Title: Men's Ministry Discipleship for Lasting Change
1Men's Ministry Discipleship for Lasting Change
2What is a disciple?
- Disciple A scholar, sometimes applied to the
followers of John the Baptist (Mat_914), and of
the Pharisees (Mat_2216), but principally to the
followers of Christ. A disciple of Christ is one
who - (1.) believes His doctrine,
- (2.) rests on His sacrifice,
- (3.) imbibes His spirit, and
- (4.) imitates His example
- (Mat_1024 Luk_1426, Luk_1427, Luk_1433
Joh_669) - Easton Bible Dictionary
3Noun and Verb
- (1) Usually a substantive (µa??t??, mathetes,
a learner, from manthano, to learn Latin
discipulus, a scholar) - (2) We have also the verb, µa??te??,
matheteuo, Jesus' disciple (literally, was
discipled to Jesus, Mat_2757) Make disciples
of all the nations (Matthew 2818-20) - ISBE
4Average Discipleship Strategy
Small Groups
Most churches provide sound Bible teaching,
fellowship and even small groups.
5Why so few committed disciples?
Small Groups
If teaching, fellowship, and small groups are all
that is necessary, why are there so few true
disciples of Christ men who are completely
sold-out, living transformed lives that yield
lasting fruit?
6Paul and Timothy
Small Groups
Every man needs a spiritual Paul. A Paul models
being a committed intentional disciple of Jesus
7Ministry training
Small Groups
A spiritual Paul provides training by pouring his
life into his Timothys life.
8Content and Character
Small Groups
The Man who is discipled by a Paul becomes known
as a spiritual Timothy. Pauls train Timothys
in character and the basics of the Christian life.
9The Basics
Worship God
Serve Others
Make Disciples
Mature Disciple
Give Generously
Exercise Gifts
Learn Gods Word
10Discipleship Channels
Worship God
Serve Others
Make Disciples
Small Groups
Mature Disciple
Special Events
Congregational Events
Give Generously
Exercise Gifts
Learn Gods Word
11New Birth Process
An effective disciple sows, cultivates, and reaps.
12Adoption Process
Too many men want to help others but do not know
13Two Critical Concepts
Obedience, Vision, and Know How
Labor in the Harvest
Born Anew
Growing Disciple
Disciple Maker
01234-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12 Training Modules
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-0 Spiritual Pilgrimage
14Principle of Multiplication
2 Timothy 22
15Why this strategy
Year Souls Disciples
1 365 2
2 730 4
3 1095 8
4 1460 16
5 1825 32
6 2190 64
7 2555 128
8 2920 256
9 3285 512
10 3650 1024
11 4015 2048
12 4380 4096
13 4745 8192
14 5110 16384
15 5475 32768
16The Great Commission
- Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority
in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them
to obey everything I have commanded you. And
surely I am with you always, to the very end of
the age. -
- Matthew 2818-20
17Content Overview
The Warriors Way The Warriors Heart The Warriors Mission
Enlist your Service Live By The Spirit Know the Trinity
 Pray to God Pursue Holiness Know the Enemy
 Ask for Forgiveness Practice Godliness Wage Spiritual Warfare
 Achieve Spiritual Victory Imitate Christ's Humility Fish for Men
 Abide in Christ Acclaim Christ's Supremacy Preach a True Gospel
 Learn and Apply Gods Word Be a Godly Man Sow God's Word
Fellowship with Gods Family Do the Right Thing Seek the Lost
 Seek Gods Kingdom Love Like a Man Serve Others
 Give Generously Build Godly Relationships Help People In Need
 Share Your Testimony Use Your Motivational Gifts Work Wholeheartedly
Count the Cost Reside in God's Will Develop World Vision
Worship the King Watch your Heart and Tongue Live By Faith