MSG Name - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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MSG Name


* MSG Name NCOER AR 623-3 / DA PAM 623-3 * WHY DO WE DO A NCOER? Purpose: The DA 2166-8 provides evaluation information to ensure that sound personnel management ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: MSG Name

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AR 623-3 / DA PAM 623-3
MSG Name
  • Purpose
  • The DA 2166-8 provides evaluation information to
    ensure that sound personnel management decisions
    can be made and that an NCOs' potential can be
    fully developed.

  • REVISED FORM 2166-8 has changed The format was
    enhanced to ease the complete process
  • RATING PERIOD The rating period for all NCOs is
    now by YYYYMMDD not just month and year as it was
    in the past
  • NO MILITARY FLIP The policy has changed to make
    the front and back of the 2166-8 the
    more flip
  • COMMENTS ARE MANDATORY Must have comments on
    all blocks.
  • Various other changes are listed in both the
    Regulation and the DA PAM (see AR 623-3 and DA
    Pam 623-3)

  • These will consist of the rated NCO, the rater,
    the senior rater, and the reviewer.
  • Rater
  • The rater will be the person (immediate
    supervisor) in the rating chain that directs and
    is most responsible for the rated Soldiers
  • The rater will be the immediate supervisor that
    monitors/observes the day to day performance of
    the rated individual and directly guides the
    rated Soldiers participation in the
    organizations mission.
  • A rater will be an officer or NCO of the U.S.
    Armed Forces or an employee of a DOD or U.S.
    Government agency (including non-appropriated
    fund rating officials). Members of Allied Forces
    will not be not authorized to serve as raters.
  • The rater will normally be the immediate
    supervisor, SGT or above, and senior to the rated
    NCO by grade or date of rank (see AR 60020), for
    a minimum period of 90 consecutive days.

  • Senior Rater
  • A senior rater will be an officer or NCO of the
    U.S. Armed Forces or an employee of DOD
    (including non-appropriated fund employees) who
    is senior to the rater by either pay grade or
    date of rank. Members of allied forces are not
    authorized to be senior raters.
  • A senior rater will be a supervisor over all
    other rating officials in the rated Soldiers
    chain of command or supervisory chain. The senior
    rater will be the immediate supervisor of the
    rater and designated as the rated Soldiers
    senior rater for a minimum period of 60
    consecutive days (see paras 344, 44c(2), and
    511 for exceptions).
  • Senior raters will be senior to the rater by
    either pay grade or date of rank. If an NCO is on
    a recommended list for promotion or frocked to
    one of the top three NCO grades (1SG, SGM, or
    CSM) and is serving in an authorized position for
    the new grade, then they may senior rate any NCO
    they supervise, if after the raters promotion
    they will be senior in pay grade or date of rank
    to the rated NCO.
  • Commanders may appoint civilian employees of DOD,
    GS09 and above (or equivalent), as senior raters
    when a military supervisor is not available and
    when the civilian supervisor is in the best
    position to accurately evaluate the NCOs
    performance. The uniqueness of the other civilian
    pay scales precludes the establishment of a
    general Armywide policy. Therefore, the minimum
    grade for civilian senior raters holding other
    than GS pay grades is determined by local
    commanders. The civilian senior rater will be
    officially designated on the published rating
    scheme established by the local commander.

  • Reviewer
  • These will include a reviewer who is in the U.S.
    Army. The reviewer will be an officer, CSM, or
    SGM in the direct line of supervision and senior
    in pay grade or date of rank to the senior rater.
    Promotable master sergeants may serve as
    reviewers, provided they are working in an
    authorized CSM or SGM position.
  • No minimum time period is required for reviewer
  • Commanders may appoint officers of other U.S.
    military services or civilian employees of DOD,
    GS12 and above, or other equivalent civilian pay
    scales, as reviewers when
  • (a) The grade and line-of-supervision
    requirements are met.
  • (b) Either the rater or senior rater is a
    uniformed Army official.
  • In cases where both the rater and senior rater
    are other than uniformed Army rating officials
    and no uniformed Army reviewer is available,
  • (a) The report will be reviewed by a uniformed
    Army officer in the rated NCOs unit
    administrative office. As an exception, this
    officer is not required to be senior to the
    rater or senior rater.
  • (b) General/flag rank officers and SES civilians
    serving with any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces
    may be appointed as reviewers.
  • In cases where superseded in above requirements,
    when the rater or senior rater is a general
    officer, officer of flag rank, or civilian with
    SES, Defense Intelligence Senior Level, or
    equivalent DOD senior civil service rank and
    precedence, that official will also act as

NCOER Support Form
The support form communication process is
characterized by initial and follow-up
face-to-face counseling between the rater and
rated Soldier throughout the rating period. This
process is used to achieve the purpose of the DA

  • IAW AR 623-3, Chapter
  • Be short, concise, to the point. Bullets will not
    be longer than two lines, preferably one and no
    more than one bullet to a line.
  • Start with action words (verbs) or possessive
    pronouns (his or her) Personal pronouns he or
    she may be used should use 'past' tense when
    addressing NCO's performance and/or
  • Be double-spaced between bullets
  • Be preceded by a small letter 'o' to designate
    the start of the comment. Each bullet comment
    must start with a small letter unless it's a
    proper noun that is usually capitalized.
  • A specific example can be used only once
    therefore, the rater must decide under which
    responsibility the bullet fits best (or is most

  • Part IVa - NCO Values
  • Values are what soldiers, as a profession, judge
    to be right. They are the moral, ethical and
    professional attributes of character. Values are
    the heart and soul of a great Army.
  • The rater will answer each question by placing an
    "X" in either the 'yes' or 'no' box. Bullets
    comments are used to explain any area where the
    rated NCO is particularly strong or needs
    improvement. Bullet comments are mandatory for a
    'no' rating and must be specific.
  • Parts IVb-f - NCO Responsibilities
  • Excellence rating means the NCO clearly exceeds
    standards and is better than most others.
    Excellence is demonstrated by specific examples
    and measurable results it is special and unusual
    and achieved by only a few.
  • Success rating indicates the NCO meets all
    standards. The majority of ratings will fall into
    this category. It indicates that the NCO is fully
    competitive for schooling and promotion. The goal
    of NCO counseling is to bring all NCOs to this
  • Needs Improvement rating is used to indicate some
    weakness. It means the NCO has missed meeting
    some standards.
  • Part Va - Potential (Rater's Portion)
  • Among the Best rating represents the NCO who
    meets or exceeds all standards. It means the NCO
    is strongly recommended for promotion.
  • Fully Capable indicates the NCO meets all
    standards and is recommended for promotion.
  • Marginal represents the NCO who has demonstrated
    poor performance, failed to meet one of more
    standards and should not be promoted at this
  • Special Note NCOs who received one or more
    'needs improvement' rating in parts IVb-f cannot
    receive a rating of 'among the best' however,
    NCOs receiving all 'success' ratings may receive
    a rating of 'among the best' or 'fully capable.'

  • Part Vb - Positions in which rated NCO could best
    serve the Army at his/her current or next grade
  • The rater lists up to three (at least two)
    different duty position in which the rated NCO
    could best serve the Army at the current or next
    grade. Past selection boards have identified this
    area as a useful tool in evaluating the
    capability of the NCO to perform in positions of
    progressive responsibility.
  • The requirement is for the current or next grade
    therefore, do not recommend a SSG to serve as a
    1SG or a SGT to serve in a position normally
    identified for junior enlisted soldiers.
  • The recommended positions should coincide with
    the NCOs overall rating. For example, a SSG who
    receives a 'marginal' rating based on poor
    leadership skills should not be recommended to
    serve in a higher leadership position such as
    platoon sergeant or section chief.
  • Parts Vc and d - Overall Performance/Potential
    (Senior Rater)
  • Success/Superior - a "1" or "2" rating represents
    a very good, solid performance and is a strong
    recommendation for promotion. As a general rule,
    the 1-3 ratings are interpreted as this  
  • "1" cream of the crop promote immediately  
  • "2" a solid citizen strong recommendation for
  • "3" a good performance promote if allocations
  • Fair - a "4" rating represents NCOs who may
    require additional training/observation and
    should not be promoted at this time.
  • Poor - a "5" rating represents NCOs who are weak
    or deficient and, in the opinion of the senior
    rater, need significant improvement or training
    in one or more areas. These NCO should not be
    considered for promotion and may be considered
    for denial of continued service under the
    Qualitative Management Program.

The PMOS is O, Not a zero, ex31B3O
Verify dates are Correct
Brackets are ONLY for FROCKED NCOs
If Soldier is not Available for signature,
Leave it blank.
Counseling Dates are Mandatory
Completed by the rater. Typewritten or
handwritten Mandatory
Enter PASS, FAIL, PROFILE and the date
(YYYYMMDD). Within 12 month period. If no APFT
within 12 months. Leave blank Same with HT/WT
--Lead off with your strongest excellence
Mandatory Bullet Comments For All Ratings
NCOs receiving one or more excellence cannot
receive a marginal Or NCOs receiving needs
improvement Cannot receive among the best
List at least 2 Future Duty Positions
--S/R focus on promotion, schools, assignments
  • responsible for the operational readiness rate
    average of 96 per cent for ten consecutive months
  • received a 100 per cent rating from the command
    inspection program. (excellence)
  • awarded the region commanders coin for winning
    the resource and cadet management award
  • totally committed to quality control of awards,
    NCO-ERs OERs, none late or returned utilizing
    expertise (success)
  • successfully completed 25 semester hours of
    college with a GPA of 3.75 (success)
  • selected to train unit commanders and 1SGs on
    personnel procedures and policies (success)
  • improved PSB processing rate from 75 per cent
    to 96 per cent by conducting SIDPERS related
    training for PSB personnel (excellence)
  • responsible for seven out of nine mechanics
    receiving their mechanics' badge (excellence)
  • improved the processing rate of pay actions
    from 65 per cent to 94 per cent in less than
    three months (excellence)
  • completed the battalion's monthly Unit Status
    Report (USR) requirement for the past six months
    with zero defects (excellence)
  • received commendable rating during division
    command inspection only company in battalion to
    receive all 'GOs' and praise from ADC-S
  • achieved the highest score in the company in
    the most recent APFT, scoring 357 on the extended
    scale (excellence)
  • awarded the Physical Fitness Badge (excellence)
  • improved APFT score by 40 points (excellence)
  • leads by example during tough, vigorous
    physical training (success)
  • developed the units physical training program
    resulting in the units average being raised by
    25 points (success)

  • selected over 13 staff sergeants for deployment
    to Bosnia as Operations NCOIC (success)
  • selected over 12 SFCs and 2 MSGs to be first
    sergeant (excellence)
  • mentored one soldier to win division soldier of
    the year and two to win battalion soldier of the
    year (excellence)
  • took charge and led log pack convoys throughout
    Task Force Eagles AOR servicing seven remote
    sites (success)
  • provided sound counsel and mentoring,
    encouraging team members to exceed standards
  • routinely assumes leadership role as NCOIC
    during absence of incumbent (success)
  • always leads from the front with limited
    guidance and supervision (success)
  • achieved three honor platoon awards during
    rating period (excellence)
  • in the absence of an officer, commanded the
    detachment on two separate missions at JRTC
  • expertise and experience were sought daily by
    officers, noncommissioned officers and soldiers
    throughout the Corps (success)
  • leads by example and enforces high standards of
    excellence in all areas (success)
  • ensured soldiers were proficient and trained in
    CTT, weapons qualification and MOS related skills
  • trained the company in MOUT training in
    preparation for JRTC (success)
  • superb trainer - his platoon averaged 98 per
    cent first time 'GO on armor crewman test II
  • trained team to score 85 per cent during NBC
    testing (successful)
  • trained section to score 97 per cent during .50
    cal avenger gunnery evaluation (excellence)
  • extraordinary NCOPD and Sergeant's Time program
    ensured young soldiers were prepared to support
    the total Army (success)

  • Strong Senior Rater Performance and Potential
  • promote to SFC immediately
  • most definitely in top five percent of all SSGs
    I have worked with in 11 years of service
  • a caring and gifted leader whose performance
    marks him as the quintessential professional
  • trusted by commanders, leaders, and soldiers a
    superb role model
  • absolutely outstanding NCO whose performance
    and abilities clearly outdistance that of his
  • capitalize on his leadership abilities and
    select for drill sergeant school
  • clearly capable of serving with distinction in
    the most demanding and critical assignments
  • unlimited potential and versatility deserves
    accelerated promotion to master sergeant
  • promote first time eligible in the secondary
  • outstanding steward of battalion resources S1
    audits conducted recouped 100K in unauthorized
    Bank of America credit card entitlements
  • outperforms 99 percent of his peers clearly
    the best NCO in the battalion
  • already selected for promotion to SFC, this NCO
    will advance rapidly through the ranks to
    Sergeant Major
  • an exceptionally talented and gifted NCO who
    consistently produces superb results a must
    select for promotion
  • select now for appointment to command sergeant
    major soldiers deserve his leadership

Codes and Reasons for Submission
  • 1 First enter First
  • See AR 623-3, para 5-20a
  • 2 Annual Report enter Annual
  • See AR 623-3 para 3-45
  • 3 Change of Rater enter Change of Rater
  • See AR 623-3 para 3-44
  • 5 Relief for Cause enter Relief for Cause
  • See AR 623-3 para 3-59
  • 6 Depart Temporary Duty, PCS, Special Duty
    enter Depart TDY
  • See AR 623-3 para 3-48
  • 7 60 day Option report enter 60 day opt
  • See AR 623-3 para 3-62
  • 8 Senior rater option enter SR-Option
  • See AR 623-3 para 3-61
  • 9 Complete the record enter Complete Rec
  • See AR 623-3 para 3-60
  • 10 Extended Annual enter Ext Annual
  • See AR 623-3 para 3-46
  • 12 Relief from ADT, ADSW, AT, TTAD, or CO-TTAD
    enter REFRAD

Non-rated time Codes
  • A AWOL/Desertion/
    Unsatisfactory participant
  • C Confinement in military or
    civilian detention facility
  • D Temporary disability
    retirement list
  • E Leave in excess of 30 days
  • F Under arrest
  • I In transit between duty stations, leave,
    PTDY, and TDY
  • M Missing in Action
  • P Patient
  • Q Lack of rater qualification
  • R New recruiter program
  • S Student at military or civilian school
  • T On TDY/Special Duty/ TCS less than 90
    calendar days
  • W Prisoner of War
  • X Inactive National Guard or Standby Reserve
  • Z None of the above

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