 - Important
- Run time how does T1 relate to T2
- Probability of success how does ?1 relate to ?2
- Access to the system 1 vs. 2
42Examples of One-way functions
- Examples of hard problems
- Subset sum
- Discrete log
- Factoring (numbers, polynomials) into prime
components - How do we get a one-way function out of them?
Easy problem
43Subset Sum
- Subset sum problem given
- n numbers 0 a1, a2 ,, an 2m
- Target sum T
- Find subset S? 1,...,n ? i ?S ai,T
- (n,m)-subset sum assumption for uniformly chosen
- a1, a2 ,, an ?R0,2m -1 and S? 1,...,n
- For any probabilistic polynomial time algorithm,
the probability of finding S? 1,...,n such
that - ? i ?S ai ? i ?S ai
- is negligible, where the probability is over the
random choice of the ais, S and the inner coin
flips of the algorithm - Not true for very small or very large m
- Subset sum one-way function f0,1mnn ?
0,1mnm - f(a1, a2 ,, an , b1, b2 ,, bn )
- (a1, a2 ,, an , ? i1n bi ai mod 2m )
Assumption ? f is one way
- Show a function f such that
- if f is polynomial time invertible on all
inputs, then PNP - f is not one-way
45Discrete Log Problem
- Let G be a group and g an element in G.
- Let ygz and x the minimal non negative
- integer satisfying the equation.
- x is called the discrete log of y to base g.
- Example ygx mod p in the multiplicative group
of Zp - In general easy to exponentiate via repeated
squaring - Consider binary representation
- What about discrete log?
- If difficult, f(g,x) (g, gx ) is a one-way
46Integer Factoring
- Consider f(x,y) x y
- Easy to compute
- Is it one-way?
- No if f(x,y) is even can set inverse as
(f(x,y)/2,2) - If factoring a number into prime factors is hard
- Specifically given N P Q , the product of two
random large (n-bit) primes, it is hard to factor - Then somewhat hard there are a non-negligible
fraction of such numbers 1/n2 from the
density of primes - Hence a weak one-way function
- Alternatively
- let g(r) be a function mapping random bits into
random primes. - The function f(r1,r2) g(r1) g(r2) is one-way