Title: Lecturer: Moni Naor
1Foundations of PrivacyFormal LectureZero-Knowle
dge and Deniable Authentication
2Giving talks
- Advice on giving Academic Talks
- Giving an Academic Talk by Jonathan Shewchuk
- Oral Presentation Advice by Mark D. Hill
- Pointers on giving a talk by David Messerschmitt
- How to give a good talk by Hany Farid
- Giving Talks by Tom Cormen
3Authentication and Non-Repudiation
- Key idea of modern cryptography Diffie-Hellman
- can make authentication (signatures) transferable
to third party - Non-repudiation. - Essential to contract signing, e-commerce
- Digital Signatures last 25 years major effort in
- Research
- Notions of security
- Computationally efficient constructions
- Technology, Infrastructure (PKI), Commerce, Legal
4Is non-repudiation always desirable?
- Not necessarily so
- Privacy of conversation, no (verifiable) record.
- Do you want everything you ever said to be held
against you? - If Bob pays for the authentication, shouldn't be
able to transfer it for free - Perhaps can gain efficiency
Alternative (Plausible) Deniability If the
recipient (or any recipient) could have generated
the conversation himself or an indistinguishable
5Deniable Authentication
- Setting
- Sender has a public key known to receiver
- Want to an authentication scheme such that the
receiver keeps no receipt of conversation. - This means
- Any receiver could have generated the
conversation itself. - There is a simulator that for any message m and
verifier V generates an indistinguishable
conversation. - Exactly as in Zero-Knowledge!
- An example where zero-knowledge is the ends, not
the means! - Proof of security consists of Unforgeability and
- Assume a public key encryption scheme E
- Public key Pk knowing Pk can encrypt message m
- Compute YE(Pk, m)
- With corresponding secret key Ps, given y can
retrieve m - mD(Ps, E(Pk, m))
- Process is probabilistic to actually encrypt
choose random string ? and compute YE(PK, x, ?).
7Deniable Authentication
- Completeness for any good sender and receiver
possible to complete the authentication on any
message - Unforgeability Existential unforgeable against
adaptive chosen message attack - Adversary can ask to authenticate any sequence
m1, m2, - Has to succeed in making V accept a message m not
previously authenticated - Has complete control over the channels
- Deniability
- For any(?) verifier, there is simulator that can
generate computationally indistinguishable
8Interactive Authentication
- P wants to convince V that he is approving
message m - P has a public key Pk and a secret key Ps of
encryption scheme E. - To authenticate a message m
- V ? P Choose x 2R 0,1n.
- Send cE(PK, m x)
- P ? V Receiving c
- Decrypt c using Ps
- Verify that prefix of
plaintext is m. - If yes - send x.
- V is satisfied if he receives the same x he chose
9Is it Safe?
- Want Existential unforgeability against adaptive
chosen message attack - Adversary can ask to authenticate any sequence
m1, m2, - Has to succeed in making V accept a message m not
authenticated - Has complete control over the channels
- Intuition of security if E does not leak
information about plaintext - Nothing is leaked about x
- Unforgeability depends on the strength of E
- Sensitive to malleability
- if given E(PK, mx, ?) can generate E(PK, mx,
?) where m is related to m and x is related to
x then can forge.
10Security of the scheme
- Unforgeability depends on the strength of E
- Sensitive to malleability
- if given E(PK, mr, ?) can generate E(PK, mr,
?) where m is related to m and r is related to
x then can forge. - The protocol allows a chosen ciphertext attack on
E. - Even of the post-processing kind!
- Can prove that any strategy for existential
forgery can be translated into a CCA strategy on
E - Works even against concurrent executions.
- Deniability does V retain a receipt??
- It does not retain one for an honest V
- Need to prove knowledge of r
There are encryption schemes satisfying the
desired requirements
11No receipts
- Can the verifier convince third party that the
prover approved a certain message?
12Simulator for honest receiver
- Choose x ?R 0,1n.
- Output hYE(PK, mx, ?), x, ?i
- Has exactly the same distribution as a real
conversation when the verifier is following the
protocol - Statistical indistinguishability
- Verifier might cheat by checking whether certain
ciphertext have as a prefix m - No known concrete way of doing harm this way
13Commitment Schemes
- Hiding A computationally bounded receiver learns
nothing about X. - Binding s can only be opened to the value X.
Commit Phase
Reveal Phase
s, v, X
Reveal Verification Algorithm
14Encryption as Commitment
- When the public key PK is fixed and known YE(PK,
x, ?) can be seen as commitment to x - To open x reveal ?, the random bits used to
create Y - Perfect binding from unique decryption
- For any Y there are no two different x and x and
? and ? s.t. - YE(PK, x, ?) E(PK, x, ?)
- Secrecy no information about x is leaked to
those not knowing private key PS
15Deniable Protocol
- P has a public key PK of an encryption scheme E.
- To authenticate message m
- V ? P Choose x?R0,1n.
- Send YE(PK, mx, ?)
- P ? V Decrypt YE(PKj, mx, ?),
- Send E(PK, x, ?)
- V ? P Send x and ? - opening YE(PK, mx, ?)
- P ? V Verify consistency and open E(PK, x, ?) by
sending ?.
P commits to the value x. Does not reveal it yet
16Security of the scheme
- Unforgeability as before - depends on the
strength of E - can simulate previous scheme (with access to D(PK
, . )) - Important property E(PK, x, ?) is a
non-malleable commitment (wrt the encryption) to
x. - Deniability can run simulator
- Extract x by running with E(PK, garbage, ?) and
rewinding - Expected polynomial time
- Need the semantic security of E - acts as a
commitment scheme
In Step 2. Instead of E(PK, x, ?)
17Complexity of the scheme
- Sender single decryption, single encryption and
singe encryption verification - Receiver same
- Communication Complexity O(1) public-key
18Ring Signatures and Authentication
- Want to keep the sender anonymous by proving
that the signer is a member of an ad hoc set - Other members do not cooperate
- Use their regular public-keys
- Should be indistinguishable which member of the
set is actually doing the authentication
19Ring Authentication Setting
- A ring is an arbitrary set of participants
including the authenticator - Each member i of the ring has a public encryption
key PKi - Only i knows the corresponding secret key PSi
- To run a ring authentication protocol both sides
need to know PK1, PK2, , PKn - the public keys of the ring members
20Deniable Ring Authentication
- Completeness for any good sender and receiver
possible to complete the authentication on any
message - Unforgeability Existential unforgeable against
adaptive chosen message attack - Deniability
- For any verifier, for any arbitrary set of keys,
some good some bad, there is simulator that can
generate computationally indistinguishable
conversations. - Source Hiding
- For any verifier, for any arbitrary set of keys,
some good some bad, the source is computationally
indistinguishable among the good keys - Source Hiding and Deniability incomparable
21An almost Good Ring Authentication Protocol
- Ring has public keys PK1, PK2, , PKn of
encryption scheme E - To authenticate message m with jth decryption key
PSj - V ? P Choose x ?0,1n.
- Send E(PK1, mx, ?1), E(PK2, mx, ?2), ,
E(PKn, mx, ?n) - P ? V Decrypt E(PKj, mx, ?j), using PSj and
- Send E(PK1, x, ?1), E(PK2, x, ?2), , E(PKn,
x, ?n) - V ? P open all the E(PKi, mx, ?i)s by
- Send x and ?1, ?2 ,, ?n
- P ? V Verify consistency and open all E(PKi,
x, ?i) by - Send x and ?1, ?2 , ?n
And the adversary knows one the keys!
Problem what if not all suffixes (xs) are equal
22The Ring Authentication Protocol
- Ring has public keys PK1, PK2, , PKn of
encryption scheme E - To authenticate message m with jth decryption key
PSj - V ? P Choose x ?0,1n.
- Send E(PK1, mx, ?1), E(PK2, mx, ?2), , E(PKn,
mx, ?n) - P ? V Decrypt E(PKj, mx, ?j), using PSj and
- Send E(PK1, x1, ?1), E(PK2, x2, ?2), ,
E(PKn, xn, ?n) - Where xx1x2 ? xn
- V ? P open all the E(PKj, mx, ?j)s, by
- Send x and ?1, ?2 ,, ?n
- P ? V Verify consistency and open all E(PKi,
x, ?i) by - Send x1, x2, , xn and ?1, ?2 , ?n
23Complexity of the scheme
- Sender single decryption, n encryptions and n
encryption verifications - Receiver n encryptions and n encryption
verifications - Communication Complexity O(n) public-key
24Security of the scheme
- Unforgeability as before (assuming all keys are
well chosen) since - E(PK1, x1, t1), E(PK2, x2, t2),,E(PK1, xn, tn)
- where xx1x2 L xn
- is a non-malleable commitment to x
- Source Hiding which key was used (among well
chosen keys) is - Computationally indistinguishable during protocol
- Statistically indistinguishable after protocol
- If ends successfully
- Deniability Can run simulator as before
25Properties of the Scheme
- Works with any good encryption scheme - members
of the ring are unwilling participants. - Fairly efficient scheme
- Need n encryptions n verifications and one
decryption - Can extend the scheme so that convince a verifier
that At least k members confirm the message.
26Extended Protocol
- Ring has public keys PK1, PK2, , PKn of
encryption scheme E - To authenticate message m with subset T of
decryption keys - To authenticate message m with subset T of
decryption keys - V ? P Choose r ?0,1n. and split into shares
x1, x2, xn - Send E(PK1, mx1, r1), E(PK2, mx2, r2), ,
E(PK1, mxn, rn) - P ? V For each j?T decrypt E(PKj, mxj, rj)
using PSj and reconstruct r - Send E(PK1, x1, ?1), E(PK2, x2, ?2), ,
E(PKn, xn, ?n) - Where rx1x2 ? xn
- V ? P open all the E(PKi, mxj, ri) by
- Send x1, x2, xn and r1, r2 , rn
- P ? V Verify consistency and open all E(PKi,
x, ti) by - Send t1, t2 , tn and x1, x2 ,, xn
27Ring Signatures RST
- Rivest, Shamir and Tauman proposed Ring
Signatures - Signature on message m by a member of an ad hoc
set of participants - Using existing Infrastructure for signatures
- For a generated signature the source is
(statistically) indistinguishable - Non-repudiation - recipient can convince a third
party of the authenticity of a signature - Non-interactive - single round
- Efficient - if underlying signature is low
exponent RSA/Rabin - Need Ideal Cipher for combining function
28- What are the social implications of the existence
of ring authentication and signatures?
29Related Notions
- Deniability and anonymity can have many
meanings, long history in Crypto - Deniable Encryption
- Undeniable signatures
- Chameleon signatures (Krawczyk and Rabin 98).
- Group signatures
- The signature is intended for ultimate
adjudication by a third party (judge). - Not deniable if secret keys are revealed!
- Designated verifier proofs
30Coming Lectures
- Randomized Response
- Stanley L. Warner, Randomized Response A Survey
Technique for Eliminating Evasive Answer Bias, - Moran and Naor, Polling with Physical Envelopes
A Rigorous Analysis of a Human-Centric Protocol, - More Randomized Response
- Evfimievski, Gehrke, and Srikant. Limiting
Privacy Breaches in Privacy Preserving Data
Mining. (PODS 2003). - Nina Mishra and Mark Sandler, Privacy via
Pseudorandom Sketches, PODS 2006 - K- Anonymity and Linkability
- Latanya Sweeney. k-anonymity a model for
protecting privacy. International Journal on
Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-based
Systems, 10 (5), 2002 557-570. - A. Narayanan, V. Shmatikov. How To Break
Anonymity of the Netflix Prize Dataset. Â - Machanavajjhala, Gehrke, Kifer, and M.
Venkitasubramaniam, L-diversity Privacy beyond
k-anonymity. In Proc. 22nd Int Conf. Data Eng.
(ICDE), page 24, 2006. - Ninghui Li, Tiancheng Li, Suresh
Venkatasubramanian. t-closeness Privacy Beyond
k-Anonymity and l-Diversity ICDE 2007. - Auditing
- J. Kleinberg, C. Papadimitriou, P. Raghavan,
Auditing Boolean Attributes, PODS 2000. - Krishnaram Kenthapadi, Nina Mishra, Kobbi Nissim,
Simulatable Auditing, PODS 2005.
31Coming Lectures
- Irit Dinur and Kobbi Nissim, Revealing
information while preserving privacy. PODS, 2003.
- Cynthia Dwork, Frank McSherry and Kunal Talwar,
The price of privacy and the limits of LP
decoding. STOC 2007, - Differntial Privacy
- Cynthia Dwork, Frank McSherry, Kobbi Nissim and
Adam Smith Calibrating Noise to Sensitivity in
Private Data Analysis. TCC 2006, - A. Blum, C. Dwork, F. McSherry, and K. Nissim,
Practical Privacy The SuLQ Framework, PODS,
2005. - Contingency Tables
- Boaz Barak, Kamalika Chaudhuri, Cynthia Dwork,
Satyen Kale, Frank McSherry and Kunal Talwar,
Privacy, accuracy, and consistency too a
holistic solution to contingency table release.
PODS 2007 273-282 - Lars Backstrom, Cynthia Dwork and Jon M.
Kleinberg Wherefore art thou r3579x? Anonymized
social networks, hidden patterns, and structural
steganography. WWW 2007 - Application of Differential Privacy
- Kunal Talwar and Frank McSherry, Mechanism Design
via Differential Privacy. FOCS, 2007. - Kobbi Nissim, Sofya Raskhodnikova and Adam Smith.
Smooth Sensitivity and Sampling in Private Data
Analysis , STOC 2007,
- Fuzzy Extractors
- Â RFIDs,
- Yossi Oren and Adi Shamir, Power Analysis of RFID
Tags - Stephen A. Weis Security of HB
- Face\Vision Crowd
- Enabling Video Privacy through Computer Vision
- E. Newton, L. Sweeney, and B. Malin. Preserving
Privacy by De-identifying Facial Images