Title: Complexity%20Theory%20Lecture%201
1Complexity TheoryLecture 1
2Computational Complexity Theory
- Study the resources needed to solve computational
problems - Computer time
- Computer memory
- Communication
- Parallelism
- Randomness
- Identify problems that are infeasible to compute
by any reasonable machine - Taxonomy classify problems into classes with
similar properties wrt the resource requirements - Help find the most efficient algorithm for a
3Goal of Complexity Theory
- Given a computational problem determine the
best method of solving it - For a given computational setting determine
which computation tasks can be executed - State of the art very far from these goals
- Cannot provide unconditional interesting lower
bounds for almost any interesting problem - But
4Complexity, Algorithms and Cryptography
- Complexity Theory has developed a taxonomy
allowing to determine for many problems
5Brief History of Complexity Theory
- Logical foundations
- 1930s Computability Theory
- Kurt Gödel
- Alan Turing
- Alonzo Church
- 1940s 1950s work on circuit complexity
(Shannon) - 1960s first papers dealing explicitly with
complexity issues - Definitions of polynomial time (Cobham, Edmonds,
Peterson) - Time hierarchies, Speedup Theorems, Abstract
Complexity Measures - Early 1970s formulation of the PNP? question,
NP-Completeness an industry (Cook, Karp, Levin) - Since then an explosion
Developments in the Soviet Union
- 1956 Gödels letter to von Neumann with the PNP
6What will we learn in this course
- Time and space hierarchies
- Non-determinism and NP-Completeness
- Relativization (oracles)
- Alternation
- Space Complexity
- Randomness
- Interactive Proofs
- Complexity of counting
- Concrete Complexity models
- Communication Complexity
- Pebbling
- Branching Programs
- Circuit Complexity
7Course Information
- Complexity Theory - Winter 2004/5
- Instructor Moni Naor
- Grader Asaf Nussbaum
- When    Thursdays, 1400--1700 (3 points)
- Where   Ziskind 1
- Course web page www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/naor/C
OURSE/complexity.html - Prerequisites familiarity with algorithms, data
structures, probability theory, and linear
algebra, at an undergraduate level a basic
course in computability is assumed. - Requirements
- Homework There will be around ten homework
assignments and a final test. - Homework assignments should be turned in on time
(usually two weeks after they are given)! - Try and do as many problems from each set.
- You may discuss the problems with other students,
but the write-up MUST be individual. - You may look up any material, but should cite any
external source. - Exam The exam will be in class.
- No textbook for the course. A lot of background
and relevant material is available in - Christos Papadimitriou , Computational Complexity
, Cambridge, 1994 - Michael Sipser, Introduction to the Theory of
Computation, 1997 - Garey and Johnson. Computers and Intractability
A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness. New
York W. H. Freeman, 1979. -
-    Two online courses close in nature to our
course - Lecturers Steven Rudich and Avrim Blum,
University CMU - Lecturer Luca Trevisan, Computational
Complexity, University UC Berkeley.
9Things you should already know
- Turing Machine
- One-tape vs. Multi-tape
- Defined by (?,Q,?)
- ? finite alphabet including blank symbol
- State space including qstart, qaccept and
qreject - transition function ? ? X Q ? ? X Q X
left,right - A configuration is represented as a string of
symbols from ? Q - ?1 ?2 q ?m
- Multi-tape machine has
- Read-only input tape
- Write-only output tape
- Several working tapes
10Things you should already know
- Recognition or decision of language L by a TM M
- if M accepts every string in L and rejects all
strings not in L - A language L is recursive or decidable if there
is a TM M which recognizes it - Acceptance of language L by a TM M
- if M accepts every string in L and does not
accept strings not in L - does not necessarily halt on all inputs
- A language L is recursive enumerable (r.e.) if
there is a TM M which accepts it
11Turing Machines are general
- Truing Machines can simulate many other models
and machines - RAM Random Access Machines
- Java..
- Circuits if the circuit itself is uniform
- Various logical systems
- Turing machines the language
- Lu ltM,xgtM accepts x
- is r.e. there is a (universal) TM accepting it
- Simulation are pretty efficient
- Counterexample quantum
12Time and Space
- Let fN? N by any function.
- Time L 2 TIME(f(n)) if there is a (multi-tape)
TM which recognizes L and uses no more than
f(x) steps on input x - Space L 2 SPACE(f(n)) if there is a (multi-tape)
TM which recognizes L and uses no more than
f(x) cells of its work tapes during the
computation on input x - Cell is used if it scanned by the tape head
- Time and space can be defined for function
computation as well - No point in accuracy in the time function
- Theorem (Linear Speedup) for any L 2 TIME(f(n))
and ?gt0 there is an equivalent TM M requiring
only ?f(n)n steps - Conclusion lets talk about O(f(n))
13Proper complexity functions
- f(n) is a proper complexity function if
- f(n) f(n-1)
- There is a TM which on input x outputs a string
of length exactly f(x) while running it time
O(xf(x)) and space O(f(x)) - Exercise show that if f(n) and g(n) are proper
complexity functions, then so are - f(n)g(n)
- f(n)g(n)
- Clocked Simulation Theorem for every proper
complexity function f - There exists a TM Mf running in time f3(Mx)
that on input (M,x) accepts iff M(x) accepts
within f(x) steps - Can improve f3(n) to f(n) log f(n)
14Hierarchy Theorems and Diagonalization
- Diagonalization proof technique invented by
Cantor to prove the uncountability of the real
numbers - Theorem (Time Hierarchy) for any proper
complexity functions f(n) and g(n) f(n)
log(f(n)) - TIME(f(n)) is properly contained in TIME(g(2n))
- Proof Recall Mf. Consider
- L ltMMf(MM) rejects
- We have L2TIME(g(2n)) but L is not in TIME(f(n))
- Corollary TIME(nk) is properly contained in
15Communication Complexity
Let fX x Y? Z Input is split between two
participants Want to compute outcome zf(x,y)
while exchanging as few bits as possible
16A protocol is defined by the communication tree
z0 z1 z2 z3 z4 z5 z6 z7 ...
17A Protocol
- A protocol P over domain X x Y with range Z is a
binary tree where - Each internal node v is labeled with either
- avX? 0,1 or
- bvY? 0,1
- Each leaf is labeled with an element z 2 Z
- The value of protocol P on input (x,y) is the
label of the leaf reached by starting from the
root and walking down the tree. - At each internal node labeled av walk
- left if av(x)0
- right if av(x)1
- At each internal node labeled bv walk
- left if bv(y)0
- right if bv(y)1
- The cost of protocol P on input (x,y) is the
length of the path taken on input (x,y) - The cost of protocol P is the maximum path length
18Motivation for studying communication complexity
- Originally for studying VLSI questions
- Connection with Turing Machines
- Data structures and the cell probe model
- Boolean circuit depth
19Communication Complexity of a function
- For a function fX x Y? Z the (deterministic)
communication complexity of f (D(f)) is the
minimum cost of protocol P over all protocols
that compute f - Observation For any function fX x Y? Z
- D(f) log X log Z
- Example
- let x,y µ 1,,n and let f(x,y)maxx y
- Then D(f) 2 log n
- let x,y µ 1,,n and let MED(x,y) be the median
of the multiset x y - If the size is even then element ranked x y/2
- Claim D(MED) is O(log2 n)
- protocol idea do a binary search on the value,
each party reporting how many are above te
current guess - Homework D(MED) is O(log n)
- protocol idea each party proposes a candidate
- See which one is larger - no need to repeat bits
21Combinatorial Rectangles
- A combinatorial rectangle in X x Y is a subset R
µ X x Y such that R A x B for some A µ X and B
µ Y - Proposition R µ X x Y is a combinatorial
rectangle iff (x1,y1) 2 R and (x2,y2) 2 R implies
that (x1,y2) 2 R - For Protocol P and node v let Rv be the set of
inputs (x,y) reaching v - Claim For any protocol P and node v the set Rv
is a combinatorial rectangle - Claim For any given the transcript of an
exchange between Alice an Bob possible (but not
x and y) possible to determine zf(x,y) -
22Fooling Sets
- For fX x Y? Z a subset R µ X x Y is
f-monochromatic if f is fixed on R - Observation any protocol P induces a partition
of X x Y into f-monochromatic rectangles. The
number of rectangles is the number of leaves in P - A set Sµ X x Y is a fooling set for f if there
exists a z 2 Z where - For every (x,y) 2 S, f(x,y)z
- For every distinct (x1,y1), (x2,y2) 2 S either
- f(x1,y2)?z or
- f(x2,y1)?z
- Property no two elements of a fooling set S can
be in the same monochromatic rectangle - Lemma if f has a fooling set of size t, then
D(f) log2 t
- Equality Alice and Bob each hold x,y 2 0,1n
- want to decide whether xy or not.
- Fooling set for Equality
- S(w,w)w 2 0,1n
- Conclusion D(Equality) n
- Disjointness let x,y µ 1,,n and let
- DISJ(x,y)1 if x ? y 1 and
- DISJ(x,y)0 otherwise
- Fooling set for Disjointness
- S(A,comp(A))A µ 1,,n
- Conclusion D(DISJ) n
24Applications to Time-Space lower bounds in Turing
- Let PalindromesxxR x 2 ?
- Palindromes 2 TIME(n)
- Palindromes 2 SPACE(log n)
- But what about simultaneous linear time and log
space? - Lemma let f 0,1n x 0,1n ? 0,1 be a
function with communication complexity D(f) . For
any multi-tape TM running in time T(n) and space
S(n) accepting all string - x0ny yxn, f(x,y)1
- and rejecting all strings
- x0ny yxn, f(x,y)0
- We have D(f) O(T(n) S(n)/n)
- Proof joint simulation of the TM by Alice and
Bob. - To get time-space lower bound on Palindromes use
Equality - Consider x0nxR x 2 ?, xn
25Rank lower bound
- For fX x Y? 0,1 let Mf tbe the X x Y
matrix where entry f(x,y) has value f(x,y). The
rank of f, rank(f), is the rank of Mf over the
reals. - Theorem For any fX x Y? 0,1
- D(f) log2 rank(f)
- Proof For any protocol P Mf ?l leaf Ml
- Ml is the matrix corresponding to the rectangle
of leaf l - Examples
- Equality MEquality is the identity matrix rank
is 2n
26Inner Product
- Let x,y 2 0,1n
- IP(x,y) ?i1n xi yi mod 2
- What is rank(MIP)?
- Let NMIP MIP. Then entry (x,y) in N is
- ?z 2 0,1n ltx,zgt lty,zgt
- which is zs where ltx,zgtlty,zgt1
- 2n-2 if x?y
- 2n-1 if xy
- 0 if x or y is 0
- Hence rank(N) 2n-1. Since
- rank(MIP MIP) minrank(MIP,rank(MIP
- rank(MIP 2n-1 and D(IP) n
27Non-determinism and covers
- Can a protocol tree be very unbalanced?
- Technique for balancing given a protocol with t
leaves there is a protocol with communication
complexity O(log t) - Is the monotone rectangles lower bound tight?
- Consider instead of
- partition into monochromatic rectangles
- a cover by monochromatic rectangles
- The rectangles are not necessary disjoint
- For z 2 Z a z-cover handles only the inputs (x,y)
where f(z,y)z - This corresponds to non-deterministic complexity
- A non-deterministic protocol for verifying that
f(x,y)z - Alice Guess a rectangle R intersecting row x,
send name to Bob - Bob verify that R intersects column y tell
Alice - Accept only if Bob approve
- Complexity log of z-rectangles